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Search for tag "Access to primary sources"

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  1. Library and Archival Resources at the Bahá'í World Centre, by William P. Collins, in Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 3:4 (1985:12). Overview of the nature of the Bahá'í World Centre; historical resources at the BWC; Centre for the Study of the Holy Texts; access to BWC resources; classification schemes. [about]
  2. Persian Manuscript of Nabíl's History (Táríkh-i-Nabíl), The, by Universal House of Justice (2009-03-08). Answers to various questions, including: have any publications made use of the original manuscript used by Shoghi Effendi for The Dawn-Breakers; can scholars inspect the one surviving copy; does a corrected version or a "second manuscript" exist? [about]
  3. Primary Source Texts, Access to, by Universal House of Justice and Susan Maneck (1998-12-30). One scholar's query why the Bahá'í World Centre's copies of primary sources in Bábí and Bahá'í history are not available for study, followed by the House's response. [about]
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