Messages to the Antipodes: Communications from Shoghi Effendi to the Bahá'í Communities of Australasia



6 January 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Natbahai Sydney


7 January 1952 [Australia]

Miss Gretta S. Lamprill

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of December 18th, together with your contribution for the Shrine of the Báb, has been received; and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to write you, and to send you the attached receipt. He is deeply grateful for your loving gift toward this sacred enterprise, which gift was made possible through such a sacrifice; and which proves your awareness of the great bounty given to the devoted Bahá'ís of our day in being permitted to help in its prosecution.

The Guardian appreciates all your past efforts for our beloved Faith; and will offer for you his loving prayers at the Holy Shrines that you will be assisted to serve ever more and more the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh.

With loving Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my deep appreciation of your contribution, & of my loving prayers on your behalf,

Your true brother, Shoghi

15 January 1952 [Australia]

Mrs Bertha Dobbins.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter dated the 12th of December, 1951, has been received; and on behalf of the beloved Guardian I am writing to assure you that we are arranging to have Mr. Wachsverger visit the Shrine and Gardens with one of the friends.

Hoping you and your family are keeping well, and assuring you of the Guardian's loving prayers.

With warmest greetings R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success & spiritual advancement,

Your true brother, Shoghi

7 February 1952 [Australia]

Mr & Mrs W.O. Peterson

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your letter of January 15th to our beloved Guardian, together with your loving contribution for the Shrine of the Báb, has been received; and he has instructed me to thank you on his behalf, and to send you the enclosed receipt.

As he is very busy these days with the affairs of the Faith in all parts of the world, this letter will be brief.

He urges you not to feel discouraged when you are faced with a lack of response, but, with a deep consciousness of the greatness of these days, to put your trust in Bahá'u'lláh, and go steadily forward, doing all in your power to serve and teach His Faith.

On his visits to the Holy Shrines, he will remember you in his loving prayers.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my deep appreciation of your contribution & of my loving prayers on your behalf,

Your true brother, Shoghi

11 February 1952 [St Peters Bahá'í Group]

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your letter of 23rd of January has been received, as well as your loving contribution to the Shrine fund, a receipt for which I am enclosing herewith.

The beloved Guardian was very happy to see the way you are persevering in your teaching efforts; and feels sure that you will be rewarded by an increase in membership.

He will continue to pray for your success in the Holy Shrines, and sends you his loving greetings.

With Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my deep appreciation of your contribution & of my loving prayers on your behalf,

Your true brother, Shoghi


11 February 1952 [Australia]

Millway, Miss Margaret J.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of January 28th to our beloved Guardian, as well as your loving contribution for the Shrine of the Báb, has been received; and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf, and to send you the enclosed receipt.

He is extremely busy these days, so this letter will be brief; but he assures you he deeply appreciates your devotion to the Cause, and remembers you in his loving prayers at the Holy Shrines.

With warm Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my deep appreciation of your contribution, & of my loving prayers on your behalf,

Your true brother, Shoghi

22 February 1952 [Viva Rodwell - Australia]

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer your letter of February 4th, enclosing your loving contribution for the Shrine of the Báb; and to send you a receipt.

As the Guardian is extremely busy at the present time, this note will be brief - just to assure you of his appreciation, and of his loving prayers in the Holy Shrine.

With warm Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my deep appreciation of your contribution & of my loving prayers on your behalf,

Your true brother, Shoghi

24 February 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of January 29th has been received; and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to forward to you the enclosed receipt for the loving contribution made by the Australia and New Zealand believers for the Shrine of the Báb, as well as for the contribution made directly by your National Body.

Please thank all the friends concerned in this contribution on his behalf; and assure them the Shrine is growing more beautiful daily as work on it progresses.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani.

May the Almighty abundantly reward, bless and sustain all those who have contributed towards this holy Enterprise, aid and protect them, and enable them to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith.

Your true brother, Shoghi.

28 February 1952

Clara Dunn, care NatBahai, Sydney.


1 March 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]

NatBahai, Sydney.


