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Search for tag "Baha (word)"

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  1. Explanation of the Symbol of the Greatest Name, by Abu'l-Qasim Faizi, in Conqueror of Hearts (1968). Calligraphy, numerology, and theology of Baha and the ringstone symbol. [about]
  2. Greatest Name, The (al-Ism al-A`zam), by Stephen Lambden (1995). [about]
  3. Reflections about the Greatest Name of God in the Bahá'í Faith, by Wolfgang A. Klebel (2023). Two words used in the name of God "Alláh’u’Abhá": Alláh = God and Abhá = glorious; name reversal with the Manifestation, "God of All-Glory" versus "Glory of God." [about]
  4. Tablet on the Greatest Name (Lawh-i Ism-i A'zám), by Abdu'l-Bahá, in Rituals in Babism and Bahá'ísm (1994). Explanation of the numerological significances of Bahá’ and the ringstone symbol. [about]
  5. Translation of the Arabic Du'á' al-Sahar (The Dawn Supplication) or Du'á' al-Bahá' (The Supplication of Splendour) with Select Expository Scriptural Writings of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh, A, by Stephen Lambden, in Religions, 14:3 (2023). Translation of and commentary on the Shí'í "dawn supplication" for the Islamic month of Ramadán, and its symbolic exploration in Bábí and Bahá'í texts. Link to article (offsite). [about]
  6. Word Bahá', The: Quintessence of the Greatest Name of God, by Stephen Lambden, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 8:2 (1998). The Arabic word bahá' — meaning beauty, excellence, goodliness, majesty, glory, splendor, brilliancy, and many others — was a term of considerable import in Islamic and Bábi literature, and was occasionally seen in prophetic or messianic contexts. [about]
  7. Word Bahá, The: Quintessence of the Greatest Name, by Stephen Lambden, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 3:1 (1993). History of the concept of the Greatest Name and its place in Bahá'í theology. [about]
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