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Tag "Human rights"

tag name: Human rights type: General
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referring tags: Amnesty; Asylum (migration); Discipline; LGBTQ; Refugees; United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

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  1. 1970-1995: Newspaper articles archive, by Various. (1970-1995) Collection of newspaper articles from 1970-1995.
  2. 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, by Bahá'í International Community. (2008-02-06) Bahá'í International Community’s Statement on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights
  3. Alain Locke on Race, Religion, and the Bahá'í Faith, by Christopher Buck. (2018) Locke was cynical about the prospect of real progress in race relations within Christianity itself, but he saw potential in Bahá'í efforts to promote race amity and making democracy more egalitarian in terms of the rights of minorities.
  4. American Dream, The: Stories from the Heart of Our Nation, by Dan Rather. (2001) Commentary on Bahá'í persecutions, by a famous TV news anchor.
  5. Amnesty International, by Universal House of Justice. (1993-02-14) Bahá'ís may work with but should not hold membership in Amnesty International.
  6. Anti-Secular Regulation of Religious Difference in Egypt, The, by Meriam Wagdy Azmi. (2021) Religious minorities lack recognition by the government. Secularism could remedy this, but some argue that it actually leads to religious tension. Egypt's problem is the way it espouses Islam and Shari'a as its identity and the basis for public order.
  7. August Forel Defends the Persecuted Persian Bahá'ís: 1925-1927, by John Paul Vader. (1986) History of Forel's involvement with the Faith. Includes correspondence from Shoghi Effendi.
  8. Báb on the Rights of Women, The, by Siyamak Zabihi-Moghaddam. (2023-06) Statements of the Báb on issues such as mutʿah and tahlíl marriages, polygyny, bridal consent, divorce and spousal relations, and their significance for the rights of women in Muslim juridical opinions and social customs. Link to article (offsite).
  9. Bahá'í Approach to Non-Involvement in Partisan Political Activity, by Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. United States Bahá'í National Center, comp. (2022-10) Resource for individual and group study, in light of the current civil and political unrest in the U.S., Iran, and the world; reasons for the Bahá’í stance against partisan activity and its approach to social change; Bahá'í use of social media.
  10. Bahá'í Declaration of Human Obligations and Rights, A, by Bahá'í International Community. (1947-02) The source of human rights is the endowment of qualities, virtues and powers which God has bestowed upon humankind without discrimination of sex, race, creed or nation; an ordered society can only be maintained by moral beings.
  11. Bahá'í Faith and the Equality, Rights, and Advancement of Women, The: A Survey of Principles, Praxis, and Discourse, by Wendi Momen. (2023) Equality of women and men; education, advancement, and rights of women and girls; their application within the Bahá’í community; Bahá'í individual and institutional efforts to influence the international discourse on women. Link to article (offsite).
  12. Baha'i Institute Of Higher Education, The: A Creative And Peaceful Response To Religious Persecution In Iran, by Bahá'í International Community. (1999-04-01) Overview of the history and architecture of BIHE, the independent, full-fledged, yet completely decentralized, university system run by Bahá'ís in Iran.
  13. Bahá'í Question, The: Cultural Cleansing in Iran, by Bahá'í International Community. (2008-09)
  14. Bahá'í-Inspired Perspectives on Human Rights, Tahirih Tahririha-Danesh, ed. (2001) Articles by Kiser Barnes, Greg Duly, Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims, Graham Hassall, Darren Hedley, Nazila Ghanea-Hercock, Chichi Layor, Michael Penn, Martha Schweitz, and Albert Lincoln.
  15. Bahá'u'lláh and Liberation Theology, by Juan Cole. (1997) The idea of liberation and equality is central to Bahá'í theology; the poor in the 19th century Middle East; Bahá'u'lláh and the poor; Tablet to the Kings on wealth and peace; laws of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas and Huququ'lláh; state social welfare.
  16. Brain Drain from Iran to the United States, The, by Akbar E. Torbat. (2002 Spring) Excerpt from article mentioning the exodus of Bahá'í intelligentsia from Iran in 1979, and the Bahá'ís' attempt at underground education.
  17. Bringing Rights Home: Human Rights and the Institution of the Family, by Chichi Layor. (2001) The role of family rights in contemporary human rights discourse, Bahá’í principles relating to family rights, and relevant provisions in present-day human rights legal instruments.
  18. Calling, The: Tahirih of Persia and Her American Contemporaries, by Hussein Ahdieh, Hillary Chapman. (2017) Simultaneous, powerful spiritual movements swept across both Iran and the U.S in the mid-1800s. On the life and martyrdom of Tahirih; the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention and the conference of Badasht; spiritualism and suffrage.
  19. Capital Punishment and Amnesty International, by Universal House of Justice. (n.d.) Letter from the House to Amnesty International on the death penalty.
  20. Cold Winter in North Africa, A: The Case of the Bahá'ís in Egypt, by Naseem Kourosh. (2012-08) Contemporary history of the Egyptian government's refusal to issue identification cards to Bahá'ís.
  21. Colonialism, Nationalism and Jewish Immigration to Palestine: Abdu'l-Baha's Viewpoints Regarding the Middle East, by Kamran Ekbal. (2014) Abdu'l-Bahá was opposed to the cultural and political colonialism of foreign powers and their militaries. In spite of the Bahá'í principle of abstaining from politics, exceptions can be made in the face of tyranny and injustice.
