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Tag "Universal House of Justice, Members of"

tag name: Universal House of Justice, Members of type: Universal House of Justice
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  1. Amoz Everett Gibson: The First Black Member of the Universal House of Justice, by Richard Francis (1998). Biography of a prominent black Bahá'í teacher and former member of the Universal House of Justice.
  2. Dr. David S. Ruhe: Kansas Author, by Duane L. Herrmann (2003). Biography written for the Kansas Authors Club.
  3. Hofman, David, by Author unknown (1997/2003). Two short articles about Hofman, one from 1997 and one on his death in 2003.
  4. In Memoriam: Hushmand Fatheazam (1924-2013), by Shahbaz Fatheazam (2014). Born into a prominent Iranian Bahá'í family, he pioneered to India where he was later elected to the National Spiritual Assembly, serving as its secretary until 1963, when he was elected to the Universal House of Justice, serving on that body until 2003.
  5. Last Refuge, The: Fifty Years of the Universal House of Justice, by Shahbaz Fatheazam (2015). History of the House by the son of 40-year member Houshmand Fatheazam, an eye-witness to its development; organizational structure of Bahá'í polity and its vision of politics; connections between institutions and culture; personal recollections.
  6. Members of the Universal House of Justice 1963-2023 and Hands of the Cause: Timeline, Arjen Bolhuis, comp, Sana Rezai, comp. (2003/2023). List of names and dates of all who served on the House of Justice or as Hands.
  7. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. (1996).
  8. Ruhe, David S. (1914-2005), by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (2005-09-06). A letter from the NSA, followed by a biography from Bahá'í World News Service.
  9. Semple, Ian (1963-2005): A Personal Appreciation, by Jack McLean (2011-12-04). Brief personal recollections of a scholar and member of the Universal House of Justice.
  10. Semple, Ian Chalmers: In Memoriam, by Anonymous, Universal House of Justice (2012). Biography of long-serving member of the Universal House of Justice and frequent contributor to scholarly publications and conferences.
  11. Statistics on Members of the Universal House of Justice, Shahbaz Fatheazam, comp. (2015). 2-page chart showing the nationality, years served, and membership changes of the Universal House of Justice, 1963-2015.

2.   from the Chronology (30 results; less)

