Messages to the Antipodes: Communications from Shoghi Effendi to the Bahá'í Communities of Australasia



2 January 1949 [Yerrinbool Summer School]


2 January 1949

Mr & Mrs Alvin Blum

Dear Bahá'í friends:

This is just a little note, from our beloved Guardian, to tell you your letter of December 4 was received, and he is very happy to hear of the new believers.

The Cause's spread there in New Zealand is at last beginning to gain impetus, and he feels sure this is, in no small measure due to your presence.

He is delighted to hear of your plans for a summer school there, and also of the study class conducted in your home, and the response in South Island to advertisements about the Cause.

Again he assures you his loving prayers are offered for the success of your devoted services,

with Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my keen and abiding heartfelt appreciation of your splendid services to our beloved Faith, of my ardent and continued prayers for your success and for the realisation of your hearts desire in the service of its new born God-given institutions,

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

12 January 1949 Jean Alicia Hutchinsonsmith care Bahá'í London


12 January 1949 [Yerrinbool Summer School]


21 January 1949 [National Spiritual Assembly]

NatBahai Sydney.


21 January 1949

Ethel Dawe, care NatBahai, Sydney.


21 January 1949

Summer School, care Bahá'í Assembly, Post Box 1906 Auckland.


28 February 1949 [National Spiritual Assembly]


8 March 1949 [Ethel Dawe]

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated Jan. 1st, has been received, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He is very pleased over the prospect of your being able, during this year's "rest" to render very valuable and much needed services in the teaching field. As he already stated in his answer to your cable, which he hopes reached you via Australia, he is anxious for you to help the British Teaching Plan all you can.

In addition to this he feels that your attendance, at the next European Teaching Conference, would be of great inspiration to you, and also enable you to visit some of the continental centers and help the new Assemblies and pioneers.

On your way home - if, as you say, your ambitious and highly meritorious plan works out! - he would be particularly pleased if you could see the Sofia Bahá'ís and those in Turkey. Beloved Marion Jack would be so grateful for even a glimpse of a believer from outside, after all these heroic years alone there, (she is now about 80!) and the friends in Turkey are now active and longing for help. Enclosed you will find their addresses.

He wishes you every success and great happiness in this service you are about to undertake, and his loving prayers support you, you may be sure.

With warm love, R. Rabbani.

P.S. He, too, is very sorry circumstances do not permit at present of pilgrims coming here. We would all be delighted to see you again.

May the Almighty bless your highly valued & indefatigable services, aid you to reinforce the work being now accomplished by the British Bahá'í Community, & lend a great impetus, on your return, to the splendid progress achieved in your homeland by the dearly-beloved believers.

Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi

20 March 1949 [National Spiritual Assembly]


22 March 1949

Heggie, 47 Ross Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane.


1 April 1949 [National Spiritual Assembly]


22 April 1949 Brisbane Bahá'ís, care Natbahai, Sydney.


22 April 1949 Perth Bahá'ís, 88 Thomas Street, West Perth.


30 April 1949 [National Convention]


30 May 1949 [National Youth Committee]

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your letter of April 30th has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf.

He was delighted to hear of your holding the first National Youth Conference, and feels this is the beginning of a new period of development in the youth work out there, and that it will now go on to build up many youth groups and attract many fine, eager young people to the Faith.

Your work is one to which he attaches great importance. In America, Europe and England a large percentage of the pioneers have been young people, and the services they have rendered have been of great value in forwarding the work of the various Plans. He feels sure that in New Zealand and Australia the same must prove true, and that the Bahá'í youth must and will come forward to share in the all-important pioneer activities.

