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1954 6 Apr Shoghi Effendi announced the creation of five Auxiliary Boards with the following number of members: Asia 7; America 9; Europe 9; Africa 9; Australia 2. [BW13p335; CBN No 53 June 1954 p6; MBW44, 58-60]
  • Their function was to ‘act as deputies of the Hands in their respective continents', to ‘aid and advise them in the effective prosecution of the' and to assist them ‘in the discharge of their dual and sacred task of safeguarding the Faith and of promoting its teaching activities'. [MBW63]
  • See also BBD26; BBRSM127; MC3.
  • These boards were mandated with the propagation of the Faith.
  • BWC Auxiliary Boards; Appointed arm; Hands of the Cause; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Ten Year Crusade; Shoghi Effendi, Life of; Shoghi Effendi, Basic timeline; Funds, Continental; Shoghi Effendi, Works of
    1954 Ridván In his cablegram of October 8, 1952, Shoghi Effendi called upon all 15 "continental" Hands to appoint, during Ridván, 1954, five Auxiliary Boards, one on each continent, composed of nine members each to work as their deputies along with the National Assemblies to assist in the execution of the twelve teaching plans. [BW13p335, MBW44, 63] Auxiliary Board Members; Assistants; Appointed arm; Auxiliary Boards

    from the chronology of Canada

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    1952. 8 Oct The Guardian cabled the the Bahá'í world that he had appointed five Auxiliary Boards, one for each continent, to help the Hands of the Cause in their work. The first Auxiliary Board Members were appointed by the Hands under the direction of the Guardian. They were to serve as adjuncts, deputies and advisers to the Hands and to work closely with the National Spiritual Assemblies. [UC35; MBW44, BW13p335] Haifa Auxiliary Boards
    1954. 6 Apr Shoghi Effendi called upon the Hands of the Cause to appoint, during Ridván 1954, five auxiliary boards to act as their adjuncts or deputies to work with the national spiritual assemblies to execute the projected national plans. [MBW44, BW13p335; CBN No 53 June, 1954 p6; MBW58-60] Haifa Auxiliary Boards
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