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TAGS: * All subjects; - Conferences; - Indexes and catalogues; Firesides; Summer schools; Visuals
List of talks and presentations in Video or Audio format found at other sites; included here for reference and keyword indexing.
This list was last updated 2021-02-08. If you find other collections of talks that aren't listed here, or if you notice updates since 2021-02-08, please let us know.

Collections of Audio and Video Talks:

Lists of Speakers and Titles



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1. From

The following items can be found at
They are listed here for reference, and for keyword searching.
See also other items on this site: and

Declaration of the Báb
BWC Presentation

Hussein Ahdieh

Tahirih: Beyond Emancipation
Roya Akhavan

Peace for Our Planet: A New Approach
Roya Akhavan

Spirituality in a Phony World: In Search of Authenticity
Dr. Payam Akhavan

Healthy, Unified Marriages As Service to Humanity
Susanne Alexander

The Crucifixion and the Qur’án: An Exegetical and Historical Inquiry into Surah 4:157-158.
Dr. Ali Ataie

From Duality to Oneness: A Bahá’í Perspective on Humanity’s Conscious Evolution
Robert Atkinson

The Dark Night of the Collective Soul: A Bahá’í Perspective on the Role and Purpose of Transformation in Society
Robert Atkinson

Reality Is One, and Global Harmony Is Inevitable: Building a Culture of Oneness
Robert Atkinson

Consultation: A Revolutionary Model of Democratic Governance
Brian Aull

Is There a Bahá’í Economic System?
Hooshmand Badee

Zaynab and the Women of Zanjan
Baha’i Blog

About the Bahá’í Faith
Dorothy Baker

Triumph of the Cause
Mr. Hasan M. Balyuzi

The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh, Talk 1 of 3
Amin Banani

Creativity in Consultation
Trip Barthel

Introduction to the Dawn-Breakers
Ehsan Bayat

Introduction to the Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh
Ehsan Bayat

Introduction to the Kitáb-i-Íqán
Ehsan Bayat

Story of the Tablet of Ahmad
Ehsan Bayat

Exploring the Tablet of Ahmad
Ehsan Bayat

Exploring Ishráqát
Ehsan Bayat

Exploring the Fire Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh
Ehsan Bayat

Epistle to the Son of the Wolf Part 1
Ehsan Bayat

Epistle to the Son of the Wolf Part 2
Ehsan Bayat

‘Abdu’l-Bahá: The Mystery of God
Ehsan Bayat

ʻAbdu’l-Bahá - The Center of the Covenant
Ehsan Bayat

Transformation of Character
Ehsan Bayat

Beloved of the Martyrs and the King of the Martyrs
Ehsan Bayat

Introduction to the Tablets of the Divine Plan
Ehsan Bayat

Introduction to the Advent of Divine Justice
Ehsan Bayat

Introduction to The Promised Day is Come
Ehsan Bayat

Introduction to the Bahá’í Administrative Order Part 1
Ehsan Bayat

Introduction to the Bahá’í Administrative Order Part 3
Ehsan Bayat

Introduction to the Bahá’í Administrative Order Part 5
Ehsan Bayat

Introduction to the Bahá’í Administrative Order Part 4
Ehsan Bayat

Sincerity the Foundation Stone of Faith
Ehsan Bayat

Ten Plagues of the Exodus in the Light of the Bahá’í Writings
JoAnn Borovicka

Parallels in the Lives and Ministries of Tahirih and Paul
JoAnn Borovicka

Queen Marie Of Rumania, At Home (1934)
British Pathé

Bahá’í Afterlife: The Great Beyond
Rob Cacchioni

5 Realms of Existence - Bahá’í Cosmology - Part 1 - Bridging Beliefs
Rob Cacchioni

5 Realms of Existence - Bahá’í Cosmology - Part 2 - Bridging Beliefs
Rob Cacchioni

5 Realms of Existence - Bahá’í Cosmology - Part 3 - Bridging Beliefs
Rob Cacchioni

Seal of the Prophets - Part 1 - Is Prophet Muhammad the Last? - Bridging Beliefs
Rob Cacchioni

Seal of the Prophets - Part 2 - The Drumbeat of the Qur’án - Bridging Beliefs
Rob Cacchioni

Seal of the Prophets - Part 3 - A Wicked Man Brings News - Bridging Beliefs
Rob Cacchioni

Seal of the Prophets - Part 4 - The Queen of Sheba and You - Bridging Beliefs
Rob Cacchioni

The Great Beyond 6/7: Tests in the Afterlife - Finding the Beloved Again
Rob Cacchioni

The Spiritual Destiny of America and the West, Part 1
Reba Carruth

The Spiritual Destiny of America and the West, Part 2
Reba Carruth

The Spiritual Destiny of America and the West, Part 3
Reba Carruth

Bahá’í Identity: Conscientious Spirituality and the Games People Play
Robin Chandler

On the Elimination of the Extremes of Wealth and Poverty: a Bahá’í Perspective
Augusto Lopez Claros

‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Travels - 1970
Betty Hoff Conow

Truth, Beauty and Goodness: Three Interconnected Aims and Means of ‘True Education'
Glen Cotten

Imagining Bahá’í Law
Roshan Danesh

Sacred Stairway: Pathway to a Book
Michael Day

The Shrine of the Báb: Recent Research Findings on its Establishment, Completion and Embellishment
Michael Day

