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Tag "- Christianity"

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"- Christianity" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (386 results; expand)

  1. Eileen Maddocks. 1844: Convergence in Prophecy for Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the Bahá'í Faith (2018). — Parallels between the Millerite expectations of Christ's return in the West, expectations of the ret...
  2. Michael W. Sours. 1844 Ottoman 'Edict of Toleration' in Bahá'í Secondary Literature, The (1998). — This edict, issued the year the Baha'i era began, permitted Jews to return to Palestine. The return ...
  3. Michael W. Sours. Arjen Bolhuis, trans. Aantekeningen: Kitáb-i-Íqán (Boek van Zekerheid) (2023). — Uitleg over een van de hoofdthema's in Baha'u'llah's Boek van Zekerheid.
  4. Abdu'l-Bahá. Khazeh Fananapazir, trans, Seena Fazel, ed. 'Abdu'l-Bahá on Christ and Christianity: An interview with Pasteur Monnier on the relationship between the Bahá'í Faith and Christianity, Paris (1993-12). — Revised translation of an interview with Pasteur Monnier, from chapter 5 of 'Abdu'l-Baha on Divine P...
  5. Seena Fazel. 'Abdu'l-Bahá on Christ and Christianity: Introduction (1993). — 'Abdu'l-Baha's answers to questions posed by Pastor Monnier in Paris in 1913 on Christian subjects, ...
  6. Combiz Nuri. 'Abdu'l-Baha: A Biblical Figure? (2009). — Biblical prophecies that could relate to Abdu'l-Baha and the Seventh Angel of the Apocalypse, and th...
  7. Marion Weinstein. ['Abdu'l-Bahá] Declares Zionists Must Work with Other Races: From the Globe and Commercial Advertiser (New York, July 17, 1919) (1919-09-08). — An interview with 'Abdu'l-Baha on the League of Nations, Baha'i ideas for peace, and the Holy Land. ...
  8. Iraj Ghanooni. Naeem Nabiliakbar, trans, Adib Masumian, trans. 'Abdu'l-Bahá on the World Stage (2022). — A contrast of the spiritual purpose of ‘Abdu'l-Baha's first visit to Paris with the secular aims o...
  9. Ray Estes, Miles Lane. Abrahamic Covenant as the Pathway to the Glory of God, The: Exploring the Mysteries of Divine Unity (2006/2011). — 77 audio files of talks and interviews by a born-again Christian who became a Baha'i, and related ma...
  10. Rodney H. Clarken. Absolute Poverty and Utter Nothingness (1997). — Baha’u’llah’s ideas of poverty as detachment, and nothingness as selflessness. Cites some comm...
  11. Bahá'u'lláh. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá'u'lláh (2018/2023). — 80 selections, updated August 2023.
  12. Abdu'l-Bahá. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks (2018/2023). — 167 selections, updated August 2023.
  13. Christopher Buck. Alain Locke on Race, Religion, and the Bahá'í Faith (2018). — Locke was cynical about the prospect of real progress in race relations within Christianity itself, ...
  14. Suheil Badi Bushrui (published as Suheil Bushrui). Ameen Rihani and the Unity of Religion: The Politics of Time and the Politics of Eternity (2014). — Overview of the life and thought of a Lebanese-American writer, intellectual, and political activist...
  15. Jose Luis Marques Utrillas. Análisis comparativo de la ética del trabajo en cuatro tradiciones religiosas y su impacto sobre la organización económica y social: del judaísmo a la Fe bahá'í (2022). — Cómo la escritura y estudio entre los judios los llevó a su alto nivel intelectual en la Edad Medi...
  16. Christopher Buck. Anatomy of Figuration, The: Maimonides' Exegesis of Natural Convulsions in Apocalyptic Texts (Guide II.29) (2020). — Insights of medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides on figurative language and symbolic exegesis in h...
  17. Abdu'l-Bahá. Answered Questions, Some (2014). — 'Table talks' given by ‘Abdu’l‑Baha in ‘Akka between 1904 and 1906 in response to questions ...
  18. Robert Riggs. Apocalypse Unsealed (1981). — Early draft of the later book Apocalypse - An Exegesis.
  19. Sen McGlinn. Apocalypse Unsealed, The: Some thoughts on the use of Christian Scripture in the Bahá'í community, by Robert Riggs: Review and Commentary (2002). — On Baha'i use of Biblical literature, especially interpretations of end-time symbolism and the Book ...
  20. Robert Riggs. Apocalypse, The: An Exegesis (1998-12). — Detailed study of astrology, numerology, and other esoterica, in an attempt to understand The Revela...
  21. Universal House of Justice. Apostle Paul, a (1998/2012). — Whether Baha'i Writings state that Paul was a "false teacher," the relationship between apostles Pau...
  22. Rauf Murtuzov. Apparent Contradictory Dates in Bahá'í Texts Regarding the Public Announcement of the Prophet Muhammad (2023). — Short discussion of quotes showing an apparent discrepancy between writings of the Bab and Abdu'l-Ba...
  23. William Sears. Applying Christian Prophecy to Baha'u'llah (2010). — An audio-only version of a 6-part video discussion of the Baha'i interpretation of Biblical propheci...
  24. Jordi Vallverdu Segura, Josuke Nakano. Architectures of Thinking, The (2022). — Sacred architectures play a role in shaping cognition — which results from the relationships betw...
  25. David Friedman. Are there indications of a Second Coming of a Messiah in the Old Testament? (1999). — Some claim that the New Testament teaching of a "Second Coming" is not found in the Old Testament; h...
  26. Universal House of Justice. Armageddon and Megiddo / Mt. Carmel (2018-09-02). — One-paragraph note saying that no reference has been found in the Baha'i Writings tying "armageddon"...
  27. Don Dainty. As It Was in the Days of Noah: So Unfolds the Surprising Fulfilment of Biblical Foresights of the 'Return' (2009). — Booklet exploring the biblical and Baha'i concept that rejection of the Manifestation results in cal...
  28. Christopher Buck, et al.. As Others See Him: Jesus asks all people 'Who do people say that I am?': Replies from several non-Christians (1997-03-30). — A short collection of non-Christian perspectives on Jesus, published in commemoration of Easter.
  29. John S. Hatcher. Ascent of Mount Carmel, The: Celebrating the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb (2019). — "From the Editor's Desk": Symbolism of the terraces on the shrine of the Bab; St. John's poem "Ascen...
  30. Stephen Lambden. Aspects of Isrá'íliyyát and the Emergence of the Bábí-Bahá'í Interpretation of the Bible, Some (2002). — Islamic "Israelitica" literary traditions, the Bible, and their relationship to the Babi and Baha'i ...
  31. Báb, The, Nabil-i-A'zam. Báb's Farewell Address to the Letters of the Living, The (1844). — The Bab's farewell speech to the Letters of the Living, extracted from Nabil-i-A'zam's
  32. W. A. Rice. Babi Pamphlet, A (1902). — Review of an unnamed booklet sent to E.G. Browne, a "little manuscript book of 118 small pages, writ...
  33. Stephen Lambden. Background and Centrality of Apophatic Theology in Bábí and Bahá'í Scripture, The (1997). — History of the theological position of the incomprehensibility-unknowability of God in past major Ab...
  34. Christopher Buck. Bahá'í: History, Beliefs, Practices, Theological Exchanges, and Current Issues (2014). — Brief overviews of Baha'i history and thought.
  35. Seena Fazel, Khazeh Fananapazir. Bahá'í Approach to the Claim of Uniqueness and Exclusivity in Christianity, A (1990). — Differing interpretations of scriptural passages about exclusivity have caused conflicts between den...
  36. Seena Fazel. Bahá'í Approaches to Christianity and Islam: Further Thoughts on Developing an Inter-Religious Dialogue (2007-12). — The Baha'i contribution to inter-religious dialogue is based on developing intellectual bridges betw...
  37. Universal House of Justice. Bahá'í Attitude towards Celebration of Christmas (2002-11-29). — A clarification on whether Baha’is are permitted to celebrate Christmas: believers should not be d...
  38. Michael W. Sours. Bahá'í Cosmological Symbolism and the Ecofeminist Critique (1995). — Constituents of Baha'i cosmological symbolism; introduction to the main feminist/environmentalist ar...
  39. Seena Fazel, Marcus Braybrooke. Baha'i Faith and Christianity (2010). — Two short entries on the theological relationship between these two Faiths.
  40. Farnaz Ma'sumian, comp. Bahá'í Faith and Christianity, The (2008). — Lecture notes compiled by Ma'sumian for teaching at a community college and a university, partly fro...
  41. Adam Berry. Bahá'í Faith and Its Relationship to Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, The: A Brief History (2004-09-22). — Baha'i history in Iran and America; relationship with Christian missionaries in Iran and Christian c...
  42. Douglas Martin. Bahá'í Faith: Its History and Teachings, The by William Miller: "Missionary as Historian: William Miller and the Bahá'í Faith" (1978-12). — Lengthy review of Miller's book, and a broad discussion of anti-Baha'i polemic and historiography.
  43. Reginald L. Priestley. Bahá'í Fireside Notebook, The (2012). — A believer's personal fireside notebook, compiled for his study and deepening: notes, timelines, and...
  44. Dann J. May. Baha'i Principle of Religious Unity and the Challenge of Radical Pluralism (1993/1997). — A shorter version of this thesis is published as "The Baha'i Principle of Religious Unity: A Dynamic...
  45. Mírzá Abu’l-Fadl Gulpáygání. Ali Kuli Khan, trans. Bahá'í Proofs, The (1902). — A book of history and theology composed in America, in which Gulpaygani gives an exposition of the F...
