- 1946-11-22 —
Amelia Collins was appointed a Hand of the Cause of God by Shoghi Effendi. [PP258; PSBW878]
- He dId not make this appointment public until 24 December 1951 when he announced the first contingent of the Hands. [MoCxxiii]
- 1951-12-24 —
Shoghi Effendi appointed 12 Hands of the Cause of God, the first contingent of Hands to be appointed. BBRSM127; BW12:38–40, 374–5; BW13:333–4; MBW20; PG223-224]
- They were Sutherland Maxwell, Mason Remey, Amelia Collins (she had been appointed in 1946, but her appointment had not been made public), Valíyu'lláh Varqá, Tarázu'lláh Samandarí, 'Alí-Akbar Furútan, Horace Holley, Dorothy Baker, Leroy Ioas, George Townshend, Hermann Grossmann and Ugo Giachery [GBF110–11; MBW20; PP253–4]
- 1954-01-10 —
Dorothy Baker, (b. Montclair, Essex County, New Jersey, USA 21 December, 1898) Hand of the Cause of God, was killed in a plane crash in the Mediterranean Sea, near the island of Elba. BOAC Flight 781 departed Rome, Italy on a flight to London, England. While climbing through 27,000 feet, the plane experienced a sudden in-flight break-up and crashed into the Mediterranean Sea near the Island of Elba. All 35 passengers and crew on board were killed. Following this accident, the Comet fleet was taken from service and subjected to numerous modifications in areas believed to have been the origin of the yet-unknown failure. The fleet was returned to service in late March 1954. [BW12:670; FAA Website]
- In 1921 she married Frank Baker who had two motherless children. They had a girl and a boy of their own. [FMH73]
- She was the granddaughter of Ellen "Mother" Beecher who took her to see 'Abdu'l-Bahá in New York in 1912. An early teacher (unnamed), after seeing the young girl, had a vision and asked Jináb-i-Fazil for an explanation. He replied that "someday she will become on of the great teachers of the Cause" and Mother Beecher began to pray that this would be fulfilled. [FMH73]
- See FMH76-77 for the story of how Doris McKay was able to help Dorothy deal with her depression in 1929.
- For the Guardian's cable see BW12:670, CF161.
- Shoghi Effendi had appointed her among the first contingent on the 24th of December, 1951. [MoCxxiii]
- For her obituary see BW12:670–4.
- See also Freeman, From Copper To Gold.
- See TG229 for a short story about her and a comment from her on the Long Obligatory Prayer.
- See Remembering Dorthy Baker at Bahá'í Blog.
- See Bahá'í Chronicles.
- See article in the Canadian Bahá'í News No 46 February 1954 p1.
- Find a grave.
- 1957-03-25 —
Hand of the Cause of God George Townshend passed away in Dublin, Ireland. (b.14 June, 1896) [BBD226, BW02-03p169]
- For his obituary see BW13:841–846.
- Shoghi Effendi had appointed him among the first contingent on the 24th of December, 1951. [MoCxxiii]
- His pamphlet entitled The Old Churches and the New World Faith was his statement upon severing his relationship with his colleagues in the Anglican Church. [CBN No 89 June 1957 p1]
- A talk given by O.Z. (Zebby) Whitehead at an Irish Bahá'í Summer School.
- See The Covenant: An Analysis, a study guide on the idea of a covenant, Messengers and their missions, the covenant between the Messenger and the faithful, and covenant-breaking. Includes an appendix, compilation on the covenant. It was published in Manchester in 1950.
- See his essay The Way of the Master.
- Christ and Bahá'u'lláh was published by George Ronald in 1957. Also published by George Ronald were: Àbdu'l-Bahá - The Master, Mission of Baha'u'llah - Essays, Poems and Meditations, of One Who was Appointed a Hand of the Cause, Promise of All Ages - A Classic Description of the Baha'i Faith, and The Heart of the Gospel - The Story of the Spiritual Evolution of Humanity Using Bible Texts.
- See George Townshend - Biography from Church Canon to Hand of the Cause of God by David Hofman.
- See Shoghi Effendi: The Range and Power of His Pen by 'Ai Nakhjavani p83 for his contribution in assisting Shogh Effendi with his translation work.
- 1960-07-12 —
Horace Hotchkiss Holley, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Haifa. (b. 7 April, 1887 in Torrington, CT) [MC226-227, BW13:849-858]
- See FMH58-59 for the story of how he came to believe in the Faith.
- He had served on the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States from 1923 until 1959 and as the secretary from 1924 to 1930 and 1932 until 1959. After the passing of the Guardian he served in the Holy Land. [UN110; BN No 347 January 1960 p1]
- Shoghi Effendi had appointed him among the first contingent on the 24th of December, 1951. [MoCxxiii]
- For his obituary see BW13:849–858.
- For cable from the Hands of the Cause see MC217–18.
- See also SBR214-247, LoF253-264 and Holley, Horace Hotchkiss by R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram.
Some of his is publications: See Collins7.1197 to 7.1233]
- The Bahá'í Religion: Papers Read at the Conference on Some Living Religions Within the British Empire Papers presented by Horace Holley and Ruhi Afnan. 1925 [Collins7.386]
- Bahaism: The Modern Social Religion, (1913) [Collins7.1203]
- Religion for Mankind, (1956) [Collins7.1222]
- World Unity,
- Bahá'í, The Spirit of the Age, (1921) [Collins7.1201]
- Bahá'í Scriptures; Selections from the Utterances of Bahaʼuʼllah and Abdul Baha, (1923 and 1928) The first general book-length compilation of the writings of Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Many passages were early and nonauthoritative translations. The book was superseded by Bahá'í World Faith [Collins4.71]
- Read-aloud Plays,
- Divinations and Creation,
- The World Economy of Baháʼuʼlláh
- The Inner Garden; A Book of Verse
- The Reality of Man (1931) [Collins3.103]
- He was a man of enormous capacity. When asked about it he referred to a "zone of energy" in which he sometimes operated when more than normal strength was available to him. [FMH58]
- See the biography Infinite Horizons - The Life and Times of Horace Holley by Kathryn Jewett Hogenson published by George Ronald 2022.
- 1962-01-01 —
- 1965-07-22 —
Leroy Ioas, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Haifa. (b.15 February 1896 in Wilmington, IL). He was known as "the Guardian's Hercules" and was praised by Shoghi Effendi for his "tireless vigilance, self-sacrifice, and devotion to the Cause in all its multiple fields of activity, in 'prodigious labours' and his 'stupendous efforts'. [BW14:291-300, VV7]
- For his obituary see BW14:291–300.
- Both of his German-born parents had become Bahá'ís, instructed by Paul Dealy who taught Kheiralla's classes when the demand for such classes became overwhelming in Chicago in 1998. [The Bahá'í Faith: Beginning in North America by Robert Stockman, World Order Vol 18 Issue 4 p24]
- Shoghi Effendi had appointed him among the first contingent on the 24th of December, 1951. [MoCxxiii]
- For cable of the Universal House of Justice see WG157.
- For a short biography see LoF265-275.
- See Leroy Ioas: Hand of the Cause of God by Anita Ioas Chapman, published by George Ronald, 1998
- Bahaipedia.
- Shoghi Effendi named the inner front door of the Shrine of the Báb "Báb-i-Ioas".
- See The Cause of Universal Peace: 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Enduring Impact by Kathryn Jewett Hogenson for information on his part in the organization of a Race Amity Conference in San Francisco with Ella Goodall Coop and Kathryn Frankland Rabbi Rudolph Coffee, the head of the largest synagogue in the Bay Area..
- 1968-07-07 —
The passing of Hand of the Cause Hermann Grossmann in Neckargemünd, near Heidelberg, (b.16 February, 1899) [BW15p416-421]
- Shoghi Effendi had appointed him among the first contingent of Hands of the Cause on the 24th of December, 1951. [MoCxxiii]
- For his biography see Hermann Grossmann: Hand of the Cause of God, A Life for the Faith by Susanne Pfaff-Grossmann.
- For his obituary see BW15:416–21.
- For cable of the Universal House of Justice see BW15:416 and WG157–8.
- Alternatively see Mess63-86p135.
- 1989-07-05 —
Dr Ugo Giachery (b. 13 May, 1896, Palermo, Sicily), Hand of the Cause of God, passed away while on a visit to Western Samoa. [BINS204:1; VV123]
- He died while visiting Samoa and was interred on the mountainside at Tiapapata, Apia, in view of the Pacific Ocean. His funeral service was attended by by His Highness Malietoa Tanumafili II, the Prime Minister of Samoa, four Ministers of Cabinet, four Counsellors, five Auxiliary Board members, representatives of six national communities of the Pacific, and over two hundred believers from many parts of the country. [LoF241)
- For the cable of the Universal House of Justice see BINS204:1.
- Shoghi Effendi had appointed him among the first contingent on the 24th of December, 1951. [MoCxxiii]
- Wikipedia
- For a short biography see LoF223-242.
- See Bahá'í Chronicles.
- 2003-11-26 —
The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Ali Akbar Furútan in Haifa at the age of 98. [BWNS261, BW'03-'04pg227]
- Born in Sabzivar, Iran, on 29 April 1905.
- Moved with his family to Ashgabat in what was then Russian Turkestan (now part of Turkmenistan), and, through his years of school and university, he took an active part in the work of the Bahá'í communities of Ashgabat, Baku, Moscow, and other parts of Russia.
- In 1930 he was expelled from the Soviet Union during the Stalinist persecution of religion and from that time on played an ever more significant role in the work and administration of the Iranian Bahá'í community. [BW03-04p227-230]
- Shoghi Effendi had appointed him among the first contingent on the 24th of December, 1951. [MoCxxiii]
- For a tribute from the Universal House of Justice see message of 27 November, 2003.