Berry Craig’s Notebook: Bahá’í
Connie and Floyd Donley

Introduction to the Bahá’í Faith - London, UK - 2012
Hooper Dunbar

Q&A on the Bahá’í Faith - London, UK - 2012
Hooper Dunbar

Activities of the Other World - Austin, TX - 2011
Hooper Dunbar

The Adventure of Bahá’í Study - Toronto, Canada 2013
Hooper Dunbar

Attaining the Vision - LA Bahá’í Center - Aug 2017
Hooper Dunbar

Bahá’u’lláh and His Teachings (Fireside) - 2017
Hooper Dunbar

Bahá’u’lláh (Youth Meeting) - Seattle, WA - Oct 2017
Hooper Dunbar

Being a Bahá’í - Corona, CA - 2017
Hooper Dunbar

The Big Questions (Fireside) - Long Beach, CA - 2017
Hooper Dunbar

Class 1: The Importance of Deepening
Hooper Dunbar

Class 2: Practical Approaches to Deepening
Hooper Dunbar, Ghaneh Fananapazir

Class 1 The Importance of Deepening - 2012
Hooper Dunbar

Class 2 Practical Approaches to Deepening - 2012
Hooper Dunbar

Existence & Oneness of Creation - 2014
Hooper Dunbar

Finding our Way - Costa Mesa, CA - April 2018
Hooper Dunbar

Focus on Teaching the Cause - July 2018 - Wilmette, IL
Hooper Dunbar

The Forces of Light & Darkness - Hooper Dunbar
Hooper Dunbar

Forces of Our Time
Hooper Dunbar

1- Forces of our Time - Bosch Bahá’í School - 2011
Hooper Dunbar

3- Forces of our Time - Hooper Dunbar - Bosch Bahá’í School - 2011
Hooper Dunbar

Fourfold Challenge Prayer, Meditation, Study, Action
Hooper Dunbar

Getting to the Truth - Los Angeles, CA - April 2018
Hooper Dunbar

Hands of the Cause - 2014
Hooper Dunbar

Heroism of the Báb’s Disciples - 2014
Hooper Dunbar

How to Live a Full & Spiritual Life - Seattle, WA - Oct 2017
Hooper Dunbar

Human Spirit and Eternal Life - Austin, TX - 2011
Hooper Dunbar

Immortality Day 1
Hooper Dunbar

Hope, Faith, and the Afterlife - Toronto, Canada - 2013
Hooper Dunbar

Irfan Bosch Bahá’í School - 2015
Hooper Dunbar

Learning to be Effective - Hooper Dunbar - Bellevue, WA - May 2017
Hooper Dunbar

Life and mission of the Báb III - Sweden - July 2019
Hooper Dunbar

1 The Living Book - Vancouver, Canada - 2017
Hooper Dunbar

2 The Living Book - Vancouver, Canada - 2017
Hooper Dunbar

The Manifestation of God - Hooper Dunbar - Dec 2005
Hooper Dunbar

Memories of the Hands of the Cause - Malaysia - Dec 2018
Hooper Dunbar

Nature and Purpose of Prayer - 2014
Hooper Dunbar

Nature of Revelation, Death and the Afterlife - Austin, TX - 2011
Hooper Dunbar

Preparing for Eternal Life - Hooper Dunbar - Austin, TX - 2011
Hooper Dunbar

Pre-requisite of the True Seeker - 2014
Hooper Dunbar

Recognizing Bahá’u’lláh on the Bi-Centenary of His Birth - ABS 2017
Hooper Dunbar

Recollections of Hand of the Cause Enoch Olinga - 2013
Hooper Dunbar

Remembering the Báb I - Malaysia - Dec 2018
Hooper Dunbar

Remembering the Báb II - Malaysia - Dec 2018
Hooper Dunbar

Role of the Manifestation - Austin, TX - 2011
Hooper Dunbar

Role of the Individual - Palo Alto, CA - April 2018
Hooper Dunbar

Sense of Existence - Mitchell Park Library, Palo Alto, CA - June 2018
Hooper Dunbar

3 Study - 2014
Hooper Dunbar

Success in Service (Talk to the Youth) - Vancouver, Canada - 2017
Hooper Dunbar

Tablets of the Divine Plan - 01-2017
Hooper Dunbar

Teaching & Divine Confirmation I - Sweden - July 2019
Hooper Dunbar

Teaching & Divine Confirmation II - Hooper Dunbar - Sweden - July 2019
Hooper Dunbar

Understanding Death and Immortality - Austin, TX - 2011
Hooper Dunbar

Youth Meeting - Long Beach, CA - Sep 2017
Hooper Dunbar

Talk with the Youth - Hooper Dunbar - Sweden - July 2019
Hooper Dunbar

Hooper Dunbar, London, January 2012
Hooper Dunbar

Bahá’í Summer School - Queensland, AU - 2017 - Hooper Dunbar
Hooper Dunbar

The Báb’s Tablet about the Special Prophethood of Muhammad
Armin Eschraghi

Finding Hope in Turbulent Times
Sovaida Ma'ani Ewing

Building a World Federation: The Key to Solving Our Global Crises
Sovaida Ma'ani Ewing

The Hidden Words: Transcript
A. Q. Faizí

The Greatest Joy
Mr Faizi

Who are the Hands of the Cause
Mr Faizi

How to Support the Pioneers
Mr Faizi

The ideal form of the Bahá’í Community
Mr Faizi

The Bahá’í Calendar
Ghaneh Fananapazir

The Tablet of Ahmad
Khazeh Fananapazir

The Advent of Divine Justice
Khazeh Fananapazir

The Advent of Divine Justice
Khazeh Fananapazir

Islam and Gender Roles
Lameh Fananapazir

Why is there so much aggression in the name of Islam?
Lameh Fananapazir

D.C. Fireside
Lameh Fananapazir

Global Studies 2017-11-02
Lameh Fananapazir

Seventh deepening session on Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
Lameh Fananapazir

Source of Spiritual Life
Collis Featherstone

The Beloved Guardian Part 2
Collis Featherstone

Significance of Ridvan 1963
Mr Featherstone

Father & Mother Dunn
Mr Featherstone

The Living Organism Part 1
Collis Featherstone

The Living Organism Part 2
Collis Featherstone

The Living Organism Part 3
Collis Featherstone

Martha Root
Trevor Finch

Science and Religion: Harmonious Development
Steve Friberg

Talk by Hand of cause of God Mr. Alí-Akbar Furútan
Alí-Akbar Furútan

Free Will
Mr. Ali Akbar Furútan

Meeting the Guardian
A. Furutan

Bahá’í education of children
Alí-Akbar Furútan

Materialism and Discontent: Bahá’í Perspectives
Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian

Superstructure of the Shrine of the Báb
Dr Giachery

The Dawn-Breakers Day 1
Gilbert Hakim

Hand of the cause of God Paul Haney
Paul Haney

Aflame with Devotion: a Book Summary
Judy Hannen Moe

Clara and Hyde Dunn
Graham Hassall

The Face of God Among Us
John Hatcher

Love, Power and Justice
William Hatcher

Moral and Spiritual Development
Dr William S. Hatcher

Life’s most persistent and urgent question: What are you doing for others?
Dr. Robert C. Henderson

The First Western Pilgrimage: A Turning Point in the Establishment of the Bahá’í Faith in the West
Kathryn Hogenson

Horace H. Holley: An Indispensable Man in the Development of the Bahá’í Faith
Kathryn Hogenson

Accessing the Meaning of the Bahá’í Revelation
Sandra Lynn Hutchison

Our Responsibilities
Leroy Ioas

Reminiscences of serving ‘Abdu’l-Bahá' in Haifa - 1969
Curtis Kelsey

Stories of ʻAbdu’l-Bahá - Part 1
Curtis Kelsey

Stories of ʻAbdu’l-Bahá - Part 2
Curtis Kelsey

Tablet of Carmel
Mr Khadem

Life of Laura Clifford Dreyfus-Barney
Mona Khademi

The Life & Legacy of Bahiyyih Khanum - Dr. Janet Khan
Dr Janet Khan

Tablets of the Divine Plan - Dr Janet Khan - Part 1
Dr Janet Khan

Tablets of the Divine Plan - Part 2
Dr Janet Khan

Scientific Principles at Work in the Worldwide Advancement of the Bahá’í Faith
Jena Khadem Khodadad

