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Tag "- Publishing, Review"

tag name: - Publishing, Review type: Publishing; Translation, languages
web link: -_Publishing,_Review
related tags: * Publishing; * Translation; Criticism and apologetics; Publishing, Policy and practice
referring tags: Persian Reviewing Panel

"- Publishing, Review" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (21 results; expand)

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  1. Administrative Order, Suggestions about changes in, by Universal House of Justice. (1995-05-18) Ways in which Bahá'ís may make suggestions for change within the Bahá'í administration, and the nature of internet discussions.
  2. Authorization of Translations and the Authority of Publications from the Research Department, by Universal House of Justice. (1994-12-15) On the process by which new translations are authorized; the authority of translations by the Guardian; and the authority of publications of the Research Department.
  3. Bahá'í Fundamentalism and the Academic Study of the Babi Movement, by Denis MacEoin. (1986) A response to Afnan and Hatcher's "Western Islamic Scholarship and Bahá'í Origins," on the issues of faith-based approaches to religious history and textual criticism.
  4. Bahá'í Review: Should the 'red flag' law be repealed?, by Barney Leith. (1995) Argument that the current provisions for review may be anachronistic and that the benefits of deregulation might outweigh possible disadvantages. Includes responses by Roxanne Lalonde and Sepideh Taheri.
  5. Bahá'í studies Seminar in Cambridge, 30 September - 1 October 1978: Message to Participants, by Universal House of Justice. (1996) Harmony of science and religion; faith and reason; spiritual scholarship; and the institution of review.
  6. Challenges to Bahá'í Studies, by Udo Schaefer. (1992) Discussion of the intellectual presentation of the Bahá'í Faith, and of the related topics of review, apologetics, and contemporary political contexts.
  7. Critical Examination of 20th-Century Baha'i Literature, A, by Vance Salisbury. (1997) Explores the claim, first made by E. G. Browne, that some Bahá'ís suppress or distort historical texts. Includes tables of changes made in different editions of four popular Bahá'í books.
  8. Forces of Our Time: Lecture Series, by Hooper Dunbar. (2011-04) Six lectures series at Bosch Bahá'í School, April 15-17 2011.
  9. Individual Rights and Freedoms, by Universal House of Justice. (1988-12-29) An important and often-quoted letter about rights and freedom of expression in the Bahá'í community, as contrasted with those in American civil society.
  10. Internet and Literature Review, The, by Bahá'í Internet Agency. (2011-02-17) Guidance from the Bahá'í World Centre to two NSAs, that the process of "literature review" does not apply to the Internet for informal publications (like personal blogs), but it does apply for formal ones (like e-journals).
  11. Kalimat Press and Distribution by Bahá'í Agencies, by Various. (1999, 2005, 2006, 2008) While Bahá'ís are free to purchase and own books by Kalimat Press, the Bahá'í distribution services stopped carrying titles by this publisher.
  12. Lights of Guidance: A Bahá'í Reference File, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Helen Bassett Hornby, comp. (1988) The classic Bahá'í reference book. This is its first online edition.
  13. Mirza Mihdi, "Holy Family", Capitalization of Pronouns, Guardian's Use of English, by Universal House of Justice. (1998-10-14) Five unrelated questions about Mirza Mihdi; use of the title "Holy Family"; capitalization of personal pronouns; and the Guardian's use of English in his translations.
  14. Modernity and the Millennium: The Genesis of the Bahá'í Faith in the Nineteenth-century Middle East [introduction only], by Juan Cole. (1998) Introduction and first 4 pages of Chapter One.
  15. Note on Maceoin's 'Bahá'í Fundamentalism' and 'Afnán, Hatcher and an old bone', by Muhammad Afnan, William S. Hatcher, Denis MacEoin. (1986) Two shorter follow-up essays, offering closing thoughts on a previously-published debate about issues of historical accuracy, academic neutrality, and faith-based scholarship.
  16. Publishing, Bahá'í, Memorandum on: Materials to be Deposited with the Bahá'í World Centre Library, by Bahá'í International Archives, Universal House of Justice. (1998/2000) Overview of Literature Review, publishing, translations, and details of the requirement of sending copies of all materials to the World Center archives.
  17. Reviewing: Practice and Functions of Literature Review, by Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (1989?) Overview of Literature Review, publishing, and the requirement of sending copies of all materials to the Bahá'í World Center library.
  18. Salmani's My Memories of Baha'u'llah, Publication of, by Universal House of Justice. (1982-12-02) Two letters, to a Bahá'í publisher and an individual, regarding the 1982 publication of My Memories of Bahá'u'lláh, an autobiography of Bahá'u'lláh's barber, Ustad Salmani.
  19. Translation and Review, by Universal House of Justice. (1991-09-08) Whether certain scholars were authorized as translators, and that the institution of review is not being abrogated at this time.
  20. Translation of Authoritative Bahá'í Texts into the Spanish Language, by Universal House of Justice. (1993-01-06) Regarding issues related to the translation of authoritative Bahá’í Texts into the Spanish language and the establishment of an international body responsible for the direction and approval of such translation work.
  21. Transnational Bahá'í Print Culture: Community Formation and Religious Authority, 1890-1921, by Farzin Vejdani. (2012-12) Explores how Baha’is used print culture (1890–1921) for community-building, scriptural canonization, and apologetics, emphasizing leadership, transnational networks, and cultural intermediaries. (Link to article, offsite.)

2.   from the Chronology (8 results; expand)

  1. 1917-04-07 — A Baha'i Reading Room was established in Chicago by Luella Kirchner in 1917 or perhaps earlier and b...
  2. 1971-03-28 — The Universal House of Justice sent a message to all National Spiritual Assemblies titled Principles...
  3. 1971-09-00 — The Universal House of Justice distributed a memorandum to all National Assemblies to provide clarif...
  4. 1979-01-03 — In a message from the Department of the Secretariat of the Uni...
  5. 1988-12-29 — The Universal House of Justice issued a letter to the Baha'is in the United States published as Indi...
  6. 1999-07-04 — In a message addressed to selected National Spiritual Assemblies, the Universal House of Justice del...
  7. 2000-06-00 — The Universal House of Justice sent an update to the to the National Assemblies regarding the public...
  8. 2022-08-17 — The Universal House of Justice announced that a Persian Reviewing Panel, appointed by and operating ...
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