He urges you to persevere with confident hearts. With Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

Dear and Valued co-workers:

Your most welcome message brought great joy to my heart, and evoked my deep feelings of admiration for the spirit that animates you in the service of our beloved Faith. I rejoice to learn of the work you have accomplished, and of your zeal and determination to promote the Six Year Plan. I will ardently beseech our Beloved to crown your high endeavours with success, and enable you to achieve the desire of your hearts in His service,

your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

22 August, 1949 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your letters dated February 23; March 14, 16; April 4,5,11; May 2, 13, 27, June 1, 7, 21 (3 of this date), 24; have all been received, as well as their enclosures, and the material sent under separate cover, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He has gone over the copy of the By-Laws of a Local Assembly which you sent him, and he approves of the slight changes you have made in the wording, as well as the additions at the very beginning, providing you consider the addition essential in order to secure the government recognition you are going to seek in the future. However, he feels that Article VI is not correct in the form you have given it, because you state "all persons resident...who have attained the age of 15 years". The original New York By-Laws are more correct, because they differentiate clearly between all members of the community and voting members who are 21 years of age or more. In other words children under 15 years are Bahá'ís according to the New York version, which is correct, but according to your version only people over 15 years are Bahá'ís which is not correct. He thinks you should go back to the New York version. The declaration of faith by children when they reach the age of 15 in the United States is in order to enable the American Youth to apply for exemption, under the American laws, from active military service. It has no other purpose, but in that country is expedient. It is not necessary to add such a clause to your By-Laws.

Other points which he feels are not necessary and should be deleted are those heavily underlined portions in Section 5 of Article XII and Article XIII. In both these cases the New York By-Laws should be followed and not added to. Likewise he feels that in Article XIV, under the heading "These By-Laws (on page 11) B and C should be deleted as they are not in the New York original and not necessary. Naturally, all Assemblies are under N.S.A. jurisdiction, but this need not be included.

He wishes the essentials to be maintained as per the New York By-Laws, but not amplified and added to, as this will gradually lead, all over the Bahá'í world, to a steady addition of unessential rules and restrict the freedom and plasticity of the Cause. As he has repeatedly told the American and other National Assemblies, it is much better to deal with situations and new requirements as they arise, and not to have it all down in black and white and rigid before hand.

He is very happy to see you are steadily working towards the goal of having Local Assemblies empowered to hold property legally and to perform Bahá'í marriages. No doubt the act of the Canadian Parliament recently passed, and giving the Canadian N.S.A. legal status will act as an important precedent when the time is ripe for you to present your own petitions to your Government.

The news that there is now a Spiritual Assembly in every capital city of the various states in Australia pleased him immensely. This is an historic land-mark in your progress out there, and must act as a keen incentive to further exploits on the part of the Australian Bahá'ís.

He was also delighted to see that certain of the Bahá'ís have received official permission not to work on Bahá'í Holy Days. He admires the initiative these believers have shown, and hopes many others will follow their example.

Likewise, he was very pleased to see you are holding your N.S.A. meetings in various centres, as this will greatly stimulate the local work, draw the friends closer to your body, and promote unity and enthusiasm amongst them.

The Act of your Assembly of depriving Mr. Austin of his voting rights was wise and correct. Unless he demonstrates an entire change of character he certainly cannot claim to be a member of any Bahá'í Community.

He appreciated the Secretary's forwarding to him copies of the Bishop's letters acknowledging receipt of "God Passes By" - though their answers in no way imply any spiritual wakefulness on their parts, alas!

He was very happy to see that New Zealand friends were present at the Convention. In general the work in New Zealand is certainly progressing, and beginning to show really promising signs for the immediate future.

The generous donation of land to Yerrinbool School by Mr. Styles1 will certainly re-enforce that valuable Bahá'í property, and the Guardian very much appreciated this act of his.

His confidence in, and admiration for, the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand is steadily increasing, as he witnesses the enthusiasm and self-confidence of the believers out there, and the increased capacity of their National Body to handle wisely and capably the affairs of the Cause.

He assures you all, and through you the believers, of his loving prayers for your success and the attainment of all the goals of your historic Plan.

With Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani.

