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1969. 12 Nov The world premiere of the film A New Wind, written and directed by George C Stoney and distributed by the Public Information Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. The National Spiritual Assembly approved an initial showing of the film in forty cities and ten colleges across the United States. A second premiere showing of the film was on World Religion Day, January 18th, 1970, in forty different cities and ten different colleges.
The film shows scenes from the Holy Land, as well as Bahá'í communities in India, Japan and in the United States, depicting Bahá'ís in their gatherings and firesides, in their daily lives and personal activities. It demonstrates the unity in diversity so characteristic of the Faith and portrays, in twenty- eight minutes of screen time, the spirit and scope of a fast-growing worldwide religious community. [National Bahá'í Review Issue 21 September 1969 p10; National Bahá'í Review Issue 23 November 1961 p13; National Bahá'í Review Issue 47 November 1972 p2]
  • See National Bahá'í Review Issue 22 October 1969 p14 for a resumé of the work of George Stoney.
  • YouTube.
  • United States film; A New Wind; George Stoney
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