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2002 Ridván The Universal House of Justice issued a letter addressed to the world’s religious leaders warning of “the danger posed by "the rising fires of religious prejudice" and called for decisive action against fanaticism and intolerance”. [One Country Vol.14 Issue 1]
  • For the text of the letter see To the World's Religious Leaders.
  • Also see One Country Vol.14 Issue 1 for an abridged version.
  • See also BWNS200; BWNS168, BWNS200; BW'02-‘03pg79-98.
  • The essential message was that God is one and all religions are from that same God and that recognition of these truths is a prerequisite that must be at the heart of all religious discourse. Bahá'i institutions throughout the world delivered thousands of copies of this message to influential figures and the major faith communities. Although some were dismissed out of hand, in general the message was warmly welcomed. [One Common Faith p.ii]
  • BWC Letter to the Worlds Religious leaders; Religious leaders; Universal House of Justice; Universal House of Justice, Letters and messages; Universal House of Justice, Basic timeline; BWNS; - Basic timeline, Condensed; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Interfaith dialogue; Unity of religion

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    1. Autoridades religiosas del mundo, A las, by Universal House of Justice (2002-04). Spanish translation of "Letter to the World's Religious Leaders, April 2002." [about]
    2. Bahá'í Contributions to Interfaith Relations, by Christopher Buck, in Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 54:2 (2019). A close look at the House's "Letter to the World’s Religious Leaders" as a contribution to interfaith discourse. [about]
    3. Letter to the World's Religious Leaders, by Universal House of Justice (2002-04). On historic challenges that leaders of religion must respond to, if spiritual leadership is to have meaning in the new global society. [about]
    4. Message of the Universal House of Justice to the World's Religious Leaders: Panel Discussion Comments, by Jack McLean (2002). Overview of some prominent global theologians and historians of religion, and issues facing interfaith dialogue. [about]
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