- Analysis of the Salient Features of Risáliy-i-Ja'faríyyih, An (2019). Foad Seddigh. — This treatise, one of the major writings of the Báb, was written before He had disclosed His compl...
- Bahá'u'lláh's Symbolic Use of the Veiled Ḥúríyyih (2019). John S. Hatcher, Amrollah Hemmat, Ehsanollah Hemmat. — Analyzing some of the meanings behind the appearance of the Veiled Maiden, as alluded to by Baha'u'l...
- Bayan (Bayán-i-Farsí and Bayán-i-'Arabí), The: Letters and Letters of the Living (1994-10-02). Universal House of Justice, Iraj Ayman, Muhammad Afnan, Robert Stockman.
- God Passes By (1971 [1944]). Shoghi Effendi. — The classic — and canonical — historical summary and interpretation of the significance of the d...
- Half Million Years, A (2021). Dana Paxson. — Exploring the 500,000-year Baha’i cycle asserted by Shoghi Effendi, in two versions: academic-styl...
- Hierarchy Authority and Eschatology in Early Babi Thought (1986). Denis MacEoin. — Evolution of the Bab's theology and prophetology.
- Mission of the Báb, The: Retrospective 1844-1994 (1996). Douglas Martin. — The revelation of the Bab in the context of its impact on the Western writers of the period and its ...
- Primary Source Texts Related to the Covenant (2021-11). Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. — Collection of some essential writings central to understanding the Baha'i Covenant.
- Seeds of Revelation and the Mystic Bond between The Báb and Bahá'u'lláh: An Exposition on Excerpts from the Persian Bayán (2006). James B. Thomas. — A comparison of some of the writings of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, showing the unique, mysterious bond...
- Twofold Mission, A: Some Distinctive Characteristics of the Person and Teachings of the Báb (2019). Elham Afnan. — Some features of the Bab's life and Writings highlighting the rare combination of qualities that hav...
- World Order of Bahá'u'lláh (1991). Shoghi Effendi. — Letters written by the Guardian, 1929-1936.