  46. Thornton Chase. Bahá'í Revelation, The (1933). — Introduction to the Baha'i Faith, emphasizes the Baha’i teachings as a vehicle for personal spirit...
  47. Reed M. Breneman. Bahá'í Students and American University of Beirut in the Early 20th Century (2008-02). — The influential activities of the campus Baha'i association in Beirut, 1900-1920 and during the firs...
  48. Robert Stauffer, comp. Bahá'í Studies Bulletin: Index by volume (1998). — List of articles in all issues of Bahai Studies Bulletin, 1982-1992.
  49. Bahá'í Teachings Concerning Christ: List of References (n.d.). — Five-page index to the Baha'i Writings on various topics of Christian history and teachings.
  50. Sateh Bayat, Vafa Bayat. Bahá'í Understanding of Reincarnation in Relation to the World's Faiths, A (2005). — Concepts of reincarnation in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; the Baha'i religi...
  51. Colin Dibdin. Bahá'í View of the Bible, A (1996). — From a Baha'i viewpoint, the Bible is a reliable source of divine guidance and salvation, but is not...
  52. James J. Keene. Bahá'í World Faith: Redefinition of Religion (1967 Autumn). — Baha'is consistently differ from Jews and Christians in the structure of their religious behavior an...
  53. Francis Beckwith. Bahá'í-Christian Dialogue: Some Key Issues Considered (1989 Winter/Spring ). — An antagonistic and polemical overview of the Baha'i Faith by a Christian.
  54. David Friedman. Bahá'í-Christian Dialogue: Some Key Issues Considered, by Francis Beckwith: A Bahá'í Response (1998). — Lengthy theological apologia.
  55. Samuel Graham Wilson. Bahá'ísm: An Anti-Christian System (1915-01). — A Christian missionary's perspective on the Baha'i Faith's claim to supersede Christianity.
  56. Francis Henry Skrine. Bahá'ísm, the religion of brotherhood and its place in the evolution of creeds (1912). — An outsider's sympathetic portrayal of the Baha'i history and teachings, written with "express appro...
  57. Juan Cole. Bahá'u'lláh and Liberation Theology (1997). — The idea of liberation and equality is central to Baha'i theology; the poor in the 19th century Midd...
  58. Joshua Hall (published as Joshua D. T. Hall). Bahá'u'lláh and the God of Avicenna (2022-03). — Comparison of the teachings of Baha’u’llah on the nature of God with the philosophy of Avicenna;...
  59. Universal House of Justice. Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era Regarding the Explanation of Daniel 12:12: Beckwith's Allegations (1990-11-06). — Responses to allegations Francis Beckwith makes in his booklet "Baha'i" about changes to this book.
  60. Chowghi Rouhani. Ulfet Bouchoucha Mustapha, trans. Bahá'u'lláh et le Carmel (2017). — Baha’u’llah honore la terre sainte; la révélation de la Tablette du Carmel; la grande resurrec...
  61. Wolfgang A. Klebel. Bahá'u'lláh's (2008). — Examines the question: What philosophical viewpoints are necessary to understand what Baha’u’lla...
  62. George Townshend. Baha'u'llah's Ground Plan of World Fellowship (1936). — This talk, proposing a practical scheme for addressing the problem of world-fellowship, was delivere...
  63. JoAnn M. Borovicka. Bahá'u'lláh's Life and Mission: "This is the One Who Hath Glorified the Son" (2018). — Ways in which Baha’u’llah glorifies Jesus Christ and His Cause: He quotes, explains, and defends...
  64. Moojan Momen. Baha'u'llah's Prophetology: Archetypal patterns in the lives of the founders of the world religions (1995). — Explores the theory that the lives of the prophet-founders of the world religions have in some ways ...
  65. T. Crouther Gordon. Bahaism and Christianity: or, The Religion of 'The Splendour of God' (1927-04). — Sympathetic overview of the Faith, and impressions from a visit to Haifa.
  66. Leyla Melikova. Bahaism and Ecumenism in the Context of Recent Sociocultural Trends (2008). — Some of the current sociocultural specifics of two religious phenomena — the Baha'i Faith and ecum...
  67. Thornton Chase. Before Abraham Was, I am (1902-09-27). — Open letter to a new Baha'i summarizing the Baha'i revelation through a Christian perspective.
  68. Juan Cole. Behold the Man: Baha'u'llah on the Life of Jesus (1997). — Baha'u'llah's lessons from the Judeo-Christian experience for founding a new, post-Islamic religion;...
  69. Christopher Buck. Behold the Man: Baha'u'llah on the Life of Jesus, by Juan Cole: Review (1997).
  70. Anonymous, comp. Bible Stories and Themes in the Bahá'í Writings and Guidance (2021). — Baha'i interpretation of Biblical stories and topics.
  71. Universal House of Justice. Bible, Preferred English Translation of (1996-11-03). — While Shoghi Effendi recommended the use of the King James translation of the Bible, Baha'is are yet...
  72. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Bible, The: Extracts on the Old and New Testaments (n.d.).
  73. Brett Zamir, comp. Bible, The: King James version in Multilinear Format with Bahá'í References by Verse (n.d.).
  74. Universal House of Justice. Biblical Questions, Interpretation of: Ezekiel 10:19, Jeremiah 49:38 and Micah 7:12 (1998-05-12). — Can certain passages from the Hebrew Bible be taken as prophetic references to the Babi or Baha'i Fa...
  75. JoAnn M. Borovicka. Biblical References in Tablets of the Divine Plan (2017). — Knowledge of the Bible is now at an all-time low; a study of the contexts of four biblical reference...
  76. Marian Lippitt. Peter Terry, ed. Biblical References in Baha'i Writings (1955/2016). — Correlation between verses of the Bible and references to these verses in Baha'i literature, includi...
  77. Universal House of Justice. Biblical Verses, Interpretation of (1986-01-07). — Interpretation of Biblical verses. Includes chart showing all references in the Baha'i writings to v...
  78. Biography of Pope Pius IX: Tablet to Pope Pius IX (Lawh-i-Páp) (1999). — Biography of Pope Pius IX, to whom Baha'u'llah wrote a Tablet.
  79. David Merrick. Birth and Call of Jesus Christ: A Bahá'í-inspired retelling (2010-12). — The story of the birth of Jesus and his call to the world of humanity.
  80. Ted Brownstein. Black and Beautiful: Skin Color in the Biblical Song of Songs (2023). — Racial biases can be found in several translations of the biblical Song of Solomon; a look at the or...
  81. Anjam Khursheed. Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit (1998). — The Baha'i view of human nature involves an interaction between spirit, soul and body — these thre...
  82. William Ridgers. Book of Revelation Revealed in Glory, The: A Summary of Glorious Revelation (2000). — Baha'i interpretation of St. John's Book of Revelation.
  83. Book of Revelation, The: Explanations from the Letters of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Mirza Abul Fazl (1933). — Discussion of the content and symbolism of the biblical Book of Revelation.
  84. E. S. Campbell. Books of God Are Open, The (1950/1969). — Two editions of a compilation prepared by a former Baptist minister, presenting the Faith to those f...
  85. Mary L. Lucas. Brief Account of My Visit to Acca, A (1905). — Detailed notes of a visit to Haifa, January-February 1905, and Abdu'l-Baha's interpretations of seve...
  86. Chris Manvell, Carolyn Sparey-Gillies. Brief Introduction to Millennial Zeal in the Nineteenth Century, A (1997). — Joseph Wolff, William Miller, and millennial zeal in early 19th-century America; biblical proofs of ...
  87. Daniel Conner. Buddhism and the Bahá'í Faith (1971-72 Winter). — Brief summary of the history and thought of Buddhism; commonalities with Western concepts; different...
  88. Nozomu Sonda. Bushido (Chivalry) and the Traditional Japanese Moral Education (2007). — Japanese virtues explained by Nitobe in 1900 in comparison with the Baha'i perspective on moral educ...
  89. Necati Alkan. "By the Fig and the Olive": `Abdu'l-Bahá's Commentary in Ottoman Turkish on the Qur'ánic Sura 95 (2001). — A translation and discussion of an Ottoman-Turkish Tablet by `Abdu'l-Baha: his commentary on the Qu...
  90. Stephen Lambden. Catastrophe, Armageddon and Millennium: Some aspects of the Bábí-Bahá'í exegesis of apocalyptic symbolism (1999). — Preliminary consideration of selected Babi-Baha'i doctrines expository of apocalyptic symbolism asso...
  91. William P. Collins. Catastrophe, Armageddon and Millennium: Some Aspects of the Bábí-Bahá'í Exegesis of Apocalyptic Symbolism, by Stephen Lambden: Commentary, "The Apocalyptic Upheaval Completed?" (2001). — Commentary on earlier article by Stephen Lambden.
  92. Vernon Elvin Johnson. Challenge of the Bahá'í Faith: A Non-Bahá'í Assessment of Reasons for Studying the Bahá'í Religion (1976 Spring). — Though small and young, the Bahá’í Faith is a subject of central importance not only for the s...
  93. Jan Karel van Baalen. Chaos of Cults, The: A Study in Present-Day Isms (1956). — Fourteen-page chapter on the Faith from a critical yet somewhat sympathetic Christian perspective ("...
  94. George Townshend. Christ and Baha'u'llah (1957). — The Kingdom of God, as foretold in the Bible, has come and Baha'u'llah is the Return of Christ.
