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Tag "Bahai study centers" details:

tag name: Bahá'í study centers

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"Bahá'í study centers" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (1 result)

  1. Wilmette Institute Presentations on (2011-2021). Link to Youtube channel with dozens of educational presentations and videos, listed here for keyword searching and tagging.

2.   from the Chronology (3 results; less)

  1. 1982-06-27 — The Bahá'í Youth Academy was established in Panchgani, India. [BW18:230–2]
  2. 1993-10-24
      The establishment of the India Hindi Bahá'í Academy (The Rashtriya Bahá'í Uchcha Shiksha Sansthan) in Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh).
    • It was a national institute for higher learning of the Bahá'í Faith.
    • There were three courses of study, a three year Advanced Bahá'í Studies course, a two year, post-graduate, Specialised Course and short courses for 3-5 days. The study scheme employed correspondence courses and campus contact, a programme for personal clarifications for the learners' difficulties. Two question papers were also sent to them in each semester.
    • The evaluation employed a two fold method: Viva voce examination based on the study materials and practical input in the field of service. Paper presentations, self reflection in the form of stories, songs, pictures, etc., and assignments in the active service of the Faith as well as making formal speeches all form a part of the final evaluation. [Bahá'í India website]
  3. 1995-01-03
      By decision of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United State, the Wilmette Institute was established as an agency of the National Assembly.

      "The Wilmette Institute is a center of Bahá'í learning. Its programs aim to facilitate study and dialogue on the teachings and principles of the Faith to help individuals and communities apply learning and advance human civilization."

    • In 1998, the Wilmette Institute moved to a largely online study approach in order to provide educational classes to a broader student body. [Wilmette Institute]
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