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Tag "- Persecution, Other"

tag name: - Persecution, Other type: Persecution
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"- Persecution, Other" appears in:

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  1. 1867 Petition from Bahá'ís in Shushtar, Iran, to the U.S. Congress, An, Manuchehr Derakhshani, trans, Nesreen Akhtarkhavari, trans. (2006) A petition sent by Bahá'ís in Persia in 1867 to the US Consulate general, seeking assistance in getting Bahá'u'lláh released from imposed exile. Includes introduction, prepared on behalf of the US NSA.
  2. Activities in Iran in the 1960s: Documents from the US government, by Various. (1964-12-11) State Dept., CIA, and Defense documents regarding activities in Iran in the 1960s.
  3. American Dream, The: Stories from the Heart of Our Nation, by Dan Rather. (2001) Commentary on Bahá'í persecutions, by a famous TV news anchor.
  4. Anti-Bahá'í Society, The, by Mehdi Abedi, Michael M. J. Fischer. (1990) Autobiographical stories of Abedi and his involvement in opposition to the Bahá'í Faith in Iran with the "Anjoman-e Zedd-e Bahá'íyat."
  5. Aqasi, Haji Mirza ('Abbas Iravani), by Sholeh A. Quinn. (2009) On the prime minister of Iran under Muhammad Shah Qajar from 1835 to 1848, regarded by Bahá’ís as the Antichrist of the Bábí dispensation.
  6. August Forel Defends the Persecuted Persian Bahá'ís: 1925-1927, by John Paul Vader. (1986) History of Forel's involvement with the Faith. Includes correspondence from Shoghi Effendi.
  7. Babi and Bahá'í community of Iran, The: A case of 'suspended genocide'?, by Moojan Momen. (2005-06) A description of the four phases of the persecutions that the Babis and Baha’is in Iran have suffered (the Babis, the early Bahá'ís, during the Pahlavi dynasty, and following the 1979 Islamic revolution) and how they fit in with categories of genocide.
  8. Bábí Uprising in Zanjan, The, by John Walbridge. (1996 Winter/Fall) A study of the Bábí uprising in Zanjan in 1850, examining the social, economic, and political background as well as the motivations of both the Bábís and their opponents. 
  9. Babi-State Conflicts of 1848-1853, The, by Siyamak Zabihi-Moghaddam. (2003-12-23) Overview of four conflicts between the Babis and the Qajar state: one at Shaykh Tabarsi in Mazandaran (1848), one in Zanjan (1850), and two in Nayriz (1850, 1853).
  10. Bahá'í Question, The: Cultural Cleansing in Iran, by Bahá'í International Community. (2008-09)
  11. Bahá'í-Inspired Perspectives on Human Rights, Tahirih Tahririha-Danesh, ed. (2001) Articles by Kiser Barnes, Greg Duly, Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims, Graham Hassall, Darren Hedley, Nazila Ghanea-Hercock, Chichi Layor, Michael Penn, Martha Schweitz, and Albert Lincoln.
  12. Bahá'ís in Iran, The: Twenty Years of Repression, by Firuz Kazemzadeh. (2000-07) Overview of the modern persecution of Bahá'ís in Iran.
  13. Brain Drain from Iran to the United States, The, by Akbar E. Torbat. (2002 Spring) Excerpt from article mentioning the exodus of Bahá'í intelligentsia from Iran in 1979, and the Bahá'ís' attempt at underground education.
  14. Chronicle of `Abdu'l-Ahad Zanjani: Personal Reminiscences of the Insurrection at Zanjan, by Aqa Abdu'l-Ahad Zanjani. E. G. Browne, trans. (1897) Translation of an account of the Babi struggle at Zanjan in 1850, as recollected by an aged eyewitness who had been a child at the time; an important source for early Babi history.
  15. Chronology of Persecutions of Babis and Baha'is, Jonah Winters, comp. (1998)
  16. Cold Winter in North Africa, A: The Case of the Bahá'ís in Egypt, by Naseem Kourosh. (2012-08) Contemporary history of the Egyptian government's refusal to issue identification cards to Bahá'ís.
  17. Constructive Resilience, by Firaydoun Javaheri. (2018) How the perseverance of the Bahá'ís in Iran has resulted in the generality of the Iranian people beginning to admire and, in some cases, arising to assist the Bahá'ís.