3 March 1952 [Australia]

Noel Bluett

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your letter of February 9th has been received, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf, and to thank you and your fianc³e and Mr. Wyss for the sum you forwarded for the construction of the Shrine. I am enclosing receipts covering these contributions.

He will pray that your teaching efforts there may be richly rewarded; and hopes that you and your fianc³e will be united in the service of God, and be enabled to accomplish many things together.

With Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my loving prayers on your behalf and of my deep appreciation of your contribution,

Your true brother, Shoghi

I gratefully acknowledge receipt of the sum of Thirteen Pounds Sterling from my dear Bahá'í co-workers, Mr. Frank Wyss, Miss Margaret Mason and Mr. Noel Bluett, to be expended for the construction of the Shrine of the Báb on Mt. Carmel.

Shoghi Haifa, March 3, 1952

24 March 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]


12 April 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your loving letter of March 11th, addressed to the beloved Guardian has come to hand, and he has asked me to answer it in his behalf.

The kind contribution which you made to the Shrine of the Báb fund has been received, and receipt therefore is enclosed herewith.

After checking with our bank here, I find they feel it would be simpler if you made future remittances on the basis of a bank transfer instead of a draft.

Answering the specific questions which you propound, the information is as follows:

1. The full name and address of the bank is:

Bank Leumi le Israel,

Haifa, Israel.

2. The exact name of our account is:

Shoghi Rabbani.

The beloved Guardian values very deeply the admirable manner in which the friends in Australia and New Zealand are carrying on their teaching work. He will pray that they will meet with every possible success, and gain new victories for the faith as their plan progresses.

The Guardian likewise wishes you to express to each one who joined in the contribution you sent, his loving appreciation.

The work on the Shrine is progressing. The octagon and the pinnacles are now completed, so far as the marble work is concerned. The Guardian is hopeful the entire project may continue uninterruptedly so that it might be completed by Naw-RÏz period next year.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, I am, Leroy Ioas, Assistant Secretary.

26 April 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]


27 April 1952 [National Convention]


30 April 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your gracious letter of April 3rd has come to hand, and the Guardian has asked me to acknowledge it on his behalf. Enclosed is receipt for the contribution which has been made to the Shrine of the Báb.

The unity of the friends in Australia and New Zealand is greatly valued by the Guardian; and he appreciates the sacrifices which have been made in sending these contributions to this Holy Undertaking on Mt Carmel.

The Shrine is increasing in beauty from day to day. The marble work on the octagon has been completed; the exquisite pinnacles have been put in place; and work is under way on the extension of some of the Gardens. The Guardian is hopeful the work may continue uninterruptedly, so as to be completed next year.

With loving Bahá'í greetings, I am, Leroy Ioas, Assistant Secretary.

30 April 1952 [Viva Rodwell - Australia]

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of April 8th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was delighted to hear that Betty Anderson is not only such a devoted and active Bahá'í youth, but that she has aboriginal blood. He hopes that she will be instrumental, with your help, and that of the other believers, in carrying the Message to her relatives. It is only right that the people who were the original inhabitants of Australia should receive the Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh, and we cannot doubt that when they embrace them, it will have a great effect, not only on their characters, but on their position in relation to the life of their country.

He was very happy to hear you are all so active in serving the Faith there, and assures you one and all of his loving prayers.

With Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

May the Almighty bless, guide & sustain you, & enable you to further the best interests of His Faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi

4 May 1952 [Australia]

Mrs. Bertha Dobbins

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of April 11th with enclosures has been received; and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He has directed one of the friends to write to Paris, and ask the friends to get in touch with your acquaintance who is proceeding there.

He was very happy to hear of the teaching opportunities that have been afforded you and your dear daughter in the school there; and he will pray that your work for the Faith, and that of your family may be richly blessed.

The Cause seems to be going forward by leaps and bounds all over the world; and this rejoices his heart, and of course, the hearts of all the believers.

with warm Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

May the Almighty bless, guide & sustain you always, & enable you to promote the vital interests of His Faith,

your true brother, Shoghi

7 May 1952 [Australia]

Mrs. Clara Dunn.