  22. Constitutional Coherence and the Legal Status of the Bahá'í Community of Iran, by Salim A. Nakhjavani. (2016-11) Constitutional coherence as a process norm; unfulfilled constitutional promises; aspects of the Iranian constitution and the lived experience of the Bahá'í community.
  23. Constructive Resilience, by Firaydoun Javaheri. (2018) How the perseverance of the Bahá'ís in Iran has resulted in the generality of the Iranian people beginning to admire and, in some cases, arising to assist the Bahá'ís.
  24. Continuities and Discontinuities in Islamic Perspectives on Cultural Diversity, by Sulayman S. Nyang. (1999-02) Contains only brief mention of Bahá'ís, but discusses the Iranian Revolution and related topics.
  25. Declaración bahá'í sobre obligaciones y derechos humanos, 1947, by Bahá'í International Community. (1947-02) Declaración de la Comunidad Internacional Bahá'í ante la Conferencia Internacional de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Relación Entre el Desarme y el Desarrollo, Wilmette, Illinois, Febrero de 1947.
  26. Disinvestment: Is It a Bahá'í Issue?, by Marjan Nirou. (1986) Economic sanctions as a response to apartheid, the background of South Africa, Bahá'í approaches to preventing racism, and imprisoned children. Includes replies by Steven Scholl, Jihmye Collins, Paul Caprez, Lawrence Miller, and Drew Remignanti.
  27. Egypt, Bahá'í Community of, and Religious Identity, by Universal House of Justice. (2006-12-21) Message to the Bahá'ís of Egypt in the wake of a Supreme Administrative Court decision in Cairo that upheld a discriminatory government policy regarding Bahá'ís and their identification cards. In both English and Arabic.
  28. Examination of the Cultural Relativity of Human Rights, An, by Jonathan Patrick. (2001 Autumn) On the discourse between proponents of the universality of human rights, and those of their cultural and religious relativity. Are human rights inherent in the individual, or imposed by a neo-imperialist West?
  29. Eyes of the Children, The, by Sheila Banani. (1986) One poem inspired by female infanticide in China.
  30. Faith Denied, A: The Persecution of the Bahá'ís of Iran, by Iran Human Rights Documentation Center. (2006-12) The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center's account of persecutions of Bahá'ís of Iran (2006).
  31. Family Law in Iran, by Sen McGlinn. (2001) Detailed overview of 20th-century Iranian laws regarding marriage, divorce, marriage rights and duties, dowry, and inheritance. Contains passing mentions of the Bahá'í Faith.
  32. First Obligation, The: Lady Blomfield and the Save the Children Fund, by Robert Weinberg. (1998) Bio prepared for the UK Bahá'í Centenary (1998-99).
  33. Foreigner: From an Iranian Village to New York City and the Lights That Led the Way, by Hussein Ahdieh, Hillary Chapman. (2019) Biography of a young boy in Nayriz, Iran in the mid 20th-century, his reflection on the sad society; his experience as a immigrant in the United States, struggle to make the American dream, and helped the innovative Harlem Prep, a Bahá'í inspired School.
  34. From Outsider to Outsider: A Study of Iranian Bahá'ís' Identity in Iran and the United States, by Naghme Naseri Morlock. (2023) The denial of a national identity of Bahá'ís in Iran; their experiences in the U.S.; cultural differences between immigrant and American Bahá'ís; the importance of religious identity; how religious, national, and cultural identities are negotiated.
  35. Homosexuality and Civil Rights, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. (2011-01-03) Brief comments on the apparent contradiction between eliminating all prejudice, including against homosexuals, vs. the Bahá'í stance on marriage as being only between a man and a woman.
  36. Homosexuality and Civil Rights, by Universal House of Justice. (2010-10-27) Although sexual relations are to be restricted to marriage between a man and woman and Bahá’ís are not to take a position on issues such as civil marriage, Bahá'ís can defend homosexuals from discrimination.
  37. Hora Decisiva para todas las Naciones, by Bahá'í International Community. (1995-10) Declaración de la Comunidad Internacional Bahá'í con motivo del 50 aniversario de Naciones Unidas Octubre 1995
  38. Human Rights: Reflections from a Bahá'í Viewpoint, by Michael Curtotti. (2001) Born in modern times, the Bahá’í Faith addresses human rights in the language of modernity but also in traditional religious terminology; journey of the soul; duties of rulers; the Kitáb-i-Aqdas.
  39. Human Rights and Multiculturalism, by Kiser Barnes. (2001) The concept of human rights must be enriched by spiritual principles. They rest on universal principles of morality and justice, and are a philosophical source for political and social reform.
  40. Human Rights and Religious Faith, by Amnesty International. (1986) A statement from Amnesty International/USA, published by request.
  41. Human Rights and the Rights of the Child: Implications for Children's Participation in the Bahá'í Community, by Greg Duly. (2001) Are human rights universal? Do rights have spiritual or religious influences? What is the relevance of child rights and prospects of children’s participation in the Bahá’í community?
  42. Human Rights in the Bahá'í Writings, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Universal House of Justice, comp. (2001-01-14) Brief compilation on human rights from the writings of Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, and Shoghi Effendi.
  43. Human Rights Watch on Persecution of Baha'is in Iran, by Reuters. (1997-09-24) Two articles covering a report by Human Rights Watch on the treatment of the Bahá'ís and other minorities in Iran.