  18. Constructive Resilience: The Bahá'í Response to Oppression, by Michael Karlberg. (2010-04) Example of the non-adversarial approach of the Bahá'ís in Iran toward social change, their collective response to oppression, and heuristic insights into the dynamics of peace.
  19. Document and Narrative Sources for the History of the Battle of Zanjan, by John Walbridge. (1998-05) Analysis of Muslim and Bahá'í historical texts, including Dawnbreakers.
  20. Egypt, Bahá'í Community of, and Religious Identity, by Universal House of Justice. (2006-12-21) Message to the Bahá'ís of Egypt in the wake of a Supreme Administrative Court decision in Cairo that upheld a discriminatory government policy regarding Bahá'ís and their identification cards. In both English and Arabic.
  21. Hojjatieh (Hujjatiya), by Mahmoud Sadri. (2004) Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  22. Human Rights Watch on Persecution of Baha'is in Iran, by Reuters. (1997-09-24) Two articles covering a report by Human Rights Watch on the treatment of the Bahá'ís and other minorities in Iran.
  23. Iran: Suppression of religious freedom and persecution of religious minorities: case studies, by Thomas Schirrmacher. (2009) The legal status of non-Shiite Muslims, Bahá'ís, and various Christian confessions in Iran.
  24. Islam and Minorities: The Case of the Baha'is, by Christopher Buck. (2003-06) "The Bahá'í question" is really a test case for whether Islam can legitimately claim to respect human rights today. Includes a Persian translation of the original article.
  25. Islam: The Straight Path, by John L. Esposito. (1988) Passing mention of political persecutions.
  26. Kirk, Durbin Introduce Resolution Condemning Iran's Continued Persecution of Bahá'í Minority, by Mark Kirk, Dick Durbin. (2013-03-12) In recognition of the five-year anniversary of imprisonment of Bahá'í leaders in Iran, senators meet with their family members and friends and introduce a joint resolution calling attention to this persecution.
  27. Last Great Revolution, The: Turmoil and Transformation in Iran, by Robin Wright. (2000) Mentions of the Bahá'ís not having political representation in Iran; brief summary of Bahá'í persecutions (in footnote).
  28. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice. Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. (1996)
  29. Nabil's Narrative: What History has Forgotten, by Soheila Vahdati. Ahang Rabbani, trans. (2008-09-18) An outsider's view of how Iranian media and society have glossed over or intentionally obscured Iran's treatment of 19th-century dissidents.
  30. Nature of the Persecution against the Bahá'ís in Iran, by Bahá'í International Community. (2010-02) The situation of the Bahá'ís in Iran in 2010; historical and legal context; denial of individual and communal rights; incitement to hatred based on religion or belief.
  31. Nonpartisan Engagement in Public Affairs: A Critical Analysis of the Bahá'í Approach to Dialogue, Democracy, and Diplomatic Relations, by Bui Tyril. (2009-10) How to address the dilemma of protesting human rights abuses in Iran while remaining non-partisan. Link to thesis (offsite).
  32. Notes on the Babi and Bahá'í Religions in Russia and its territories, by Graham Hassall. (1993) Overview of the history of Bábí and Bahá'í communities in Russia and Russian territories.
  33. Paranoid Style in Iranian Politics, The, by Ervand Abrahamian. (1993) A seminal essay which mentions contemporary Iranian attitudes toward the Bahá'ís. Includes three other mentions of the Bahá'í Faith elsewhere in the book in which this essay was first published.
  34. Persecution of the Bahá'í Community of Iran: 1983-1986, Universal House of Justice, comp. (1994) Lengthy survey of events, and life stories of participants.
  35. Persecution of the Bahá'í Community of Iran Under the Islamic Republic: Twenty Years of Intolerance, by Tahirih Tahririha-Danesh. (2000) Description of some of the persecutions of the Bahá'í community in Iran over the past twenty years.
  36. Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran: 1979-1986: A 7-year campaign to eliminate a religious minority, by Bahá'í International Community. (1986) Overview of activities and propaganda against Bahá'ís in Iran, and the responses of the United Nations.
  37. Persecution of the Bahá'ís of Iran 1844-1984, by Douglas Martin. (1984) Treatment of the Bahá'ís in Iran by the state and by the Shi'ism under the Qájárs (1844-1925), Pahlavis (1925-1979), and under the Islamic Republic (1979-); responses by the Bahá'í Community.
