tag name: * Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of (2. Baghdad) type: Writings, Bahá'u'lláh web link: *_Bahaullah,_Writings_of_(2._Baghdad) related tags: * Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of; * Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of (3. Sulaymaniyyih); * Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of (4. On the way to Istanbul); * Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of (before Declaration); Baghdad, Iraq referring tags: * Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of (1. Tehran); Asl-i-Kullul-Khayr (Words of Wisdom); Az-Bágh-i-Iláhí (From the Divine Garden); Chahar Vadi (Four Valleys); Haft Vadi (Seven Valleys); Hur-i-Ujab (Tablet of the Wondrous Maiden); Kalimat-i-Maknunih (Hidden Words); Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude); Lawh-i-Ayiy-i-Nur (Tablet of the Light Verse); Lawh-i-Bulbulul-Firaq (Tablet of Nightingale of Separation); Lawh-i-Ghulamul-Khuld (Tablet of the Immortal Youth); Lawh-i-Huriyyih (Tablet of the Maiden); Lawḥ-i-Kímíya I (Tablet on Alchemy I); Lawh-i-Madinatur-Rida (City of Radiant Acquiescence); Lawh-i-Malláhu'l-Quds (Tablet of the Holy Mariner, Arabic); Lawh-i-Malláhu'l-Quds (Tablet of the Holy Mariner, Persian); Lawh-i-Maryam (Tablet to Maryam); Lawh-i-Ridvan (Tablets of Ridvan); Lawh-i-Shikkar Shikan (Tablet of Shikkar Shikan Shavand); Lawh-i Halih, Halih, Halih ya Bisharat (Tablet of Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah O Glad Tidings); Lawh Kullut-Taam (Tablet of All Food); Lawḥ al-Raḥmat (Tablet of the Merciful One); Maryama Isiy-i-Jan (Tablet for Maryam on Sorrow and Love); Musíbat-i-Hurúf-i-‘Állín (Suffering of the Exalted Letters); Panj Kanz (Five Treasures); Salat-i-Hajat or Salat-i-Liqá (Prayer of the Needs or Reunion prayer); Shahifiy-i-Shattiyyih (Book of the River); Subḥána Rabbíya'l-A'lá (Praise to the Exalted Lord); Surih-i-Sabr or Lawh-i-Ayyub (Tablet of Patience or Tablet of Job); Suriy-i-Nush (Surih of Counsel)