Biotechnology, Benefits and Perils: The Need for Spiritual Perspective in Achieving Harmony of Science and Religion
Jena Khadem Khodadad

Zikrullah Khadem: Itinerant Hand of the Cause of God
Jena Khadem Khodadad

The Bahá’í Proofs for God
Ian Kluge

Call of the Divine Beloved - The Seven Valleys, Part 1
Sohrab Kourosh

The Seven Valleys of Bahá’u’lláh Reformation of Mysticism
Sohrab Kourosh

The Kitáb-i-Íqán: Revolutionizing the Concepts of Religion, Eschatology and Theology
Sohrab Kourosh

The Báb’s Great Announcement to Mulla Husayn: Chapter One of the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’, The Súrih of Dominion (Mulk)
Todd Lawson

Part 1: The Báb’s Artistry in His Commentary on the Súrih of Joseph
Todd Lawson

Understanding the Báb’s Audience - The Blessed Beauty in Islam
Todd Lawson

Bahá’u’lláh - The Return of Joseph
Todd Lawson

The Qur’án: The First Book in Arabic
Todd Lawson

The Bahá’í Reception of the Qur’án
Todd Lawson

The Qur’án in the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh & the Báb
Todd Lawson

The Qur’ánic Epic & the Creation of Humanity
Todd Lawson

Water, Light, Knowledge & the Ecology of Imagination
Todd Lawson

A Tribute to Hyde & Clara Dunn
Mariette Leong

Recollections of Clara Dunn and Henry Hyde Dunn
Mariette Leong

Hand of the Cause of God Collis Featherstone: Remembrances
Mariette Leong

The Emergence of Global Institutions
Augusto Lopez

The Leaves of the Twin Divine Trees
Baharieh Rouhani Maani

The Gardener - by Mohsen Makhmalbaf (With Subtitles - باغبان ساخته محسن مخملباف )
Mohsen Makhmalbaf

What does it mean to be Born Again
Jack E. McCants

Holy Spirit
Jack McCants

Funeral of Amatu’l-Bahá Ruhiyyih Khánum
Semple, Mitchelle

Can The Long Healing Prayer Really Heal You?
Nabil Moghaddam

Shaykh Tabarsi: A Turning Point in the Bábí Faith
Siyamak Zabihi Moghaddam

Five Revolutionary Teachings on Gender Equality in the Bahá’í Faith
Vasu Mohan

The Re‑Creation and Utilization of a Community’s Memories: Shoghi Effendi and Bahá’í History
Moojan Momen

A Divine Exposition for the New Age: A Textual Analysis of the Persian Bayan
Shahrokh Monjazeb

Gems of Divine Mysteries: New Insights
Shahrokh Monjazeb

Veiled and Concealed in the Hidden Habitation of His Inner Being: The Birth of the New Revelation in the Síyáh-Chál Prison
Shahrokh Monjazeb

Bahá’u’lláh and the Birth of the New Revelation Part 2
Shahrokh Monjazeb

Bahá’u’lláh and the Birth of the New Revelation Part 3
Shahrokh Monjazeb

Bahá’u’lláh and the Birth of the New Revelation Part 4
Shahrokh Monjazeb

Bahá’u’lláh and the Birth of the New Revelation Part 5
Shahrokh Monjazeb

Bahá’u’lláh and the Birth of the New Revelation Part 6
Shahrokh Monjazeb

Bahá’u’lláh’s Suratu’l-Muluk (Epistle of the Kings)
Shahrokh Monjazeb

A Closer Look at Bahá’u’lláh’s Letter to the Iranian King | Part 1 of 4
Shahrokh Monjazeb

A Closer Look at Bahá’u’lláh’s Letter to the Iranian King | Part 2 of 4
Shahrokh Monjazeb

A Closer Look at Bahá’u’lláh’s Letter to the Iranian King | Part 3 of 4
Shahrokh Monjazeb

A Closer Look at Bahá’u’lláh’s Letter to the Iranian King | Part 4 of 4
Shahrokh Monjazeb

#1 Various Summer Schools Q&A - Priceless Reflections - Ali Nakhjavani - 2012
Ali Nakhjavani

#2 Various Summer Schools Q&A - Priceless Reflections - 2012
Ali Nakhjavani

Attracting Divine Confirmations
Ali Nakhjavani

Attraction/Conversion/Consecration - Vancouver 1995
Ali Nakhjavani

On Consecration
Ali Nakhjavani

Deepening Classes & Ruhi Courses
Ali Nakhjavani

A flame within us
Ali Nakhjavani

For the Love of His Beauty
Ali Nakhjavani

Glimpse of the life of Enoch Olinga as told by 'Ali Nakhjavani
Ali Nakhjavani

The Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice
Ali Nakhjavani

How to Teach the Faith
Ali Nakhjavani

Integration and Disintegration
Ali Nakhjavani

Persian Accent or Arabic Accent
Ali Nakhjavani

Significance of Bahá’í Service
Ali Nakhjavani

Stories about Shoghi Effendi
Ali Nakhjavani

Teaching the Cause of God: A Two-Edged Sword
Ali Nakhjavani

Mr Ali Nakhjavani - Green Acre 2012
Ali Nakhjavani

#2 Green Acre - Priceless Reflections - 2012
Ali Nakhjavani

Equality of Women = Prosperity for All
Claros, Bahiyyih Nakhjavani

Hand of the Cause of God-Enoch Olinga-2
Violette Nakhjavani

Enoch Olinga

Sacred Cows, Krishna, and the Bahá’í Faith: Decoding Hinduism
Anne Pearson

Mind & Development: Some Bahá’í-Inspired Reflections on Mind and the Harvests of Human Thought
Michael Penn

Where Spirit Intersects Art
Anne Perry

Poem About John Robarts
Anne Perry

Overview of the Writings of The Báb
Steven Phelps

I am the Mystic Fane: The Nature of the Manifestation in the Bahá’í Writings
Steven Phelps

The Call of the Divine Beloved - An Introduction
Steven Phelps

The Call of the Divine Beloved: Ten Part Series
Steven Phelps

Gems of Divine Mysteries
Steven Phelps

Finding Common Ground
Steven Phelps

Impelling the Development of Consciousness
Steven Phelps

The Nature of God
Steven Phelps

The Nature of Prophethood
Steven Phelps

The Nature of Spirit
Steven Phelps

The Nature of Religion
Steven Phelps

Spiritual Transformation
Steven Phelps

Bahá’í Blogcast with Rainn Wilson
Rainn Wilson, Steven Phelps

The Special Place of America in the Bahá’í Authoritative Texts
Valerie Phillips

A Psychology That Responds to Our Times: Transforming Inner Oppression into Awakened, Aligned, and Liberated Spirit
Elena Mustakova Possardt