  95. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Christ, Return of: Warwick Leaflets (1994/2012). — Some Christian prophecies and their fulfillment in the Baha'i Faith.
  96. Kamran Ekbal. Christian Faith and the Formation of the Principles of Ideas and its Church Organizations, The (2011). — On the Christian religion and the process of formulating principles, concepts, and organizational st...
  97. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Christianity and the Bahá'í Faith: Warwick Leaflets (2005).
  98. Robert Stockman. Christianity from a Bahá'í Perspective (1998). — Includes two topics: "A Baha'i approach to the Bible" and "Baha'i Writings on Jesus Christ."
  99. Nosratollah Rassekh. Christianity, A.D. 138 (1980 Spring/Summer). — Detailed description of what life might have been like for a Roman or a Christian in the year 138, c...
  100. Abdu'l-Bahá. Christians, Muhammadans, and Jews (1940). — An address delivered at Temple Emmanu-El, San Francisco, October 12, 1912.
  101. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Christmas and Bahá'ís: Warwick Leaflets (2002).
  102. Sen McGlinn. Church and State: Book 1 of a Postmodern Political Theology for the Bahá'í Community (2005). — Religion and politics in Islamic history; Islamic and Baha'i views on theocracy and democracy; the t...
  103. Eileen Maddocks. Coming of the Glory, The: How the Hebrew Scriptures Reveal the Plan of God (2020/2022/2023). — Prophecies dating back to the book of Genesis about the future time of glory, when their descendents...
  104. Abdu'l-Bahá. Khazeh Fananapazir, trans, Mehdi Wolf, ed. Commentary on Verses of John (Tafsír-i-Áyát-i-Yuhanná) (2001). — Excerpt from a longer Tablet on Jesus' prophecy "It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do...
  105. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of India. Communal Harmony: India's Greatest Challenge (1993(?)/2015). — A formal statement from the NSA of the Baha'is of India on the need to overcome religious, linguisti...
  106. Moojan Momen. Comparative Lives of the Founders of the World Religions (1995). — Table comparing the lives of the Founders of the world's religions.
  107. Compare: Bahá'í Faith, Islam, Christianity, Judaism (2009-08-09). — Comparison charts of statistics, basic beliefs, origins, and history.
  108. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, Abdu'l-Bahá, Mírzá Abu’l-Fadl Gulpáygání. Compilation of Extracts Regarding Arius (1991/1996). — Collection of materials regarding an early Christian theologian who, in expounding that Christ was s...
  109. Ali K. Merchant. Concept of Sin in the Bahá'í Faith, The (2000-10). — Just as Baha'is don't believe in the existence of evil as a real entity, likewise sin is but the abs...
  110. Julio Savi. Continuing Contest between Exclusivism and Pluralism, The: Thoughts on the 2002 Day of Prayer for Peace (2002). — Origins and purpose of the Catholic "Day of Prayer in Assisi," and interfaith dialogue.
  111. Susan Maneck. Conversion Movements within Hindu Village Culture (1997). — Hindu, Christian, and Baha'i conversion patterns in India.
  112. Foad Katirai. "Conversion of Religious Minorities to the Bahá'í Faith in Iran," by Susan Stiles Maneck: Commentary (1992).
  113. Todd Lawson. Cosmopolitan World of the Quran and Late Antique Humanism, The (2021). — On the Qur'an's use of the themes of epic and apocalypse to reveal its most cherished sacred truths:...
  114. Dianne Bradford. Course on Teaching Christians about the Bahá'í Faith (1999). — Compilation of quotes from the Baha'i Writings to aid in the teaching of the Faith to Christians, in...
  115. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the British Isles, comp. Covenant of Baha'u'llah, The: A Compilation (1963). — Lengthy compilation published as a book, first put together in 1950, of quotations from Scripture ...
  116. George Townshend. Covenant, The: An Analysis (1950). — A study guide in outline form on the idea of a covenant, Messengers and their missions, the covenant...
  117. Peter Terry. Covenant, The: Brit Olam (1997). — The concept of covenant is found in the Bible, the Qur'an, and Baha'i writings. Using the form of an...
  118. Lasse Thoresen. Creation (2002). — Contributing to the creation of a new civilization as a researcher or an artist means participating ...
  119. Universal House of Justice. Daniel's Prophecies (2007). — Regarding the fulfilment of the Biblical prophecy of Daniel concerning 1,335 days, and modifications...
  120. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Dates in Baha'u'llah and the New Era: A response to Francis Beckwith (1992-09-24). — Response to certain allegations Beckwith makes in his booklet Baha'i.
  121. Marzieh Gail. Dawn over Mount Hira and Other Essays (1976). — A collection of essays on various topics of interest to Baha'i studies and history. Most of these we...
  122. Khazeh Fananapazir. Day of God (Yawmu'llah) and the Days of God (Ayyamu'llah) (1997). — Comparison of Biblical and Islamic antecedents of the symbol of the "Day of God."
  123. Boris Handal. De la Córdoba Mora a los Bahá'ís de Irán (2010). — Contrast between the contemporary Iranian Baha'i community and the treatment of religious minorities...
  124. Dianne Coin. Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation, by Jennifer Harvey: Review (2017).
  125. Julio Savi. Declaration Dominus Iesus, The: A Brake on Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue? (2001). — Contents of a Declaration by Cardinal Ratzinger in 2000 on the "unicity and the salvific universalit...
  126. Marco Oliveira. Dei Verbum: A Bahá'í Perspective on the Roman Catholic Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (2019). — On some basic Christian Catholic beliefs on divine revelation, how the Baha'i Faith views Christiani...
  127. Marco Oliveira. Giuseppe Castello, trans. Dei Verbum: Un punto di vista bahá'í della Costituzione Dogmatica Cattolica Romana sulla Rivelazione Divina (1999). — Lo scopo di questa presentazione è quello di discutere alcune basilari credenze cristiane cattolich...
  128. Jack McLean. Pierre Spierckel, trans. Deification of Jesus, The (1980 Spring/Summer). — The apotheosis of Christ is a common factor to all branches of Christianity. This paper examines the...
  129. Michael Sabet. Discerning a Framework for the Treatment of Animals in the Bahá'í Writings: Ethics, Ontology, and Discourse (2023-01). — Baha'i exegesis can discern a framework governing the treatment of animals and our relationship to t...
  130. Dispensations of Time: Scriptural References (n.d.). — Short chronology and graph of biblical passages visualizing human history through seven stages of in...
  131. Piya Tan. Divine Qualities of Spiritual Dialogue (2001). — The Buddhist basis for dialogue is found in its four virtues: love (the world as an extended family)...
  132. WellSpring International Educational Foundation for the Study and Application of the Sacred Texts. Divine Virtues and Spiritual Qualities: A Compilation from Sacred Texts (2003). — Comprehensive exploration of 77 virtues and qualities drawn from the texts of various religions.
  133. Rachel Woodlock. Dying for Our Sins (1998). — Examination of the Christian doctrine of the substitutionary atonement and whether such a doctrine h...
  134. Mírzá Abu’l-Fadl Gulpáygání. Elucidation of the Meaning of The Greatest Name (1945?). — Explanation of "The Greatest Name," with words of Abdu'l-Baha, as copied by May Maxwell. Source and ...
  135. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Arjen Bolhuis, comp. Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history (1982-2023). — Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles.
  136. Moshe Sharon. End of Days (2018). — On the word “messiah”, the anointed, which describes the redeemer like a priest, consecrated by ...
  137. Don Dainty. Entrancing Biblical Journey to meet the Promised Christ Returned, An: Bahá'u'lláh - The 'Glory of God' (2011). — On biblical prophecies and Baha'u'llah as their fulfilment.
  138. Stephen Lambden. Episode in the Childhood of the Bab, An (1986). — Parallels legends of the Bab's early childhood with those of Jesus.
  139. Michael W. Sours, Iraj Ayman. Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (Lawh-i-Ibn-i-Dhib): Wilmette Institute faculty notes (1999).
  140. Ann Boyles. Epistolary Style of Shoghi Effendi, The (2022-09). — The purposes of this paper are to investigate the new style of the epistle and the roots of its deve...
  141. Edwin Graham. Equality and Baha'i Principles in Northern Ireland (2001). — A paper in two parts: (1) the development of equality legislation in Northern Ireland, and (2) the B...
  142. Peter Terry. Essays on Jesus and the New Testament (2015). — Scripture and progressive revelation, canonization of the Bible, teachings of the New Testament, Bah...
  143. Mirza Asad'Ullah. Ameen Ullah Fareed, trans. Explanations Concerning Sacred Mysteries (1902). — Essays on the book of Daniel, and on the mysteries of: daily sacrifice, the kingdom, death, prayers ...
  144. James B. Thomas. Exposition on the Fire Tablet by Bahá'u'lláh, An (2002). — A description of Baha'u'llah's Fire Tablet, a dialogue between himself and God on suffering and sacr...
  145. Aline Shane-Devin. Extracts from Notes Taken at Acca (1907-10). — [needs abstract]
  146. Ted Brownstein. Facilitating Spiritual Joy: Workshop on Christianity (1999-05). — Introduction to the history and philosophy of Christianity from a Baha'i perspective, and deepening ...
  147. Bahiyyih Nakhjavani. Fact and Fiction: Interrelationships between History and Imagination (2000). — On the tension between "fact" and "fiction," between objective history and our relative and subjecti...
  148. Lil Osborn. Female Representations of the Holy Spirit in Bahá'í and Christian writings and their implications for gender roles (1994). — A response to feminist theologian Mary Daly's argument that a male representation of God reinforces ...