  44. Humanitarian Responses to Global Conflicts, by Universal House of Justice. (2015-01-13) A letter to and response from the House about why Bahá'ís do not condemn the 2014 attacks on Gaza, and principles to consider when addressing conflicts.
  45. In the Face of Oppression, by Geoffrey Cameron. (2011-07-29) The Bahá'ís in Iran have long been persecuted, but stand strong in their pursuit of a just society.
  46. Indigenous Messengers of God, by Christopher Buck, Kevin Locke. (2021) PowerPoint for Zoom presentation “Divine Teachers of the Americas” by Kevin Locke, hosted by Green Acre Baha’i School, October 2021.
  47. Indigenous rights and women's rights in the Samoan Bahá'í community, by Maureen Sier. (1999)
  48. Individual Rights and Freedoms, by Universal House of Justice. (1988-12-29) An important and often-quoted letter about rights and freedom of expression in the Bahá'í community, as contrasted with those in American civil society.
  49. International Criminal Court: A Bahá'í Perspective, by Dan Wheatley. (2001 Winter/Spring) Brief history of the ICC, and Bahá'í support of it.
  50. Interreligious and Intercultural Cooperation, by Bahá'í International Community. (2007-10) Statement to the United Nations on best practices and strategies for interreligious and intercultural cooperation.
  51. Iran: Suppression of religious freedom and persecution of religious minorities: case studies, by Thomas Schirrmacher. (2009) The legal status of non-Shiite Muslims, Bahá'ís, and various Christian confessions in Iran.
  52. Iran since the Revolution, by Sepehr Zabih. (1982) Discussion of the Iranian constitution, with one passing mention of Bahá'ís not being recognized.
  53. Iran's Systemic Denial of Access to Higher Education, by Saman Sabeti. (2017) Discrimination as embedded in the Iranian Constitution and in higher education since 1979; dismissal and expulsion; exclusion by application form; exclusion by process; how the victims have responded.
  54. Iranian Refugees: The Many Faces of Persecution, by Allen K. Jones. (1984-12) A paper detailing the persecution and displacement of Iranian refugees (including Bahá'ís) due to religious, ethnic, and political reasons following the 1979 Iranian Revolution, emphasizing their global spread and challenges in asylum and resettlement.
  55. Islam and Minorities: The Case of the Baha'is, by Christopher Buck. (2003-06) "The Bahá'í question" is really a test case for whether Islam can legitimately claim to respect human rights today. Includes a Persian translation of the original article.
  56. Islám: The Road Ahead: Reflections of a Bahá'í on Islamic Topics, by Rowshan Mustapha. (2014) Questions about the finality of religion, the Day of Judgment, the role of Jesus and the Mihdi, and what will happen at the End of Time, through the lens of the Bahá’í Teachings.
  57. Language and Universalization: A 'Linguistic Ecology' Reading of Bahá'í Writings, by Gregory Paul P. Meyjes. (1999) How the promotion of linguistic minority rights may coincide with promotion of an International Auxiliary Language, opposing trends toward increased globalization and growing nationalism, and the unregulated global spread of English.
  58. Law and International Order: Proceedings of the First European Bahá'í Conference on Law and International Order: Review, by Joshua Lincoln. (1997-10) Review of conference proceedings, highlighting Bahá'í law, governance, human rights, and future perspectives.
  59. Letter on responding to attitude changes on homosexuality, by Universal House of Justice. (2014-05-09) Challenges centrality of sexuality to life; confronts dichotomy of condemnatory and accepting attitudes against homosexuality; dissuades Bahá’ís from debating or coercing non-Bahá’ís and mentions occasions for standing up against oppression of homosexuals
  60. Letter to the Friends, Throughout the East and the West, through the Spiritual Assemblies, by Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Haifa. (1938-02) 3-page report by Z. N. Zeine on questions directed at a Dr. 'Abdu'llah Jawid in Khorasan "as a result of recording himself as a Bahá'í on his military identity card" and his subsequent demotion after declining to stop promoting the Faith.
  61. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice. Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. (1996)
  62. Millennium Forum, by Universal House of Justice. (2000-09-24)
  63. More Constructive Encounter, A: A Bahá'í View of Religion and Human Rights, by Barney Leith. (2007) Relationship between religion and human rights, and the work of the Bahá’í community in wholeheartedly supporting the theory and practice of universal rights.
  64. Native American Vision and the Teachings of 'Abdu'l-Baha, by Paula Bidwell. (2011) Presentation addressing issues of concern to Native Americans, cast in the light of statements of Abdu'l-Bahá from his 1912 visit to the United States.
  65. Nature of the Persecution against the Bahá'ís in Iran, by Bahá'í International Community. (2010-02) The situation of the Bahá'ís in Iran in 2010; historical and legal context; denial of individual and communal rights; incitement to hatred based on religion or belief.
  66. 'Never Again': Kevin Gover's Apology for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, by Christopher Buck. (2006) This article does not mention the Bahá'í Faith, but was published in a social justice and human rights journal and written by a Bahá'í.
  67. Next Stage, The, by Douglas Martin. (2013) Bahá'í scholars find themselves at a stage in the Faith’s development where they must construct a discourse that is free of "haughty intellectualism." The Association for Bahá’í Studies can help promote the Bahá'í cause to institutions of higher learning.
  68. Nonpartisan Engagement in Public Affairs: A Critical Analysis of the Bahá'í Approach to Dialogue, Democracy, and Diplomatic Relations, by Bui Tyril. (2009-10) How to address the dilemma of protesting human rights abuses in Iran while remaining non-partisan. Link to thesis (offsite).