  38. Persecutions of Babis in 1888-1891 at Isfahan and Yazd, by Various. E. G. Browne, trans. (1918) Eyewitness or historical accounts of specific events, uprisings, and attacks, as collected by E.G. Browne.
  39. Personal Reminiscences of the Bábí Insurrection at Zanjan in 1850, by E. G. Browne. (1897) The testimony of Áqá 'Abdu'l-Ahad Zanjani.
  40. Petition from the Persian Reformers, by Various. (1867) A petition sent by Bahá'ís in Baghdad and Shushtar, Iran, in 1867 to the US Consulate general, seeking assistance in getting Bahá'u'lláh released from imposed exile.
  41. Political Economy of Modern Iran, The: Despotism and Pseudo-Modernism 1926-1979, by Homa Katouzian. (1981) Mention of Sheikh Fazlollah Noori denouncing opponents as Babis; 1-page discussion (in footnotes) of the Bab as Mahdi and the Bahá'í/Azali split; anti-Bahá'í demonstrations following the murder of vice-consul Imbrie; Falsafi's attacks in 1953.
  42. Quiet Exodus, A, by Geoffrey Cameron. (2013-07) Recent history of immigration law and practice in Canada, and the Bahá'í community's involvement in governmental change. Includes addendum from Bahá'í News Canada.
  43. Releasing the Captive from His Chains, by Steven Scholl. (1986) Bahá'í activism for human rights, and involvement with Amnesty International. Includes response by Drew Remignanti.
  44. Religious Minority Rights, by Christopher Buck. (2008) Discussion of three minority religions within Islamic states that have experienced persecution and hardships which attracted the attention of the international community: the Alevis, the Ahmadiyya, and Bahá'ís.
  45. Resistance, Resilience and the Role of Narrative: Lessons from the Experiences of Iranian Bahá'í Women Prisoners, by Donna Hakimian. (2009-06) A study of Iranian Bahá’í women who were imprisoned in Iran following the 1979 revolution. Aspects of individual resistance and resilience are explored through life history interviews. Link to article (offsite).
  46. Review of secondary literature in English on recent persecutions of Bahá'ís in Iran, by Nazila Ghanea-Hercock. (1997) Issues of misinformation, perceived favoritism under the Shah's regime, charges of espionage, and theological conflicts with Islam as motives for the persecution of Bahá'ís.
  47. Sacrificing the Innocent: Suppression of Bahá'ís of Iran in 1955, by Bahram Choubine. Ahang Rabbani, trans. (2008-01-13) Activities of Reza Shah, Ayatollah Borujirdi, Muhammad-Taqi Falsafi, Shaykh Hossein-Ali Montazeri, and SAVAK in the mid-20th century.
  48. Seizure of the Ishqabad Temple: Horace Holley Interview with State Department Officials, by Author unknown. (1939-06-06) Brief report of an interview with the secretary of the US National Spiritual Assembly on whether and why the Soviet government had appropriated the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar in Ashkhabad.
  49. Service, Joy and Sacrifice: An Essay on Commentaries by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, by James B. Thomas. (2004) On the exemplary life of service to God and to humankind; choosing to change one's life from predominately one of self-interest to one of sharing; the spiritual transformation which often follows such a change.
  50. Shah Abdu'llah and the Bahá'ís of Abadeh: An account of the persecution of Bahá'ís by followers of an imaginary Imam, by Aqa Mirza Qabil Abadeh'i. Sepehr Manuchehri, trans. (2001-05) Account of persecutions in Abadeh, Fars province, in 1901.
  51. Shirin Ebadi: A collection of newspaper articles, by Various. (2003-10) Articles about the winner of the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize who has championed the rights of the Bahá'í community.
  52. Taqiyyah (Dissimulation) in the Babi and Bahá'í Religions, by Sepehr Manuchehri. (2000) The historical application of taqiyyah and instances where Bábís cooperated with the authorities in suppression of their peers, and the attitude of government officials towards these individuals.
  53. Television Address of Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, by Universal House of Justice, Bahá'í International Community. (1998-07) Questions and answers about a historically unique television interview of Iranian President Khatami, given on CNN Wednesday, Jan 7, 1998.
