- 1962-07-31 — The first spiritual assembly was formed in Kitchener, ON by declaration. Those on the Assembly were: Elfriede Emde, Elizabeth Rochester, George Marjanovich, Michael Rochester, Ida Borst, Walter Borst, Murat Sokolovie, Douglas Martin and Elizabeth Martin. [CBN No 152 September 1962 p1]
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— edit - 1963-04-21 —
The National Spiritual Assembly announced that there would be no National Convention this year due to the fact that many of the participants would be returning from the historic meetings which were held in Haifa and in London. The National Teaching Committee wanted to make full use of those travellers returning to share the benefit of their experiences. [CBN No158 Mar 1963 p1]
- For a list of delegates see CBN No 159 Apr 1963 p1]
- Those elected by postal ballot were: Husayn Banani (vice), Lloyd Gardner (tres.), Rowland Estall (chair), Audrey Westheuser (sec'y), Peggy Ross, Glen Eyford, Angus Cowan, Douglas Martin, Michael Rochester. [CBN No161 June 1963 p1]
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— edit - 1967-04-27 — The site chosen for this year's National Convention was Fort William. The National Assembly felt that, as Expo made Montreal unavailable, the Lake head would provide a location which was as close to the geographic centre of the country as could be secured. In this way travel costs could be kept to a minimum. Fort William had the further advantage of having much less expensive accommodation available.
Those elected to the National Spiritual Assembly were: Douglas Martin (Secretary), Ronald Parsons; Michael Rochester (Vice-chairman), Suheil Bushrui, Rowland Estall, Donald Glen (Treasurer), Lloyd Gardner; Jameson Bond (Chairman), and, Angus Cowan. [CBN No 208 June 1967 p8]
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— edit - 1967-10-29 — The launch of the Centenary of Bahá'u'lláh's proclamation to the kings and the rulers in Toronto. A 30-minute memorial service for Catherine Huxtable was added to the program that included an eulogy by Michael Rochester. [LNW176-179]
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— edit - 1968-05-31 — The members of the twenty-first National Assembly elected were: Jameson Bond, Ronald Parsons, Douglas Martin, Michael Rochester, Donald Glen. Angus Cowan, Tom Anaquod, Rowland Estall, and Lloyd Gardner.
The delegates too the National Convention were asked to elect a replacement for Lloyd Gardiner who was appointed to the newly-created North American Board of Councillors which made him ineligible for membership on national or local administrative bodies.
Ballots were sent out to all delegates, but their return was delayed by a mail strike. When the count was finally taken the result was a tied vote and the delegates were required vote again, making their choice between the two people who received the equal number of votes.
The deadline for the return of this second balloting was delayed in order to allow time for those attending the Oceanic Conference in Palermo to return to their homes. The deadline was set for September 17th. Mr. Ed Muttart of Fort Qu'Appelle was selected. [CBN No 223 Sep/Oct 196 p9].
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— edit - 1969-05-20 —
The National Convention was held in Regina and was delayed by the fact that the members of the National Assembly were attending the International Convention in Haifa. Those elected to the National Spiritual Assembly were: Jameson Bond, Ronald Parsons, Douglas Martin, Michael Rochester, Donald Glen, Angus Cowan, Tom Anaquod, Rowland Estall, and Lloyd Gardner.
The delegates were asked to elect a replacement for Lloyd Gardiner. Due to his appointment to the newly-created North American Board of Councillors he was ineligible for membership on national or local administrative bodies. Ballots were sent to all delegates but the count was delayed by a mail strike. When the count was
finally taken the result was a tied vote and the delegates
were required to vote again, making their choice between
the two people who received the equal number of votes.
