- Bahá'í Studies Bulletin: Index by volume, Robert Stauffer, comp. (1998) List of articles in all issues of Bahai Studies Bulletin, 1982-1992.
- Interpretation as Revelation: The Qur'an Commentary of the Báb, by Todd Lawson. (1990) Overview and context of two of the Bab's earliest writings and their relevance to Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsá’í and Siyyid Kázim Rashtí: a commentary on the Qur'an's Chapter of the Cow, and his famous Qayyúm al-Asmá, Commentary on the Chapter of Joseph.
- Qur'an Commentary of Sayyid 'Alí Muhammad, the Báb, The: Doctoral dissertation, by Todd Lawson. (1987-07) A study of the Báb's two earliest works, partial commentaries on the Qur'an entitled "Tafsír súrat al-baqara" and "Tafsír súrat Yúsuf" (aka The Qayyum al-Asma), in an attempt to appreciate the Bab's attitude towards the Qur'an.
- Religious Authority and Apocalypse: Tafsír as Experience in an Early Work by The Báb, by Todd Lawson. (2013) Analysis of the Báb's commentary on the Qur'an's longest chapter, Surat al-baqara, regarded as his first significant work, which includes themes such as divine self-manifestation, the hierarchy of existence, eschatology, and religious authority.
- Structure of Existence in the Bab's Tafsir and the Perfect Man Motif, The, by Todd Lawson. (1992) The Perfect Man is the mediator between God and the World. He is the mirror in which creation sees God, the eye by which God sees creation. The Bab phrased his cosmology and his Quranic exegesis in light of wahdat al-wujud, the Unity of Being.
- Tafsír as Mystical Experience, by Todd Lawson: Review, by Christopher Buck. (2020-04)