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1925 (In the year) The publication of A Series of Twelve Articles Introductory to the Study of the Bahá'í Teachings Treating briefly of the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, History, Organization, Religious and Secular Doctrines and Institutions by Charles Mason Remey. It was published by the Bahá'í Publishing Committee of New York. 184p. New York; NY A Series of Twelve Articles Introductory to the Study of the Bahai Teachings; Charles Mason Remey

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  1. 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Explanation of the Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh Tablets and Talks Translated into English (1911-1920), by Peter Terry, in Lights of Irfan, Book 1 (2000). A review of the varied lists of Bahá'í principles' presented by 'Abdu'l-Bahá in various of his writings and talks translated into English. Contrary to popular belief there is no standard list, and some 38 separate principles can be identified. [about]
  2. Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks, by Abdu'l-Bahá (2018/2023). 167 selections, updated August 2023. [about]
  3. "And universal peace — in what Book is this written?": How and Why 'Abdu'l-Bahá Identified "New" and Distinctive Bahá'í Principles, by Christopher Buck (2022-09). Reflections on ‘Abdu’l-Bahá's answer to the question "What has Bahá’u’lláh brought that we have not heard before?" [about]
  4. Bahá'í Faith: Prophecy and Conversion, by Brian J. Mistler (2001-02). Results of a field study of Bahá'ís in the United States and Australia which demonstrate that family connections and social teachings are greater incentives to conversion than prophecy is. [about]
  5. Baha'i Faith, The: The Emerging Global Religion, by William S. Hatcher and Douglas Martin (1985/2011). Overview of Bahá'í history and teachings, designed as an introductory textbook. Available in English or in Persian. [about]
  6. Bahá'í Social Teachings, by Moojan Momen (1996). Overview of Bahá'í teachings on prejudice, gender equality, the environment, human rights, economics, and government policy. [about]
  7. Baha'u'llah and Human Nobility, by Nader Saiedi (2015). Perspectives on the concept of nobility, from Zoroaster to Max Weber and Nietzsche; Rousseau to Bahá'u'lláh; institutionalization of human dignity; reinterpretation of religion. [about]
  8. Because Baha'u'llah said so: Dealing with a non-starter in moral reasoning, by Arash Abizadeh, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 5:1 (1995). Discusses a popular but misleading versus more philosophically responsible approaches to revelation. [about]
  9. Before Abraham Was, I am, by Thornton Chase (1902-09-27). Open letter to a new Bahá'í summarizing the Bahá'í revelation through a Christian perspective. [about]
  10. Brilliant Proof, The, by Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Gulpaygani (1998). Two editions of a work of apologetics by an eminent Bahá'í scholar, first published in 1912 and reprinted 1998. [about]
  11. Dispensation of the Bab, The, by Boris Handal (2023). Detailed, systematic presentation of the Báb's teachings; Bábí prophecies relating to Bahá'u'lláh; the extent to which the Báb's laws have been carried forward into the Bahá'í revelation. [about]
  12. Dynamic Bahá'í Principles - Expressed as Actions, by Christopher Buck (2021-08-15). ‘Abdu’l-Bahá noted "special teachings of Bahá’u’lláh" as "new," "distinctive," and "not found in any of the sacred Books of the past" (1912). The book Bahá’í Faith: The Basics presents these as “dynamic Bahá’í principles, expressed as actions." [about]
  13. Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (Lawh-i-Ibn-i-Dhib): Excerpts from Revelation of Baha'u'llah, by Adib Taherzadeh, in The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh 1877-92, Vol. IV, Mazra'ih & Bahjí (1987). Excerpts from chapters 24-25, compiled for the Wilmette Institute. [about]
  14. Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (Lawh-i-Ibn-i-Dhib): Self-quotations from Baha'u'llah found in Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (1998). Compares Bahá'u'lláh's self-quotations in the Epistle with their earlier versions. [about]
  15. Fundamental Verities, by Universal House of Justice (1996-11-12). Meaning of the phrase "fundamental verities of the Faith" in the writings of Shoghi Effendi. [about]
  16. Historical Context for the Prayer 'O God! Refresh and Gladden My Spirit...': Extract from the Diary of Ahmad Sohrab, by Ahmad Sohrab (1914-05-09). Two page excerpt from the diary, dated May 9 1914, responding to these questions: what should Bahá'ís expect to accomplish; the origin of evil; the purpose of one's life; the Golden Age; what is hell; what are Bahá'u'lláh's objectives. [about]
  17. Indigenous Messengers of God, by Christopher Buck and Kevin Locke (2014-2020). 68 essays on Native American theology and history from the perspective of Bahá'í teachings. [about]
  18. List of Articles on, by Christopher Buck (2020). List of online essays and articles by Christopher Buck since 2014. [about]
  19. List of Articles on, by John S. Hatcher (2021). List of online essays and articles by Dr. John Hatcher. [about]
  20. Mission of the Báb, The: Retrospective 1844-1994, by Douglas Martin, in Bahá'í World, Vol. 23 (1994-1995) (1996). The revelation of the Báb in the context of its impact on the Western writers of the period and its subsequent influence. [about]
  21. Ocean of His Utterances, The, by Howard Colby Ives (1963/1977). Unpublished study course in the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh using the books of Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l‑Baha, and Shoghi Effendi, compiled and with commentary by Ives. Not yet formatted. [about]
  22. Pattern of Bahá'í life, The (1948/1983). Quotes not readily available elsewhere online, from a compilation of Bahá'í Writings on personal character. [about]
  23. Perfection and Refinement: Towards an Aesthetics of the Bab, by Moojan Momen, in Lights of Irfan, 12 (2011). The writings of the Bab have implications for the "plastic" arts; significance for native traditions; relevance to the performing arts; and the concept of refinement which comes across in both the person and the writings of the Báb. [about]
  24. Prescription for Living, by Ruhiyyih (Mary Maxwell) Khanum (1950/1978/2015). Thoughts on how to weave a happy individual life and a happy, united, world life: on love and marriage, death, work, habits, sorrow and trial, and the Bahá'í teachings. [about]
  25. Proselytizing, Development, and the Covenant, by Universal House of Justice, in Messages from the Universal House of Justice: 1963-1986, The Third Epoch of the Formative Age (1996). Teaching vs. proselytization; applying Bahá'í social teachings without becoming ensnared in prevailing cultural mores; and the uniqueness of the Bahá'í covenant. [about]
  26. The "Tablet of the True Seeker" from the Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude), by Bahá'u'lláh (1931). Guidance to the true seeker, a passage from the Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude). [about]
  27. Two Parts of the Law of God, The: The Essential and the Secondary Teachings of the True Religion of God, and Counterfeit Doctrines (2022). Four compilations on themes related to the progressive revelation of the religion of God; essential vs. secondary teachings; counterfeit doctrines of the false religion of man. [about]
  28. Twofold Mission, A: Some Distinctive Characteristics of the Person and Teachings of the Báb, by Elham Afnan, in Bahá'í World (2019). Some features of the Bab's life and Writings highlighting the rare combination of qualities that have come to be associated with him. [about]
  29. Unrestrained as the Wind: A Life Dedicated to Bahá'u'lláh (1985). Compilation of quotations on topics of especial interest to Bahá'í youth. [about]
  30. Windows to the Past, by Darius Shahrokh (1992). Deepening talks on 25 topics about Bahá'í history and teachings, downloadable in MP3 audio format and PDF transcripts. [about]
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