The Dawn-Breakers Study Outline

Chapter 8

1) Jump to the Chapter 8 Condensed Contents View.

2) Jump to the Chapter 8 Extended Contents View with Summaries.

3) Jump to the Condensed Summary for Chapter 8.

4) Jump to the Chapter 8 Cross-References to The Dawn-Breakers and A Traveler's Narrative

5) Jump to the Condensed and Extended Contents for the following chapters:
Intro.1 Intro.2 Preface 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Epilogue Other Sections
6) Jump to the actual Chapters of The Dawn-Breakers:
Introduction  Preface  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26  Epilogue
For other sections, see the Contents page.

Condensed Contents View

Note: the text below links to the study outline. The page number, however, links to the actual text.


    Extended Contents View with Summaries


    The Declaration of the Báb's Mission

    (Condensed Summary of Chapter 8)

    I. The Báb sent Quddús with a letter for His maternal uncle and a treatise for Mullá Sádiq. His maternal uncle accepted the Faith with Quddús' care. Mullá Sádiq carried out the addition to the adhán enjoined in the treatise.
    A. They were arrested at the instigation of the divines, and Husayn Khán, the governor, had them cruelly whipped, their beards burned, and led through the streets with a halter through their noses. Mullá Sádiq, an old man, survived­and with gladness.

    II. The Báb anticipated His arrest, moving the guard to call for His escape, and when He did not wish this, called for His (dignified) procession ahead of the guard.

    III. Husayn Khán struck the Báb insolently after misunderstanding Him. The Imám-Jum'ih kindly intervened and questioned Him to which the Báb denied His claim to be (merely) a representative of the Imám and denied challenging the Divine status of Islám.
    A. He was released on condition that He would publicly repeat this "confession." After He did so, several individuals were attracted to His Cause, spreading His influence.

    IV. Some believers were tested by a broken promise of the Báb to meet them in Karbilá. Some of the unfaithful who joined Mullá Husayn were envious of his esteem, but Mullá Husayn enjoined patience to other believers with them.
    A. The believers entered Shíráz into the Báb's presence inconspicuously. One of the believers, Mullá 'Abdu'l-Karím became solid in faith after the Báb asked him whether He was seeking the Manifestation, because he had had a dream of a bird asking him the same question which he recalled with great joy. He had had this dream after earnestly seeking for truth when he was not satisfied with his knowledge despite his elevation to mujtahid.

    Cross-References for Chapter 8

    Regarding the Báb's pilgrimage to Medina (DB 142, see also 140-141) and return home (DB 142-143), see GPB 9.

    Regarding the Báb's references to Bahá'u'lláh (DB 142-143, see also 96), see GPB 67; TN 4-5, 13-14, 25-26, 32-34.

    Regarding the persecution of Mullá Sádiq-i-Khurásání and Quddús (DB 144-148), see GPB 10-11; TN 6.

    Regarding the Báb's arrest and persecution (DB 148-170, 171), see GPB 11; TN 6-7.

    Overall for Chapter 8 (DB 144-170, 171): GPB 9-11; TN 4-7, 13-14, 25- 26, 32-34.

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