4,000 Years of Divine Curriculum – What Has God Been Teaching Us?
Edward Price

Tablet of Medicine
Vahid Rafati

A Tribute to the Immortal Heroines of the Bahá’í Faith
Alex Navid Rassekh

Trudy and the Bahá’ís’ Spiritual Path in South Carolina
Annette Reynolds

Long Obligatory Prayer
John Robarts

Women of Consequence in the Life of the Báb
Baharieh Maani Rohani

A Glimpse of Bahá’u’lláh’s Life & Teachings
Ruhiyyih Khanum

Laws of Bahá’u’lláh
Ruhíyyíh Khánum

The Power of God
Ruhíyyíh Khánum

Shoghi Effendi (The Film) - DBIFF Official Selection
Ruhiyyih Khanum

Election of First Universal House of Justice
Ruhiyyih Khanum

Talk by Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum
Ruhíyyíh Khánum

Talk by The Hand of the Cause of God Amatul-Bahá Ruhíyyíh Khánum
Ruhíyyíh Khánum

The Green Light Expedition
Ruhiyyih Khanum

Life of Hushmand Fatheazam
Fariborz Sahba

Identity and the Spiritual Journey in the Badi Calendar
Nader Saiedi

Birth of Human Beings in the Writings of the Báb, by Dr Nader Saiedi (2010)
Nader Saiedi

Fire and Light in the Báb’s Tablet
Nader Saiedi

Bahá’í Blogcast with Rainn Wilson - Ep.48: Declaration of the Báb
Nader Saiedi

Experiences with Bahá’u’lláh
Tarazu'llah Samandari

The Dawning of the Bahá’í Faith on the European Continent
Julio Savi

Seven Ways of Looking at Religion
Ben Schewel

'Crisis and Opportunities' by Hand of the Cause of God William Sears
William Sears

Bahá’í Faith & Beloved Guardian
William Sears

Bahá’í deepening
Bill Sears

Arise - 1989
Bill Sears

Religious Cycles: Tradition, Modernity, and the Bahá’í Faith
Mikhail Sergeev

Interreligious Dialogue: Myths and Reality
Leonard Swidler, Mikhail Sergeev

The Ministry of Shoghi Effendi
Robert Stockman

The Human Soul
Adib Taherzadeh

The Human Soul (Part 1)
Adib Taherzadeh

The Human Soul (Part 2)
Adib Taherzadeh

Adib Taherzadeh

Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh
Adib Taherzadeh

Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh 2
Adib Taherzadeh

Drawing Nigh to Bahá’u’lláh (Closing Remarks & questions)
Adib Taherzadeh

The Other Tradition
Dr. Richard Thomas

The Vision of The Advent of Divine Justice - 1984
Richard Thomas

Shabnam Tolouei

Stories about visit with ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in ‘Akká, 1907
Corinne True

The Badi (Bahá’í) Calendar
UK Bahá'ís

Louis Gregory, the Oneness of Humankind, and Highlights in the Development of the African American Lawyer
Anthony Vance

No Jim Crow Church: The History of the South Carolina Bahá’í Community
Louis Venters

The Awakening of Spirit: Mark Tobey and the Evolution of ‘White Writing’
Robert Weinberg

An Evening with the Hands of the Cause
Furutan, Varqá, Robarts

Appointment of the Hands of the Cause
Khazeh, Mrs Banani, Furutan, Amatu'l-Baha, Robarts

Our beloved Guardian
Khadem & Robarts

Hand of the Cause of God - Enoch Olinga - 3

Memorial of Musa Banani

Journeys of the Hands of the Cause

Bahá’u’lláh - The Secret of our Century

Bahá’í Perspective-01-The Passing of Shoghi Effendi-وظیفه ایادیان بعد از صعود حضرت ولی امرالله

Enoch Olinga, African Bahá’í Hand of the Cause, part 1.2

2. From (in video and audio formats)

The following items can be found at
They are listed here for reference, and for keyword searching.
See also other items on this site: and

Part 1: Marriage Family Parenting
Dr Dinesh

Part 2: Marriage Family Parenting
Dr Dinesh

Part 3: Marriage Family Parenting
Dr Dinesh

Part 4: Marriage Family Parenting
Dr Dinesh

Part 5: Marriage Family Parenting
Dr Dinesh

Part 6: Marriage Family Parenting
Dr Dinesh

Part 7: Marriage Family Parenting
Dr Dinesh

Part 8: Marriage Family Parenting
Dr Dinesh

Part 9: Marriage Family Parenting
Dr Dinesh

1st Challenge: Why & how we should pray
Hooper Dunbar

2nd Challenge: Meditating to inspire & develop ourselves
Hooper Dunbar

3rd Challenge: Why we study to deepen our knowledge
Hooper Dunbar

4th Challenge: Turning prayer, meditation & study into selfless action
Hooper Dunbar

Baha’i Faith Introduction at Imperial College London UK
Hooper Dunbar

Baha’i Faith Q&A at Imperial College London UK
Hooper Dunbar

Fourfold Challenge: Prayer, meditation, study, action
Hooper Dunbar

Hands of the Cause: Memories of these historically significant Baha’is
Hooper Dunbar A prophet arises
Dr Lincoln

Saints, Martyrs, Heroes and wind-blown seeds
Dr Lincoln

Speaking truth to power
Dr Lincoln

The movement of populations
Dr Lincoln

A prophet arises
Mrs J Lincoln

The movement of populations
Mrs J Lincoln

Speaking truth to power
Mrs J Lincoln

Q&A: Developing World Civilisation?
Glenford Mitchell

Telling Spiritual Stories
Sarah Perceval

The Beauty of the Scottish Character
Ruhiyyih Khanum

Being Elected to the First Universal House of Justice in 1963
Ian Semple

How has the Baha’i World Centre developed?
Ian Semple

Understanding the ‘Century Of Light’ Part 1
Ian Semple

Understanding the ‘Century Of Light’ Part 2
Ian Semple

About the Badí‘ Calendar: Inaugurated by His Holiness the Báb

A Garland for Charles Dunning
Charles Dunning

3. From

The following items can be found at
They are listed here for reference, and for keyword searching.
See also other items on this site: and

Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khanum
Dr. Elsie Austin
Mrs. Banani
Mr. Morten Bergsmo
Dr. Andrew Billingsley
Dr. Ann Brenneman
Dr. Soheil Bushrui
Ms. Joy Cross
Dr. Victor DeAraujo
Dr. Alberta Deas
Dr. Ali Muhammad Varqa
Dr. Anatol Rappoport
Dr. Andrew Kennedy
Dr. Bertrand Ramcharan
Dr. Betty DeAraujo
Dr. Betty Fisher
Dr. Brian Aull
Dr. Carole Allen
Dr. Christopher Buck
Dr. Daryush Haghighi
Dr. David R. Smith
Dr. Dorothy Nelson
Dr. Duane Dumbleton
Dr. Eleanor Sioui
Dr. Faraneh Varqha-Khadem
Dr. Farzam Arbab
Dr. Frank Handel
Dr. Gregory Watson
Dr. Hossain B. Danesh
Dr. Iraj Ayman
Dr. James Nelson
Dr. Jane Faily
Dr. Joanna Macy
Dr. John Paul Vader
Dr. John S. Hatcher
Dr. Julie Badiee
Dr. June Thomas
Dr. Karl Pribram
Dr. Kerry Mothersill
Dr. Khalil Khavari
Dr. Lawrence McCullough
Dr. Lowell W. Livezey
Dr. Manuchehr Derakhshani
Dr. Michael Bruwer
Dr. Moojan Momen
Dr. Nossrat Pesechkian M.D.
Dr. Richard St. Barbe-Baker
Dr. Richard Thomas
Dr. Robert Henderson
Dr. Rodrigo Corazo
Dr. Ross Woodman
Dr. Roy Jones
Dr. Sara Pereira
Dr. Sharon Hatcher
Dr. Sobhani Naim
Dr. Will van den Hoonard
Dr. William ("Billy") Roberts
Dr. William S. Hatcher
Dr. Zikrullah Khadem
Dr. Glen Eyford
Mr. Ali Akbar Furutan
Dr. Agnes Ghaznavi
Mr. Jack Guillebeaux
Mr. Cotton Harness
Dr. Alexander Haskell
Mrs. Marion Hofman
Dr. Firuz Kazemzadeh
Dr. Ervin Laszlo
Mrs. Javidukht Khadem
Dr. Hoda Mahmoudi
Mr. Kishan Monocha
Mr. Abbas Afnán
Mr. Abdu'l Missagh Asghar Ghadirian
Mr. Adib Taherzadeh
Mr. Ali Nakhjavani
Mr. Alvino Fantini
Mr. Amin Banani
Mr. Andrew Link
Mr. Badi Foster
Mr. Ben Kaufman
Mr. Bernard Wood
Mr. Bill Davis
Mr. Bob Abrahams
Mr. Bob Harris
Mr. Brad Pokorny
Mr. Bruce Filson
Mr. Byan Towfiq
Mr. Claudius Adebayo
Mr. Collis Featherstone
Mr. Daniel Wegener
Mr. Douglas Martin
Mr. Eloy Anello
Mr. Emeric Sala
Mr. Faahang Javid
Mr. Frank Newman
Mr. Fred Schechter
Mr. Gordon Naylor
Mr. Greg Dahl
Mr. Gustavo Correa
Mr. Harvey McMurray
Mr. Helgi Eyford
Mr. Hooper Dunbar
Mr. J. Jameson Bond
Mr. Jack Matthews
Mr. Jack McCants
Mr. Jack McLean
Mr. John Danesh
Mr. John Fobes
Mr. John Huddleston
Mr. John Robarts
Mr. Joseph Sheppard
Mr. Keith Blanding
Mr. Kevin Locke
Mr. Kurt Hein
Mr. Larry Miller
Mr. Lewis Perinbam
Mr. Lloyd Gardner
Mr. Loretta King
Mr. Marshall Rosenberg
Mr. Michael Bopp
Mr. Mohan-Lal Puroshothaman
Mr. Morris Taylor
Mr. Muhammad Afnan
Mr. Nathan Rutstein
Mr. Park Scott
Mr. Paul Lample
Mr. Paul Ojermark
Mr. Peter Morgan
Mr. Reggie Newkirk
Mr. Richard Gagnon
Mr. Richard Thomas
Mr. Robert Phillips
Mr. Robert Postlethwaite
Mr. Robert Shaw
Mr. Robert Wilson
Mr. Roco Rossi
Mr. Robert Stockman
Mr. Rod Clarken
Mr. Roger Coe
Mr. Roger Davis
Mr. Rothwell "Bud" Polk
Mr. Stephen Birkland
Mr. Stephen Caswell
Mr. Stephen Whitney
Mr. Steve Gonzales
Mr. Steven Suhm
Mr. Tony Green
Mr. Unknown Male
Mr. Varinda Vattachi
Mr. William Allmart
Mr. William Maxwell
Mr. William Sears
Mrs. Gwen Etter-Lewis
Mrs. Marguerite Sears
Mrs. Nadjla Birkland
Mrs. Sheila Banani
Mrs. Wilma Ellis Kazemzadeh
Ms. Afaf Stevens
Ms. Bahia Mitchell
Ms. Bahiyyih Nakhjavani
Ms. Barabara Dash
Ms. Betty Reed
Ms. Carolyn Kornatz
Ms. Catherine Nelson-McDermott
Ms. Christine Hakim
Ms. Dorothy Freeman
Ms. Elizabeth Rochester
Ms. Fereshteh-Taheri Bethel
Ms. Francis Wolfleg
Ms. Gayle Morrison
Ms. Gayle Woolson
Ms. Gertrude Watkins
Ms. Gol Aidun
Ms. Helen Danesh
Ms. Jan Tye-Chew
Ms. Jene Bellows
Ms. Jocelyn Boor
Ms. Juana Conrad
Ms. Lee Haslip
Ms. Linda Couture
Ms. Linda Gershuny
Ms. Louise LeBlanc
Ms. Lynn Weiss
Ms. Marion Woodman
Ms. Mary Feagan
Ms. Mary Sawacki
Ms. May Hofman-Ballerio
Ms. Mildred Mottahedeh
Ms. Raine Eisler
Ms. Ruth Eyford
Ms. Saba Ayman-Nolley
Ms. Saba Firoozi
Ms. Sandra Roberts
Ms. Sanita Ghandi
Ms. Shirin Sabri
Ms. Susan Clay Stoddard
Ms. Susan Rosenberg
Ms. Tahirih Foroughi
Ms. Unknown Female
Ms. Yoshiko Nomura
Ms. Yvonne Duncan
Mrs. Audrey Robarts
Dr. Udo Schaefer
Mr. Andy Tamas