Dear Bahá'í Sister,

Your letter of April 21st has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

It was not without conviction that the beloved Guardian appointed you a Hand of the Cause. He feels that your long and steadfast pioneer service in Australia certainly entitles you to this distinction; and he feels sure that the believers of that continent rejoice that they are able to have in their midst one of the Hands.

He assures you of his most loving prayers on your behalf in the Holy Shrines; and urges you to take care of your health, and to constantly encourage the friends in their teaching endeavours, and to do all you can to promote unity and love amongst them, as this is the main-spring of Bahá'í success.

With warmest Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

Whether Effie should live with you or not in the Hazíra is a question for you and the NSA to decide.

May the Almighty guide & sustain you always, aid you to enrich the record of your splendid services to His Faith, & win still greater victories,

Your true brother, Shoghi.

3 June 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

The beloved Guardian has received your letters of December 20 & 21, 1951, February 12 and 26, March 11 and May 2, 1952, with enclosures, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

As regards various matters raised in your letters, Mr Perdu is now in Khartoum, Sudan at the following address: Mr Perdu, C/- The Technical Institute, Khartoum. The reason the Guardian knows this is that he has received a contribution from him for the Shrine, which he has asked the Bank to trace back to the sender, so that he can return it to him.

The Guardian suggests you contact Mr Perdu, and press him to discharge his debt to the believer in Fiji whom he has so grievously wronged, pointing out to him that surely, if he expects any forgiveness from God, the first pre-requisite is to conduct himself honestly.

The Guardian was very happy to hear that as a result of Mrs. Bolton's trip to New Caledonia, there is now a believer in that far-off island. He was also very happy to hear of the close contact you maintain with the friends in Suva, and considers that this is extremely important, as of course at the New Delhi conference, plans will have to be made for the unfoldment of the Faith throughout all the Pacific Islands, and the more strong centers we have to begin with, the better.

As regards World Religion Day, the Guardian does not attach any importance to what date the meeting is held on. World Religion Day has nothing to do with our Faith as such, but is merely a useful means of getting the public together and bringing the Cause to them.

He sees no reason why Mother Dunn should not have a companion in the Hazíra, and hopes that she will settle down there comfortably and happily.

The sympathy you have expressed on the occasion of the passing of dear Mr. Maxwell was much appreciated by the Guardian. Although Mr. Maxwell is naturally missed very much here, the services God in His bounty enabled him to accomplish for the Faith preclude any feelings of sadness, when we think of the blessings showered upon him.

He urges your Assembly to constantly stimulate the believers to achieve their goals. It would be a great pity if, after the success of their First Plan, their Second historic Plan did not likewise culminate in victory, more particularly in view of the fact that the New Delhi conference will involve the formation of work to be undertaken by eight National Bodies during a ten year period.

Consequently all Assemblies, not only yours, but all National Assemblies all over the world, should, so to speak, clear the decks for action, and wind up their present business, so that they will be free to carry out the much more important work that lies ahead of them.

The Guardian feels sure that the Australian and New Zealand Bahá'ís can make and will make sufficient effort to consummate their Plan with success. He is certainly sustaining them with his ardent prayers.

He assures you all that your labours are most deeply appreciated.

With warm Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani.

Dear and valued co-workers:

Though extremely preoccupied, during recent months, with the constantly expanding activities and manifold problems arising at the World Centre of the Faith, necessitating, to my extreme regret, a considerable delay in acknowledging your Assembly's communications, I have been watching, with close interest and ever deepening admiration, the progressive unfoldment of the task which the community of the believers in Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania are so valiantly shouldering. I have noted, with particular gratification, the simultaneous advance made in the extension of the teaching activities of the steadfast and self-sacrificing members of this forward-looking highly promising community, as well as in the consolidation of the institutions which they are so laboriously establishing throughout that far-away continent and its neighbouring Islands. I rejoice at the remarkable vitality, courage and determination which they are increasingly demonstrating in enlarging the limits of the Faith and in implanting its banner beyond the confines of that continent, over and above the task assigned to them in accordance with the provisions of their Plan, and in territories where they are destined to exert a notable influence through their collective efforts and achievements in the years immediately ahead.

