The Dawn-Breakers Study Outline

Chapter 9

1) Jump to the Chapter 9 Condensed Contents View.

2) Jump to the Chapter 9 Extended Contents View with Summaries.

3) Jump to the Condensed Summary for Chapter 9.

4) Jump to the Chapter 9 Cross-References to The Dawn-Breakers and A Traveler's Narrative

5) Jump to the Condensed and Extended Contents for the following chapters:
Intro.1 Intro.2 Preface 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Epilogue Other Sections
6) Jump to the actual Chapters of The Dawn-Breakers:
Introduction  Preface  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26  Epilogue
For other sections, see the Contents page.

Condensed Contents View

Note: the text below links to the study outline. The page number, however, links to the actual text.


    Extended Contents View with Summaries

    He had Siyyid Kázim request his uncle's presence and informed him of His departure, entrusted him with the care of His wife and mother, had him convey His affection and assurance of assistance to them, promised their future meeting and martyrdoms.

    The Declaration of the Báb's Mission

    (Condensed Summary of Chapter 9)

    I. The Báb sent the believers off after their presence became a danger enabling many dignitaries came to visit Him.
    A. Siyyid Yahyáy-i-Dárábí (Vahíd) was the most learned scholar and speaker of the Sháh who was sent to investigate His claim. Although at first assuming an air of pride, he was humbled by the Báb's answers, later by His answering his unstated (and forgotten) questions, and finally by His revealing of a beautiful commentary on a Súrih which he had asked Him to reveal in his mind. He then became an avid believer. B. Hujjat, an extremely independent scholar who detested the clergy and their vices. He sent a disciple to investigate, rebuked him when he conditioned his belief on his master, and fell prostrate and acknowledged His Cause after perusing one page of the Báb's work. C. (skip to p. 189) Another prominent soul embraced the Faith, Shaykh Sultán, who, when sick, was visited by the Báb Who promised they would both meet the Best-BelovedÐWhom he later discovered to be Bahá'u'lláh.

    II. Quddús converted Hájí Siyyid Javád among others on his travels. Hájí Siyyid Javád preferred to keep silent to better protect the Faith. He foiled a plan of Hájí Mírzá Karím Khán to incite governor to dissociate association between Quddús and Hájí Siyyid Javád. He prophesied his martyrdom during his stay with family by speaking of his public "marriage."
    A. Mullá Sádiq heard of Mírzá Ahmad who had been seemingly inactive but who was compiling traditions on the Promised One in order to prepare people for His coming. Mullá Sádiq recited a passage of the Báb to Mírzá Ahmad's uncle's congregation; the uncle escorted Mullá Sádiq safely out from the angry mob. B. Others including Mullá Yúsuf suffered and demonstrated the Faith's influence. Mullá Yúsuf was protected by Mírzá Ahmad and Mullá Sádiq and then by Hájí Siyyid Javád from Hájí Mírzá Karím Khán. C. Hájí Siyyid Javád was praised by the Sháh, inciting courtiers envy and the Sháh to remark on the contradiction of their protests of the Bábís good character.

    III. The Báb stayed with his mother and wife, both of whom became, the latter sooner than the former, aware of the Faith. His wife was next to Táhirih in devotion and ardor.
    A. (skips to p. 198) The Báb gave instructions to His uncle to care for His mother and wife and promised their immanent martyrdoms.

    IV. Through the instigation of his emissaries, Husayn Khán became inflamed to prevent the spread of His influence and determined to execute Him. The village was afflicted with a plague upon the Báb's arrest, Husayn Khán had fled, and the son of the chief constable arresting the Báb had become deathly ill. After the constable begged for forgiveness, the Báb told the constable that he could save his son by giving him to drink of the Báb's ablution water. After this worked, the constable called Husayn Khán to call off his attacks, and he did. Husayn Khán lost his position and died in misery as he promised atonement to Bahá'u'lláh were he to regain his former position.

    Cross-References for Chapter 9

    Regarding the enrollment of Vahíd (DB 171-177), see GPB 11; TN 7-8.

    Regarding the enrollment of Hujjat (DB 177-179), see GPB 12; TN 8-9.

    Regarding the enrollment of Mírzá Ahmad-i-Azghandí (DB 184-185, see also 125), see GPB 12.

    Regarding Husayn Khán, the Plague, and his demise (DB 193-198, see also 524), see GPB 13, 83, 84; TN 9.

    Overall for Chapter 9 (DB 171-179, 184-185, 193-198): GPB 11-13, 83, 84; TN 7-9.

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