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from the chronology

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1932 (In the year) The publication of The Religion of the Baha'is by J R Richards, a CMS Missionary in Shiraz. Published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in London. London The Religion of the Bahais; J R Richards
1953 20 Nov The formation of the Israel Branch of the Bahá'ís of Canada. Canada; Israel Israel Branch of the Bahais of Canada find reference

from the chronology of Canada

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1953 Ridván Canada and the world embarked on the Ten Year Crusade (1953-1963). See [MtC173-276] for the years 1953-1957.

The objectives of Canada's Plan were:

  1. Opening following virgin territories eleven North America: Anticosti Island, Baranof Island, Cape Breton Island, Franklin, Grand Manan Island, Keewatin, Labrador, Magdalen Islands, Miquelon Island and St. Pierre Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, Yukon;
    Opening two Asias Marquesas Islands, Samoa Islands.
  2. Consolidation faith Iceland, Greenland, Mackenzie, Newfoundland.
  3. Purchase land Toronto anticipation construction first Haziratu'l-Quds Canada.
  4. Establishment national Bahá'í endowments.
  5. Doubling number local spiritual assemblies.
  6. Raising number incorporated spiritual assemblies nineteen.
  7. Formation Israel branch Canadian National Spiritual Assembly.
  8. Establishment American Asian teaching committees entrusted task stimulate coordinate teaching activities initiated plan.
    "Appeal members entire community worthy allies chief executors Abdu'l-Bahá's divine plan dedicate themselves immediate requirements steadily unfolding mission discharge nobly sacred strenuous tasks ahead contribute memorable share prosecution decade long world spiritual crusade pay befitting tribute through future accomplishments memory founder faith occasion most great jubilee commemorating centenary declaration his mission city Baghdad."
    (signed) Shoghi
Ten Year Crusade; Plans; Israel Branch of the Bahais of Canada; Haziratu’l-Quds
1953. 20 Nov The establishment and legal recognition of the Israel Branch of the Canadian National Spiritual Assembly, known as a 'Religious Society' by the Israeli Civil Authorities. This entity was empowered to hold title to immovable property without restriction in any part of the country on behalf of the parent Assembly. Such arrangements were made for the National Spiritual Assemblies of Britain, Iran, and Australia as well. This was the 7th goal of Canada's part of the Ten Year Crusade. [MtC174, 204, 213; CBN No 61 February, 1955 p1]
  • "The land on Mount Carmel which the Guardian had instructed to be registered in the name of the Israel Branch of the Canadian Assembly was transferred to the title of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada, Israel Branch, on October 1, 1954". Quoted from a letter from Leroy Ioas. [CBN No 61 February, 1955 p1]
  • Haifa; BWC Israel Branch of the Bahais of Canada
    1954. 1 Oct Land on Mount Carmel, specifically Parcel No. 304, Block 10811, was transferred to the Israel Branch of the Canadian National Spiritual Assembly and registered. [CBN No 61 February, 1955 p1] Haifa Israel Branch of the Bahais of Canada
    1954. 4 Dec December 4. On this date in 1954, Leroy Ioas wrote "The beloved Guardian has directed me to write you... that the Israel Branch of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada was to be established, and land on Mount Carmel registered in your name..." iiiii BWC Israel Branch of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Canada find reference
    1980 (In the year) The film Jubilee, commissioned by the Universal House of Justice and made by Elizabeth Martin, documented the dedication of the cornerstone for the House of Worship in Samoa.
  • She also made a second version was made of this film entitled Blessed Is the Spot which focused more directly on the dedication ceremonies.
  • The film The Bahá'ís was an introductory film on the development activities of the Bahá'í communities around the world was edited by Elizabeth Martin. [HNWE45]
  • Toronto, ON film; Jubilee; Elizabeth Martin; Blessed Is the Spot; The Bahais
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