Title of Talk presented Year
A Growing Groundswell 1985
A New World Order 1985
A Reflection of Heaven 1983
Absolute Poverty and Utter Nothingness 1986
Accounting 1982
Achieving Global Consciousness: An Educational Process 1988
Adaptive Response to Stress in Family Life 1981
Address by Amat’ul-Baha Ruhiyyih and Ali Nakhjavani of the Universal House of Justice 1986
Address to the International Baha’i Conference on Marriage and Family 1981
Adolescent Quest for Tranquility 1980
Ain’t Gonna Study War No More 1986
Alain Locke : Dawn Thinker in a Twilight Age 1983
An Evening with Bill & Marguerite Sears 1989
An Evening with Bill & Marguerite Sears 1989
Applications of Positive Psychotherapy for Marriage and Family Therapy 1981
Armed Conflict, Human Rights & United Nations 1988
Attunement with Life equals a return to the Sacred 1988
Baha’i Development Projects in Action 1984
Baha’i Family Life 1982
Baha’i Marriage & Family Life 1982
Baha’i Perspective of Judicial Administration Baha’i Justice Society 1988
Baha’i World Commonwealth 1985
Baha’i Youth & Sexuality 1985
Bahá’í Youth & The Cause of Universal Peace 1982
Baha’u’llah 1984
Bahiyyih Khanum, the Greatest Holy Leaf #1 1982
Bahiyyih Khanum, the Greatest Holy Leaf #2 1982
Black Cultural Presentation 1988
Bringing Up Your Children in the Cause 1985
Call to Pioneering 1982
Can We Afford a Moments Hesitation 1988
Century of Light 1986
Children’s Public Speaking project: Comparative Religion 1985
Close Thine Eyes to See the World 1988
Commitment to Service 1987
Community Building & Creating a Safe Serving climate 1988
Corporation & Community 1984
Counterpoint 1986
Covenant 1987
Creating a New World Order: The Baha’i Experience 1986
Cultural Development 1988
Culture as a Uniter or Divider? North-South, East-West 1988
Developing Strong Baha’i Community-The Challenge 1987
Development 1982
Development and the Baha’i International Community 1984
Development of Human Rights in International Law 1982
Development of the Local (Spiritual) Assembly 1982
Disarmament and the Baha’i Faith 1983
Does a New Race of Men Begin With a New Generation of Parents as Educators 1989
Doukhobors & The Baha’i Faith 1985
Early Black Women in the Professions 1989
Education & Rearing of Baha’i Children 1985
Education for Development 1985
Education for Equality: The Role of Society’s Institutions 1988
Emancipation Training Center 1985
Emerging From Obscurity 1981
Equal Partnership Between Women and Men 1989
Essential Components of Bahá'í Development 1982
Evolution of Reality 1987
Evolution, Equality and Wholeness 1989
Evolving Toward a Baha’i Economic System 1982
Evolving Understanding of the Baha’i Teachings 1985
Extraordinary Community Relations 1987
Eye to Eye-Poetry of a Baha’i Life 1988
Family Education for Equality 1988
Family Forum 1985
Feelings of Humble Gratitude 1989
Five Steps in Positive Family Therapy and How They Operate In Family & Marriage 1989
Focal Point, Unity of Thought 1988
Foibles of the Formative Age 1986
From Copper to Gold 1985
From Oppression to the Feminine Principle in the Establishment of World Peace 1986
FUNDAEC: Case Study in an Alternative for Rural Development 1983
General Principles for a Crime Free Society 1983
Hand of the Cause of God - Zikrullah Khadem 1981
Hasan M. Balyuzi 1980
Hasan M. Balyuzi: Memorial Lecture 1980
Hasan M. Balyuzi: Memorial Lecturers 1988
Hawks, Doves and the Promise of World Peace 1986
Healing Relationships in Marriage 1980
Health - A Global Persepective 1980
Health in a New World Order 1985
Healthy Communication in Marriage 1981
Heroic Steadfastness 1986
Heroic to the Formative Age 1988
House of Worship 1984
How to Make a Poem of Your Life 1988
I Desire Distinction For You 1985
I exam 1988
Illuminator vs. Redeemer - A trajectory of Ebionite Christology from Prophet Messianism to Baha’i Theophanology 1983
Images of a New Age in the 20th Century 1983
In Search of Justice 1988
In the Beginning was the Word 1987
Indigenous Perspective on Education for Peace 1985
Integrating Personal & Social Change 1983
Intercultural Communication 1982
Intercultural Communication: Recovering from Malnutrition 1980
International Attention 1986
International Health, the Arms Race and Survival 1986
International Telecommunications and the Baha’i Faith 1982
Interweaving Themes of World Culture-Past, Present, and Future 1988
John the Baptist 1981
Journey Out of Darkness 1986
Justice in Race Relations: A Perspective 1988
Keynote Address on Marriage to the Sixth Annual Conference 1981
Language as Worldview: Particular and Universal Aspects 1988
Let’s Try some 4th Epoch Thinking 1989
Life & Service of the Greatest Holy Leaf 1982
Lifelong Integrated Education for the Family 1981
Louis Gregory 1983
Love, Faith and Miracles 1988
Make a Spectacle of Yourself 1988
Making Decisions Using Baha’i Principles 1983
Male Reproductive Responsibility 1985
Manekji Limji Hataria and the Bahá'í Faith 1980
Marriage and the Nuclear Family 1981
Marriage Breakdown in North American Society - Psychological Aspects 1981
Marriage of Equals: Love & Power 1985
Martyr, The Witness to the Nobility of Man 1984
May I Be of Service 1987
Mementos, Insistent & Varied 1989
Message From the Universal House of Justice 1982
Message From Universal House of Justice 1982
Methodologies and Development Strategies 1984
Mind, Body, and Soul 1980
Mishkín-Qalam ("musk-scented pen") 1981
Models of Baha’i Education 1988
Motherhood: Primary But Not Exclusive Role 1989
Music Therapy 1980
Myths, Models and Mysticism 1981
Native Council of North America 1982
Natural Law Revisited 1982
Natural Law Revisited 1982
New Bases for Human Happiness 1988
New Dimensions of Learning 1985
Non Violent Communication 1988
North American Native Cultural Presentation 1988
Nuclear Arms and Students 1986
On Louis Gregory 1982
On the Future of Penal Law 1983
Opening Remarks 1989
Opportunities for Service 1987
Panel Discussion on Peace 1984
Panel Discussion, Part 1: 1983
Panel Discussion, Part 2: 1983
Parent Workshop 1988
Parent Workshop Tape 01 1988
Parental Authority - Its Uses, Misuses and Implications 1981
Parents and the Baha’i Youth Movement 1985
Participant of Baha’i Youth Movement 1985
Pattern of Baha’i Life #1 1982
Pattern of Baha’i Life #2 1982
Peace a Task for All 1984