  69. Papel de la Juventud en los Derechos Humanos, El, by Bahá'í International Community. (1985-02)
  70. Persecution of the Baha'is in Iran: 1979-1986: A 7-year campaign to eliminate a religious minority, by Bahá'í International Community. (1986) Overview of activities and propaganda against Bahá'ís in Iran, and the responses of the United Nations.
  71. Philosophical and Religious Contributions to the Emergence of Human Rights: The Bahá'í Perspective, by Dan Wheatley. (2012-12) While some forms of religious extremism are contemptuous of human rights, and human rights are sometimes considered a contemporary secular religion, Bahá'ís believe that religious faith and human rights are more synergistic.
  72. Post-Quranic Religion Between Apostasy and Public Order, A: Egyptian Muftis and Courts on the Legal Status of the Baha'i Faith, by Johanna Pink. (2003) On how Egypt has adapted and responded to the Bahá'í Faith; legal issues for Muslim jurists and the courts; personal and employment status of Bahá'ís in Egypt; issues raised by a post-Quranic religious minority.
  73. Prevención de Discriminaciones y Protección a las Minorías, 1988, by Bahá'í International Community. (1988-08)
  74. Prevención de Discriminaciones y Protección a las Minorías, 1989, by Bahá'í International Community. (1989-12)
  75. Protecting the Human Family: Humanitarian Intervention, International Law, and Bahá'í Principles, by Brian D. Lepard. (2003) The moral and legal problems raised by the use of military force to aid human rights victims. Relevant Bahá’í ethical principles and how these might assist us to reform existing international law to better protect all members of the human family.
  76. Pursuit of Social Justice, The, by Michael Karlberg. (2022-08-03) An interdisciplinary examination of prevailing conceptions of human nature, power, social organization, and social change, and their implications for the pursuit of peace and justice.
  77. Reason and the Bahá'í Writings: The Use and Misuse of Logic and Persuasion, by Ian Kluge. (2001-09-02) How to study the Bahá'í Writings through the use of logic.
  78. Reconsidering the Civil Rights Era in the Footsteps of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, by June Manning Thomas. (2022-09) On principles of racial prejudice and 1960s South Carolina, including the fallacy of racial prejudice, the need to judge people by their moral character rather than their race, and the responsibilities of different races toward each other.
  79. References to the Bahá'í Faith in the U.S. State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, by United States Department of State. Ralph D. Wagner, comp. (1991-2001) Excerpts from the State Department's annual compilation of Country Reports on Human Rights Practices on discrimination against the Bahá'í Faith and persecution of its adherents in twenty countries.
  80. Reflections on Human Rights, Moral Development, and the Global Campaign to Eradicate Gender-Based Violence, by Michael L. Penn. (2001) A review some of the most significant developments in human rights law designed to contribute to the advancement of women and the eradication of gender-based violence; insufficient attention has been given to the psycho-spiritual dimensions. 
  81. Reis naar het Hart van de Qur'án: Het Heilige Boek van de islam voor hen die nadenken (door een niet-moslim), by David Russell Garcia. Kees Poolman, trans. (2022) Een overzicht van de Koran en zijn thema's: islam versus het christendom; wetten, geestelijke en sociale principes; heilige oorlog en vechten; redenen achter de reputatie van de islam als een oorlogsreligie; apocalypse.
  82. Releasing the Captive from His Chains, by Steven Scholl. (1986) Bahá'í activism for human rights, and involvement with Amnesty International. Includes response by Drew Remignanti.
  83. Religious Freedom in the Asia Pacific: The Experience of the Bahá'í Community, by Graham Hassall. (1998-11) Some aspects of the Bahá'í Community's approach to one human rights initiative, the "Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief."
  84. Religious Minority Rights, by Christopher Buck. (2008) Discussion of three minority religions within Islamic states that have experienced persecution and hardships which attracted the attention of the international community: the Alevis, the Ahmadiyya, and Bahá'ís.
  85. Religious Persecution and Oppression: A Study of Iranian Baha'ís' Strategies of Survival, by Naghme Naseri Morlock. (2021) Research based on extensive interviews exploring three ways that members of the Bahá'í community responded to diaspora and persecution: passing as Muslim, religious constancy in the face of danger, and alternating "passing" with open displays.
  86. Report on Citizenship Law: Egypt, by Dalia Maleck. (2021-07) Section on the Bahá'í minority and statelessness, and al-Azhar's fatwa denouncing Egyptian Bahá'ís as apostates.
  87. Return of the Dreamtime, by Pym Trueman. (1995) Brief history of Christianity and missionary work in Samoa and Australia, and how native Samoan customs and beliefs were changed or lost.
  88. Revolution without Rights?, A: Women, Kurds and Baha'is searching for equality in Iran, by Geoffrey Cameron, Tahirih Danesh. (2008-11) Discussion from the Foreign Policy Centre in London on the religious, legal, and social obstacles to equality faced by women, Bahá'ís, and Kurds in Iran; comparing the experiences of these groups; evaluating actions of the Iranian government (91 pages)
  89. Right to Education, The: The Case of the Bahá'ís in Iran, by Tahirih Tahririha-Danesh. (2001) On the ongoing harassment of Bahá’í students and educators resulting from the state-sponsored religious intolerance of the post-revolution government in Iran.
