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Tag "Bayan-i-Farsi (Persian Bayan)"

tag name: Bayan-i-Farsi (Persian Bayan) type: Writings, Báb
web link: Bayan-i-Farsi_(Persian_Bayan)
inventory #: BB00001
related tags: - Báb, Writings of (third stage); Báb, Laws of; Chihríq, Iran; Mah-Ku, Iran
referring tags: Bayan-i-Arabi (Arabic Bayan); Mother Book

"Bayan-i-Farsi (Persian Bayan)" appears in:

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  1. Báb's Bayan, The: An Analytical Survey, by Muhammad Afnan. (2000 Summer) Analysis of the Bayan and its contents: fundamental beliefs and worldview, moral principles, laws, administration of society, and future expectations.
  2. Bahá'í Shrines, by John Walbridge. (1989)
  3. Bayán, by Denis MacEoin. (1989) Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  4. Bayan (Bayán-i-Farsí and Bayán-i-'Arabí), The: Letters and Letters of the Living, by Universal House of Justice, Iraj Ayman, Muhammad Afnan, Robert Stockman. (1994-10-02)
  5. Bayan (Bayán-i-Farsí and Bayán-i-'Arabí), The: Wilmette Institute faculty notes, by Brent Poirier, Christopher Buck, Moojan Momen, Jonah Winters. (1997)
  6. Bayán (Bayán-i-Farsí): Questions on, by Denis MacEoin. (1998) Answers to a number of questions relating to the Bab and the Bayan, inspired by MacEoin's translation of the Persian Bayan.
  7. Fixing the Gaze: Reflections on "The Order of Bahá'u'lláh" in the Báb's Persian Bayan, by Ismael Velasco. (2006/2012) On the word nazm, "order," and how Bahá'u'lláh and then Shoghi Effendi extended used this as a foundation to build the concept of a Bahá'í World Order, a sacred socio-political entity. Includes translation of Bayan 3:16.
  8. Introduction to Nuqtat-al-Kaf, and Index and Concordance to the Persian Bayán, by E. G. Browne. (1910) Browne's English-language introduction to the earliest Bábí history Kitab-i Nuqtat al-Kaf, plus his detailed, annotated "Index of Chief Contents" of the Persian Bayán.
  9. Laws Abrogated by Bahá'u'lláh, Anonymous, comp. (2018/2020) Laws abolished from previous religions and from the Bayán.
  10. Laws of the Bayán reflected in The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Ahang Rabbani, comp. (2008) List of 32 laws from the Báb's Persian Bayán or the Arabic Bayán which also appear in Bahá'u'lláh's book of laws.
  11. Le Béyan Persan, by The Báb. A.L.M. Nicolas, trans. (1911-1914) French translation of the Persian Bayán, one of the principal writings of the Báb.
  12. Letters of the Quranic Dispensation and Letters of the Living (huruf), by Universal House of Justice. (2003) Some meanings of the term huruf ("letters") in Bahá'í texts, including Letters of the Bayan, Letters of the Living, and Letters of the Quranic Dispensation.
  13. List of Bahá'í Studies and Translations, by Stephen Lambden. Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (2018) A list of content available at Lambden's personal website, Hurqalya Publications, with select links to manuscripts, texts, introductions. Includes Shaykhi and Bábí studies, bibliographies, genealogies, provisional translations.
  14. Perfection and Refinement: Towards an Aesthetics of the Bab, by Moojan Momen. (2011) The writings of the Bab have implications for the "plastic" arts; significance for native traditions; relevance to the performing arts; and the concept of refinement which comes across in both the person and the writings of the Báb.
  15. Persian Bayán: Thematic Analysis and Summary, by Peter Terry. (2015-09) A detailed overview of this lengthy text of The Báb, which outlines elements of Bábí law, discussion of religious concepts, and the glorification of "He whom God shall make manifest."
  16. Persian Bayan ("Exposition"): From A.L.M. Nicolas' French translation, by The Báb. Anonymous, trans. (2020) Bayan-i-Farsi ("Persian Exposition"), translated from the original Persian into French by A.L.M. Nicolas (as Le Beyan Persan), then translated into English by Anonymous.
  17. Persian Bayan and the Shaping of the Babi Renewal, The, by Abbas Amanat. (2007) On the Bábí Faith as a product of the religious environment of Shi'i Iran, including its esoteric culture and apocalyptic vision; the Bayán as a form of discourse; and how the Bayán marked a break with Islam.
  18. Persian Bayan, A Summary, by The Báb, E. G. Browne. Moojan Momen, ed. (1987) Overview and summary of The Bab's Persian Bayán, translated by Browne, edited by Momen.
  19. Persian Bayan, The: From A.L.M. Nicolas' French translation, by The Báb. A.L.M. Nicolas, trans, Ismael Velasco, trans. (2001-06) Four short chapters from The Báb's book of laws. Translation of Nicolas’s Le Beyán Persan, translated from the French, with reference to the Persian, by Ismael Velasco.
  20. Persian Bayan, The: Partial translation, by The Báb. Denis MacEoin, trans. (2000) A partial provisional translation of the Persian Bayan.
  21. Provisional Translations of Selected Writings of the Báb, Baháʼuʼlláh, and ʻAbdu'l-Bahá, by Peyman Sazedj. (2009-2011) Twenty-four translations from 2009, 2010, and 2011 copied from the defunct website
  22. Readings from the Writings of The Báb, by The Báb. Muhammad Afnan, reader. (2012) Link to audio recordings of a descendant of the Báb reading from two of his most important works, Qayyúm al-Asmá' "Surah to the Kings" and the Bayán-i-farsí (Persian Bayán).
  23. Seeds of Revelation and the Mystic Bond between The Báb and Bahá'u'lláh: An Exposition on Excerpts from the Persian Bayán, by James B. Thomas. (2006) A comparison of some of the writings of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh, showing the unique, mysterious bond between them as the Twin Messengers of the Bahá'í Dispensation.
  24. Selections from the Writings of the Báb, by The Báb. Habib Taherzadeh, trans, Committee at the Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (1982)
  25. Stylistic Analysis of the Báb's Writings, A: Abridged Translation of Vahid Behmardi's Muqaddamih-yi dar bárih-yi sabk va siyáq-i áthár-i mubárakih-yi ḥaḍrat-i rabb a`lá, by Vahid Behmardi, William F. McCants. (2007) English translation by McCants of Behmardi's Persian article "Stylistic Analysis of the Báb’s Writings".

