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1939 18 May Mathew Kaszab arrived in Panama and immediately launched a vigorous proclamation campaign through the press, radio and public talks. By October the first permanent pioneers, Louise Caswell and Cora Oliver, arrived along with John Eichenaur (enroute to El Salvador). [Historical Background of the Panama Temple by Ruth Pringle] Panama Mathew Kaszab; Louise Caswell; Cora Oliver; John Eichenauer
1939 1 Nov Mathew Kaszab, arrived in Nicaragua, the first Bahá’í pioneer to that country.
  • In March 1942 he was arrested and imprisoned for 23 days; he was again arrested in September 1942; he was sent back to the United States very ill, where he died in January 1943 from the effects of his imprisonment. [BW9:614–16]
  • Nicaragua Mathew Kaszab

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    1. El Cuarto Acto: Una Pionera Bahá'í en Nicaragua durante los años 1976-1983: Un relato personal e histórico, by Anne King Sadeghpour (2015). Un relato personal de la historia de la Fe en Nicaragua antes, después y durante la revolución Sandinista de 1979; la historia de Mathew Kaszab, primer pionero a Nicaragua; primera Bahá'í nicaragüense Blanca Mejía; referencia al poeta Rubén Darío. [about]
    2. Gloriously Tragic Life of Mathew Kaszab, The: Letters from a Pioneer 1939-1942 (2019). The unusual drama of a pioneering life in Central America, revealed through personal letters. This account offers glimpses of a maturing Bahá’í administration in the U.S. and of what was learned through teaching efforts in Latin America. [about]
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