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Tag "Jakarta, Indonesia"

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2.   from the Chronology (6 results; less)

  1. 1957-04-21
      The Regional Spiritual Assembly of South East Asia was formed with its seat in Djakarta. [BW13:289,302]
    • Its area of jurisdiction was Borneo, Indo-China, Indonesia, Malaya, Sarawak, Siam, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Philippines, Dutch New Guinea, Mentawai Islands, Cocos Islands, Portuguese Timor and Brunei.
    • A subsidiary Six-Year Plan was formed. [BW13:302]
    • This assembly was dissolved in 1964. [BW14p99]
  2. 1957-10-03
      Shoghi Effendi called for the convocation of a series of Intercontinental Conferences to be held successively in Kampala, Uganda (Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Central and East Africa); Sydney, Australia (National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia); Chicago, United States (National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States of America,; Frankfurt, Germany (National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Germany and: Austria); and Djakarta, Indonesia (Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of South-East Asia). [BW13:311–12; MBW125]

      The five-fold purpose of the International Conferences was:

      1. offering humble thanksgiving to the Divine Author of our Faith, Who has graciously enabled His followers, during a period of deepening anxiety and amidst the confusion and uncertainties of a critical phase in the fortunes of mankind,
      2. to prosecute uninterruptedly the Ten-Year Plan formulated for the execution of the Grand Design conceived by 'Abdu'l-Bahá,
      3. of reviewing and celebrating the series of signal victories won so rapidly in the course of each of the campaigns of this world-encircling Crusade,
      4. of deliberating on ways and means that will insure its triumphant consummation,
      5. and of lending simultaneously a powerful impetus, the world over, to the vital process of individual conversion -the preeminent purpose underlying the Plan in all its ramifications - and to the construction and completion of the three Mother Temples to be built in the European, the African, and Australian continents. [CBN No 94 Nov 1957 p1]
  3. 1964-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Indonesia was formed with its seat in Djakarta and comprising Indonesia, the Mentawai Islands, Portuguese Timor and West Irian. [BW14p99]
  4. 2000-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Indonesia with its seat in Jakarta was restored. A ban had been imposed on Bahá'í activities in August 1962 that severely restricted the actions of the Indonesian Bahá'í community. [Ridván Message 2001]
  5. 2014-00-00
      The Baha'i International Community opened a Regional Office in Jakarta. The Office engaged inter-governmental associations such as ASEAN as well as various governmental agencies, civil society organizations and research institutes in the region with a view to convening gatherings, creating spaces devoted to collective inquiry, and meaningful discussion of contemporary issues in the region of Southeast Asia.
    • The present work of the Office is built on the long-time presence of the Baha'i Faith in this part of the world, dating back more than a century to the 1870s. Today, Baha'is are present in all Southeast Asian countries and are actively working for the spiritual and social advancement of their neighborhoods and villages. [BIC website; BIC News]
  6. 2014-08-08 — The official ban on the Bahá'í Faith in Indonesia was lifted. [The Jakarta Post August 8, 2014]
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