The Kitáb-i-Íqán: Introduction
to the 1929 Edition
by Ali Kuli Khan
During the time of BAHA'U'LLAH'S
residence in Baghdad the "Dwelling of Peace," before He declared
Himself to be the "Manifestation of God," men of learning,
including Jews, Christians, and Mohammedans visited Him, seeking answer
to religious and scriptural questions. Among them was Haji-Mirza-Seyd-Mohammed
of Shiraz, the maternal uncle of the BAB, who in 1862-63
was making a pilgrimage to the holy sanctuaries of the Imams, located in
that region. His questions concerned the signs and evidences of the
Expected Manifestation from the standpoint of his own religion #151; Islam.
The Book of Ighan was revealed by BAHA'U'LLAH
in answer to his questions. According to the prevailing opinion of
the Bahais, it was written in one night by the Supreme Pen. It is certain
that Persian pilgrims to the holy sanctuaries in Irak do not stop in Baghdad
more than one day. Even if Haji-Seyd-Mohammed, as an exception to
this custom, had remained in Baghdad a longer time, it is not probable
that he could have attained to the presence of BAHA'U'LLAH
more than two or three times.
The Seyd submitted his questions through Haji-Seyd-
Jawad of Karbila, one of the learned doctors of Irak, to whom BAHA'U'LLAH
had sent this message, "Let the maternal uncle of the BAB
write down his questions: We will then write an answer to each."
This strengthens the opinion as to the rapidity of the revelation of the
By the Book of Ighan, BAHA'U'LLAH
has opened the teachings and scriptures of the Jews, Zoroastrians, Christians,
Mohammedans, etc. For the doubts which had withheld the late Seyd
from acknowledging the BAB are the same in substance
which prevent other religionists from believing in the Manifestations of
God. These doubts concern the
"rising of the dead,""darkening
of the sun and moon,""falling of stars,""cleaving asunder
the heavens," the "new heaven and earth," etc.
By the interpretation of these symbols, BAHA'U'LLAH
has unified the Religions and hoisted the banner of Peace among nations.
The translation herein is from the original
Persian, reproduced from a copy of the Ighan revised in the presence of
and approved by Him. The statements concerning the revelation of
the Book are testified to by the Honorable Mirza-Abul-Fazl, a close friend
of the late Haji-Seyd-Jawad of Karbila above mentioned.
(Ish'te'al Ebn-Kalanter).
Source: Bahá'u'lláh, The Book of Assurance (The Book
of Ighan), translated by Ali Kuli Khan, assisted by Howard MacNutt
(New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee,