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Tag "Gloria Faizi" details:

tag name: Gloria Faizi

web link: Gloria_Faizi

  type: People

"Gloria Faizi" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (3 results; less)

  1. Gloria A. Faizi. Fred Frazelle, trans. El Fuego en la Cima de la Montaña (1993). Traducción de Fire on the Mountain-Top (Faizi, 1973).
  2. Gloria A. Faizi. Fire on the Mountain-Top (1973/2005). A collection of stories about early members of the Bahá’í Faith, based on accounts gathered in Persia by 'Azizu'llah Sulaymani.
  3. Gloria A. Faizi. Promise of Lord Krishna, The (1975). Bahá'í fulfillment of Krishna's prophecy of return: "Whenever there is decay of righteousness and exaltation of unrighteousness, then I Myself come forth."

2.   from the Chronology (1 result)

  1. 2004-06-29
      The passing of Gloria Faizi (b. Gloria Alá'í on 12 March, 1921 in Tehran) in Brisbane, Australia. The Universal House of Justice said they remembered with appreciation "her many contributions to the progress of the Bahá'í communities, including her pioneering in Bahrain with her illustrious husband, her work at the Bahá'í World Centre, and her devoted travels far and wide as a teacher of the Cause."
    • Gloria Faizi was born into the Ala'i family, distinguished for its service to the Faith. She met the head of the Faith, Shoghi Effendi, when she accompanied her father to the Holy Land as a child. When she was 17, she married Abu'l-Qásim Faizi, and together they assisted Baha'i communities in a remote rural area of Iran before settling in Bahrain in the mid-1940s. Their two children, Naysan and May, were born during their 15 years there. [BWNW318, BW04-05p287]
    • Some of her publications were:
      • The Bahá'i Faith, An Introduction (1971) Lebanon
      • Fire on the Mountain Top (1973) London
      • Flowers of One Garden (1977) Poona, India
      • Stories about 'Abdu'l-Bahá
      • Bahá'u'lláh: The Promised One (2002)
      • Stories About Bahá'í Funds (1993)
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