The deadline for the return of this second balloting
was also delayed in order to allow time for those
attending the Oceanic Conference in Palermo to return
to their homes. The new deadline was set for September 17th
and the results were made available shortly thereafter. [CBN No 222 August 1968 p8]
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— edit - 1970-04-30 — The National Convention was held in Glendon College at York University in Toronto. Those elected to the National Spiritual Assembly were: Glen Eyford, Rowland Estall, Don Glen, Tom Anaquod, Michael Rochester, Husayn Banani, Angus Cowan, Douglas Martin, and Ed Muttart. [UC175]
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— edit - 1978-04-21 — The National Convention was held in Fredericton. Those elected to the National Spiritual Assembly were: Glen Eyford, Michael Rochester, Hossain Danesh, Husayn Banani, Jameson Bond, Elizabeth Rochester, Douglas Martin, Ruth Eyford, and Ed Muttart. [CBN No 315 June/July 1978 p7]
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— edit - 1980-04-00 —
Those elected to the National Spiritual Assembly were: Jameson Bond, Glen Eyford, Husayn Banani, Hossain Danesh, Michael Rochester, Edmund Muttart, Elizabeth Rochester, Ruth Eyford, and Douglas Martin. [Baha'i Canada, vol. 2, no. 10, May/June 1980]
- Photo.
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— edit - 1982-04-21 — The first closed National Convention was held. In addition to the delegates, those who attended included Hands of the Cause William Sears and John Robarts, Counsellor Lloyd Gardner, and some Auxiliary Board Members.
In addition to the open style of the agenda and the Thursday supper, another new feature of the Convention was Friday's lunch at which everyone had a chance to discuss particular issues at differently designated tables. The closed nature of the Convention permitted the delegates, along with the Hands of the Cause, Counsellor, Board Members, and National Assembly members to get together for talks and discussions over meals and at breaks without getting caught up in the always festive, often overwhelming atmosphere of recent National Conventions which have seen upwards of one thousand participants.
Elected to the National Spiritual Assembly were; Glen Eyford, Douglas Martin, Elizabeth Rochester, Michael Rochester, Edmund Muttart, Husayn Banani, Ruth Eyford, Jane Faily, and Hossain Danesh. [CBN Vol14 No 3 July/Aug 1982 p22]
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— edit - 1983-04-21 — In 1983 the institution of the National Convention went through another of its periodic bouts of growing pains. Attendance again was limited to the delegates and the members of the two participating Institutions, the Board of Counsellors and the
National Spiritual Assembly, although members of the Auxiliary Board were also welcome as guests and observers.
Prior to the Convention, the National Spiritual Assembly had sent to all delegates a list of questions on which it felt the incoming membership of the Assembly would most urgently need the delegates' advice. In the same mailing, the delegates received the Annual Report from the National Assembly and reports from each one of the national committees.
Those elected to serve on the National Spiritual Assembly were: Douglas Martin (sec'y), Hossain Danesh [chair), Jane Faily, Ed Muttart (treasurer and ass't sec'y), Ruth Eyford, Michael Rochester (vice), Glen Eyford, Husayn Banani, and William Hatcher.
[CBN Vol5 Issue3 July/Aug 1983 p23; CBN Vol5 Issue 2 May/Jun 1983 p20]
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— edit - 1991-04-21 — Delegates to Canada's 43rd annual National
Convention, held in Charlottetown, PE, have
elected the members of the National Spiritual
Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada.
The nine members are Husayn Banani,
Hossain Danesh, Margot Leonard, Ed Muttart,
Reggie Newkirk, Louise Profeit-LeBlanc, Enayat
Rawhani, Michael Rochester, and Ann Wilson.
The Canadian Bahá'í community elected
171 delegates at the Unit Conventions, as instructed by the Universal House of Justice. Of
the 171 delegates, 164 cast ballots to elect the
National Assembly. Of the 164, 155 cast their
ballots in person at the Convention. Canada's 43rd annual National Convention will
be remembered for many reasons, but especially
for its focus on teaching French Canadians and
Natives. [BC Vol 4 No 2 June 1991 P3]
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— edit - 1991-11-14 — In a message from Hand of the Cause A.M. Varqá, the Office of the Trustee, the Institution of the Huqúqu'lláh, to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada, the formation of the Board of Trustees of the Huqúqu'lláh was announced. Members were Mr. Husayn Banání, Dr. Mohsen Enayat, Dr. Gerald Hanks, Dr. Bill Hatcher, and Dr. Michael Rochester. [CBNJan92 p2]
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— edit