- Advancing in Bahá'í-inspired Education, by Sona Farid-Arbab (2016). A number of diverse educators labor in diverse cultural and ecological settings to identify educational needs, develop elements of a coherent pedagogy, and create a series of teaching-learning experience, in light of Bahá'u'lláh's vision for humanity.
- Ruhi book series, by Ruhi Institute (1987-2015). Published volumes of the Ruhi Institute books. (Links to documents, offsite.)
- Ruhi Institutes and the Five-Year Plan, by Universal House of Justice (2011-12-12). Letter to all National Spiritual Assemblies about the role of the Ruhi Institute, coordination of clusters, education of children, and training institutes in the 2011-2016 5-Year Plan.
- Training Institutes: Attaining a Higher Level of Functioning, by International Teaching Centre (2017-01). Assistance to Bahá'ís managing institutes, to help better implement the main sequence of courses, the youth spiritual empowerment and education programs, and matters related to the institutional capacity of training institutes.
- Younger Generation Has Always Had the Power to Reshape Our World, The, by Ted Slavin (2010). Young people have a great potential to shape society. Youth trained to lead junior youth groups are called "animators"; they can help guide activist potential to achieving positive effect.