Dear and valued co-workers:

The notable progress achieved in recent months, in so many fields and in spite of adverse circumstances, demonstrates afresh the vitality of the faith and the soundness of the outlook, of the members of the fast-advancing and steadily consolidating community of the followers of the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh in Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania. This remarkable process of expansion and consolidation augurs well for the ultimate success of the Plan to which the combined resources of this community are committed. The various reports, both local and national which I have perused with sustained interest and quickened admiration, attest the rapid and sound development, of the institutions of a Faith that is so rich in promise, and whose interests are being promoted with such devotion, energy, loyalty and consecration by the members of this community.

What has been achieved, in both the teaching field and in the administrative sphere of Bahá'í service, however is but a stepping stone to the still greater victories which the gradual unfoldment of the Plan must inevitably produce. The multiplication of the groups and Assemblies that constitute the bedrock of the Faith, must accompany the consolidating process which must bring in its wake, on the one hand, the incorporation of these Assemblies and their recognition by the civil authorities, and the establishment, on the other, of Bahá'í local endowments and the right of these Assemblies to execute, officially, the fundamental laws of the Most Holy Book regarding both marriage and divorce that constitute the distinguishing feature of this most holy and august Dispensation.

The task undertaken is immense, fraught with momentous possibilities, highly delicate in nature, and bound to have far-reaching repercussions, not only in the West, and particularly in the continent of Europe, where the institutions of Bahá'u'lláh's Administrative Order are emerging with such rapidity and showing such promise, but on the continent of Asia, where the overwhelming majority of the followers of the Most Great Name, have endured such grievous afflictions, and are faced with grave peril, and are battling so heroically against the forces of darkness with which they are encompassed.

The nature of the work in which this wide-awake, untrammelled unprejudiced, freedom-loving community, is so energetically engaged, cannot, therefore, be regarded as a purely local and isolated enterprise, but is vitally linked with the fortunes of a world-encircling Order, functioning mysteriously in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, highly organized in its administrative machinery, sensitive in its features, revolutionizing in its implications, and destined to seek increasingly, as it expands and develops, the good-will and assistance of the civil authorities in every continent of the globe.

The number of pioneers, both from among the veterans of the Faith who have participated in the early establishment of this infant Order in the Antipodes, and the new believers who have embraced its Cause, must, if this task is to be successfully carried out, be substantially increased. The flow of funds to both the local and national treasuries must correspondingly be augmented and systematically sustained. The heroism and self-sacrifice of those who prosecute the Plan, both as administrators and pioneers, must attain greater heights and engender still more powerful forces in the spiritual life of this community.

The relationship binding it to the civil authorities of the Australian Commonwealth, the Dominion of New Zealand and the Island of Tasmania, must be assiduously fostered. The ties linking it with the members of the world-wide community of the adherents of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh, must be rapidly strengthened and multiplied. The unity and solidarity of its constituent members must be simultaneously reinforced, its roots permanently planted in the soil of the Covenants of both Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá, its branches spread out irresistibly to the furthest ends of that far-off continent, its vision clarified, its determination reaffirmed and its consecration deepened.

Obstacles, varied and numerous, will no doubt arise to impede the onward march of this community. Reverses may temporarily dim the radiance of its mission. The forces of religious orthodoxy may well, at a future date, be leagued against it. The exponents of theories and doctrines fundamentally opposed to its religious tenets and social principles may challenge its infant strength with persistence and severity. The Administrative Order - the Ark destined to preserve its integrity and carry it to safety - must without delay, without exception, claim the attention of the members of this community, its ideals must be continually cherished in their hearts, its purposes studied and kept constantly before their eyes, its requirements wholeheartedly met, its laws scrupulously upheld, its institutions unstintingly supported, its glorious mission noised abroad, and its spirit made the sole motivating purpose of their lives.

Then and only then, will this community, so young, so vibrant with life, so rich in promise, so dedicated to its task, be in a position to discharge adequately its weighty responsibilities, to reap the full harvest it has sown, acquire still greater potentialities for the conduct of subsequent stages in the crusade on which it has embarked, and contribute, to a degree unsuspected as yet by its members, its full share to the World-wide establishment of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh, the emancipation of its Oriental followers, the recognition of its independence, the birth of its World Order and the emergence of that world civilisation which that Order is destined to create.