  1. 1963-04-22
      The results of the election of the Universal House of Justice were announced at the close of the morning session of the International Convention: Charles Wolcott, 'Alí Nakhjavání, H. Borrah Kavelin, Ian Semple, Lutfu'lláh Hakím, David Hofman, Hugh Chance, Amoz Gibson and Hushmand Fatheazam. [BBD231–3; BBRSM131; BW14:425 MoC425; SS50; VVXI-XII]
    • For a picture of the Hands of the Cause of God with the Universal House of Justice see ZK123.
  2. 1963-04-30
      The members of the Universal House of Justice were presented to the World Congress and the first statement of the House of Justice was read by David Hofman. [BW14:68]
    • For the text of the statement see BW14:431–2 and WG1–3.
  3. 1968-04-21
      The Universal House of Justice was elected for a second time by delegates from 81 National Spiritual Assemblies. [BW15:557]
    • Dr David Ruhe was elected to replace Dr Hakím, who resigned for reasons of ill health. The members were: Amoz Gibson, 'Ali Nakhjavani, Hushmand Fatheazam, Ian Semple, Charles Wolcott, David Hofman, H. Borrah Kavelin, Hugh Chance and David Ruhe. [VV3]
    • For a description of the second international convention and pictures see BW14:564–8.
  4. 1982-05-14
      Amoz Gibson, (b. 3 Aug 1918 Washington), a member of the Universal House of Justice from 1963 until 1982, passed away in Haifa. He was buried in the Bahá'í Cemetery in Haifa. [BW18:669; VV52]
    • His diagnose was acute lymphoblastic leukemia. See Bahá'í Chronicles for a brief biography.
    • For his obituary see BW18:665–9.
    • Find a grave.
    • Elected to the Universal House of Justice to replace him was Mr. Glenford Mitchell. He was born in Jamaica and held a Masters degree in journalism from Columbia University. An author, he had worked as a magazine editor and managing editor and taught English and journalism at Howard University. He served as chief executive officer of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States from 1968 until his election to the Universal House of Justice. [BWNS208]
  5. 1983-04-29
      The Universal House of Justice was elected for the fifth time at the International Convention held in Haifa.
    • Those elected were: 'Al´Nakhjavání, Hushmand Fatheazam, Ian Semple, David Ruhe, Glenford Mitchell, David Hofman, Borrah Kavelin, Charles Wolcott, and Hugh Chance. [Mess63-86p359]
    • The National Spiritual Assembly of Iran was unable to attend but sent 133 red roses as its gift to its sister Assemblies. [BW18:461]
    • For a report of the Convention see BW18:461–4.
    • See BW18:462, 464 for pictures.
  6. 1987-01-26
      Charles Wolcott (b. September 29, 1906 in Flint, MI) member of the Universal House of Justice, passed away in Haifa. [BINS162:1; VV97]
    • Mr Wolcott passed away on the day he dictated the essay in the Forward of the book The Creative Circle: Art, Literature, and Music in Bahá'í Perspective edited by Michael Fitzgerald and published by Kalimat Press in 1989. [The Creative Circle pgx-xx]
    • See a video tribute entitled In Memory of Charles Wolcott, 1906-1987.
    • Wikipedia.
    • Elected in his stead was Dr. Peter Khan. He was born in Australia, held professorial posts in electrical engineering at universities in the United States and Australia. He served as an Auxiliary Board member, a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia, and a Continental Counsellor before being appointed to the International Teaching Centre. [BWNS208]
  7. 1987-11-17 — The Universal House of Justice announced the retirement of Mr. David Hofman and Mr. Borrah Kavelin. [Mess86-01p43; VV97]
  8. 1988-04-21
      The Universal House of Justice was elected for the sixth time at the International Convention held in Haifa. Delegates from 148 National/Regional Assemblies participated. [BINS176; VV97]
    • Those elected were: 'Alí Nakhjavání, Glenford Mitchell, Hushmand Fatheazam, Ian Semple, Peter Khan, David Ruhe, Hugh Chance, Hooper Dunbar, Adib Taherzadeh. [Mess86-01p49]
    • A gift of a large bowl of 120 roses was received from the Bahá'í of Iran.
    • Mr. Hooper Dunbar, born in the United States, was a film actor in Hollywood before moving to Central and South America where he taught arts and English. He is an accomplished painter. He was first elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Nicaragua in 1961. He later served as a Continental Counsellor before being appointed to the International Teaching Centre in 1973. [BWNS208]
  9. 1988-12-18
      H. Borrah Kavelin, (b. 18 March, 1906, Russia), former member of the first House of Justice, passed away in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was buried in Fairview Memorial Park in Albuquerque. [VV97]
    • A biography.
    • Find a grave
  10. 1993-04-29
      The seventh Bahá'í International Convention at the World Centre. Those elected to the Universal House of Justice were: Mr. Ali Nakhjavani, Mr. Glenford Mitchell, Mr. Adib Taherzadeh, Mr. Ian Semple, Mr. Peter Khan, Mr. Hushmand Fatheazam, Mr. Hooper Dunbar, Mr. Farzam Arbab and Mr. Douglas Martin. [BINS295, BW93-4p51-58]
    • Hugh Chance and David Ruhe announced their retirement. Mr. Chance had served since 1963 and Dr. Ruhe since 1968. [BINS295, BS93-4p57]
    • For a report of the Convention see BW93–4:51–8.
    • For pictures see BW93–4:52, 53, 54, 57.