  90. Rights to Human and Social Development: A Survey of the Activities of the Bahá'í International Community, by Graham Hassall. (2001) BIC contributions to thinking about human rights and social development have centered on 6 themes: a global complex systems approach, oneness of humanity, role of religious belief, primacy of education, values-based approach, and effectiveness of the U.N.
  91. Rising to the Challenge of Reconciliation, by Roshan Danesh, Douglas White III. (2023-01-08) Analyzing the legacy of colonialism and racism in Canada and examining the profound, multifaceted process of social transformation that genuine reconciliation implies.
  92. Seneca Falls First Woman's Rights Convention of 1848: The Sacred Rites of the Nation, by Bradford W. Miller. (1998) Explores parallels between the Seneca Fails First Woman’s Rights Convention in the USA and the Badasht Conference in Iran, both in July 1848, in terms of the emancipation of women.
  93. Shirin Ebadi: A collection of newspaper articles, by Various. (2003-10) Articles about the winner of the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize who has championed the rights of the Bahá'í community.
  94. Shoghi Effendi and Social Justice, by Jack McLean. (2007-03) The term "social justice” has been used by many engaged groups as a rhetorical tool to obtain more equitable transformations of the social order. To the Guardian and the later Bahá'í Administration, it is a Divine justice at heart.
  95. Situation of the Bahá'ís in Egypt, by Bahá'í International Community. (2007-09-24) Oral Statement of the Bahá’í International Community to the Human Rights Council (6th Session of the Human Rights Council), Geneva, Switzerland.
  96. Social Action, Public Discourse, and Non-involvement in Political Affairs, by Universal House of Justice. (2017-04-27) Alternative courses of action to civil disobedience, circumscribed roles for protest, and the freedom that Bahá’ís have to engage in social action and public discourse, particularly in relation to the principle of non-involvement in political affairs.
  97. Spiritual Foundation of Human Rights, The: A Bahá'í Perspective, by Suheil Badi Bushrui. (1997-11-15)
  98. Striving for Human Rights in an Age of Religious Extremism, by Nazila Ghanea-Hercock (published as Nazila Ghanea). (2016) Bahá'í perspectives on global human rights law, community duties, religion as a pillar of justice, and the oneness of humanity.
  99. Television Address of Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, by Universal House of Justice, Bahá'í International Community. (1998-07) Questions and answers about a historically unique television interview of Iranian President Khatami, given on CNN Wednesday, Jan 7, 1998.
  100. Threatening Agenda, A: Iran's Shameful Denial of Education to its Bahá'í Community, by Geoffrey Cameron. (2008-06-06) Iranian government hardliners promote a coordinated and threatening agenda aimed at suffocating the Bahá'í community; Iran’s actions to block an entire community from education indicate sinister intentions that should not be ignored.
  101. To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith, by Universal House of Justice. (2009-11-24) Regarding the family and its role in the advancement of civilization.
  102. Top Court Appointee a Model of Diversity, by Mahmud Jamal. (2021/06/18) Brief bio of Mahmud Jamal, the judge "poised to be the first person of colour on the Supreme Court of Canada."
  103. Trial of The Yaran ("Friends in Iran"): Six Essays, by Christopher Buck. (2009-2010) Six essays by Buck from a legal perspective about the extended imprisonment of seven Bahá'í leaders in Tehran.
  104. Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Bahá'í Scriptures, The, by Juan Cole. (1999-04) The conception of human rights arose as part of the project of modernity, and has been problematic for many religious traditions, but Bahá'u'lláh  and the religion's subsequent holy figures all had a strong commitment to human rights.
  105. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Cultural Relativism and the Persecution of the Bahá'ís in Iran, The, by Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims. (2001) Are the Human Rights of the Universal Declaration universal: a comparison of Western and Islamic notions of human rights; the religious justifications provided by the Islamic regime for the persecution of the Bahá’ís in Iran.
  106. Views on Homosexuality, by Universal House of Justice. (2013-04-22) On the need to overcome material nature including homosexuality; Bahá’ís not to judge or impose values and to treat those with a homosexual orientation sympathetically; no possibility for House to change Bahá’í marriage as between man and woman
  107. Violence Against Women and Children, by Universal House of Justice. (1993-11-23) Bahá’í principles on violence, sexual abuse, family dynamics, gender equality, consultation, child discipline, and community protection.
  108. Voyage to the Heart of the Koran: The Holy Book of Islám for Thinking Minds (By a Non-Muslim), by David Russell Garcia. (2003-10) A lengthy overview of the Qur'án and its themes for a Bahá'í audience; holy war and fighting; reasons behind Islám's reputation as a war-like religion; theology of Islám vs. Christianity; laws and admonitions; spiritual and social principles; apocalypse.

2.   from the Chronology (145 results; expand)

  1. 1848-07-19 — The Women's Rights Convention was held in the Wesleyan Chapel at Seneca Falls, NY. The principle org...
  2. 1889-09-08 — Haji Muhammad Riday-i-Isfahani was martyred in `Ishqabad. He had been on of the most prominent Baha'...
  3. 1901-00-00 — William Hoar, one of the first Baha'is in America, was asked by `Abdu'l-Baha to meet with the Persia...
  4. 1906-12-30 — The Constitution of Iran was re-established. The Baha'is were not included among the recognized reli...
  5. 1926-00-04 — For most of the year severe restrictions were placed on the Baha'is of Maraghih in Ádharbayjan, the...