Your true brother, Shoghi.

22 August 1949 The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Adelaide, Australia.

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your letter, dated June 3, with attached correspondence, was received by the beloved Guardian, forwarded by the N.S.A., and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He has written to the National Assembly about the whole matter of the local By-Laws and approved of some of their changes of the original New York By-Laws and instructed them not to change other portions; so he feels now the whole matter is clarified and the N.S.A. can go ahead on the instructions they have received from him.

Naturally, we all realize that all Local Assemblies are under the jurisdiction of their National Assembly, just as at present all National Assemblies are watched over and instructed by the Guardian. The Local Assembly cannot disregard its National Body, but has the right to appeal, as you have done, and to carry the matter to Shoghi Effendi himself.

The general principle has always been to encourage Local Assemblies to incorporate, but they do this with the knowledge of their N.S.A. so as to ensure uniformity, and also so that weak Assemblies will not prematurely incorporate & perhaps later be forced to dissolve. So your Assembly, by incorporating was certainly following the Guardian's advice.

Now, however, that he has given full instructions to the N.S.A., he feels you must co-operate in every way with that Body, in order to hasten the day when the Government will grant incorporation nationally and locally.

He urges you all to concentrate on the teaching work, and assures you of his prayers. He deeply values your loyal and devoted services to the Cause.

With Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

P.S. The Guardian says there is no objection to the placing of a framed copy of the Enrolment Certificate on the wall of the meeting room of the Assembly, or Bahá'í Hall.

Dear co-workers:

I deeply appreciate the spirit that animates you in your meritorious services to our beloved Faith. I cherish great hopes for your future work, and will fervently supplicated our Beloved to guide and sustain you in your incessant labours, aid you to extend continually the range of your beneficent activities, & win memorable victories for His Faith & its institutions in that far-away continent,

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

4 September 1949 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

This is just a little note to ask you, on behalf of our beloved Guardian, to please make the following corrections in a quotation of his words, published in the August number of your Bahá'í New Bulletin, on page 5: "As the processes impelling" (not "in filling"); in the sentence lower down, reading:"the deepening of the faith, understanding and spiritual life..." both "faith" and "spiritual" should not be capitalized, but be printed as I have written them above; above the words "this historic evolution" there should be a period, as it is the end of the sentence.

Hoping you received the long letter recently mailed you, and with loving Bahá'í greetings,

Yours, R. Rabbani.

P.S. He wishes to thank you and dear Mr. Bolton for the loving gift of Bolton Place to the Bahá'í Community of Australia. This is an excellent example, and befitting gesture, for it has many associations with the spread and development of the Faith in Australia, and has further enriched the record of your historic services to the Faith.

20 October 1949

Miss Gretta S. Lamprill

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of September 4 reached our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He appreciates your devotion, and your ceaseless service to the Cause of God, very much and feels that, in spite of the temporary set-backs in the work there in Hobart, the friends will succeed in holding the advantages they have gained after so many years of patient labour.

The work throughout Australia and New Zealand is now progressing at a much faster rate, and the foundations laid so faithfully and permanently by the dear Dunns are proving their strength and capacity to uphold the Administrative edifice now erected upon them. With warm Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

Dear and valued co-worker:

The services you have rendered, & are rendering, our beloved Faith, deserve indeed the highest praise, & I feel deeply grateful to you, & admire the spirit that so powerfully animates you. Persevere in your noble endeavours, & rest assured that our beloved Master, whose Cause you serve, with such devotion, will watch over you & reward you for your labours.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

23 October 1949

Mrs L.J. Hutchinson-Smith

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter dated September 23 has been received, with its enclosures, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf.

He is sorry to hear you resigned from your Local Assembly as he feels that in spite of how much an individual may suffer over conditions he feels are not as they should be, he should nevertheless stick it out for the sake of serving the Cause, and showing a firm example of endurance and willingness to serve to the newer believers. He knows this requires courage and self-sacrifice, but he feels you are capable of both.