Peace and the new world order 1985
Peace Forum: Creating a New World Order 1986
Peaceful Conflict Resolution: Exciting Development 1988
Peaceful Relationships 1988
Persian Presentation 1986
Personal Growth and Development Workshop 1988
Perspectives on Development 1984
Philosophy of the American Indians and Approaches to International
    Development Towards a New Social and Economic Order
Poetry & Self-Transformation 1985
Poverty and Racism in Urban America 1987
Preparing the Successful Paper 1986
Prof. August Forel in Defense of the Persecuted Persian Baha’is in 1925-1927 1983
Progress Report on the Seven Year Plan 1982
Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Personal Growth 1981
Psychological Theory of Martyrdom 1984
Queen Marie 1981
Race Unity, The Challenge of Peace 1985
Reaching Toward Equality in a Small Community 1989
Reconciling Personal and Social Values 1982
Reflect the Light of Glory 1983
Reflections of a Baha’i Judge 1988
Relevance of Baha’i Principles to Contemporary Marital Therapy 1981
Religion or Foreign Intrigue 1983
Remarks 1982
Remembrance of the King of Samoa & the Guardian 1984
Remembrances of Shoghi Effendi - 1st Address 1984
Remembrances of Shoghi Effendi - 2nd Address 1984
Reminiscences of Shoghi Effendi 1984
Respondents React to "Realities and Convergence" Theme 1987
Respondents to Dr. Pribram and Dr. Danesh 1987
Respondents to Dr. Rappoport, Dr. Thomas and Dr. Livezey 1987
Review of God Passes By 1984
Role of Religion: Panel Discussion # 1 1983
Role of Religion: Panel Discussion # 2 1983
Run to Glory 1989
Rural Development 1982
Sacred Metaphor 1985
Science and Prophecy: Humankind’s Path to Peace in Global Society 1986
Scientific and Spiritual Reality 1987
Scientific Method and Search for Truth 1980
Searching the Words 1989
Secret Service 1987
Service Charge 1987
Serving the Right of God 1987
Session on the Seven Year Plan (1979-1986) - Mrs. Marion Hofman 1982
Seven Skies 1984
Seven Year Plan (1979-1986) - Betty Reed 1982
Sexuality and Equality 1989
Sexuality Panel Statements 1980
Shoghi Effendi - Expounder of the Baha’i Faith 1984
Shoghi Effendi - Master Builder of a World Civilization 1984
Shoghi Effendi and the Countries of the East 1984
Shoghi Effendi: Remembrances 1984
Shoghi Effendi’s Vision as Expressed in The Advent of Divine Justice 1984
Social & Economic Development 1985
Soviet Union: Love & Understanding 1988
Spiritual Dimensions of Health Sciences 1980
Strategies in Social Change 1983
Strategy of World Peace 1986
Structure of Power in the Baha’i Administrative Order 1983
Summoning the Heros 1988
Tahirih 1980
Teaching 1983
Teaching in Taiwan 1988
Teaching the Masses 1982
The Appropriate Use of Knowledge 1988
The Bahá'í Faith and the 20th Century 1983
The Bahá'í Faith and the 20th Century 1983
The Bahá'í Revelation and Lifestyle Alteration 1980
The Baha’i Commitment to Unity & Peace 1985
The Baha’i Experience 1985
The Baha’i Principle of Complementarianism 1989
The Central Role of Education in the Development of Culture 1988
The Challenge to the Baha’i Parents 1985
The Coming Transformation of Global Society 1983
The Corporate Cultural Revolution 1982
The Covenant 1988
The Creative Word 1982
The Dispensation of Baha’u’llah 1984
The Dynamic Picture 1989
The Eagle has Landed 1988
The Family: A Refuge and a Workshop 1981
The Founding of the Men of the Trees 1980
The Fourth Epoch 1986
The Glorious Break of Day 1986
The Human Brain: A Model for Decision Making 1985
The Importance for Physicians to Turn to God 1980
The Importance of Culture in the Development of Native Rural Communities 1988
The Importance of Ideas 1987
The Importance of Ideas 1987
The Importance of the Family in the Reconstruction of the Planet 1988
The Institutions of Government & Politics and the Baha’i Faith 1983
The Institutions of Government & Politics and the Baha’i Faith: Panel Discussion 1983
The Local Spiritual Assembly and Equality 1989
The New Interdependence 1982
The Onward March of the Faith 1982
The Poetry of Loving: Family Therapy and the Bahá'í Faith 1981
The Power of Baha’u’llah 1984
The Power of Divine Assistance 1982
The Power of Divine Assistance 1985
The Promise of World Peace 1986
The Promised One of All Ages 1988
The Question of Shoghi Effendi 1984
The Redemption of Science 1987
The Responsibility of Men in Achieving Equality between the sexes 1989
The Role of Education 1983
The Role of Feminine in the New Era 1986
The Role of Intuition in the Knowledge of God 1983
The Role of Sacrifice & the Baha’i Fund 1982
The Role of Youth in Peace 1983
The Second Century 1980
The Spirit of Service 1984
The Stage is Set 1988
The Validity of Human Rights - A Bahá'í Approach 1987
The Values in Todays Business Environment 1988
The Vision of Shoghi Effendi and the Tablets of the Divine Plan 1984
The Whole Individual 1986
Theme Workshop - Mixed Audience 1989
Theme Workshop for Men 1989
This Cycle is Distinguished 1984
Thoughts on the Economy of a Baha’i World Commonwealth 1982
Through the Eyes of the Seer 1988
Transformation-Individual Will & Effort 1989
Unity - The Creative Foundation of Peace 1984
Unity The Ultimate Paradigm Shift 1983
Universal Peace and The Role of Education 1986
Using Cognitive Therapy Toward the Definition of Full Partnership in Marriage 1989
Victory over Violence 1983
View of Man in Development Thinking 1981
Violence in the Home 1986
Welcoming Address 1990
What About Divorce as Related to Equality and the Institution of Marriage? 1989
Whatever Happened to the End of the World 1986
While There is Yet Time to Build Administrative Order: Ben Kaufman 1982
While There is Yet Time to Build Baha’i Family Life 1982
While There is Yet Time to Teach #1 1982
While There is Yet Time to Teach #2 1982
While There is Yet Time to Teach #3 1982
While There is Yet Time to Teach #4 1982
While There is Yet Time to Teach #5 1982
Workshop: Toward an Understanding of Baha’i Scholarship 1988
World Parliament of Religions 1893 1989
Worldviews and the Shape of Baha’i Communities 1983
You Must Take the First Step 1988
Your Choice - Self Destruction or Self Control 1988
Youth & Service to Mankind 1985
Youth in This Day: Challenge & Distinction 1985
Youth, Being & Becoming 1985
Youth: A Dynamic Peaceful Force 1986