  54. Trial of The Yaran ("Friends in Iran"): Six Essays, by Christopher Buck. (2009-2010) Six essays by Buck from a legal perspective about the extended imprisonment of seven Bahá'í leaders in Tehran.
  55. Violence with Impunity: Acts of aggression against Iran's Bahá'í community, by Bahá'í International Community. (2013-03) Book-length report on the rising tide of violence directed against the Iranian Bahá'í community 2005-20012, and the degree to which attackers enjoy impunity from prosecution or punishment.

2.   from the Chronology (172 results; expand)

  1. 1850-05-00 — The start of the Zanjan upheaval. Hujjat had converted a sizeable proportion of the town and tension...
  2. 1850-05-27 — First Nayriz upheaval. Vahid traveled from Yazd towards Shiraz, eventually coming to Nayriz. He went...
  3. 1850-06-17 — At Nayriz, Vahid received a message from the Governor offering a truce and a promise of safety writt...
  4. 1852-08-15 — "In the hecatomb of 1852-1853 the ranks of the Babis were drastically thinned. Most of the leading
  5. 1867-04-00 — The appeal by 53 Baha'is "in Baghdad" addressed to the United States Congress arrived at the America...
  6. 1868-08-01 — Mulla Muhammad-Rida, Rida'r-Rúh was poisoned in Yazd. [BW18:383]...
  7. 1870-00-00 — In Zanjan, Áqa Siyyid Ashraf was arrested, condemned to death as a Babi and executed. [BWG470] H...
  8. 1889-07-18 — The Baha'is were persuaded to leave the Telegraph Office in Isfahan after being assured that they wo...
  9. 1889-08-00 — Baha'is of Sidih and Najafabad, after having received no help or protection, went to Tihran to petit...
  10. 1901-00-00 — William Hoar, one of the first Baha'is in America, was asked by `Abdu'l-Baha to meet with the Persia...
  11. 1911-08-23 — 'Abdu'l-Baha went for a carriage ride in the nearby hills. ["With 'Abdu'l-Baha in Switzerland" by Ju
  12. 1925-05-10 — A Muslim Court in Egypt pronounced the Faith to be an independent religion. [BBRSM173; BW2:31;BW3:49...
  13. 1928-04-00 — As part of a general anti-religious campaign launched under Stalin, the Soviet authorities abrogated...
  14. 1934-00-04 — The government of Iran took several measures against the Baha'is throughout the country. [...
  15. 1934-12-06 — The Tarbiyat Baha'i Schools in Tihran and all other Baha'i schools across the country were closed by...
  16. 1935-00-02 — The persecution against the Baha'is in Iran continued. [...
  17. 1936-06-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued. [...
  18. 1937-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is in Iran continued throughout the country. [...
  19. 1937-05-21 — All Baha'i activities and institutions were banned in Germany by a special order of the Reichsführe...
  20. 1938-00-00 — Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the country. [...
  21. 1938-02-05 — Baha'is in the Soviet Union were persecuted by the authorities. [BBR473, BW8p87-90, 179-81, BW14p479...
  22. 1939-04-21 — The first Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Budapest was elected. There were about 14 believers ...
  23. 1941-09-16 — In Iran, Rida Shah abdicated and Muhammad-Rida Shah ascended to the throne. His rule was to last unt...
  24. 1944-08-08 — Three Baha'is were murdered in Shahrúd, Iran, after three weeks of anti-Baha'i agitation. Many Baha...
  25. 1944-09-00 — Following the murder of Baha'is at Shahrúd, Iran, and the widespread publicity on the outcome of th...
  26. 1945-08-14 — The German Baha'is, 80 per cent of whom lived in the American sector of occupied Germany, obtained p...
  27. 1950-00-00 — In Iran, the Hujjatiyya Society was started by Shaykh Mahmúd Halabi to persecute and harass the Bah...
  28. 1951-00-04 — Throughout Iran, the government introduced repressive measures against Baha'is. [BW18:390] Baha'i...
  29. 1953-00-00 — Anjoman-e Hojjatieh ("Society of Allah's Proof Over Creation"), also called the Hojjatieh Society wa...
  30. 1954-12-08 — Baha'is in Ádharbayjan were dismissed from their employment in the Ministries of Health and Public ...