  149. Necati Alkan. Fighting for the Nuṣayrī Soul: State, Protestant Missionaries and the ʿAlawīs in the Late Ottoman Empire (2012). — Overview of the Alawites/Nusayris (Syrian Shi'is) in the start of the 19th century, political attitu...
  150. Boris Handal. Finding the Lamp: My Bahá'í Experience (2012). — A personal adventure of faith, influenced by a background where faith and reason talked to each othe...
  151. Christopher Buck, Juan Cole, William S. Hatcher. Forum Concerning St. Paul (1979 Summer). — Responses to Hatcher's review (World Order, 1978) of Schaefer's Light Shineth in Darkness, by Buck, ...
  152. Zaid Lundberg. From Adam to Bahá'u'lláh: The Idea of a Chain of Prophecy (2002). — Whilst the modern period has seen a series of scientific paradigm shifts which have radically altere...
  153. Boris Handal. From Moorish Cordova to the Bahá'ís of Iran: Islamic Tolerance and Intolerance (2007-09-08). — Though Baha'is are persecuted in Iran, Muhammad taught understanding and respect towards religious m...
  154. Bahá'u'lláh. Gems of Divine Mysteries (2002). — A lengthy tablet in Arabic on how the Mahdi was Ali Muhammad, The Bab, the Primal Point. Written dur...
  155. Patricia de Luna Garcia, Rodrigo Vazquez Canales. Género y catolicismo: Concepciones y realidades de practicantes del catolicismo referente a la pluralidad del género (2022). — Relaciónes entre el ser un practicante del catolicismo y la apertura a la pluralidad de género. La...
  156. Tom Lysaght. Genesis in King Lear: Joseph's Many-Colored Coat Suits Shakespeare (2019). — Creative comparison of the biblical figure of Joseph and the character of Edgar in Shakespeare's Kin...
  157. Moojan Momen. God of Bahá'u'lláh, The (2005). — A close look at the view of God presented in the Writings of Baha’u’llah and analysis of the con...
  158. Geza Farkas. God's Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible, by Adam Nicolson: Review (2005-12/2015-06).
  159. Universal House of Justice. Goddess Religion, Ancient (1992-02-23). — Ancient goddess religions and the role of the feminine in theology.
  160. Christopher Buck. Golden Age of Jewish/Christian Relations Revisited, The: The Contribution of H.J. Schoeps to Interfaith Dialogue (1984). — On Bavarian historian Hans Joachim Schoeps, considered a foremost authority on early Jewish Christia...
  161. William Stell. Guess Who's Coming to Church: The Chicago Defender, the Federal Council of Churches, and Rethinking Shared Faith in Interracial Religious Practice (2023-12). — Exploring "Go-to-a-White-Church Sunday" initiated by Robert S. Abbott (1922) and "Race Relations Sun...
  162. George Townshend. Heart of the Gospel: The Bible and the Bahá'í Faith (1939). — Using only the text of the Bible, Townshend provides a new reading of Scripture as a guidebook for t...
  163. Lynette Thomas. Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife (1998). — Judeo-Christian and Muslim views of life after death are often seen literally as bodily resurrection...
  164. Keven Brown. Hermes Trismegistus and Apollonius of Tyana in the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (1997). — History of alchemy, magic, and the hermetic arts, and their reflection in the later teachings of Bah...
  165. Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Hidden Words: References of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi (1998).
  166. Stephen D. Dighton. His New Name: A Biblical Examination of the Claims of Bahá'u'lláh (1994). — Summary of Baha'i concepts, including quotes from both the Bible and the Baha'i Writings, answering ...
  167. John William Draper. History of the Intellectual Development of Europe (1864). — A selection of excerpts from the book. Contains no mention of the Baha'i Faith, but is of interest p...
  168. Ted Brownstein. How Bahá'u'lláh Taught Christians: The Rhetoric and Pedagogy of Bahá'u'lláh's Writings to Followers of Jesus Christ (1998). — How Baha'u'llah prepared his message to attract Christians; poetic and rhetorical devices he used in...
  169. Bruce Limber. I Daniel: Index (1999). — An index to the contents of Robert Riggs' book I, Daniel.
  170. Robert Riggs. I, Daniel (1998). — Spiritual, metaphorical, and esoteric teachings from the Bible's book of Daniel.
  171. Juliet Thompson. I, Mary Magdalene (1940). — Semi-autobiographical account of Juliet Thompson's contact with 'Abdu'l-Baha.
  172. Christopher Buck. Illuminator vs. Redeemer: A Trajectory of Ebionite Christology from Prophet Messianism to Bahá'í Theophanology (1983). — A continuity may be drawn by plotting a trajectory of prophetological concepts from Prophet Messiani...
  173. Christopher Buck. Illuminator vs. Redeemer: Was Ebionite Adam/Christ Prophetology "Original," Anti-Pauline, or "Gnostic"? (1982/2012). — Contains no mention of the Baha'i Faith, but is of interest because of the phenomenological resonanc...
  174. Maryam Afshar. Images of Christ in the writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, The (2004). — 'Abdu'l-Baha addressed Christian subjects in his talks with Baha'is of Christian background and his ...
  175. Michael W. Sours. Immanence and Transcendence in Theophanic Symbolism (1992). — Baha'u'llah uses symbols to depict theophanies — the appearance of God and the divine in the real...
  176. Saul Palacios. Importancia de las Escrituras en la Ética Laboral Protestante (2022). — La ética laboral protestante (PWE) se fundamentaba en un fuerte componente. La PWE ya no esta únic...
  177. Ross Woodman. "In the Beginning Was the Word": Apocalypse and the Education of the Soul (1993). — Hidden meanings in scripture and the soul are metaphorically identified with the huris, or brides. T...
  178. Ismael Velasco. Ineffability in Scripture: A Conversation with 6 Medieval Mystics (2006). — On how the experience of six 13th- and 14th-century Christian mystics was shaped by their language, ...
  179. Udo Schaefer. Infallible Institutions? (2002). — Historical and Baha'i interpretations of infallibility.
  180. Peter J. Khan. Institute on Islam (1971). — Transcription of tape #7 which deals with prophecies in the Qur'an, and recordings of a one-weekend ...
  181. Mirza Asad'Ullah. Ali Kuli Khan, trans. Instructions Concerning Genesis and the Mystery of Baptism (n.d. (1902?)). — A short treatise on Biblical verses and symbology viewed in light of the Hidden Words and other Writ...
  182. Duane Troxel. Intelligent Life in the Universe and Exotheology in Christianity and the Bahá'í Writings (1996). — Theological statements on extraterrestrial life in Christian and Baha'i texts, and in the work of Gi...
  183. Zena Sorabjee, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of India. Inter-religious gathering in New Delhi, and Address to Pope John Paul II (1999-12-12). — Brief address by Counsellor Sorabjee to an inter-religious gathering organised by the Roman Catholic...
  184. Roshan Danesh. Internationalism and Divine Law: A Baha'i Perspective (2004). — On the internationalism motif in Baha'i political and legal thought; the place of divine legal clai...
  185. Mary Hanford Ford. Interview with 'Abdu'l-Bahá, An (1933-07). — Discussing spiritual insights, martyrdom, and labor-saving machines' role in societal advancement.
  186. Mohamad Ghasem Bayat. Introduction to the Súratu'l-Haykal (Discourse of The Temple), An (2001). — One of Baha’u’llah's major writings. It includes references to the manifold stations of the Mani...
  187. Robert W. McGee. Is It Unethical to Evade Taxes in an Evil or Corrupt State?: A Look at Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Mormon and Bahá'í Perspectives (1999 Winter). — The ethics of tax evasion has been a neglected topic in both the accounting and ethical literature. ...
  188. Susan Maneck. Islam, the Baha'i Faith and the Eternal Covenant of Alast (2009-02-09).
  189. Christopher Buck. Jesus and Early Christianity in the Gospels: A New Dialogue, by Daniel Grolin: Review (2003).
  190. Robert Stockman. Jesus Christ in the Bahá'í Writings (1992). — While Christians traditionally believe the Gospels to be substantially accurate, little is known abo...
  191. Michael W. Sours. Jesus Christ in the Bahá'í Writings, by Robert Stockman: Review: Commentary concerning the differences between Christian and Bahá'í terminology (1993). — Discusses the station and titles of Christ in an attempt to find common ground with Christians.
  192. Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Jesus Christ, Resurrection of (n.d.).
  193. William S. Hatcher. Jesus et Muhammad (2008). — Fireside talk.
  194. Antonella Khursheed, Anjam Khursheed. Jesus the Son of God and the Incarnation Doctrine (1996). — The Baha'i approach to the sonship and divinity of Christ is consistent with Old and New Testament u...
  195. William S. Hatcher. Jésus, Fils de Dieu et Fils de l'homme (2002-12-18). — Fireside talk.
  196. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Jews and the Crucifixion (1980-11-21).
  197. Jack McLean. John the Baptist and Baha'i Prophetic Categories: An Atypical Paradigm (2013). — Comparative Jewish-Christian-Islamic-Baha’i study of the prophetic station of the prophet John the...
  198. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. John the Baptist and Interpretation (1989-08-25). — Various questions about the the Baha’i position on John the Baptist, his station and teaching, and...
  199. Christopher Buck. Joseph in Religious History and the Bahá'í Writings (2022-08-27). — Just as the story of Joseph is the "best of stories," the metaphor of Joseph is the "best of metapho...
  200. Stephen Lambden. Kaleidoscope: Some Aspects of Angelology, Light, the Divine Throne and Color Mysticism in Bábí and Bahá'í Scripture (2004). — Miscellaneous notes relating to religious cosmology, angelology, color and “throne” symbolism in...