    • Dr. Farzam Arbab, born in Iran, obtained his doctorate in physics at the University of California, Berkeley. He was the representative for the Rockefeller Foundation in Colombia (1974 to 1983) and the president of the FUNDAEC development foundation there. He was a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Colombia and a Continental Counsellor before being appointed to the International Teaching Centre.
    • Mr. Douglas Martin, born in Canada, held degrees in business administration and in history, and was an author and editor. He was a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada, serving as its chief executive officer from 1965 to 1985 when he was appointed Director-General of the Office of Public Information at the Bahá'í World Centre. [BWNS208]
  11. 2000-01-26
  12. 2000-03-23
      The election of Kiser Barnes to the Universal House of Justice to replace Mr Adib Taherzadeh. [BWNS948]
    • Mr. Kiser Barnes was born in the United States, and held degrees in political science and law. He practiced law and held senior positions in human rights organizations and in labour relations in the United States, before moving to Africa where he held senior academic posts at universities in Benin, Togo and Nigeria. He was a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Benin, an Auxiliary Board member and a Continental Counsellor until appointed to the International Teaching Centre in 1993. [BWNS208]
  13. 2003-04-28 — The retirement of Mr. Ali Nakhjavani and Mr. Hushmand Fatheazam from the Universal House of Justice. Both had served since the inception of the Universal House of Justice in 1963. They are replaced by Mr. Hartmut Grossmann and Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri. [BWNS208]
  14. 2003-04-29
      The ninth election of the Universal House of Justice by postal ballot by 1,544 electors from 178 countries. Chosen were Hartmut Grossmann and Firaydoun Javaheri to replace retiring members Mr. Nakhjavani, 83, and Mr. Fatheazam, 79 and re-elected were Farzam Arbab, Kiser Barnes, Hooper Dunbar, Peter Khan, Douglas Martin, Glenford Mitchell and Ian Semple. [One Country Vol.15 Issue1, BWNS207]
    • Mr. Grossmann, born in Germany, had academic qualifications in the German and English languages. He served on the National Spiritual Assemblies of the Bahá'ís of Germany (1963 to 1969) and Finland (1977 to 1980). He was a university academic in Finland. Mr. Grossmann was appointed a Continental Counsellor in 1980, advising Bahá'í communities throughout Europe in their growth and development. He had been serving in the International Teaching Centre prior to his election.
    • Dr. Javaheri, who was born in Iran, had a doctorate in agronomy. He lived for 27 years in Africa -- Gambia then Zambia -- where he was Chief Technical Adviser for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. He served the Bahá'í communities there in the area of social and economic development. He was appointed a Continental Counsellor in 1995 after serving for 19 years as a member of its Auxiliary Board. He, like Mr Grossmann, had been serving in the International Teaching Centre prior to his election. [BWNS208]
  15. 2003-05-09
      The passing of David Hofman (b.1908 in Poona, India) in Oxford, England. [BW03-04p234-235]
    • He was one of the nine elected members of the Universal House of Justice when that institution came into being in 1963.
    • He presented the first statement from the supreme Baha'i administrative body in April 1963 to the World Congress in London. Twenty-nine years later, in 1992, he delivered the opening address to the second Baha'i World Congress in New York, an event attended by some 30,000 people.
    • He served as a member of the Universal House of Justice for 25 years, until he left in 1988 at the age of 80. [BWNS209, BW'03-'04pg234, UK Bahá'í Journal]
    • See a brief biography in The Bahá'í Community of the British Isles 1844-1963 p462-464 and for the story of his learning of the Faith, p452-453
    • His published works included:
      • Selections from Bahá'í Scriptures (1941)
      • The Renewal of Civilization (1945)
      • God and His Messengers (1953)
      • George Townshend, A Life (1983)
      • A Commentary on the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (1983)
      • Baha'u'llah, the Prince of Peace: A Portrait (1992)
  16. 2005-03-21
      The announcement of the retirement of Mr. Ian Semple and Mr. Douglas Martin from the Universal House of Justice. Mr. Semple served since 1963 and Mr. Martin was elected in 1993. [BWNS359]
    • Mr. Ian Semple, born in England, held a Master of Arts degree in the German and French languages and literature from Oxford University. A chartered accountant, he served on the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the British Isles. He was an Auxiliary Board member in Europe and was elected to the International Bahá'í Council in 1961. He was first elected to the Universal House of Justice in 1963.
    • Mr. Douglas Martin, born in Canada, held degrees in business administration and in history, and was an author and editor. He was a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada, serving as its chief executive officer from 1965 to 1985 when he was appointed Director-General of the Office of Public Information at the Bahá'í World Centre. He was elected to the Universal House of Justice in 1993. [BWNS208]