The Guardian was not satisfied with some of the changes made in the By-Laws, and he wrote (recently) the N.S.A. and in detail pointed out what could be changed and what was too great a departure from the original model. He feels, therefore, that you and other friends who were justifiably disturbed about this matter, can now rest assured that the matter is clarified and the necessary action has been taken.

The difficulties, and the evidences of immaturity, which you mention in your letter are not confined to Australia. They seem to be an inevitable phase in the growth of our Administration, which is so much more perfect than the believers called upon to create it! There are bound to be many misunderstandings, and some small abuses, in erecting a system which is so different from the ways men are used to. But we must not attach undue importance to these things, but look upon them as a mother looks upon the mistakes of her children, realizing that with maturity will come the capacity to handle situations better and with more sound judgement.

The Guardian has encouraged the breaking up of large communities, wherever possible, in order to form more Assemblies. This process produces at first a weakening effect, naturally, on the larger communities; but it is essential and the results will soon be seen to offset the disadvantages.

He urges you to continue your devoted services to the Cause, with a mind at rest, confidant that those conditions which distress you so much are only a phase and will soon pass away.

With Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

Dear co-worker:

I wish to appeal to you in person not to feel discouraged nor to relax in your efforts for the promotion of the interests of the Faith & a better understanding of the administrative principles by the believers in that land. The Beloved will surely bless your efforts & remove all obstacles from your path if you persevere, & will enable you to fulfil your heart's desire. I will pray ardently for your welfare & success. Rest assured & persevere,

Your true & grateful brother. Shoghi

18 November 1949

Regret visit still inadvisable deeply appreciated services love Shoghi

23 November 1949

Miss Kitty Carpenter

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of October 28 has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

First, let me say how very deeply he appreciates the services you have been rendering our glorious Faith in Australia, and particularly Perth, during the past two years. Your trip has been of real assistance to the teaching work, and it pleased him greatly.

Regarding Mr. Perdu: it was with the approval of the Guardian that his name was removed from the voting list. It is very bad for the Cause to have a member of the Community, actively, in the public eye, teaching the Faith, and at the same time showing dishonest characteristics. We cannot possibly say that because a person also has many virtues, faults as grave as lying and dishonourable conduct regarding money, can be overlooked! This means that we tolerate as representatives of our Faith people who flagrantly disobey its laws and fundamental teachings. This does not mean there is no hope for Mr. Perdu; let him change his conduct, if he really loves the Cause, and then a way will be opened for him to again be active. But the change must be real and obvious; mere protestations will serve no purpose.

He urges you to continue your services in the teaching field in New Zealand, and also to write to the friends in Australia who are disturbed about Mr. Perdu, and strengthen their faith and determination.

With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani

May the Almighty, Whose Cause you serve with such zeal & devotion, reward you for your labours, & graciously assist you to win great victories for His Faith & its institutions,

Your true brother, Shoghi

25 November 1949 [National Spiritual Assembly]


30 November 1949

Kirsten Sanderson Perdu, 14 Morley Street, Toowong, Queensland.


18 December 1949 The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Auckland, N.Z.

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your letter of October 25 was received, and our Guardian was delighted to hear the details of this property you have purchased, and which he trusts will grow to be a very important Bahá'í endowment. He will be pleased to receive the pictures of it.

He felt that no name could be more befitting than that of dear father Dunn. May the spirit this wonderful soul exemplified stream forth from your school and quicken those Islands.

With Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

May the Almighty bless bountifully your meritorious labours, guide & sustain you, at all times & under all circumstances, aid you to overcome every obstacle that confronts you, & enable you to lend a tremendous impetus, in the days to come, to the progress of your historic work in that promising & far-away Island.

Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi

P.S. Since writing this letter yours of Nov.29, has been received. He will certainly pray for the success of your Summer School sessions, so soon to begin, and for the speedy development of the new school property you have just purchased.

