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Tag "Windsor, ON"

tag name: Windsor, ON  edit 7700 type: Geographic locations
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3.   from the Chronology of Canada (2 results; collapse)

  1. 1954-04-21
      Bruce Matthew came to Canada in 1951 from Scotland via Hertfordshire and moved to Toronto in 1953 where he encountered the Faith after responding to a newspaper in The Toronto Star. The advertisement was for a talk by Laura Davis at a public meeting at the Bahá'í Centre. Willing to go "anywhere" he was asked to move to Goose Bay, NL and arrived on the 21st of April, 1954, the deadline established by Shoghi Effendi for being named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh by Shoghi Effendi. Bruce has an interesting story of his miraculous healing just prior to his boarding the plane for Goose Bay. [KoB270-271]
    • During the time he spent there, from April 1954 to January 1956, Bruce worked at the hospital and later as a court reporter for the United States Air Force until his job was phased out.
    • In consultation with the Goals Committee, Bruce pioneered to Charlottetown, PE, then St. John's, NL, and Windsor, ON. The Goals Committee then suggested that Bruce go to Moncton, NB, and he finally settled in the community of Alliston, ON, north of Toronto. [CBN Vol4 Issue 2 Jun 1991 p11; KoB271; BW13p453]

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  2. 2022-02-22 — Tina Rouhandeh created a woven textile project using the ancient Iranian scribing practice of Mastar. The project is called "Inquiry about Forgotten Birds," and was about the people of the Bahá'í faith who were being silenced in Iran. Her art form was passed down from her grandmother. She hand stitched, weaved and used calligraphy to make the tableau that recorded the persecution. The project took about three years in preparation, every piece told a different story. [CBC 20 February 2022]
    Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/bahai/public_html/25_incfiles/tags.php on line 974
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