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Tag "`Abdu'l-Bahá, Shrine of"

tag name: `Abdu'l-Bahá, Shrine of type: Holy places, sites
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"`Abdu'l-Bahá, Shrine of" appears in:

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  1. Indexes to Bahá'í World volumes: Obituaries, chronologies, contents, illustrations, Patricia Paccassi, comp, Frank Paccassi, comp. (2013) Seven separate indexes for Bahá'í World, in PDF, Word, and Excel versions.
  2. Interiors of the Shrines of Bahá'u'lláh, the Báb and 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Author unknown, comp. (1930) Five pictures of the shrines of the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, and 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
  3. Reflections on the First Century of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice. (2023-11-28) Overview of the Faith's developments and activities during the previous century, including the Guardianship, global expansion, community building and development, participation in societal discourse, and construction of the Bahá'í World Centre.

2.   from the Chronology (25 results; less)

  1. 1921-11-29
      The funeral of `Abdu'l-Bahá. [BW15:115]
    • For details of the funeral see AB464-74; BW1:23-6; BW15:115-19; GPB312-14; and SW12, 17:259-67.
    • For Western and newspaper accounts see AB474-80; BBR347-9; BW1:26-8; and BW15:119-20.
    • For eulogies to `Abdu'l-Bahá see AB481-2, BW1:28-9 and BW15 120-1.
    • Ten thousand people attend `Abdu'l-Bahá's funeral. [v7]
    • For a number of pictures of the funeral procession see SW12, 91:290, 292-8.
    • Bahíyyih Khánum looked for instructions on where to bury `Abdu'l-Bahá and, finding none, entombed Him in a vault next to the one where the remains of the Báb lay. [AB464; GBF14]
    • Also see Balyuzi, `Abdu'l-Bahá; Blomfield, The Chosen Highway; Honnold, Vignettes from the Life of `Abdu'l-Bahá; SW12, 15:245 and several following issues.
    • Photo.
    • The Greatest Holy Leaf engaged a locksmith to change all the locks in the Master's house. During the funeral procession she remained there and asked that a policeman be assigned to stand outside the door. During the procession Mirza Muhammad-Ali and his brother, feigning sadness, asked the policeman if they could enter the Master's house to express their condolences to the Greatest Holy Leaf. She turned them away at the door saying that this was not the time. He had attempted a kind of a palace coup. The Greatest Holy Leaf had foreseen that he would attempt just that. The House of the Master was more than a residence; it was the visible administrative centre of the Cause. Other than the Shrine of the Báb, it was the only Bahá'í edifice in the Holy Land at that time. [An account of the passing of 'Abdu'l-Bahá p42]
  2. 2019-04-21
      In its Ridván Message the Universal House of Justice announced the intention of constructing a Shrine for 'Abdu'l-Bahá near the Ridván Garden on the crescent traced between the Holy Shrines in 'Akká and Haifa. The day after His passing in Haifa on 28 November 1921, 'Abdu'l-Bahá's remains were placed in a vault within the sacred Shrine of the Bab on Mount Carmel, a temporary arrangement until such time that a separate shrine would be erected in His honor.
    • "...Ridvan messages: As early as 1923 Shoghi Effendi sent a letter of encouragement and greeting to the American national Bahá'í convention at Ridvan. Later it was his regular practice to write a Ridvan letter to the Bahá'ís of the world summarizing the progress of the Faith in the previous year and setting out general directions for the coming year. The Universal House of Justice has continued this practice. Other Bahá'í institutions, especially national spiritual assemblies, also sometimes issue Ridvan letters." [SA241]
  3. 2019-05-07
      In a letter to all National Spiritual Assemblies, the House of Justice announced the appointment of Hossein Amanat as the architect chosen for the design of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. The distinguished Iranian-Canadian architect is best known for his designs of three of the buildings of the Arc on Mount Carmel in Haifa as well as the Azadi Tower in Tehran.
    • They also announced the inauguration of a Fund dedicated to the construction of the Shrine. [BWNS1325]
    • Photo Hossein Amanat.
    • Photo Ridván Gardens 1.
    • Photo Ridván Gardens 2.
  4. 2019-09-19
  5. 2020-01-13
      A tree-planting ceremony coinciding with the start of the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá was attended by the mayor of Akka, Shimon Lankri, and dignitaries representing the city's religious communities as well as guests including leaders of the Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Druze communities, officials of local government, and academics from educational institutions in the area. [BWNS1383]
    • Photos.
  6. 2020-04-23 — Despite slowdowns in aspects of the project to ensure the safety of personnel on the construction site, foundational work advanced and was nearing completion. A tower crane was installed on the site to be used in the laying of the foundation. The support piles that had been driven deep into the centre of the site were capped with a layer of concrete that will provide stability for the structure. [BWNS1419]
  7. 2020-09-23
      Progress report on the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá:
    • A tower crane was erected on the site to facilitate the work of laying the foundations for the edifice. Photo.
    • The support piles that had been driven deep at the center of the site were capped with a layer of concrete to provide stability for the structure to be erected above. Photo.
    • The foundations that will support the north and south entrances leading toward the central structure and the walls that will enclose an inner garden area were taking shape. Photo.
    • The detailed designs needed for future work are taking their final shape while preparations for further stages of construction have begun. Initial tests are underway on innovative techniques needed to build the intricate marble-clad trellis and skylights that will stretch out from the central structure to the surrounding gardens. [BWNS1419]
    • An aerial photo of the site.
  8. 2020-09-29
      A progress report on the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá was released. The project continued to progress with appropriate health measures in place to protect the safety of all the personnel from the pandemic.