18 December 1949

Mr Bertram Dewing

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your letter of November 1st. was received, and, although our beloved Guardian is so busy at present on the Shrine work here that his mail is piling up alarmingly, he does want to send you a word of appreciation for your fine, constructive spirit and the services you are rendering the Faith.

Vicious criticism is indeed a calamity. But its root is lack of faith in the system of Bahá'u'lláh, (i.e. the administrative order), and lack of obedience to Him - for He has it! If the Bahá'ís would follow the Bahá'í laws in voting, in electing, in serving, and in abiding by Assembly decisions, all this waste of strength thru criticising others could be diverted into cooperation and achieving the Plan. Keep on trying to point this out to them!

with Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

P.S. He wishes your book every success.

Assuring you of my loving prayers for the success of every effort you exert for the promotion of our beloved Faith, & the realization of every desire you cherish for its progress,

Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi

28 December 1949 Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Adelaide.

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your letter of December 14 has been received, as well as its enclosures, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf.

He sympathises with you in your feeling of distress about the immediate consequences which will follow upon carrying out the instructions of your N.S.A. regarding the formation of groups in the various municipalities about Adelaide proper. However, he feels that your feelings are largely caused by a certain degree of confusion in your minds about the administration.

In the United States this principle has already been put into effect some years ago, namely that a Spiritual Assembly should be constituted by voting believers resident within the civic limits of any given place. At first this change-over caused difficulties and confusion in many centres, particularly large and old ones, like your own there in Adelaide, but it greatly strengthened the Cause, put the administration on a firm and logical foundation from a legal point of view as well as an administrative one, increased not only the number of Assemblies but also the number of groups, and gave more believers a chance to function actively.

The time has now come when the same thing can and must be done in Australia. Your Assembly and Community should look upon this as a challenge and an opportunity to assist the Faith to expand, not only locally but nationally.

The Guardian does not consider that local difficulties, such as tram lines, etc, can be allowed to stand in the way of a national policy, which is what this change is - a new national policy given your N.S.A. by the Guardian himself.

Because of the national character of the change involved there was no necessity for your N.S.A. to consult any Local Assembly. It is the right and duty of the N.S.A. to manage the national affairs of the community at large.

Likewise, he does not feel that any of your community members should feel they are having their vote taken from them. If they moved away and became isolated believers, under normal circumstances, they would lose their vote. In future, when your country passes through this transitional period, and you have believers spread more evenly over your states, the state will be the unit, not the Assembly (which is now the case in America), and then every Bahá'í isolated or otherwise, will have a vote.

It will be seen, therefore, that the sooner Adelaide puts into operation the plan outlined for them by their N.S.A., the sooner will this period of transition be passed. Also, it will hasten the day when all Local Assemblies can be incorporated and received recognised status, along with their N.S.A., from the government.

Judging from the many letters he has received from Australia dealing with administrative details, he feels the friends there are attaching too much importance to it. Administration is to facilitate teaching work primarily. It is not something to be over-elaborated and become a source of dissension amongst the believers.

He hopes, now that he has frankly pointed out to you what must be done, you will do it not only with minds at rest as to the wisdom of the N.S.A.'s plan, but also with hearts thrilled by the challenge of this opportunity - for it is an opportunity - to build up new Assemblies, new groups, and give more of your Adelaide members a chance to become active in both the teaching work and on the future Assemblies.

With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani.

P.S. He feels he should call your attention to the fact that this separation does not mean none of the believers residing in greater Adelaide cannot hold, for instance, joint anniversaries or Holy Days together, or Feasts, or public meetings. It is the general principle of an Assembly within a civil area which is involved.

May the Almighty bless continually your efforts, guide and sustain you in your constant & meritorious activities, remove every obstacle that hinders the progress of your beneficent work in the service of His Faith, & assist you to win memorable victories for its newly-born divinely appointed institutions,

Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi.

29 December 1949 [National Spiritual Assembly]


29 December 1949 [National Spiritual Assembly]


29 December 1949

Summer School, care Auckland Assembly, Box 1906, Auckland.


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