  6. 1926-07-12 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada made representations ...
  7. 1928-12-13 — The case arising out of the newspaper persecution of the Baha'is of Turkey was brought before a crim...
  8. 1930-00-00 — In Iran " [i]n the early years of the 1930s Baha'i women joined the movement of discarding the veil ...
  9. 1944-08-08 — Three Baha'is were murdered in Shahrúd, Iran, after three weeks of anti-Baha'i agitation. Many Baha...
  10. 1948-08-18 — The Baha'i International Community took part in its first United Nations conference, on human rights...
  11. 1955-08-00 — Appeals were made by National Spiritual Assemblies around the world through the Baha'i International...
  12. 1959-04-10 — Representatives of the Baha'i International Community presented to the President of the Human Rights...
  13. 1961-01-17 — Following the arrest of Baha'is in Turkey in March 1959 and the subsequent court case, the Turkish c...
  14. 1961-04-14 — The knowledge of the arrest of the 14 believers was received but the Custodians at the World Centre ...
  15. 1961-07-15 — The Turkish court declared the Baha'i Faith to be a 'Tarighat', a sect forbidden by the law of the l...
  16. 1962-08-22 — The Custodians ask the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States to make representations to t...
  17. 1962-09-23 — The Custodians ask the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States to obtain an interview with ...
  18. 1962-10-31 — The 14 Baha'is imprisoned in Morocco were arraigned before the Regional Court of Nador. [BW13:289; M...
  19. 1962-12-10 — The trial of the 14 Baha'is imprisoned in Morocco on charges of sedition opened. The accused were d...
  20. 1962-12-14 — The Regional Court of Nador gave its verdict in the case of the 14 Baha'is imprisoned in Morocco on ...
  21. 1962-12-17 — The Custodians asked the Baha'i International Community to issue press releases deploring Morocco's ...
  22. 1962-12-21 — Telegrams were sent by the Baha'i International Community to Secretary-General U Thant and 35 United...
  23. 1962-12-23 — The Custodians asked national spiritual assemblies to cable Secretary General of the United Nations ...
  24. 1962-12-27 — The Custodians asked national and local spiritual assemblies to write to the Moroccan ambassador in ...
  25. 1963-01-01 — The Custodians ask all national and local spiritual assemblies to cable the King of Morocco appealin...
  26. 1963-01-31 — Roger Baldwin, Chairman of the International League for the Rights of Man, appeared before the UN su...
  27. 1963-04-02 — King Hassan II of Morocco made a public statement promising that if the Supreme Court upheld the dec...
  28. 1963-04-04 — The Custodians issued a statement of information to the national spiritual assemblies of the United ...
  29. 1963-11-23 — At the request of the Universal House of Justice, Baha'is around the world prayed at the Feast of Qa...
  30. 1963-12-13 — The Baha'i prisoners in Morocco were released on order of the Supreme Court. The high drama had run ...
  31. 1968-00-00 — Twenty years prior, on December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted and proclaimed...
  32. 1968-10-10 — The widowed mother of seven children was sentenced to six months' imprisonment in Morocco for refusi...
  33. 1968-10-24 — The Moroccan Baha'i, Mr. Allal Rouhani, was sentenced to three years' imprisonment in January 1968 a...
  34. 1968-11-07 — Sixteen Persian Baha'is in Algeria were expelled from the country and their properties confiscated; ...
  35. 1975-03-01 — The Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt decided that the 1960 decree of President Nasser banning a...
  36. 1975-06-24 — Iran became one of the first countries in the world to ratify the International Covenant on Civil an...
  37. 1978-00-00 — Ten Baha'is were killed in Iran, seven by mobs. [BW18:291] For the response of Baha'i institution...
  38. 1979-00-00 — After the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, the persecution of Baha'is significantly intensified due ...
  39. 1979-12-03 — The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, from which all civil rights stem and which did not...
  40. 1980-00-03 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92] Twenty–four Bah...
  41. 1980-09-00 — The European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the United Nations ...
  42. 1981-00-05 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92] Forty–six Baha'...
  43. 1982-00-03 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92] Thirty–two Baha...
  44. 1982-05-25 — The Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations of the Foreign Affairs Committee of...
  45. 1983-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW18:92; BW19:177–226] T...
  46. 1984-00-03 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW19:177–226] Thirty Bah...
  47. 1985-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW19:177–226] Seven Baha...
  48. 1985-07-01 — Three Baha'i youths in Mentawai were imprisoned for having married according to Baha'i law. [BW19:42...
  49. 1985-12-13 — For the first time, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on the human rights sit...
  50. 1986-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the year. [BW19:177–226] One Baha'i...
  51. 1987-00-01 — Faced with unrelenting religious persecution involving a wide range of human rights violations, the ...
  52. 1988-12-08 — The plenary session of the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution concerning hu...
  53. 1988-12-29 — The Universal House of Justice issued a letter to the Baha'is in the United States published as Indi...
  54. 1989-02-09 — The publication of the statement by the Baha'i International Community, "Right to Development", to t...
  55. 1989-02-15 — The publication of the statement by the Baha'i International Community, "Creating a Universal Cultur...
  56. 1989-03-09 — The Commission on Human Rights adopted a resolution expressing grave concern at human rights violati...
  57. 1991-02-25 — In Iran, a secret government memorandum (known as the Golpaygani Memorandum) was drawn up by Iran's ...
  58. 1993-01-00 — Reynaldo Galindo Pohl, the United Nations' special representative in charge of monitoring the human ...
  59. 1993-02-22 — At the 49th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, the United Nations in Geneva released a re...
  60. 1993-06-10 — The Baha'i International Community and Baha'is from 11 countries participated in the United Nations ...
  61. 1997-00-01 — The Tahirih Justice Center was founded to address the acute need for legal services of immigrant and...
  62. 1998-09-29 — Starting this date until October 2nd, in Iran, the government raided some 500 private homes and the ...
  63. 1999-04-19 — The Islamic Revolutionary Court in Isfahan sentenced Sina Hakiman (10 yrs), Farzad Khajeh Sharifabad...
  64. 1999-05-05 — Firuz Kazemzadeh, Secretary for External Affairs for the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is ...
  65. 2000-02-17 — Iran's Supreme Court rejected death sentences imposed upon Sirus Zabihi-Moghadam, Hadayet Kashefi-Ma...
  66. 2000-05-22 — The United Nations Millennium Forum was held at United Nations Headquarters in New York. It attracte...
  67. 2000-09-06 — The General Assembly Millennium Summit was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and w...
  68. 2000-10-31 — The United Nations Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security...
  69. 2003-12-16 — Shirin Ebadi, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the first Muslim woman to win the coveted distincti...
  70. 2004-00-01 — The 2004 Circular 49/2004 issued by the Ministry of the Interior specifically instructed officials t...
  71. 2004-12-20 — United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution expressing "serious concern" over the human righ...
  72. 2005-09-15 — The 2005 World Summit was a follow-up summit meeting to the United Nations' 2000 Millennium Summit, ...
  73. 2005-10-29 — Letter from the Iranian military headquarters to various Revolutionary Guard and police forces and s...
  74. 2005-12-15 — The death of Mr. Dhabihu'llah Mahrami, 59, who had been held in a government prison in Yazd under ha...
  75. 2006-00-00 — For more than two decades young Baha'is had been barred from entering university through an applicat...
  76. 2006-04-04 — In late 2004 or early 2005 the government of Egypt introduced a computerized identity card system th...
  77. 2006-05-15 — In Egypt the government appealed the lower court's ruling to the Supreme Administrative Court and th...
  78. 2006-09-16 — In Egypt the Supreme Administrative Court again postponed its hearing on the government appeal of a ...
  79. 2006-11-20 — In Egypt lawyers representing a Baha'i couple seeking to have their religious affiliation properly i...
  80. 2006-12-00 — The publication of A Faith Denied: The Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran by the Iran Human Rights D...
  81. 2006-12-16 — Egypt's Supreme Administrative Court ruled against the right of Baha'is to be properly identified on...
  82. 2006-12-21 — A message was sent from the Universal House of Justice to the Baha'is of Egypt regarding the recent ...
  83. 2007-04-09 — In a memorandum from the office of Intelligence and National Security to the commanders of police fo...
  84. 2007-11-12 — Human Rights Watch and the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights released a report that stated tha...
  85. 2007-12-20 — The two Egyptian Human Rights cases, the first by the father of twin children who was seeking to obt...
  86. 2008-01-29 — In Egypt a victory for religious freedom, a lower administrative court ruled in favour of two lawsui...
  87. 2008-05-14 — Iranian Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri issued a fatwa stating that, since (Baha'is) were the ...
  88. 2008-05-15 — The arrest of the Baha'i leadership took place in the context of a severely and rapidly escalating s...
  89. 2008-06-00 — In a show of solidarity for the imprisoned Yaran, an open letter was sent from a number of members o...
  90. 2008-11-00 — Ameed Saadat sat Iran's 2008 national university entrance examination. He was accepted to study hote...
  91. 2009-02-03 — The publication of "We are Ashamed," an open letter from a group of academics, writers, artists, jou...
  92. 2009-03-16 — In Egypt the Supreme Administrative Court removed any grounds for preventing Baha'is from receiving ...
  93. 2009-04-17 — With respect to the Supreme Administrative Court decision of 16 March 2009, the decree, dated 19 Mar...
  94. 2009-05-11 — After a year in jail without formal charges the Baha'i leaders faced an additional accusation, 'the ...
  95. 2009-08-08 — Two young Egyptian Baha'is, Imad and Nancy Rauf Hindi, received the new identity cards. They had bee...
  96. 2009-08-17 — The trial of seven Baha'i leaders imprisoned in Iran was further postponed until 18 October. [B...
  97. 2009-10-18 — Attorneys and families of the seven arrived at court in Tehran for the trial to be told that it woul...
  98. 2010-01-12 — The trial of Iran's seven Baha'i leaders, Fariba Kamalabadi, Jamaloddin Khanjani, Afif Naeimi, Saeid...
  99. 2010-02-07 — Seven imprisoned Baha'i leaders appeared in court for a second session of their trial. The sessio...
  100. 2010-04-12 — The seven imprisoned Iranian Baha'i leaders arrived at the court for their third appearance and thei...
  101. 2010-05-10 — New information was obtained regarding the conditions in which the seven Baha'i prisoners were being...
  102. 2010-06-12 — The seven Baha'i leaders imprisoned for more than two years in Iran made their fourth court appearan...
  103. 2010-07-24 — The imprisonment of seven Baha'i leaders in Iran was extended for a further two months after the law...