  201. Bahá'u'lláh. Shoghi Effendi, comp, Arjen Bolhuis, ed. Key Passages from the Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude) in Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (2022). — Cross-reference compilation of 40 passages from the Kitab-i-Íqan selected by Shoghi Effendi for inc...
  202. Brent Poirier. Kitab-i-Iqan: Key to Unsealing the Mysteries of the Holy Bible (1998). — Examination of the Bible in light of interpretations of its symbolism offered by Baha'u'llah's Kitab...
  203. Bahá'u'lláh. Shoghi Effendi, trans. Kitáb-i-Íqán: The Book of Certitude (1931). — Major theological work by Bahaʼu'llah, written prior to his declaration of mission.
  204. Sohrab Kourosh. Kitáb-i-Iqán, The: Revolutionizing the Concepts of Religion, Eschatology and Theology (2018). — The Kitab-i-Íqan resolves and removes eschatological barriers and establishes the fundamentals of a...
  205. Michael W. Sours, Brent Poirier, Ismael Velasco, Iraj Ayman. Kitáb-i-Íqán, The Book of Certitude: Wilmette Institute faculty notes (1999). — Notes on various topics related to Baha'u'llah's Book of Certitude.
  206. Peter Terry. Last Words of Jesus, The: What Were They and What Did They Mean? (2015). — The words of Christ according to the gospels of Mark and Matthew in Syriac and Greek; comparisons of...
  207. Bahá'u'lláh. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. Lawh-i-Hirtík (Tablet to Hardegg) (2024-08). — Authorized translation of Baha'u'llah's Tablet to Georg David Hardegg, co-founder of the German Temp...
  208. Anonymous, comp. Laws Abrogated by Bahá'u'lláh (2018/2020). — Laws abolished from previous religions and from the Bayan.
  209. Jean-Marc Lepain. Les Paradigmes cachés de l'histoire: Comparaison de l'histoire des premiers siècles du christianisme et de la foi bahà'ie (1994). — Exploration of some lessons from history relevant to our era and our near future, from the perspecti...
  210. Mírzá Abu’l-Fadl Gulpáygání. Juan Cole, trans. Letters and Essays, 1886-1913 (1985). — Treatises of "the greatest and most learned of all Baha'i scholars" about Alexander Tumansky; on mee...
  211. Universal House of Justice. Letters of the Quranic Dispensation and Letters of the Living (huruf) (2003). — Some meanings of the term huruf ("letters") in Baha'i texts, including Letters of the Bayan, Letters...
  212. Jose Luis Marques Utrillas. Julien Hagelstein, trans. Lettres à un bon catholique (1987). — Translation of "Letters to a Good Catholic," in which Spanish Baha'i Utrillas narrates his personal ...
  213. Fleur Fallon. Liberation Theology and its Potential for Guidance Towards Peace on Earth: A Bahá'í Perspective (1996). — Baha'u'llah prescribed both a moral code for individuals based on knowing God and a design for a sys...
  214. Jack McLean. Life after Death: A Study of the Afterlife in Religions, by Farnaz Ma'sumian: Review (1998).
  215. Abdu'l-Bahá. Light of the World: Selected Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2021). — Tablets of ‘Abdul-Baha describing aspects of the life of Baha’u’llah including the tribulation...
  216. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Helen Bassett Hornby, comp. Lights of Guidance: A Bahá'í Reference File (1988). — The classic Baha'i reference book. This is its first online edition.
  217. Christopher Buck. Arjen Bolhuis, comp. List of Articles on (2020). — List of online essays and articles by Christopher Buck since 2014.
  218. John S. Hatcher. List of Articles on (2021). — List of online essays and articles by Dr. John Hatcher.
  219. Stephen Lambden. Arjen Bolhuis, comp. List of Baha'i Studies and Translations. — A list of content available at Lambden's personal website, Hurqalya Publications, with select links ...
  220. Brent Poirier. Lists of Articles (2009-2019). — Lists of 126 articles at the author's six blog websites.
  221. Glenford Mitchell. Literature of Interpretation, The: Notes on the English Writings of Shoghi Effendi (1972-73 Winter). — The influence of the writings of Shoghi Effendi on the Baha'i Faith is analogous to that of St. Augu...
  222. Universal House of Justice. Lot and His Daughters (2015-03-29). — Discussion of two Baha'i references on the Biblical story of Lot; an interpretation of a Bible verse...
  223. Michael W. Sours. Maid of Heaven, the Image of Sophia, and the Logos, The: Personification of the Spirit of God in Scripture and Sacred Literature (1991). — The Logos in Christianity and the Maiden for Baha'u'llah can be equated as one and the same eternal ...
  224. Fuad Izadinia. Major Opus, The: A Study of the German Templers Movement and Its Relationship with the Bahá'í Faith (2014). — The story of the journey of two parallel movements to the Holy Land in 1868: the Baha'is from Iran a...
  225. Udo Schaefer, Nicola Towfigh, Ulrich Gollmer. Geraldine Schuckelt, trans. Making the Crooked Straight: A Contribution to Baha'i Apologetics [excerpt] (2000). — Front- and back-matter of the book only: Contents, Preface, Introduction, Conclusion, Bibliography, ...
  226. Seena Fazel. Making the Crooked Straight, by Udo Schaefer, Nicola Towfigh, and Ulrich Gollmer: Review (2004-01-20).
  227. Lil Osborn. Mary Magdalene: Lioness of God in the Bahá'í Faith (2013). — On the symbolic role of Mary Magdalene in the Baha’i tradition as a female archetype in the contex...
  228. Anjam Khursheed. Medieval Islam: The Influence of Islam on Judaism and Christianity (1997). — Prior to the Renaissance, Islam inspired revivals in the cultural traditions of Christianity and Jud...
  229. Archie Bell. Meeting a Prophet (1915). — Book chapter containing three interviews with 'Abdu'l-Baha at the Sea of Galilee.
  230. Ahang Rabbani. Messianic Expectations in Nineteenth Century Christian and Islamic Communities (2006-02). — The phenomenon of messianism and its manifestations in early-modern American Christianity and in Ira...
  231. Stephen Lambden. Messianic Roots of Babi-Bahá'í Globalism, The (2005). — Contrast of the continuity between the globalism of the Bab’s Qayyum al-asma’ and Baha’u’lla...
  232. Ross Woodman. Metaphor and the Language of Revelation (1997). — To enter the realm of metaphor as the language of the soul is to come into direct contact with the W...
  233. Benjamin Olshin. Mikhail Sergeev, Theory of Religious Cycles: Tradition, Modernity and the Bahá'í Faith: Review (2015).
  234. Mírzá Abu’l-Fadl Gulpáygání. Juan Cole, trans. Miracles and Metaphors (1981). — Collection of essays on metaphysical topics and Baha'i answers to old religious controversies: are t...
  235. Anil Sarwal. Miracles in Religion: A Study of the miraculous in religion in context of the Baha'i Faith (1996-11). — Guide to spirituality, offers insights on the purpose of religion, experiences of Himalayan masters,...
  236. Robert E. Speer. Missionary Principles and Practice: A Discussion of Christian Missions and of some Criticisms upon them (1902-08). — Brief testimonial of a "converted Moslem" who turned to Babism, but then became a Christian.
  237. Gul Afroz Zaman. Mystic Journey of the Soul, The (1998). — On the journey a soul must make to attain union with the Eternal from the confines of material life ...
  238. Universal House of Justice. New Religious Movements, Tolkien, Marriage (1994-07-06). — Various questions: new religious movements; Indian Letter of the Living; J.R.R. Tolkien; eternality...
  239. Lynn Echevarria-Howe (published as Lynn Echevarria). New Skin For An Old Drum, A: Changing Contexts of Yukon Aboriginal Bahá'í Storytelling (2008 Fall). — On the construction of the religious self through the storytelling processes of Yukon Aboriginal Bah...
  240. Bani Dugal. Morten Bergsmo, ed, Kishan Manocha, ed. Non-Governmental Perspective on the Relative Effectiveness of Multilateral and Bilateral Measures to Combat Hate Speech, A: An Analysis of Tools Deployed in Response to Religious Hate Speech in Iran (2023-07). — International Human Rights framework; Iran's obligations under international law; history of Baha'i ...
  241. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Central and East Africa, comp. Notes on Bahá'í Proofs Based on the Bible, Some (1963). — Compilation by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Central and East Africa
  242. Dann J. May. Notes on the Christian "Antichrist" and Titles of Christ (1997). — Intro for a Baha'i-Christian dialogue on the meaning of the antichrist, titles of Jesus in the Baha'...
  243. Virginia Orbison. Notes on Words of the Guardian (1956). — Ten pages of notes, preserved as an appendix to Orbison's lengthy manuscript "Diary of a Pilgrimage ...
  244. Muhammad. Anton Haddad, trans. Oath of the Prophet Mohammed to the Followers of the Nazarene, The (1902). — Promise of fair-treatment from Muhammad to the Christians, with commentary by Imam Ali, given in the...
  245. George Townshend. Old Churches and the New World-Faith, The (1949). — Pamphlet publication of Townshend's letter of renunciation of the Anglican Church and proclamation o...
  246. Christopher Buck. On Jesus' Cry from the Cross (1983-03). — Comments on an article by Stephen Lambden on "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
  247. Universal House of Justice. One Common Faith (2005). — Review of relevant passages from both the writings of Baha'u'llah and the scriptures of other faiths...
