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Tag "Loulie A. Mathews"

tag name: Loulie A. Mathews type: People
web link: Loulie_A._Mathews_(Loulie_Mathews)
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"Loulie A. Mathews" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (2 results; less)

  1. Outposts of a World Religion by a Bahá'í Traveler: Journeys Taken in 1933-1935, Accompanied by Edward R. Mathews, by Loulie Mathews. (n.d.) Autobiography of trips to New Zealand, New Guinea, Australia, Hawaii, and South America teaching the Faith.
  2. Tablet of the Báb found in British Museum, by Loulie Mathews. (1931-03) Anecdote about the discovery of the Star Tablet of the Báb at the British Museum in London.

2.   from the Chronology (4 results; less)

  1. 1912-12-21
      'Abdu'l-Bahá witnessed His first dramatic performance. It was a mystery Christmas play entitled Eager Heart written by Miss Alice Buckton and performed at the Church House, Westminster before an audience of 1,200. [SoW Vol III no 19 2March1913 p 7, CH154, AB34]
    • He is reported to have said, perhaps on another occasion, "The stage will be the pulpit of the future". [Quoted by Loulie Mathews in The Magazine of the Children of the Kingdom, Vol 4, No. 3 (June 1923, p69]
    • Star of the West, Vol. 19 no. 11 Feb1929, p.341 quotes 'Abdu'l-Bahá as saying: "drama is of the utmost importance. It has been a great educational power in the past; it will be so again,". [BW1994-1995p255]
    • For a short biography of the life of Alice Buckton see The Early Years of the British Bahá'í Community (1898-1911) p97-103.
  2. 1936-00-01 — Mr E. R. and Mrs Loulie Mathews arrived in Guatemala, the first Bahá'í teachers to visit the country.
  3. 1938-00-00
      Felix Maddela became the first Filipino Bahá'í. His first encounter with the Bahá'í Faith was in 1924 when a purchase he made was wrapped in a piece of old newspaper which contained an article by Martha Root about the religion and a picture of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. As the author's address did not appear in the article, it was another 14 years before he encountered more about the religion. In the early spring of 1937, Loulie Albee Mathews arrived in Manila on board the "Franconia." As the boat was to dock for only a few hours, she managed to place a few pamphlets in a college library on the shelf of comparative religions. A few months later, on a visit to Manila from Solano, Nueva Vizcaya, Mr. Maddela came across the literature. This started a series of correspondence with the Bahá'í Publishing Committee of the United States. With Madella so fired up, he immediately taught his family and friends. Shortly before World War II, the Bahá'í's of Solano numbered around fifty. When war broke out all communications ceased. Immediately after the war, contact was re-established thru Alvin Blum, who was attached to the medical unit of the United States Army. Hitch-hiking to Solano, which was in ruins, he located the Maddelas living in impoverished conditions. Of the fifty enrolled Bahá'í's, twenty-five had been killed or were missing. The others had survived by hiding in rice fields for three years. [WikipediaThe Bahá'í Faith in the Philippines]
    • On the 2nd of December 1946, the Local Spiritual Assembly of Sloano was incorporated. At Ridván 1964 the first National Spiritual Assembly was formed and during the Ten Year Crusade Hand of the Cause Dr Rahmatu'lláh Muhájir led the mass conversion with brought the Faith far and wide throughout the islands. [BW19p798]
    • Travel teachers that had visited the Philippines were: Jamal Effendi, Mirzá Husayn Tútí, Martha Root and Siegfried Schopflocher. [BW19p798]
  4. 1966-10-27
      The passing of Loulie Albee Mathews (b. October 12, 1869, New Castle, New Hampshire) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She was buried in the Memorial Gardens Cemetery and Mausoleum, Colorado Springs, Colorado. [Wikitree]
    • She was the author of Not Every Sea Hath Pearls, My Friendly Enemy - Life, and So Early in the Morning (1953) which was her memoirs of a childhood spent in New Castle, in 1880's.
    • Find a grave.
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