      The central foundation of 2,900 square metres was completed in a single concrete pour. It is supported by deep underground piles.

      Next the base will be laid for the sloping gardens that will rise from the encircling path to culminate over the spot where the sacred remains of 'Abdu'l-Bahá will rest.

      Permits have been obtained for the final stages of construction. [BWNS1454]

    • Video.
    • YouTube.
  9. 2020-11-16
      Progress report for the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá was issued by the World Centre. Since the completion of the foundations for the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, the first vertical elements were being raised. The subterranean portion of the structure, which will lie beneath the circular geometry, was also beginning to take shape. [BWNS1467]
    • Video.
    • Photos.
    • YouTube.
  10. 2021-01-26
      In a progress report the World Centre advised that the concrete bases that will support the two garden berms on either side of the central plaza for the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá were complete. The structural reinforcement and formwork for one of the walls enclosing the south plaza was also taking shape.
    • See reference for photos. [BWNS1483]
  11. 2021-02-15
      In an update on the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá it was reported that the first steps had been taken to raise the walls of the central plaza. [BWNS1489]
    • YouTube.
  12. 2021-02-21 — In a message to all National Assemblies the Universal House of Justice advised that about half of the $75m for the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá had been secured and they estimated that it would take an additional two years to finish the project. [Letter from the National Spiritual Assembly of Canada 26 February 2021]
  13. 2021-03-14 — The pouring of the concrete floor slab for the main edifice was completed and some of the walls enclosing the north and the south plazas were near completion. [BWNS1497]
  14. 2021-05-13
      The Bahá'í World Centre published an update on the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá advising that the first two columns of the main edifice had been raised. Eight columns of these 11-metre columns will eventually be built forming part of the walls of the main edifice and supporting the trellis that will span the central plaza.

      They reported as well that the first three of the ten segments of the folding walls that will surround the central plaza had been built. Each of these segments must be constructed one by one. [BWNS1509]

    • YouTube.
  15. 2021-07-06
      The Bahá'í World Centre released an update on the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Baha:
    • The eight pillars of the central edifice have been completed and scaffolding was being set up in the space between the pillars and the completed folding walls for work on the trellis that will span the central plaza.
    • The folding walls on the west side of the central plaza were also complete and were being joined with one of the portal walls of the south plaza.
    • Preparations were beginning for the work of building an intricate trellis across the central plaza.
    • A semi-circle of folding walls enclosed one side of the central plaza at this time. The second set of folding walls was being built, mirroring the first on the opposite side of the plaza. The completed set of folding walls were being joined with one of the portal walls of the south plaza.
    • The foundations have been constructed for the path encircling the Shrine. The space between the path and the walls will eventually be filled with a sloping garden berm.
    • Progress has been made on garden planters in the north plaza area. The encircling path will intersect the garden planters. [BWNS1517]
    • See an aerial view of the design.
    • YouTube.
  16. 2021-09-10
      The World Centre provided an update on the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. It was announced that the plaza walls had been completed and the complex process of building the intricate trellis that will span the central plaza had begun. [BWNS1531]
    • YouTube
  17. 2021-11-25
      A short documentary about the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, commissioned by the Universal House of Justice for the occasion of the centenary, was released for viewing at the centenary gathering at the Bahá'í World Centre. The film explores aspects of the design and construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and features interviews with people directly involved in the project. [BWNS1557]
    • Construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. iiiii
  18. 2021-12-19 — Journalists from over 55 media outlets across Italy attended the press conference in Milan and had the opportunity to learn about and the sacred nature of the project to prepare the marble for the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and the complexities of its construction. The fabrication of the marble has required newly developed machinery that can cut the stone directly from 3D models with extreme precision—a requirement of the project given the curved surfaces of the domed trellis.