  31. 1955-00-06 — Twenty–two African Baha'is were expelled from the Belgian Congo....
  32. 1955-02-04 — Baha'i women in Hisar, Khurasan, Iran, were assaulted. [BW18:390]...
  33. 1955-05-00 — Persecutions against the Baha'is continued throughout Iran. [...
  34. 1955-05-02 — The police locked the doors of the National Baha'i Centre in Tihran thus preventing the holding of t...
  35. 1955-05-07 — The Iranian army occupied the National Baha'i Centre in Tihran. [BW18:390]...
  36. 1955-05-08 — Baha'is were beaten at Damghan, Khurasan, Iran. [BW18:390]...
  37. 1955-05-08 — The Baha'i centre at Rasht, Iran, was attacked and taken over. [BW18:390]...
  38. 1955-05-09 — Baha'i houses were attacked and looted at Shiraz, Iran. [BW18:390]...
  39. 1955-05-09 — The Baha'i centre at Ahvaz, Iran, was taken over. [BW18:390]...
  40. 1955-05-16 — The Baha'i centre at Isfahan, Iran, was taken over. [BW18:390]...
  41. 1955-05-17 — The Iranian Minister of the Interior announced in parliament that the Government had issued orders f...
  42. 1955-05-22 — The dome of the National Baha'i Centre in Tihran was demolished with the personal participation of s...
  43. 1955-05-24 — The Baha'i centre at Karaj, Iran, was taken over. [...
  44. 1955-05-30 — Baha'is were attacked and wounded and their houses attacked at Ábadih, Iran. [...
  45. 1955-06-01 — The House of Baha'u'llah in Takur, Mazandaran, Iran, was taken over. [...
  46. 1955-08-00 — Appeals were made by National Spiritual Assemblies around the world through the Baha'i International...
  47. 1955-09-00 — Baha'is in Iran continued to be dismissed from their employment. Baha'i students were expelled from ...
  48. 1957-00-00 — Baha'i activity in Czechoslovakia was banned by the authorities, several members of the Prague commu...
  49. 1961-00-00 — The military government in Indonesia issued instructions to local authorities to ban all Baha'i acti...
  50. 1961-12-07 — An article appeared in the nationally prominent Moroccan newspaper Al Alam lamenting the decline of ...
  51. 1962-00-01 — Baha'i homes in Morocco were searched by the police and Baha'i literature seized. [MoC17]...
  52. 1962-00-03 — The administrative institutions of the Faith were banned in Indonesia by President Sukarno. [BW19:41...
  53. 1962-01-25 — A Baha'i Professor of Fine Arts at the University of Tetuan, Morocco, Faouzi Zine Al Abidine, was di...
  54. 1962-04-10 — Four Baha'is were arrested in Nador, Morocco. [BW13:289; BW14:97; BN No 384 March 1963 p1-4] Eve...
  55. 1962-08-22 — The Custodians ask the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States to make representations to t...
  56. 1962-09-23 — The Custodians ask the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States to obtain an interview with ...
  57. 1962-12-17 — The Custodians asked the Baha'i International Community to issue press releases deploring Morocco's ...
  58. 1962-12-21 — Telegrams were sent by the Baha'i International Community to Secretary-General U Thant and 35 United...
  59. 1962-12-23 — The Custodians asked national spiritual assemblies to cable Secretary General of the United Nations ...
  60. 1962-12-27 — The Custodians asked national and local spiritual assemblies to write to the Moroccan ambassador in ...
  61. 1963-00-01 — 15 years after the establishment of Israel and during the course of the unrest that swept through Ir...
  62. 1963-01-01 — The Custodians ask all national and local spiritual assemblies to cable the King of Morocco appealin...
  63. 1963-01-31 — Roger Baldwin, Chairman of the International League for the Rights of Man, appeared before the UN su...
  64. 1963-03-31 — King Hassan II of Morocco was featured on an American television show called "Meet the Press". He st...
  65. 1963-04-02 — King Hassan II of Morocco made a public statement promising that if the Supreme Court upheld the dec...
  66. 1963-04-04 — The Custodians issued a statement of information to the national spiritual assemblies of the United ...
  67. 1963-06-05 — Throughout Iran, advantage is taken of the general anti-government disorder to launch attacks on Bah...
  68. 1963-11-23 — At the request of the Universal House of Justice, Baha'is around the world prayed at the Feast of Qa...
