- 1970-04-22 — The first Earth Day mobilized 20 million Americans to call for increased protections for our planet. The organization of this event was inspired in part but the Santa Barbara Oil Spill of the 28th of January 1969 when an off-shore oil well owned by Union Oil blew out and spilled more than three million gallons of oil and killing thousands of seabirds, dolphins, seals, and sea lions and fouling the California coastline.
As a reaction to this disaster, activists were mobilized to create environmental regulation, environmental education, and Earth Day. [Earth Day website]
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— edit - 1990-04-22 — Earth Day went global, mobilizing 200 million people in 141 countries. [Earth Day website]
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— edit - 2010-04-22 — Earth Day Network launched https://www.earthday.org/billion-acts-green-reduce-ecological-footprint/"> A Billion Acts of Green and The Canopy Project. Earth Day 2010 engaged 75,000 global partners in 192 countries. [Earth Day website]
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