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Tag "Blackfoot First Nation, AB"

tag name: Blackfoot First Nation, AB type: Geographic locations
web link: Blackfoot_First_Nation,_AB
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3.   from the Chronology of Canada (3 results; less)

  1. 1960-05-16
      'Amatu'l-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum was in North America from May 4 to June 5. She made a coast to coast tour of Canada from May 16 to June 2, 1960. She had a TV interview in Regina and was interviewed by newspaper representatives in Ottawa and other cities. In Montreal she gave an address in the Union Church. One of the recurring themes in her talk was the importance of Native teaching. During her tour she visited a Navajo First Nation in the US and the Peigan (Piikani) Reserve in Alberta. In Calgary she spoke to a group that included Native people and members of the Blackfoot First Nation declared his faith. [CBN No 126 July 1960 p5].
      • As a gift to the National Assembly she brought an illuminated Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh in Arabic. It was written in a circle in the centre of which was a lock of Bahá'u'lláh's hair. [CBN No 126 July 1960 p7]. iiiii
  2. 1961-10-00 — Edmund Many Bears (b. 1906 - d.14 March 1968) of the Siksika Blackfoot Nation declared as a Bahá'i. "He was instrumental in forming the Bahá'i.Local Spiritual Assembly of the Blackfoot Reserve in 1962. He served on Tribal Council and was a member of the Brave Dog Society." (Native Baha'i) ("In Memoriam: Edmund Many Bears." BW14p357-358.)
  3. 1962-05-02 — Jean Many Bears (b. 1910 – d. 1968) Jean and her husband Edmund were "instrumental in forming the Spiritual Assembly of the Blackfoot Reserve (Native Baha'i)." "In Memoriam: Jean Many Bears." Baha'i World. Volume XIV 1963-1968 page 357-58.
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