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Search for tag "Spring (general)"

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  1. Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks, by Abdu'l-Bahá (2018/2023). 167 selections, updated August 2023. [about]
  2. End of the World: Whatever Happened?, The: Or Leftover Time to Kill, by Ross Woodman, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 3:3 (1991). If we contrast the eschatology of Bahá’u’lláh with that of Hegel and Nietzsche, we can locate and explore the spiritual origins of the planetary consciousness (the Divine Springtime) upon which the survival of humankind and the globe itself now depends. [about]
  3. Mathnaví-yi Mubárak, by Bahá'u'lláh (2024). Provisional translation of a mathnavi (poem) written in Constantinople in 1863 following His initial declaration in Baghdad. Translated in rhyming couplets with extensive annotations, summary, preface, and introduction. [about]
  4. Springtime metaphors and spring-related imagery, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá (1995). Introduction and Compilation, interspersed with editorial comments. Includes discussion of "plain English" translation. [about]
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