As the Plan, to which they stand committed, enters upon the last stage in its unfoldment the members of this community, however remarkable their accomplishments have been in the past, must steel themselves and through a supreme effort, endeavour to rise to still greater heights of dedication, display in the pioneering field a still more compelling degree of consecration, evince a still nobler spirit of self-abnegation, and a greater awareness of the gravity of the issues at stake and of the inestimable value of the prizes within their reach. That they may be qualified to undertake a still greater mission, assume weightier responsibilities and embark upon mightier enterprises, the adequate discharge of their present duties and the fulfilment of their sacred obligations is no doubt essential.

The multiplication and consolidation of the Administrative Institutions of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh throughout Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania, as its followers in those regions, must undoubtedly be well aware, constitutes the primary foundation for, and the necessary prelude to, the firm establishment of the institutions of His Administrative Order, beyond the confines and in the neighbourhood of these territories, and amidst the highly diversified tribes and races inhabiting the numerous and widely scattered islands and archipelagos of the South Pacific Ocean.

The approaching Holy Year, a period of such unique significance in the history of the Faith; the prospect of the active participation of some of the elected representatives and members of the community holding aloft the torch of the Faith in the Antipodes; in one of the most important Conferences to be held during that year; their formal association with no less than seven other National Spiritual Assemblies in the prosecution of the colossal tasks that are to be initiated in South East Asia, in the course of the coming decade; the manifold blessings which must assuredly flow from the assumption of such a sacred function and in the course of the development of so gigantic, so challenging and so meritorious an undertaking, can surely not fail to galvanize the privileged members of this community, constituting a vital outpost of the Faith, and occupying such a spiritually strategic position in the world crusade soon to be launched by itself and its sister communities in both the East and the West, into action, at once so swift and decisive, as to add fresh lustre to the annals of the Faith.

This community, now standing on the threshold of an era of unprecedented expansion, and gazing towards the glorious future that awaits it, must seize the priceless opportunities which these fast-fleeting months offer it, and must not allow for a moment its vision to be dimmed, its resolution to flag, its attention to be distracted or its faith in its ultimate destiny to waver.

With a heart full of hope, and with an affection and fervour which every forward step in the progress of its strenuous labours serves to intensify, I will supplicate at the threshold of the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh to enable His stalwart followers championing His Cause in those far-away lands to achieve a resounding success in the task they have pledged themselves to fulfil.

Your true brother, Shoghi.

4 June 1952 [Switzerland]

Miss Lilian Wyss.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of May 24th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He deeply appreciates the spirit which animates you, and your ardent desire to serve the Cause in any way you can.

The goals necessary for the formation of the Italo-Swiss National Assembly next year have been achieved, and there is no doubt that the Assembly will come into being. Therefore, he feels that, if it is possible for you to return to Australia and render pioneer service there, in order to enable your own country not to fail in its Plan, that this would be very important. It is so vital that the Plans inaugurated by the National Assemblies should reach fruition and be crowned with success by 1953.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani.

May the Almighty guide & sustain you always, & enable you to promote at all times the vital interests of His Faith,

your true brother, Shoghi

11 June 1952

Mr. J.Y.C. Maxwell, Honorary Secretary, St. Peters Bahá'í Group.

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your loving letter of May 24th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has asked me to acknowledge it in his behalf.

The contribution that you made to the Shrine of the Báb Fund is deeply appreciated. Enclosed is receipt.

The Guardian greatly appreciates the loving devotion of the friends in St. Peters. He sincerely hopes your unity and service to the Faith will result in establishing a strong Spiritual Assembly.

Now is the time for intensive teaching work, and all those who arise and enter the teaching field will find they are greatly confirmed.

