- 1964-04-21 — The existing National Spiritual Assembly of North West Africa that had been formed in 1956 was split into two regions, the "new" North West Africa region and the Spiritual Assembly of West Africa with its seat in Monrovia.
This latter assembly, Spiritual Assembly of West Africa, Ivory Coast; Mali, and Upper Volta, had jurisdiction over the following countries: Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Gambia, Senegal, Portuguese Guinea, and Cape Verde Islands. [BW14p96; BN No 393 Dec 1964 p2 ]
- 1966-00-00 — Mm. Marion Magnée arrived in Mali from Belgium, the first Bahá'í to settle in the country.
- 1970-11-20 —
Hand of the Cause Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum and her companion, Violette Nakhjavání, arrived in Ghana, at the start of the second leg of the 'Great African Safari' covering Western Africa. The itinerary was as follows:
- Nov 20 - 28, 1970, Ghana
- Nov 29 - Dec 21, 1970, Ivory Coast (now Côte d'Ivoire)
- Dec 23, 1970 - Jan 14, 1971, Liberia
- Jan 13 - 14, 1971, Ivory Coast (now Côte d'Ivoire)
- Jan 15 - Feb 1, 1971, Mali
- Feb 2 - 11, 1971, Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso)
- Feb 12 - 21, 1971, Ghana
- Feb 22 - Mar 2, 1971, Ivory Coast (now Côte d'Ivoire)
- Mar 3 - 15, 1971, Liberia
- Mar 16 - 25, 1971, Sierra Leone
- Mar 26 - Apr 8, 1971, Senegal
- Apr 9 - 26, 1971, Gambia (now The Gambia)
- Apr 26, 1971, Senegal
- Apr 27 - May 10, 1971 Ivory Coast (now Côte d'Ivoire)
- May 11 - 28, 197l, Ghana [BW15p606-607]
- 1971-00-00 — The first local spiritual assembly in Mali was formed in Bamako.
- 1976-05-00 — Bahá'í activities in Mali were restricted by order of the government and the decree of recognition of the Faith suspended. [BW17:81]
- 1985-04-21 —
The National Spiritual Assembly of Mali was formed with its seat in Bamako. [BW19:62, 147]
- See BW19:525 for picture.