  17. 2005-04-21 — The election of Dr. Payman Mohajer and Mr. Paul Lample to the vacancies on the Universal House of Justice. They filled the vacancies created by the departure at Naw-Ruz of Mr. Ian Semple and Mr. Douglas Martin, owing to age and the related needs of the Faith. Re-elected were: Firaydoun Javaheri, Hartmut Grossmann, Kiser Barnes, Farzam Arbab, Hooper Dunbar, Peter Khan, and Glenford Mitchell. [BWNS358]
  18. 2005-09-06
      The passing of former Universal House of Justice member David S. Ruhe (b. 3 January, 1913) near Newburg, New York. He served on the Universal House of Justice from 1968 to 1993. [BWNS388]
    • Dr Ruhe will be remembered for his contributions to medicine as well his Bahá'í service. [BW05-06p237-238]
    • Among his Bahá'í publications were:
      • Door of Hope (1983)
      • Robe of LIght (1994)
  19. 2008-04-23 — The retirement of Universal House of Justice members Mr. Hartmut Grossmann and Mr. Glenford E. Mitchell. Mr. Grossmann had served from 2003 and Mr. Mitchell had first been elected in 1982. [BWNS622]
  20. 2008-04-30
      The election of the Universal House of Justice at the 10th International Bahá'í Convention. It was attended by more than 1,000 delegates from 153 countries.
    • Those elected were Farzam Arbab, (an Iranian-born physicist who specialized in development in Colombia), Kiser Barnes, (an African-American law professor), Peter Khan, (an Australian-born electrical engineer of South Asian descent), Hooper Dunbar, (an accomplished painter and former Hollywood actor who spent many years in Nicaragua), Firaydoun Javaheri, (an agronomist who worked some 27 years in Africa), Paul Lample, (an American educator), Payman Mohajer, (a doctor of homoeopathic medicine and a psychologist), and Gustavo Correa, (a former mathematics professor). [BWNS629, BWNS631, BWNS627, BWNS628, BWNS626, BWNS624]
  21. 2010-03-20
      The Universal House of Justice announced the retirement of Mr. Peter Khan (member since 1987) and Mr. Hooper Dunbar (member since 1988). [BWNS763]
    • Stephen Birkland and Stephen Hall were elected to the Universal House of Justice to replace retiring members. [BWNS762]
  22. 2011-12-01
      The passing of former Universal House of Justice member Mr. Ian C. Semple (b. 2 December 1928 in New Barnet, Hertfordshire) in Switzerland. He served as a member of the Universal House of Justice from its inception in 1963 until his retirement in 2005. [BWNS871]
    • See UK Bahá'í Histories.
    • See Bahá'í Blog.
    • Bahaipedia.
    • Some publications by Ian Semple.
  23. 2013-04-29
      The 11th International Bahá'í Convention in Haifa and the 50th anniversary of the inaugural Convention in 1963 at which the first Universal House of Justice was elected. Those elected were Paul Lample, Firaydoun Javaheri, Payman Mohajer, Gustavo Correa, Shahriar Razavi, Stephen Birkland, Stephen Hall, Chuungu Malitonga, and Ayman Rouhani. [BWNS950, BWNS951, BWNS953]
    • More than a thousand members of one hundred and fifty seven National Spiritual Assemblies attended, and nearly five hundred more, including those from an additional fourteen countries, participated in the election by mail. [Letter from the Universal House of Justice to the delegates gathered at Bahá'í National Conventions dated 16 May, 2013]
  24. 2013-11-00 — The announcement by the Universal House of Justice of the retirement of Dr. Farzam Arbab and Mr. Kiser Barnes. Mr. Arbab was first elected in 1993 and Mr. Barnes was elected in 2000. [BWNS948]
  25. 2018-04-22 — The announcement of the retirement of Universal House of Justice members Mr. Gustavo Correa, 70, and Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri, 72. Mr. Correa was from Colombia. He was elected to the House of Justice in 2008. Dr. Javaheri was born in Iran and spent much of his life in Africa—first in The Gambia and subsequently in Zambia. He was elected to the Universal House of Justice in 2003. [BWNS1253]
  26. 2018-04-30
      The announcement of the election of the 12th Universal House of Justice. Those elected were Paul Lample, Chuungu Malitonga, Payman Mohajer, Shahriar Razavi, Stephen Hall, Ayman Rouhani, Stephen Birkland, Juan Francisco Mora, and Praveen Mallik. [BWNS1258]
    • The twelfth International Bahá'í Convention was held from the 29th of April until the 2nd of May. In the election of the Universal House of Justice over 1,300 ballots were cast by representatives of 160 national communities. [BWNS1256, BWNS1257, BWNS1259, BWNS1261]
    • See Vimeo for a short film of the International Convention by Farideh Baki-Nasseri.
    • The film A Widening Embrace was screened at the Convention, enriching the consultations of the delegates. It is a documentary film about the community-building efforts of the Bahá'í world. Many of the themes discussed over the days of the Convention were highlighted in the practical examples presented in the documentary which tells the story of the transformation of communities unfolding throughout the world by featuring the process in 24 communities representing different realities and contexts. The 77-minute film, which was commissioned by the Universal House of Justice, was made available in English, Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic, and Persian. [BWNS1260] .
  27. 2020-09-25
      The passing of former Universal House of Justice member Farzam Arbab (b. 1941 in Tehran) in San Diego where he had been living.