  69. 1963-12-13 — The Baha'i prisoners in Morocco were released on order of the Supreme Court. The high drama had run ...
  70. 1966-12-00 — A campaign was launched against the Baha'is of Saysan, Ádharbayjan, by Mulla Mihdi Sultanpúr. [BW1...
  71. 1968-00-00 — Throughout Iran, pressure on Baha'is intensified. [...
  72. 1968-11-04 — Following the participation of Algerian Baha'is in the first Oceanic Conference in Palermo, Sicily, ...
  73. 1968-11-07 — Sixteen Persian Baha'is in Algeria were expelled from the country and their properties confiscated; ...
  74. 1969-04-01 — The Baha'i Faith was banned in Algeria by official decree, all Baha'i institutions were disbanded an...
  75. 1970-05-00 — The 'Iraqi Government issued a decree disbanding all Baha'i institutions and all activities. For nea...
  76. 1975-00-00 — Following the creation of the Rastakhiz political party by the Shah of Iran and the refusal of the B...
  77. 1975-02-03 — The Arab Boycott Office, at its meeting in Cairo, announced that the Baha'i Faith had been placed on...
  78. 1977-12-03 — Properties confiscated by the Iraqi government belonging to individual Baha'is were returned; proper...
  79. 1978-00-00 — In Iran, many local Baha'i centres were seized by armed men of the revolutionary committees, along w...
  80. 1978-10-01 — Three hundred Baha'i homes near Shiraz were burned or destroyed and in another 200 homes the Baha'is...
  81. 1978-12-03 — Baha'i homes in Andarún, Iran, were besieged; one Baha'i was badly beaten. [BW18:275–6]...
  82. 1978-12-15 — A cabled message was sent to 93 national spiritual assemblies stating that the Baha'is in Iran and t...
  83. 1979-00-00 — The Siyah-Chal in Tihran and the houses of Quddús and Hujjat were seized and occupied by members of...
  84. 1979-00-00 — Baha'i cemeteries across Iran were confiscated, including the cemetery in Tihran, which contains the...
  85. 1979-00-00 — The House of Baha'u'llah in Tihran was confiscated by the revolutionary government of Iran. [BW17:79...
  86. 1979-00-00 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Afghanistan was disbanded owing to persecution of the Baha'is and...
  87. 1979-01-12 — Baha'i members of the Sadat-Mahmúdi clan of the Buyr-Ahmad tribe of central Iran were driven from t...
  88. 1979-02-00 — In Iran, Baha'i representatives met with high-ranking clergy in Shiraz, Qum and Mashhad to combat th...
  89. 1979-02-03 — Revolutionary Guards raided the offices of Nawnahalan, a Baha'i investment company, and the Umana' C...
  90. 1979-02-15 — The National Haziratu'l-Quds of Iran was seized by the Revolutionary Guards. [BW18:250] All the r...
  91. 1979-03-30 — The House of Baha'u'llah in Takur, Iran, was confiscated by the Revolutionary Government. [BW18:289]...
  92. 1979-04-03 — Revolutionary Guards in Iran occupied the House of the Bab in Shiraz and neighbouring Baha'i propert...
  93. 1979-06-21 — In Iran, the offices of Nawnahalan and the Umana' Corporation were taken over by Revolutionary Guard...
  94. 1979-09-01 — Revolutionary committees in Shahsavar, 'Ábadan and Tabriz, Iran, ordered the arrest of Baha'is. [BW...
  95. 1979-10-01 — In Iran, Baha'is in the ministries of education, health and social administration were dismissed fro...
  96. 1979-11-00 — Baha'i meetings were prohibited in Shasavar, Iran. [BW18:255]...
  97. 1980-09-00 — The European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the United Nations ...
  98. 1982-00-01 — One of the members of the National Spiritual Assembly of Vietnam sent to a 're-education' camp was r...
  99. 1982-05-25 — The Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations of the Foreign Affairs Committee of...
  100. 1983-00-06 — During its first decade in power, the Islamic regime openly persecuted and killed Baha'is. These per...
  101. 1983-08-23 — Seyyed Hussein Musavi Tabrizi, the Attorney General of Iran, declared all Baha'i administrative acti...
  102. 1985-07-01 — Three Baha'i youths in Mentawai were imprisoned for having married according to Baha'i law. [BW19:42...