  248. Burl Barer. One Father, Many Children: Judaism and the Bahá'í Faith (2010). — Judaic teachings on religious inclusivism and relativism, and the Baha'i acceptance of Judaism.
  249. Peter Terry. Oneness of Reality, The: A Response to Moojan Momen's "Relativism as a Basis for Baha'i Metaphysics" (2018). — Dialogue on epistemology and ontology as presented in the core literature of the Baha’i religion.
  250. Ted Brownstein. Out of Jewish Roots: Studies of Prayer Patterns in Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Bahá'í Worship (2006). — An exploration of the development of liturgy and personal prayer patterns from its roots in Judaism ...
  251. Christopher Buck. Paradise and Paradigm: Key Symbols in Persian Christianity and the Bahá'í Faith (1999). — Study of Baha'i and Christian symbology, the "first academic monograph comparing Christianity and th...
  252. Harold Coward. Paradise and Paradigm, by Christopher Buck: Review (1999).
  253. Daniel Grolin. Paradise and Paradigm, by Christopher Buck: Review (1999).
  254. Kathleen E. McVey. Paradise and Paradigm, by Christopher Buck: Review (2003).
  255. William P. Collins. Paradise and Paradigm, by Christopher Buck: Review (2001).
  256. Andrew Rippin, John Renard, Will C. van den Hoonaard, et al.. Paradise and Paradigm, by Christopher Buck: Reviews (2000/2002). — Three short reviews from Studies in Religion, Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, and Humaniti...
  257. JoAnn M. Borovicka. Parallels in the Ministries of Táhirih and Paul (2016). — Stories of early believers of the Bahá’í Faith as presented in "Memorials of the Faithful" com...
  258. Bahá'u'lláh. Shoghi Effendi, comp, Arjen Bolhuis, ed. Passages uit de Kitáb-i-Íqán (Boek van Zekerheid) in Bloemlezing uit de Geschriften van Bahá'u'lláh (2022). — Compilatie van 40 passages uit de Kitab-i-Íqan door Shoghi Effendi geselecteerd voor opname in Bloe...
  259. Hoda Mahmoudi. Permanence of Change, The: Contemporary Sociological and Bahá'í Perspectives (2008). — Sociohistorical changes of the Axial Age and the Renaissance, sociological views on modernity and it...
  260. Eamonn Moane. Perspectives on the Inseparable Twin Duties Prescribed in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas (2003). — Religions differ in the balance of faith versus good works, the grace of God versus human strivings,...
  261. Per-Olof Akerdahl. Pilgrimage and Religious Identity in the Bahá'í Faith (2000). — Pilgrimage has been an important part in the creation of a religious identity. The meaning of pilgri...
  262. Jan T. Jasion. Polish Response to Soviet Anti-Bahá'í Polemics, The (1999 Winter). — Response of non-Baha'i scholars to Marxist-Leninist polemics and attacks on the Baha'i Faith, in par...
  263. Udo Schaefer. Positions of the Austrian Churches and Religious Communities regarding bio- and medico-ethical Issues, The (2002). — On the Baha'i view of bioethical and biomedical questions, and Baha'i authoritative sources, image o...
  264. Duane Troxel. Powerpoints for Deepening (2004-2014). — 26 presentations in Powerpoint format, on a variety of topics covering Baha'i history, Central Figur...
  265. Hossein Avaregan. Profezie con Valore Scientifico (1981). — L’autore illustra le quattro condizioni necessarie affinché a una profezia si possa dare valore s...
  266. Mehdi Wolf. Progressive Revelation: A Brief Circumstantial/Historical Contextualization (2022-05-16). — Progressive revelation must be understood in the context of the twin purposes of a divine Manifestat...
  267. David F. Young, comp. Progressive Revelation: The Bible and Bahá'u'lláh (2010). — A facilitator and a participant guide on studying The Bible and Baha’u’llah, prepared for the Co...
  268. Jack McLean. Prolegomena to a Bahá'í Theology (1992). — Groundbreaking and thorough essay on the basic concerns of scholarly Baha'i theology.
  269. Kavian Sadeghzade Milani, Leila Rassekh Milani. Proof Based on Establishment (Dalíl-i-taqrír) and the Proof Based on Verses (Hujjiyyat-i-ayát), The: An Introduction to the Bahá'í-Muslim Polemics (1997). — Study of Baha'i apologetics based largely on the work of Mirza Abu'l-Fadl.
  270. William Sears. Prophecies Fullfilled by Baha'u'llah (n.d.).
  271. Michael W. Sours, Christopher Buck. Prophecies of Jesus, by Michael Sours: Commentary and Responses (1994). — Editorial statement about the nature of Baha'i scholarship and academic debate, followed by response...
  272. Stephen Lambden. Prophecy in the Johannine Farewell Discourse: The Advents of the Paraclete, Ahmad and Comforter (1997). — The exegetical history of sayings ascribed to Jesus which mention the Paraclete. Christian, Muslim...
  273. Universal House of Justice. Prophecy of Daniel; Modifications of Baha'u'llah and the New Era (1996-06-02). — Regarding the fulfilment of the Biblical prophecy of Daniel concerning 1,335 days, and modifications...
  274. Moshe Sharon. Prophets and Mountains (2008). — Metaphors of mountains and actual mountains in the history of religion; Mount Carmel.
  275. Susan Maneck. Prophets of Mahabad, and Nature of Creation: The Two Questions of Manakji Limji Hataria (2011). — Discussion of Baha’u’llah’s letters to Manakji Hataria as found in the Tabernacle of Unity, co...
  276. Hossein Avaregan. Punti Razionali Comuni fra Corano e Vangelo (1990). — Ricerca personale della verità, origine divina di tutte le religioni, analogia delle profezie, uso ...
  277. Jan T. Jasion. Quelques Rencontres Importantes entre les Communautés Protestante et Bahá'íe en France (2019-11). — History of the relationship between the Faith in France and the Protestant community, 1870-1913 (wit...
  278. George Townshend. Questions about the Second Coming (1953). — Answers by Townshend to questions asked by the Baha’is of Kampala, Uganda about the return of Chri...
  279. Ted Brownstein. Qur'an and Violence against Non-believers, The (2017). — An examination of two sections of The Qur'an that supposedly authorize the slaughter of innocent non...
  280. Dalton Garis, ed, Mohebat Sobhani, ed. Qur'anic and Biblical References in the Kitáb-i-Íqán: A Guide to Further Study (2020). — List of quotes from the Bible and the Qur'an referenced by Baha’u’llah in the Kitab-i-Iqan as sh...
  281. Todd Lawson. Qur'anic Kerygma: Epic, Apocalypse, and Typological Figuration (2022). — Article contains no mention of the Babi or Baha'i Faiths, but includes themes of relevance to Baha'i...
  282. Sam Shamoun. Quranic Witness to Biblical Authority, The (1999). — Written for a Muslim audience, this article expounds on the Muslim view that the Bible is authentica...
  283. Romuald Boubou Moyo. Recherche sur les Signes Visibles dans le Ciel de la Venue des Manifestations de Dieu (2019). — Les annonces des venues des Manifestations de Dieu dans les écrits saints ont à la fois un sens ca...
  284. Thomas Kelly Cheyne. Reconciliation of Races and Religions, The (1914). — Early history of the Babi and Baha'i movements, life stories of their participants, and their contem...
  285. Anthony Lee. Reconciling the Other: The Bahá'í Faith in America as a Successful Synthesis of Christianity and Islam (1995-04). — Although many ordinary Baha'is are unaware of their religion's Islamic roots, seeing it instead as t...
  286. Dianne Bradford. References to Christ in His Tablet to Pope Pius IX (1998).
  287. David Russell Garcia. Kees Poolman, trans. Reis naar het Hart van de Qur'án: Het Heilige Boek van de islam voor hen die nadenken (door een niet-moslim) (2022). — Een overzicht van de Koran en zijn thema's: islam versus het christendom; wetten, geestelijke en soc...
  288. Moojan Momen. Relativism: A Basis For Bahá'í Metaphysics (1988). — "Relativism" as a means of reconciling the often widely-divergent theologies of the world's religion...
  289. Arthur J. Arberry. Religion in the Middle East: Three Religions in Concord and Conflict: Volume 1, Judaism and Christianity (1969). — Three mentions of the Babis and Baha'is.
  290. Anjam Khursheed. Religion in the Modem World (2001). — On aspects of the Western secular rebellion against theocracy and the rise of free enquiry and freed...
  291. James J. Keene. Religious Behavior and Neuroticism, Spontaneity, and Worldmindedness (1967-06). — Baha'is were included in a broad survey of religious thoughts and actions, and their attitudes stati...
  292. Mark A. Foster. Resurrection: A Bahá'í Perspective (1993). — Personal reflections and interpretations.
  293. Universal House of Justice. Resurrection and Return of Jesus (2008). — The body of Christ; the burial of Christ; His return; and explaining the Baha'i view to Christians.
  294. Universal House of Justice. Resurrection of Christ and the Bible (1987-09-14). — Information on Baha'i concepts related to the Resurrection of Christ.
  295. Gene Crist, comp. Return of Christ, The: Statements Relating to the Twofold Nature of Christ (n.d.). — Two-page compilation of passages from the Bible and the Baha'i Writings.
  296. Pym Trueman. Return of the Dreamtime (1995). — Brief history of Christianity and missionary work in Samoa and Australia, and how native Samoan cust...
  297. Isabella D. Brittingham, comp. Revelation of Bahaullah in a Sequence of Four Lessons, The (1902-02). — One of the earliest English-language histories of the Faith, written to prove the truth of Baha'u'll...
