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Tag "Atlanta, GA"

tag name: Atlanta, GA type: Geographic locations
web link: Atlanta,_GA
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"Atlanta, GA" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (1 result)

  1. Atlanta Bahá'í Community and Race Unity, The: 1909-1950, by Michael McMullen. (1995 Summer) History of the Bahá'í­ faith in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, a city whose Bahá'í community dates back almost to the earliest beginnings of the Bahá'ís in the United States.

2.   from the Chronology (3 results; less)

  1. 2007-09-01
      In memory of Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum and because the Native people had such a special place in her heart and that of the Guardian, Violette and 'Ali Nakhjanání travelled throughout North America during the months of August and September visiting aboriginal believers. They visited Vancouver, Anchorage, Juneau before going to South Dakota, Montana, Arizona and Atlanta, Georgia where they spoke with 450 African-American believers. They visited the temple in Wilmette and then the Eskasoni First Nation in Nova Scotia.
    • The primary purpose of their visit was to meet with and encourage the aboriginal believers and to remind the of their responsibility and high destiny in the Faith. [CBN Vol 20 No 3 Winter 2007/2008 p23-25]
  2. 2008-12-06 — Regional Conferences were held in Portland, United States, Chicago, United States, Atlanta, United States and Almaty, Kazakhstan. [ Portand, Chicago, Atlanta, Almaty]
  3. 2024-08-02
      The 48th Annual Conference of the Association of Bahá'í Studies was held in Atlanta, Georgia. It was attended by some 1,900 participants. [BWNS1745]

      The presentations were:

    • Reflecting Advances in Thought and Action: The Purpose and Philosophy of The Bahá'í World by Naisohn Aria
        It was announced that the Universal House of Justice would seen publish Volume 34 of The Bahá'í World (2006-2021).
    • Striving for Coherence: Reflections on Steeling Oneself for a Life of Service by Jasmine Miller-Kleinhenz
    • A Still More Superb Mission by Paul Lample
    • Visions of the Sacred: Conversations with Baha'i Artists by Kim MacQueen
    • The Nine Year Plan and the 28 November 2023 Message of the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá'ís of the World by Firaydoun Javaheri

      Videos of the presentations are available here.

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