4. From talks (MP3 files)

The following items can be found at talks.
They are listed here for reference, and for keyword searching.
See also other items on this site: and

Farzam Arbab
Growth of the individual and teaching the faith

Farzam Arbab
Vision of Teaching

Sam Augustine
Bahai Talks from the Heart no 1

Sam Augustine
Bahai Talks from the Heart no 2

Abu'l-Qasim Faizi
Close world congress 1963

Abu'l-Qasim Faizi
Close youth conference Germany 1972

Abu'l-Qasim Faizi
Education of Children

Ali Nakhjavani
A Flame With Us

Ali Nakhjavani
Address to the Youth

Ali Nakhjavani
Green Acre 2012

Ali Nakhjavani

Ali Nakhjavani

Dorothy Baker

Hasan Balyuzi
Speaking at World Congress 1963

Bahiyyih Nakhjavani
The Greatest Holy Leaf

Borrah Kavelin
Need for funds Seat House of Justice

Curtis Kelsey
Reminiscences serving Abdul-Baha and Guardian in Haifa

Curtis Kelsey
Reminiscences serving Abdul-Baha in Haifa

Ervin Laszlo
Science And Prophecy

Ervin Laszlo
Transformation of Global Society

Hushmand Fatheazam
Speaking at World Congress

Firuz Kazemzadeh
Speaking on Epistle to the Son of the Wolf

Firuz Kazemzadeh
Speaking on the Significance of History

Amoz Gibson
Speaking in Amherst 1976

Garth Pollack
coherence community 2011

Garth Pollack
coherence community pt2 2011

Gregory Dahl
Bahai economic system 1982

Gregory Dahl
Journal Regarding Ruhiyyih Khanum 1981

Gregory Dahl
Journal Regarding Ruhiyyih Khanum 1982

Gregory Dahl
On response to today's world

Gregory Dahl
Study on Morality

Hossain Danesh
Creating New World Order

Hossain Danesh
Developmental Stages in Marriage

Hossain Danesh
Healthy Communication in Marriage

Hossain Danesh
Spiritual Dimensions of Health Science

Leroy Ioas
In the days of the Guardian

Leroy Ioas
Talk 11 April 1964

Leroy Ioas
Talk 12 April 1964

Leroy Ioas
Talk in Riverside CA

Peter Khan
Constancy and change

Peter Khan
Mental Tests 1995
Peter Khan
Spiritual Survival in Global Chaos

Peter Khan
Victories and crisis

Peter Khan
Women Equality and Peace

Ruhiyyih Khanum
speaking in Edinburgh

Ruhiyyih Khanum
speaking in London close World Congress 1963

Ruhiyyih Khanum
speaking in London World Congress 1963

Ruhiyyih Khanum
Address to the 6th Annual Conference

Ruhiyyih Khanum
Address to the National Convention

Ruhiyyih Khanum
Freedom 1981

Ruhiyyih Khanum
Haiti-15-May-81 with pioneers in Petionville

Ruhiyyih Khanum
Haiti-20-Nov-82 with pioneers in Petionville

Ruhiyyih Khanum
Haiti-3-Nov-82 with pioneers in Petionville

Ruhiyyih Khanum
Marriage and Family ABS 1982

Ruhiyyih Khanum
On Pioneering challenge to Bahai Youth 1970

Ruhiyyih Khanum
On Shoghi Effendi 1970

Ruhiyyih Khanum
on the Role of Bahai Youth in Todays World 1970

Ruhiyyih Khanum
Sign of God

William Sears
Address to the National Convention

William Sears
Address to the National Convention.ogg

William Sears
Applying Christian Prophecy

William Sears
Covenant Breaking

William Sears
Crisis And Opportunities

William Sears
Enrolling the Masses

William Sears
Living the Life

William Sears

William Sears
Speaking during World Congress 1963

William Sears
Stories from the Dawn-Breakers

William Sears
Talk Arise At Anchorage Conference

Adib Taherzadeh
Growing in the Bahai Faith Day 1

Adib Taherzadeh
Growing in the Bahai Faith Day 2

Adib Taherzadeh
Growing in the Bahai Faith Day 3

Adib Taherzadeh
Growing in the Bahai Faith

Adib Taherzadeh
Human Soul

Adib Taherzadeh
Speaking about administration tests Townshend

William Hatcher
Love Power and Justice

William Hatcher
Moral and Spiritual Development

William Hatcher
Spiritual Education of Children

William Hatcher
The Causality Principle in the World of Being

Zikrullah Khadem
Address From the Hand of the Cause

Zikrullah Khadem
Carmel The Mountain of God

5. From (additional talks)

The following items can be found at
They are listed here for reference, and for keyword searching.
See also other items on this site: and

Talk at the Lotus Temple
Mr. Afshin

Talk at the Lotus Temple
Collis Featherstone

The Choice Wine
Bob Harris

World of Being
William Hatcher

Stories of the Martyrdom
Rouhi Jahanpur

World Peace And International Health
A. Link

The Covenant (conference in Acuto, Italy)
Ali Nakhjavani

The Day Of Victory
Ruhiyyih Khanum, Gibson

Remember Bill Sears
William Sears

Social and Economic Development
Eyeford, Polk, Harris

Highlights From the Youth Conference
"The Time is Now"!

6. From

The Master's Carriage

Love Me That I May Love Thee

All Humanity

Marathon Fundraiser

"Be a Bahá'í" by the Joburg Bahá'í Choir

Centenary of the Visit of Abdul-Baha to America

The Happy Song

Luminous Journey

Abdu'l-Bahá Centenary

Ayyam-i-Ha Song

America's Destiny
Lecture by physicist and philosopher Dr. Steven Phelps

Dr. Derik Smith
Achieving Racial Harmony in America: What Do You Suggest?

Rainn Wilson and Jamey Heath
Racism, the Most Challenging Issue

Dr. Amin Banani and Mrs. Sheila Banani
Pioneering to Greece

Dr. Nader Saiedi
The Reconstruction of the Concept of Victory

Dr. Nader Saiedi
The Reconstruction of Interpretation

Dr. Nader Saiedi
The Reconstruction of the Temple

Dr. Nader Saiedi
The Reconstruction of Mystical Poetry

Dr. Nader Saiedi
Identity and the Spiritual Journey in the Badi Calendar

Dr. Nader Saiedi
Worldview and the Laws of the Persian Bayan

Dr. Nader Saiedi
From World War to World Peace

Dr. Amin Banani
World Order Lecture 2

Dr. Nader Saiedi
Fire and Light in the Bab's Tablet Claiming to Be the Qa'im

Dr. Nader Saiedi
Worldview and the Laws of the Bayan

Dr. Robert C. Henderson
The Path to Unity

Dr. Mojgan Sami
Social Transformation: People, Power, and the Planet

Firouzeh Dehghan (Abrar)
A Biography of The Báb's Family (in Persian)

Memories of Sheila W. Banani
During the days of the Guardian, Ridván 1956

Dr. William Smith
Race Amity

Ala Ghods
Talk on a Tablet by 'Abdu'l-Bahá (in Persian)

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