2.   from the Chronology (2 results; less)

  1. 1847-07-00
      The people of Máh-Kú show markeded hostility to the Báb on His arrival. Later they were won over by His gentle manners and His love. They congregated at the foot of the mountain hoping to catch a glimpse of Him. [Bab129; DB244–5]

      At the beginning of the Báb's incarceration the warden `Alí Khán kept the Báb strictly confined and allowed no visitors. He had a vision of the Báb engaged in prayer outside of the prison gates, knowing that the Báb is inside. He became humble and permitted the Bábís to visit the Báb. [Bab129–31; DB245–8]

      The winter the Báb spent in Máh-Kú was exceptionally cold. [DB252]

      Many of the Báb's writings were revealed in this period. [GPB24–5]

    • It was probably at this time that He addressed all the divines in Persia and Najaf and Karbalá, detailing the errors committed by each one of them. [GPB24]
    • He revealed nine commentaries on the whole of the Qur'an, the fate of which is unknown. [DB31; GPB24]
    • He revealed the "Mother Book" of the Bábí Revelation, the Persian Bayán, containing the laws and precepts of the new Revelation in some 8,000 verses. It is primarily a eulogy of the Promised One. [BBD44–5; BBRSM32; BW12:91 GPB24–5; ESW165; SWB102, 159] It is possible that the latter part of the Persian Bayán was revealed while He was confined in Chihríq.
    • The Báb began the composition of the `smaller and less weighty' Arabic Bayán. [Bab132; BBD45; GPB25]
    • He stated in the Bayán that, to date, He had revealed some 500,000 verses, 100,000 of which had been circulated. [BBRSM32, GPB22]
    • In the Dalá'il-i-Sab'ih (Seven Proofs) the Báb assigned blame to the seven powerful sovereigns then ruling the world and censured the conduct of the Christian divines who, had they recognized Muhammad, would have been followed by the greater part of their co-religionists. [BBD63; BW12:96; GPB26]
    • The Báb wrote His `most detailed and illuminating' Tablet to Muhammad Sháh. [GPB26]
  2. 1911-00-00 — The publication of Le Beyan Persan in Paris by A. L. M. Nicolas. It was a French translation of the Persian Bayán and was published in four volumes. [BBR39]
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