Kitáb-i-Íqán 190

task, that thereby the truth might be known and distinguished from falsehood. But of what avail! All this generation could offer Us were wounds from its darts, and the only cup it proffered to Our lips was the cup of its venom. On our neck We still bear the scar of chains, and upon Our body are imprinted the evidences of an unyielding cruelty.

And as to this man's attainments, his ignorance, understanding and belief, behold what the Book which embraceth all things hath revealed; "Verily, the tree of Zaqqum (1) shall be the food of the &Athim." (2) And then follow certain verses, until He saith: "Taste this, for thou forsooth art the mighty &Karim!" (3) Consider how clearly and explicitly he hath been described in God's incorruptible Book! This man, moreover, feigning humility, hath in his own book referred to himself as the "&athim servant": "&Athim" in the Book of God, mighty among the common herd, "&Karim" in name!

Ponder the blessed verse, so that the meaning of the words: "There is neither a thing green nor sere

1. Infernal tree.
2. Sinner or sinful. Qur'án 44:43-44.
3. Honourable--Qur'án 44:49.