    Attendees at the press conference included Hossein Amanat, who was selected by the Universal House of Justice as the architect for the project, Sohrab Youssefian, liaison between the project and Margraf, and two members of Italy's Bahá'í National Spiritual Assembly. The Italian marble company that will cut and chiseled the marble was represented by Silvio Xompero, president of Margraf, and by Alessandro Peotta, head of the Margraf Technical Office. This firm has a long record of service to the Faith [BWNS1569]

  19. 2022-03-21 — The World Centre released a progress report on the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. They reported that the meticulous work of assembling the formwork for the trellis spanning the Shrine's central plaza was nearing completion and showed an animated sequence of design rendering showing the process of building the trellis, including the placement of polystyrene (EPS) formwork, the placement of rebar, the pouring of concrete, and finally, the removal of formwork. They also showed photos of the work being done in the quarry in Carrara, Italy for the marble company, Margraf, was sourcing the marble for the project. The groundwork for a visitor's centre had begun. [BWNS1588]
  20. 2022-04-08
      A fire broke out and clouds of black smoke billowed from the construction site of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá when wind-blown sparks from welding on the dome ignited scaffolding and plastic forms being used to mold poured concrete. Firefighters evacuate the nearby suburbs of Giv'at Hatmarim and Afraid. The completed concrete walls and structures were undamaged but the blaze destroyed "several months of work" on the 2,900-square-meter (0.7-acre) circular platform and piazza.
    • YouTube.
    • Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 14 April 2022. iiiii
  21. 2022-07-04 — In a message from the Department of the Secretariat addressed to all National Spiritual Assemblies provided an update on the progress of the construction of the Shrine if 'Abdu'l-Bahá in light of the recent fire. The investigation concluded that the fire was the result of an accident. Expenses will be covered by insurance. Testing will be done to ascertain which parts wither require repair or replacement.

    No date was set for the the conclusion of the project but it was recognized that the accident will cause a substantial delay. No increase in donations to the project will be required. [4 July 2022]

  22. 2022-08-16 — An update on the progress of the construction on the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá was published. It was announced that the cleaning of the fire damage had been completed and the construction had been resumed. [BWNS1611]
  23. 2022-12-15 — The Bahá'í World Centre announced that work had begun on the 'Akká Visitors' Centre which will accommodate pilgrims and visitors to the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and the Ridván Garden. The complex will consist of three buildings: a pilgrim reception centre, which will be the largest of the buildings, a public visitors' centre, which will be located near the northernmost gate to the site, and a utility building located along the east fence. When the project is completed, pilgrims and visitors will enter the grounds through the east gate, where they can visit the 'Akká Visitor Centre before continuing along the path designed to facilitate stages on a meditative journey toward the Shrine. [BWNS1631]
  24. 2023-01-09
      In an article in the Jewish News Syndicate dated the 9th of January 2023 it was announced that the Shrine was expected to be ready by the end of 2024. Quoting the public information officer at the Bahá'í World Center, Sala Sabet, and David Freeman, the Jerusalem representative of the Bahá'í International Community, the article included some statistics about the project and the Faith in general.
    • The cost of construction the Shrine itself is expected to be about $75 million.
    • It will stretch across 3,000 square meters (32,300 square feet) and will be surrounded by flowering gardens on an area of approximately 58,000 square metres (14.33 acres)
    • About 1.2 million people visited the Bahá'í Holy Sites in 2019 including about 5,000 Bahá'í pilgrims.
    • More than 700 Bahá'í volunteers from 80 countries were currently servicing the sites in Israel, about 20% of whom were gardeners.
    • Some 8.5 million Bahá'ís lived in 190 countries, as of that date, including 2 million in India, which has the largest Bahá'í community.
  25. 2023-05-01 — The Bahá'í World Centre released a short documentary regarding the construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Bahá for the delegates of the 13th International Bahá'í Convention. It included an account of the clean-up efforts following the fire at the construction site in April of 2022 and the resumption of work in August.

    The film can be viewed on YouTube. There are plans to release subtitled versions in Arabic, French, Russian, and Spanish. A version with Persian subtitles can be seen here. [BWNS1622]

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