      He completed an undergraduate degree at Amherst College, Massachusetts in 1964 and obtained a doctorate in physics at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1968 before settling in Colombia as a pioneer.

      From 1970 until 1980 he served as the Chairman for the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Colombia. In 1980 he was appointed to the Continental Board of Counsellors for the Protection and Propagation of the Faith in the Americas, on which he served for eight years. In 1988, he was named to the Bahá'í International Teaching Centre and was a member of that body until 1993, when he was first elected to the Universal House of Justice. He served until his retirement in 2013.

      He served as president of Fundacion para la Aplicacion de las Ciencias (FUNDAEC), a nongovernmental development agency in Colombia, from 1974 to 1988, and continued to serve on its board of directors until the end of his life. [BWNS1453; Bahaipedia]

    • Documents by Dr Arbab.
    • Scientific documents by Dr Arbab.
  28. 2020-09-28
      The passing of former Universal House of Justice member James Douglas Martin (b. 24 February 1927 in Chatham, Ontario) in Toronto. [CBNS]

      See Memorial for Douglas Martin - Online Commemoration.

      He was a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of Canada from 1960 to 1985 and served the last twenty years as the general secretary. In 1985. He was appointed director-general of the Bahá'í International Community's Office of Public Information at the World Centre. He served in that capacity until 1993 when he was elected to the Universal House of Justice. He retired from the House of Justice in 2005 due to considerations of age and related needs of the Faith. [BWNS1455]

  29. 2022-11-08 — In a message addressed to all National Spiritual Assemblies the Universal House of Justice advised that Mr. Stephen Birkland and Mr. Stephen Hall have requested permission to relinquish their membership on the Universal House of Justice in accordance with Article V.2.(c) of its Constitution. They will continue to serve on the institution until the date of the completion of the election of the Universal House of Justice at the Thirteenth International Bahá'í Convention to be held at Riḍván 2023. [letter from the NSA of Canada S123870 8 November 2022; BWNS1655]
  30. 2023-04-24 — The 13th International Bahá'í Convention was held at the Bahá'í World Centre.

    To prepare for their duty in electing the Universal House of Justice, delegates immersed themselves in the spiritual atmosphere of the Bahá'í Holy Places in Akka and Haifa including the construction site of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Baha.

    At the start of the Convention, the Bahá'ís in Iran, who for several decades have been prevented from forming Bahá'í institutions and therefore electing representatives, were remembered by the participants, and their absence was poignantly marked by a beautiful arrangement of 95 red roses.

    Some 1,250 delegates came from 176 countries across the world to attend the International Convention which ran from the 29th of April to the 2nd of May. On the first day of their arrival the delegates visited the Holy Places in Haifa and in Akka [BWNS1656]

    On Saturday, the 29th of April, the 12th day of Ridván, 1590 votes were counted on behalf of the assembled and absent delegates. There was a tie for the 9th place and the assembled delegates voted on Sunday to decided between the two men. On the 1st of May it was announced that Chuungu Malitonga, Paul Lample, Juan Francisco Mora, Ayman Rouhani, Payman Mohajer, Shahriar Razavi, Praveen Mallik, Andrej Donoval, and Albert Nshisu Nsunga were elected. [BWNS1656; BWNS1657; BWNS1658; BWNS1659]

    See two photo albums posted by Hungarian delegate and photographer Edit Kalman called Precious Souls and Special days.

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