  104. 2010-08-08 — The sentence of 20 years in prison was announced for members of the "Yaran-i-Iran" or "Friends of Ir...
  105. 2010-12-07 — In an open letter to Ayatollah Mohammad Sadeq Larijani, the Head of the Judiciary, the Baha'i Intern...
  106. 2011-09-24 — The arrest of Abdolfattah Soltani, a senior member of the legal team (4 lawyers) representing a numb...
  107. 2012-06-00 — After the January 25th revolution against Mubarak and a period of rule by the Supreme Council of the...
  108. 2013-03-00 — The publication of the report entitled Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Bah...
  109. 2013-05-14 — The Baha'i International Community launched the Five Years Too Many campaign to protest the 20-year ...
  110. 2013-07-15 — Iranian filmmaker and blogger as well as a former Islamist hardliner who has become an outspoken cri...
  111. 2013-09-20 — Deloria Bighorn, chairperson of the National Spiritual Baha'is of Canada, presented, on behalf of th...
  112. 2013-10-28 — The release of the video Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Baha'i Community ...
  113. 2014-05-28 — In the presidential election in Egypt, former Egyptian defence minister Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was ele...
  114. 2014-11-00 — Fariba Kamalabadi, after having her fourth request to join her daughter Taraneh for her wedding deni...
  115. 2015-05-14 — A global campaign called "Seven Days in Remembrance of Seven Years in Prison for the Seven Baha'i Le...
  116. 2016-04-24 — Mr. Hamed Bin Haydara, who had been imprisoned without trial since December 2013, was again brought ...
  117. 2016-04-29 — In observance of the eighth anniversary of the arrest and incarceration of seven Iranian Baha'i lead...
  118. 2016-05-12 — In commemoration of the incarceration of the Yaran in Iran in 2008 the International Baha'i Communit...
  119. 2016-05-13 — Fariba Kamalabadi, while on a five-day furlough from Evin Prison, met with former Tehran MP Faezeh H...
  120. 2016-10-26 — The report from the offices of the Baha'i International Community entitled The Baha'i Question Revis...
  121. 2016-11-24 — From her cell in Evin prison, In a open letter to her six-month old granddaughter, Bajar, Fariba Kam...
  122. 2017-04-25 — The formation of the human rights organization, "The Yemeni Initiative for Defending Baha'i Rights"....
  123. 2017-04-28 — Amnesty International sent a Joint Public Statement to the Huthi-Saleh authorities in Yemen calling ...
  124. 2017-05-12 — The Baha'i International Community launched a global campaign calling for the immediate release of t...
  125. 2017-05-15 — Hundreds of Yemenis gathered in front of the Criminal Prosecution building in the capital city of Sa...
  126. 2017-07-15 — The men who admitted to stabbing and killing Farhang Amiri, a 63-year-old father of four children, i...
  127. 2017-09-19 — Mahvash Sabet, one of the seven members of the former leadership group of the Baha'is in Iran known ...
  128. 2017-09-29 — Arrests of Baha'is in Yemen drew international censure which led to a United Nations resolution, tit...
  129. 2017-10-31 — Fariba Kamalabadi, a member of the former leadership group of the Baha'is called the "Yaran", conclu...
  130. 2017-11-17 — A committee of the United Nations General Assembly condemned Iran by a vote of 83 to 30 with 68 abst...
  131. 2018-01-02 — The Specialized Criminal Court of the Houthi militia in Yemen sentenced 52 year-old detainee Hammed ...
  132. 2018-02-00 — Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), an NGO working to promote the right to freedom of religion or ...
  133. 2018-02-18 — In an open letter, twenty-five prominent international lawyers and human right activists appe...
  134. 2018-02-20 — Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, a former member of the Yaran, was transferred from Evin Prison to a hospita...
  135. 2018-03-16 — Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, at 85 the oldest member of the Yaran to be imprisoned, was released after s...
  136. 2018-03-19 — The release of Mr. Vahid Tizfahm from the Rajaee Shahr Prison in Karaj after having completed his 10...
  137. 2018-03-23 — Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin Al-Houthi, the Secretary-General of Yemen's Shia political party Ansar ...
  138. 2018-04-01 — The launch of a fierce campaign of hatred against members of the Baha'i Faith, as well as other agai...
  139. 2018-09-15 — Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi authorities held a court hearing that targeted some 20 or 24 Baha'is, mos...
  140. 2018-09-29 — In the second court hearing presided over by judge Abdu Ismail Hassan Rajeh, three additional Baha'i...
  141. 2018-12-20 — The last imprisoned member of the former leadership body of the Baha'i community in Iran was release...
  142. 2019-01-08 — Imprisoned Baha'i Hamed bin Haydara, 55, who had been sentenced to death, appeared in court in Sana...
  143. 2020-04-28 — The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom is an independent, bipartisan federa...
  144. 2022-11-24 — In light of the deteriorating human rights situation following the September 2022 "Women, Life, Free...
  145. 2025-01-20 — The Joint Report on the Human Rights Situation in Egypt was released by the group Refugees Platform...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (3 results; expand)

  1. 1968-12-01 — 1968 was International Year for Human Rights, which marked the twentieth anniversary of the 1948 Uni...
  2. 2013-09-20 — Heloria Bighorn, chairperson of the National Spiritual Baha'is of Canada, presented, on behalf of th...
  3. 2021-01-20 — The Canadian Council of Imams made a statement in protest the ruling issued by an Iranian Court to c...
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