  103. 1985-10-22 — The 14th Muzakarah (Conference) of the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Religious...
  104. 1985-12-13 — For the first time, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on the human rights sit...
  105. 1986-00-00 — Iran's hugely unsuccessful attempt to convince the international community that Baha'is were indeed ...
  106. 1988-12-08 — The plenary session of the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution concerning hu...
  107. 1989-03-09 — The Commission on Human Rights adopted a resolution expressing grave concern at human rights violati...
  108. 1989-04-04 — The Universal House of Justice announced a vast majority of prisoners that had been held by authorit...
  109. 1990-05-00 — The US Senate unanimously adopted a concurrent resolution condemning Iran's continued repression of ...
  110. 1991-02-25 — In Iran, a secret government memorandum (known as the Golpaygani Memorandum) was drawn up by Iran's ...
  111. 1993-01-00 — Reynaldo Galindo Pohl, the United Nations' special representative in charge of monitoring the human ...
  112. 1993-06-00 — The bodies of Baha'is buried in the Baha'i section of a Tihran cemetery were exhumed and taken by lo...
  113. 2003-06-01 — A fatwa was issued by the Mufti of Sabah State Government that declared that the Baha'i teachings we...
  114. 2004-00-01 — The 2004 Circular 49/2004 issued by the Ministry of the Interior specifically instructed officials t...
  115. 2006-04-04 — In late 2004 or early 2005 the government of Egypt introduced a computerized identity card system th...
  116. 2006-05-02 — Letter, from the Trades, Production, and Technical Services Society of Kermanshah to the Iranian Uni...
  117. 2006-05-15 — In Egypt the government appealed the lower court's ruling to the Supreme Administrative Court and th...
  118. 2006-08-19 — Iran's Ministry of Interior ordered officials throughout the country to step up the surveillance of ...
  119. 2006-09-16 — In Egypt the Supreme Administrative Court again postponed its hearing on the government appeal of a ...
  120. 2006-11-20 — In Egypt lawyers representing a Baha'i couple seeking to have their religious affiliation properly i...
  121. 2006-12-16 — Egypt's Supreme Administrative Court ruled against the right of Baha'is to be properly identified on...
  122. 2006-12-21 — A message was sent from the Universal House of Justice to the Baha'is of Egypt regarding the recent ...
  123. 2007-00-00 — This increase in the activities of the Yaran-e Iran mandated the addition of more members; as a resu...
  124. 2007-11-12 — Human Rights Watch and the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights released a report that stated tha...
  125. 2007-12-20 — The two Egyptian Human Rights cases, the first by the father of twin children who was seeking to obt...
  126. 2008-01-29 — In Egypt a victory for religious freedom, a lower administrative court ruled in favour of two lawsui...
  127. 2008-05-14 — Iranian Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri issued a fatwa stating that, since (Baha'is) were the ...
  128. 2008-09-00 — After enduring 3.5 months of solitary confinement, the imprisoned members of the Yaran were transfer...
  129. 2008-10-31 — The Universal House of Justice sent a message of encouragement to the besieged Baha'i Community of I...
  130. 2009-02-03 — The publication of "We are Ashamed," an open letter from a group of academics, writers, artists, jou...
  131. 2009-03-16 — In Egypt the Supreme Administrative Court removed any grounds for preventing Baha'is from receiving ...
  132. 2009-04-17 — With respect to the Supreme Administrative Court decision of 16 March 2009, the decree, dated 19 Mar...
  133. 2009-08-08 — Two young Egyptian Baha'is, Imad and Nancy Rauf Hindi, received the new identity cards. They had bee...
  134. 2010-05-10 — New information was obtained regarding the conditions in which the seven Baha'i prisoners were being...
  135. 2011-01-25 — January 25th marked the beginning of the revolution in Egypt where millions of protesters from all s...
  136. 2011-05-20 — Fariba Kamalabadi and Mahvash Sabet were returned to Evin Prison in Tehran. They had spent a brief t...
  137. 2012-02-24 — The inaugural screening of Iranian Taboo by Dutch-Iranian filmmaker Reza Allamehzadeh in Los Angeles...
  138. 2012-05-11 — The Universal House of Justice sent a message to the Baha'is of Iran near the four-year anniversary ...