  298. Roshan Danesh, Douglas White III. Rising to the Challenge of Reconciliation (2023-01-08). — Analyzing the legacy of colonialism and racism in Canada and examining the profound, multifaceted pr...
  299. Ross Woodman. Role of the Feminine in the Bahá'í Faith, The (1995). — On the terms 'Masculine' and 'Feminine' as referring to 2 interdependent energies at work within the...
  300. Marion Woodman. Role of the Feminine in the New Era, The (1989). — The  unveiled feminine, symbolized by the unveiling of the Persian poet Tahirih at the conference ...
  301. Todd Lawson. Role of Wonder in Creating Identity, The (2023). — The term badi', "wondrous" or "new," is used dozens of times by the Bab in his proclamatory work the...
  302. Kevin Brogan. Roman Catholic Priesthood and Bahá'í Administration, The (2002). — Helping Baha’is understand the theology and function of Roman Catholic Priesthood and helping Cath...
  303. Jack McLean. Salvation (1993).
  304. Christopher Buck. Sapiential Theosis: A New Reading of Ephrem the Syrian's Hymns on Paradise (1995). — Prepublication chapter from Paradise and Paradigm: Key Symbols in Persian Christianity and the Baha...
  305. Jonah Winters. Saying Nothing about No-Thing: Apophatic Theology in the Classical World (1994). — The apophatic (negative) theology of the Neoplatonism of Plotinus and some pre-Pseudo-Dionysius east...
  306. Anjam Khursheed. Science and Religion in Chinese Culture (2000). — Religion lies at the root of philosophy and civilization during the Tang (618-907) and Sung (960-127...
  307. Frank Lewis. Scripture as Literature: Sifting through the layers of the text (1997). — Literary and religious antecedents to some of the styles and genres of Baha'i scripture.
  308. Pritam Singh. Scriptures of Different Faiths, The (1942). — Overview of Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Christian, and Islamic scriptures, emphasizing their teach...
  309. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Scriptures of Previous Dispensations (1981). — Excerpts on what writings constitute the holy scriptures of previous Dispensations.
  310. David Yamartino. Second Coming, The: A Biblical Approach to Understanding the Evidence that Christ has Returned (2012). — Biblical principles for investigation of truth; the resurrection of Christ, prophecies fulfilled by ...
  311. Abdu'l-Bahá. Marzieh Gail, trans. Secret of Divine Civilization (1957). — Originally issued anonymously in 1875, this was ʻAbdu'l-Baha's program for the developmental reform...
  312. Stanwood Cobb. Security for a Failing World (1934). — An overview of the influence of religion on the world and its relation to modern problems. Baha'i pr...
  313. Michael W. Sours. Seeing With the Eye of God: Relationships Between Theology and Interpretation (1991). — Various spheres of interpretation and how their hierarchies reflect theological truth.
  314. George Townshend, Swami Vivekananda, Dalai Lama, et al.. Anjam Khursheed, comp. Selected Talks and Statements on Interfaith Issues by Religious Leaders and Scholars (1999). — Compilation of addresses to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Inter-Religious Organisation of ...
  315. Peter Mazal. Selected Topics of Comparison in Christianity and the Bahá'í Faith (1999). — Comparison of Baha'i and Christian morality, archetypal events and people (e.g. the ideal woman) in ...
  316. Arjen Bolhuis, ed. Sequential Outline of the Kitáb-i-Íqán: condensed version (2021). — Aid to locating main themes and various subjects in Baha'u'llah's Book of Certitude, adapted from Ho...
  317. Marcus Bach. Shoghi Effendi (1957). — Dr. Bach set out to meet the five people of his time whom he felt best exemplified the teachings of ...
  318. Nobel Augusto Perdu Honeyman (published as Nobel Perdu), Ismael Velasco. Shoghi Effendi: An approach to his artistic contribution to style in English literature and to standards in translation (2004). — On the technical and literary features of Shoghi Effendi's translations of Baha'i scriptures: transl...
  319. Jack McLean. Shoghi Effendi's View of Providential History in Light of the Judaeo-Christian Tradition (2005). — The Guardian's letters reveal six feature of his historicity: palingenesis and transitional history;...
  320. Alan Bryson. Short Films, Music, and Prayers (2020). — Link to "Irenic Visuals," a YouTube channel with Baha'i music and prayers, and short films on Bahiyy...
  321. Universal House of Justice. Sin-covering Gaze (2001-01-21). — Brief explanation of a possible source for a story of Christ told by Abdu'l-Baha about encountering ...
  322. Kevin Brogan. Spiritual Footprints in the Sands of Time (2003). — The covenantal relationship between God and humankind; the lives of the founders of Judaism, Christi...
  323. Universal House of Justice. Station of Baha'u'llah: Three Letters (1991-1992). — Three letters on the station of Baha'u'llah, the souls of the Manifestations, the varying intensitie...
  324. Jim Stokes. Story of Joseph in Five Religious Traditions (1997 Spring). — The parable of Joseph in the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and Islam. Prefaced by comments by Moo...
  325. Farnaz Ma'sumian. Story of the Prophets (2013). — Biographies of nine Manifestations, from Abraham to Baha'u'llah. Designed for junior youth by a reti...
  326. Seena Fazel. Striving Together: A Way Forward in Christian-Muslim Relations, by Charles Kimball: A Jihad for All Seasons: Review (1994).
  327. Jack McLean. Study of Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet to the Christians, by Michael Sours, A: Review (1990).
  328. Mark A. Foster. Suggestions for Bahá'í Hermeneutics (1999). — Four essays: "Non-Overlapping Magisteria [science, religion, and Stephen Jay Gould]," "Infallibility...
  329. Hossein Avaregan. Sul Valore Scientifico delle Profezie: Considerazioni di uno Studioso (1987). — Illustrazione del “calcolo della probabilità”, ramo della scienza matematica scoperto dal matem...
  330. Abdu'l-Bahá. Ameen Ullah Fareed, trans. Tablet about Jonah and the Whale (1893). — Short Tablet for an Iranian Bahaʼi named Yúnis (Jonah), discussing the story of Jonah and the whal...
  331. Universal House of Justice. Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Baha Concerning Arius (1998-03-17). — Arius was an early Christian theologian whose rejection of the Trinity, Abdu'l-Baha said, destroyed ...
  332. Juan Cole, trans. Tablet of the Son (Jesus) (2001). — A tablet, partly written to a Christian priest, on the effect of Christ's revelation and Baha'u'llah...
  333. Cynthia C. Shawamreh. Tablet of the Temple (Súratu'l-Haykal): Comparison with the Prophecies of Zechariah (1998-12). — Comparison of Baha'u'llah's symbol of the Manifestation as "temple" and its analogues from the Hebre...
  334. Abdu'l-Bahá. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. Tablet of Wisdom Questions and Answers (1995). — Authorized translation of unpublished Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Baha to Ethel Rosenberg in 1906 in reply to ...
  335. Bahá'u'lláh. Keven Brown, trans. Tablet on Understanding the Cause of Opposition to the Manifestations of God (2016). — Summary of some themes from the Kitab-i-Iqan, concluding with a long prayer inviting the reader to s...
  336. Bahá'u'lláh. Iskandar Hai, trans. Tablet to Hájí Mírzá Kamálu'd-Dín (Lawh-i-Hájí Mírzá Kamalu'd-Dín): Excerpt (2002). — Brief comments by Baha'u'llah on the Isaac/Ishmael controversy.
  337. Stephen Lambden, Kamran Ekbal. Tablet to Hardegg (Lawh-i-Hirtík): A Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh to the Templer Leader Georg David Hardegg (2003). — A Tablet addressed to the German Templer/Templar leader Georg David Hardegg including the proclamati...
  338. Bahá'u'lláh. Juan Cole, trans. Tablet to Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Concerning the Questions of Manakji Limji Hataria: Baha'u'llah on Hinduism and Zoroastrianism (1995). — Introduction to, article about, and translation of the Tablet to Maneckji.
  339. Bahá'u'lláh. Nosratollah Mohammad-Hosseini, trans. Tablet to Rada'r-Rúh (1986). — Raḍa’r-Rúḥ, a believer from Mashad, received this tablet shortly after Baha'u'llah arrived in...
  340. Todd Lawson. Tafsir and the Meaning of the Qur'an: The Crucifixion in Muslim Thought (2010-10-23). — Using Qur'an 4:156-7 as an example, classical tafsīr, “scholastic" exegesis, has not always taken...
  341. Edward Price. Taking Care with Translation of Sacred Scripture (2016/2020). — Examination of the importance of using reliable translations of the Qur’an. Includes technical dis...
  342. David F. Young. Teaching Christians More Effectively: Handbook and Seminar (1999). — Baha'i views of Christianity; questions Christians might ask; interpretation of the Bible; theology ...
  343. Marco Oliveira. Ten Commandments, The: A Baha'i Perspective (2019). — Overview of the history and theology of the Ten Commandments. Like Christianity and Islam, the Baha...
  344. JoAnn M. Borovicka. Ten Plagues of the Exodus in Light of the Bahá'í Writings, The (2015). — The historical accuracy of Exodus is not essential to an appreciation of it; scholarship regarding t...
  345. Betty Hoff Conow (published as Betty Conow). "The active force and that which is its recipient" (1988). — Metaphysics of gender and the Lawh-i-Hikmat; universal spiritualism; social indoctrination of gender...
  346. Sharon M. P. Harper, ed. The Lab, the Temple, and the Market: Reflections at the Intersection of Science, Religion, and Development (2000). — Essays on what faith, science, and international development have to offer one another; how religion...
