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1919 c. Apr Initiated by Eugene and Wandeyne Deuth, Reality magazine provided a forum for accounts of Bahá'í activities (mostly those in New York) and a wide range of articles by Bahá'ís and others.
  • Reality for 1921.
  • After 1922, under the editor Harrison Gray Dyar, the magazine changed in character, serving as a vehicle for a series of attacks on Bahá'í orthodoxy and organization (1923-1926) then practically ceasing to carry any Bahá'í content (1926-1929).
  • It went out of production in the Spring of 1929. [SBBH2p135-155]
  • New York; United States Reality magazine; Reality; Eugene Deuth; Wandeyne Deuth; Harrison Gray Dyar

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    1. From Iran East and West, in Studies in the Bábí and Bahá'í Religions, Volume 2 (1984). Essays on Bahá'í history in the Middle East, the United States, and India. [about]
    2. Reality magazine: Volumes 3-4, Volumes 3-4 (1921). Twenty-four issues, Volumes 3:1 (January 1921) through 4:12 (December 1921) of a short-lived journal designed to promote "liberal" approaches to the Bahá'í Faith. [about]
    3. Reality Magazine: Editorship and Ownership of an American Bahá'í Periodical, by Peter Smith, in From Iran East and West: Studies in Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 2 (1984). Development and eventual demise of an independent publication from the early years of the Faith in America. [about]
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