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Tag "Tom Anaquod"

tag name: Tom Anaquod  edit 7266 type: People
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3.   from the Chronology of Canada (3 results; collapse)

  1. 1968-05-31 — The members of the twenty-first National Assembly elected were: Jameson Bond, Ronald Parsons, Douglas Martin, Michael Rochester, Donald Glen. Angus Cowan, Tom Anaquod, Rowland Estall, and Lloyd Gardner.

    The delegates too the National Convention were asked to elect a replacement for Lloyd Gardiner who was appointed to the newly-created North American Board of Councillors which made him ineligible for membership on national or local administrative bodies. Ballots were sent out to all delegates, but their return was delayed by a mail strike. When the count was finally taken the result was a tied vote and the delegates were required vote again, making their choice between the two people who received the equal number of votes. The deadline for the return of this second balloting was delayed in order to allow time for those attending the Oceanic Conference in Palermo to return to their homes. The deadline was set for September 17th. Mr. Ed Muttart of Fort Qu'Appelle was selected. [CBN No 223 Sep/Oct 196 p9].
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  2. 1969-05-20
      The National Convention was held in Regina and was delayed by the fact that the members of the National Assembly were attending the International Convention in Haifa. Those elected to the National Spiritual Assembly were: Jameson Bond, Ronald Parsons, Douglas Martin, Michael Rochester, Donald Glen, Angus Cowan, Tom Anaquod, Rowland Estall, and Lloyd Gardner.
    • The delegates were asked to elect a replacement for Lloyd Gardiner. Due to his appointment to the newly-created North American Board of Councillors he was ineligible for membership on national or local administrative bodies. Ballots were sent to all delegates but the count was delayed by a mail strike. When the count was finally taken the result was a tied vote and the delegates were required to vote again, making their choice between the two people who received the equal number of votes. The deadline for the return of this second balloting was also delayed in order to allow time for those attending the Oceanic Conference in Palermo to return to their homes. The new deadline was set for September 17th and the results were made available shortly thereafter. [CBN No 222 August 1968 p8]

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  3. 1970-04-30 — The National Convention was held in Glendon College at York University in Toronto. Those elected to the National Spiritual Assembly were: Glen Eyford, Rowland Estall, Don Glen, Tom Anaquod, Michael Rochester, Husayn Banani, Angus Cowan, Douglas Martin, and Ed Muttart. [UC175]
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