  347. Christopher Buck. The Prophecies of Jesus, by Michael Sours: Review (1992).
  348. Horace Holley. The Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (1922-08). — On the creative nature of literature; the writings of Shakespeare; Baha'u'llah as author; the influe...
  349. Lameh Fananapazir. Themes of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablets of The Divine Plan Illustrated by Scriptural References to the Bible and the Qur'án (2017). — The Tablets of the Divine Plan, as well as Abdu'l-Baha's Will and Testament and the Tablet of Carmel...
  350. Kevin Brogan. Theology of the Sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church, The (2001). — Helping Baha'is understand the Catholic church's historical perspectives and spiritual significance ...
  351. Robert W. McLaughlin. These Perspicuous Verses: A passage from the Writings of Baha'u'llah (1982). — Detailed study of a section from Ishraqat and Epistle to the Son of the Wolf.
  352. William Sears. Thief in the Night: The Case of the Missing Millennium (1961). — In the early 19th-century there was world-wide and fervent expectation that during the 1840s the ret...
  353. Adib Taherzadeh. Three Momentous Years of the Heroic Age (1973-04-21). — A look at the extraordinary period of Revelation immediately after Baha’u’llah’s imprisonment ...
  354. Chris Jones Kavelin. Towards the Elimination of Religious Prejudice: Potential Christian Contributions From a Bahá'í Perspective (2004-10). — Religion can facilitate both war and peace; the greatest opportunity facing Christianity is to provi...
  355. Craig L. Volker. Translating the Bahá'í Writings (1990). — In translating the Baha’i writings, faithfulness to the original text is paramount, reflecting bot...
  356. Adib Masumian, trans. Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature (2009-2023). — Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masum...
  357. Universal House of Justice. Translations of the Bible Used by Abdu'l-Baha (1996-06-12). — Which translations of the Bible were used by Abdu'l-Baha.
  358. Zia M. Bagdadi. Treasures of the East: The Life of Nine Oriental Countries (1930). — Descriptions of nine "Treasures" — Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Jijaz (Arabia), Transjordania (A...
  359. Peter Terry. Truth Triumphs: A Bahá'í Response to Misrepresentations of the Bahá'í Teachings and Bahá'í History (1999-12). — Rebuttal of Francis Beckwith's thesis "Baha'i, A Christian response to Baha'ism, the religion which ...
  360. Abdu'l-Bahá. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. Twelve Table Talks Given by 'Abdu'l-Bahá in 'Akká (2019). — Talks from 1904-1907.
  361. Anonymous. Two Comings of Messiah as Foretold in the Hebrew Scriptures (n.d.). — [needs abstract]
  362. Todd Lawson. Typological Figuration and the Meaning of "Spiritual": The Qurʾanic Story of Joseph (2012). — Meanings of the famous shirt (qamis) as a symbol of Joseph's spiritual journey and travails in the Q...
  363. Marco Oliveira. Um Estado Laico numa Sociedade Confessional (2005-12-18). — "A Lay State in a Religious Society": opinion article by a Portuguese Baha’i about the presence of...
  364. Jack McLean. Under the Divine Lote Tree: Essays and Reflections (1999). — 85 literary and theological existential essays on topics such as poetry, scripture, philosophy, spir...
  365. Seena Fazel. Understanding Exclusivist Texts (1997). — Contemporary religions, esp. Christianity, must examine their exclusivist claims to account for othe...
  366. Christopher Buck. Unique Eschatological Interface, A: Baha'u'llah and Cross-Cultural Messianism (1986). — Tracing themes of messianism through the Occidental religions.
  367. United States Department of State. United States Policies in Support of Religious Freedom: Focus on Christians (1997). — The US Department of State report "United States Policies in Support of Religious Freedom: Focus on ...
  368. Universal House of Justice. Unity of Religions in This Century, Jews and the Crucifixion, and the Sacrifice of Ishmael, The (1990-11-06).
  369. Abdu'l-Bahá. Universal House of Justice, trans. Universal House of Justice and the Principles of Jurisprudence (2001-04). — Authorized translation of an excerpt of a tablet on "the wisdom of referring certain important laws ...
  370. Christopher Buck. Universality of the Church of the East, The: How Persian was Persian Christianity? (1996). — Prepublication chapter from Paradise and Paradigm: Key Symbols in Persian Christianity and the Baha...
  371. David Friedman. Unknown Hour, The (1998). — Christians believe the Bible does not specify the time of Christ's return, but the Baha'i teachings ...
  372. Abdu'l-Bahá. Unpublished Talks by 'Abdu'l-Bahá (1928). — Four short talks given by ‘Abdu'l-Baha in London, December 1912. These talks have not been publish...
  373. John S. Hatcher. Unsealing the Choice Wine at the Family Reunion (1994). — Baha’i scripture portrays human progress as propelled by two inextricably related capacities: inde...
  374. James J. Keene. Unsuspected Effects of Religion on your Personality (1967). — Review of research reports in sociology and social psychology journals to analyse survey data from f...
  375. Sally Liya. Use of Trees as Symbols in the World Religions, The (2004). — The tree is a universal symbol found in the myths of all peoples. This Jungian archetype figures in ...
  376. David Russell Garcia. Voyage to the Heart of the Koran: The Holy Book of Islám for Thinking Minds (By a Non-Muslim) (2003-10). — A lengthy overview of the Qur'an and its themes for a Baha'i audience; holy war and fighting; reason...
  377. Ismael Velasco. "What I Want to Say is Wordless": Mystical Language, Revelation and Scholarship (2001). — If the Word of God transcends words and letters, what point is there to Scripture, let alone to scho...
  378. Universal House of Justice. Whether Bahá'u'lláh and the Báb Met, Indications in the Writings and Historical Records Relative to the Question (1985 Winter). — Overview of sources indicating that Baha'u'llah and the Bab never met in person.
  379. William Sears. Wine of Astonishment, The (1963). — Discussion of Christian doctrines such as the ritual of baptism, the bread and the wine, confession ...
  380. Juan Cole. Wittgensteinian Language-Games in an Indo-Persian Dialogue on the World Religions (2015 Fall). — Reflections on Baha'u'llah's theology of previous religions and Ludwig Wittgenstein’s concept of "...
  381. Miriam Dixson. Women and Religious Change: A case study in the colonial migrant experience (2000). — The story of Margaret Dixson, and one woman's growth from Anglicanism, via numerology and astrology,...
  382. Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani. Women and Wisdom in Scripture (2015). — Treatment of women in religion; influence of Baha'i teachings in raising awareness about the plight ...
  383. Stephen Lambden. Word Bahá', The: Quintessence of the Greatest Name of God (1998). — The Arabic word baha' — meaning beauty, excellence, goodliness, majesty, glory, splendor, brillian...
  384. Stephen Lambden. Word Bahá, The: Quintessence of the Greatest Name (1993). — History of the concept of the Greatest Name and its place in Baha'i theology.
  385. Wolfgang A. Klebel. Word is the Master Key for the Whole World, The: The Bahá'í Revelation and the "Teaching and Spirit of the Cause" in Dialogical and Personal Thinking (2007). — The Word of God is the master key that opens all doors; it assures the opening to the meaning of the...
  386. Roberta Law. Wrathful God of Martin Luther and Baha'u'llah: Tablet of Ahmad-i-Farsi and Martin Luther (A comparison) (1998-04). — Comparison of the theologies of Baha'u'llah's Tablet of Ahmad (Persian) and early Protestantism.

2.   from the Chronology (15 results; expand)

  1. 1861-01-00 — Baha'u'llah revealed the Kitab-i-Íqan (The Book of Certitude), 'a comprehensive exposition of the n...
  2. 1866-11-14 — The 'star-fall' of 1866. [RB2:270, 422–6] The falling of stars was predicted in Matthew 24:29....
  3. 1868-00-00 — During this period Baha'u'llah revealed a number of Tablets to rulers including the Lawh-i-Ra'is to ...
  4. 1868-05-00 — Baha'u'llah sent Nabil-i-A`zam Zarandi to Cairo to enquire after Haji Mirza Haydar-`Ali. He was inst...
  5. 1868-10-30 — Christoph Hoffman, founder of the Templers, and Georg David Hardegg, his principal lieutenant, lande...
  6. 1870-07-00 — The Roman Catholic Vatican Council under Pope Pius IX formulated the doctrine of papal infallibility...
  7. 1890-00-04 — Ibrahim George Kheiralla (Khayru'llah) became a Baha'i in Cairo under the tutelage of `Abdu'l-Karim-...
  8. 1913-02-17 — For the text of an interview, originally published in Abdul Baha on Divine Philosophy, with Pasteur ...
  9. 1940-06-30 — George Townshend preached a sermon in St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, proclaiming the Baha'i Faith t...
  10. 1949-00-00 — The pamphlet written by by George Townshend to all Christians under the title The Old Churches and t...
  11. 1953-00-00 — The publication of Questions about the Second Coming by George Townshend by the Baha'i Publishing Co...
  12. 1981-01-01 — The publication of Der Bahā'ismus, Weltreligion der Zukunft?: Geschichte, Lehre und Organisation in...
  13. 2000-01-01 — The publication of The Lab, the Temple, and the Market: Reflections at the Intersection of Science,...
  14. 2000-12-17 — The first International Conference on Modern Religions and Religious Movements in Judaism Christiani...
  15. 2017-08-01 — The release of the film The Cost of Discrimination by Arash Azizi and Maziar Bahari which compared t...
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