- 1903-00-00 — The Danish-American Bahá'í, Emily Olsen, translated The Hidden Words from English into Danish, the English translation having been done by Anton Haddad. It was probably the first Bahá'í text published in Danish. [SRRB15p237]
- 1925-00-00 —
Johanne Sorensen became a Bahá'í in Hawaii, the first Dane to accept the Faith. She returned to Denmark soon afterwards and remained the only Bahá'í there for 21 years. [SBBR14p233; Bahá'í Chronicles Johanne Sorensen Hoeg]
- In the period 1925 to 1957 she corresponded with the Guardian. The correspondence includes more than one hundred letters, mostly on the subject of translation. [SBBR14p235]
- For a history of the development of the Faith in Denmark see The Circle, the Brotherhood, and the Ecclesiastical God: The Bahá'í Faith in Denmark, 1925-1987 by Margit Warburg in Bahá'ís in the West SBBH Vol 14 pp229-263. It is also available on Bahai-Library.com.
- See The Circle, the Brotherhood, and the Ecclesiastical Body: The Bahá'í Faith in Denmark 1925-1987 by Margit Warburg. [SBBH14p222]
- 1932-00-00 — Johanne Sorensen translated and paid for the publication of Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era in Danish. [SRR14p235]
- 1936-09-00 — Lorol Schopflocher departed for Europe to do teaching work in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England, France and Geneva, Switzerland. [BN No107 April 1937 p2]
- 1946-00-00 —
In the second Seven Year Plan from 1946 to 1952, the American Bahá'í community was given the responsibility of working for the establishment of bahá'í communities in several european countries. A European Teaching Committee, which was responsible to the North American National Spiritual Assembly, was set up in Geneva in 1946. Its task was to coordinate the pioneer activities in ten European goal countries; Denmark, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Portugal. [SBBR14p239]
- The Committee was chaired by Edna True. [SBBR14p241]
- Of the pioneers that arrived during this period, Dagmar Dole (stayed 1947 to 1951)) and Eleanor Hollibaugh (stayed May 1947 to October 1948 and March 1950 to October 1950) had the most influence on the growth of the community. [SBBR14p239-243]
- As of 1946 Geresina Campani of Florence was the only known Bahá'í in Italy. In her letter, published in part in Bahá'í News she wrote of the hardship due to the devastation caused by the Allied bombing.
- 1947-11-17 — The first two Danes to accept the Faith, May Marit Vestby and Palle Benemann Bischoff became Bahá'ís.
- 1950-07-24 —
The third European Teaching Conference was held in Copenhagen. [BW12:49; SBBR14p243]
- 177 Bahá'ís from 22 countries attended.
- 1950-07-28 — The First European Teaching Summer School was held in Elsinore, Denmark. [SBBR14p243]
- 1952-11-12 —
Dagmar Dole, pioneer to Alaska and Denmark, passed away in Glion, Switzerland.
- Shoghi Effendi said she was the 'first to give her life for the Cause in the European project'. [BW12:702; ZK66–7]
- For her obituary see BW12:701–2.
- See also Bahá'í Chronicles and Find a Grave.
- 1962-04-21 —
The National Spiritual Assembly of Denmark was formed. Since 1957 they had been part of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden) plus Denmark and Finland [BW13:283]
- For picture see BW13:276 and OLOM10.
- The formation of the National Assembly accomplished, in part, by the influx of Iranian pioneers. [SRRB14p247]
- 1974-09-13 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Denmark, with financial assistance from Canada, purchased a Hazíratu’l-Quds for the Greenland community in the centre of Godthaab. [Bahá'í News No 527 February 1975 p5-6]
- 1979-00-00 — The government of Denmark recognized the right of the Bahá'í Community of Denmark to perform marriages and to receive other rights owning to a religious community.
- 1980-07-14 —
- 1987-02-15 — The passing of Eleanor Hollibaugh (b. 17 February 1897 in Hastings, Nebraska) in Montraux, Switzerland. She was a pioneer to La Paz, Bolivia but when she had to return for reasons of health, she settled in Reno, Nevada. At the end of World War II the European Teaching Committee asked her to join fellow American Dagmar Dole in Copenhagen, Denmark. In 1949 they asked her to move to the Netherlands and in 1958, again at their request, she moved to France where she remained until 1960 when the Committee requested that she go to Switzerland. [BW20p868-871]
Find a Grave.
- 1995-03-03 —
The Bahá'í International Community and Bahá'ís from many countries participated in the United Nations World Summit for Social Development and the parallel Forum '95 for non-governmental organizations in Copenhagen. The delegation from the Bahá'í International Community focused on concepts of world citizenship and global prosperity as a means of suggesting how the Conference's main concerns about social integration and the alleviation of poverty could be creatively addressed. [BINS337:1–2; SBBR14p250-251]
- For a report of the Bahá'í involvement in the Summit see BW94–5:37–6.
- For the text of The Prosperity of Humankind the Bahá'í International Community statement released at the Summit, see BW94–5 273–96.
- For pictures see BW94–5:39, 43, 45.
- A Summary Report on the World Summit for Social Development (PDF).
- 2009-12-07 —
The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference raised climate change policy to the highest political level. Close to 115 world leaders attended the high-level segment, making it one of the largest gatherings of world leaders ever outside UN headquarters in New York. More than 40,000 people, representing governments, non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations, faith-based organizations, media and UN agencies applied for accreditation. The delegation of the Bahá'í International Community led by Tahirih Naylor, registered with the United Nations as an international nongovernmental organization, comprised some 21 people. [BWNS742; BIC History 2009]
- United Nations Climate Change Conference.