  139. 2012-06-00 — After the January 25th revolution against Mubarak and a period of rule by the Supreme Council of the...
  140. 2012-10-29 — The Baha'i International Community published a special report on The Baha'is of Semnan: A Case Study...
  141. 2013-03-00 — The publication of the report entitled Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Bah...
  142. 2013-05-14 — The Baha'i International Community launched the Five Years Too Many campaign to protest the 20-year ...
  143. 2013-10-28 — The release of the video Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Baha'i Community ...
  144. 2014-11-00 — Fariba Kamalabadi, after having her fourth request to join her daughter Taraneh for her wedding deni...
  145. 2015-05-14 — A global campaign called "Seven Days in Remembrance of Seven Years in Prison for the Seven Baha'i Le...
  146. 2015-12-21 — Ayatollah Abdol-Hamid Masoumi-Tehrani, a senior Muslim cleric in Iran, had courageously called on hi...
  147. 2016-04-29 — In observance of the eighth anniversary of the arrest and incarceration of seven Iranian Baha'i lead...
  148. 2016-05-12 — In commemoration of the incarceration of the Yaran in Iran in 2008 the International Baha'i Communit...
  149. 2016-05-13 — Fariba Kamalabadi, while on a five-day furlough from Evin Prison, met with former Tehran MP Faezeh H...
  150. 2016-10-26 — The report from the offices of the Baha'i International Community entitled The Baha'i Question Revis...
  151. 2016-11-24 — From her cell in Evin prison, In a open letter to her six-month old granddaughter, Bajar, Fariba Kam...
  152. 2017-04-25 — The formation of the human rights organization, "The Yemeni Initiative for Defending Baha'i Rights"....
  153. 2017-04-28 — Amnesty International sent a Joint Public Statement to the Huthi-Saleh authorities in Yemen calling ...
  154. 2017-05-12 — The Baha'i International Community launched a global campaign calling for the immediate release of t...
  155. 2017-05-15 — Hundreds of Yemenis gathered in front of the Criminal Prosecution building in the capital city of Sa...
  156. 2017-09-19 — Mahvash Sabet, one of the seven members of the former leadership group of the Baha'is in Iran known ...
  157. 2017-10-18 — The Iranian Baha'i community was targeted during the bicentenary period. Between 18 and 21 October, ...
  158. 2017-10-23 — Yemeni security forces raided a Baha'i gathering in Sana'a opening fire on the small group of people...
  159. 2017-10-31 — Fariba Kamalabadi, a member of the former leadership group of the Baha'is called the "Yaran", conclu...
  160. 2017-11-17 — A committee of the United Nations General Assembly condemned Iran by a vote of 83 to 30 with 68 abst...
  161. 2017-12-05 — The release of Behrooz Tavakkoli, 66, from prison after serving a 10-year term. He was the third me...
  162. 2018-01-02 — The Specialized Criminal Court of the Houthi militia in Yemen sentenced 52 year-old detainee Hammed ...
  163. 2018-02-16 — The release of Saeid Rezaie, one of the seven members of the Yaran, the former leadership group of t...
  164. 2018-02-18 — In an open letter, twenty-five prominent international lawyers and human right activists appe...
  165. 2018-02-20 — Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, a former member of the Yaran, was transferred from Evin Prison to a hospita...
  166. 2018-03-16 — Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, at 85 the oldest member of the Yaran to be imprisoned, was released after s...
  167. 2018-03-19 — The release of Mr. Vahid Tizfahm from the Rajaee Shahr Prison in Karaj after having completed his 10...
  168. 2018-03-23 — Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin Al-Houthi, the Secretary-General of Yemen's Shia political party Ansar ...
  169. 2018-04-01 — The launch of a fierce campaign of hatred against members of the Baha'i Faith, as well as other agai...
  170. 2018-09-15 — Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi authorities held a court hearing that targeted some 20 or 24 Baha'is, mos...
  171. 2018-09-29 — In the second court hearing presided over by judge Abdu Ismail Hassan Rajeh, three additional Baha'i...
  172. 2019-01-08 — Imprisoned Baha'i Hamed bin Haydara, 55, who had been sentenced to death, appeared in court in Sana...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (1 result)

  1. 2021-01-20 — The Canadian Council of Imams made a statement in protest the ruling issued by an Iranian Court to c...
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