You will be interested to know that work has been resumed on the Shrine, and the third crown, the drum, is now being constructed. The Guardian hopes this work can continue until it is entirely completed.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, Leroy Ioas, Assistant Secretary

11 June 1952 [Australia]

Miss Kitty Carpenter.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your two letters of May 25th have been received, and the beloved Guardian thanks you for them, and for the loving sympathy which you express.

He hopes that you will make every effort to attend the New Delhi Conference, as it will be a very historic occasion, and the more Bahá'ís from Australia and New Zealand that are present, the better.

You should get in touch with the Indian National Spiritual Assembly as regards accommodation etc.

This has been a very tiring winter for the beloved Guardian. He has had so many pilgrims, and so many problems locally, and an ever-increasing amount of work, so I will make this letter brief.

He assures you your services are deeply appreciated, and that he will remember you in his prayers.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

May the Beloved bless, guide & sustain you, & enable you to promote the best interests of His Faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi

15 June 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

The beloved Guardian has directed me to write you in his behalf, to request that the information relating to Australia and New Zealand and their activities, contained in the booklet "The Bahá'í Faith", 'Information Statistical and Comparative' be brought up to date as of May 1, 1952, and sent to him here by first possible air mail post.

One of the features of the Holy Year will be the re-issuance of this important book; inasmuch as the Holy Year is fast approaching, the Guardian wishes the information as quickly as possible.

Briefly, the information which your NSA is to provide, brought up to date of May 1, 1952, is as follows:

Incorporated Local Spiritual Assemblies, in Australia and New Zealand. Bahá'í Centers in Australia and New Zealand, showing if possible the division between Local Spiritual Assemblies, Groups and Isolated Believers.

Any information not immediately available, should be handled by telegraph, but such information as is available should not be delayed for any one or two delinquents. You can appreciate that if the booklet is to be published early in the Holy Year, the information should reach the Guardian at a very early date.

The Guardian sends his loving greetings to the National Assembly and its devoted members.

Faithfully yours, Leroy C. Ioas, Assistant Secretary.

18 June 1952 [Germany]

Miss Alicia M. Hutchinson Smith.

Dear Miss Smith:

Your loving letter of June 3rd has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has asked me to acknowledge it in his behalf.

The contribution which you and your mother have made to the Shrine of the Báb is deeply appreciated by him. Receipt is enclosed herewith.

The Guardian greatly values the work of all of the Bahá'ís in Australia and New Zealand, and the very intensive manner in which they are serving the Faith. He is particularly appreciative of the very active part which your good mother is taking in this most important Bahá'í service. The Guardian will pray for the success of her work, as well as her and your spiritual service.

The work on the glorious Shrine of the Báb is proceeding. The stone work on the drum is being put in place. The Guardian is very hopeful that this work may continue uninterruptedly until the entire building is completed.

With loving Bahá'í greetings, I am, Leroy Ioas, Assistant Secretary

30 August 1952 [Australia]

Clara Dunn

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your recent letter was received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was very pleased to hear you are comfortably and happily installed in the Hazíra and able to help and encourage the friends. So often they need deepening more than anything else in the fundamental spiritual values of our Faith, and old and tried believers like yourself can be of great inspiration in this respect.

Australia, during the next ten years will have a big mission to carry out, and the friends must prepare themselves for it. Detailed plans will be shared at the time of the New Delhi Conference, which he hopes a number of friends from Australia and New Zealand will be able to attend.

He sends you his loving greetings, and will pray that you may serve the Faith you love to dearly for many years to come.

With Bahá'í love,

R. Rabbani

May the Almighty bless guide & sustain you always, cheer your heart, & enable you to continually enrich the splendid & long record of notable services you have rendered the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh,

Your true brother, Shoghi

17 October 1952 [Australia]

Margaret Degotardi

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of 1st Might has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

Regarding the question you raised in your letter: as there is no reference in the Bahá'í Teachings to a change in the mathematical systems in use at present we cannot as Bahá'ís advocate such a change as you suggest. If any nation or people in future desire to adapt a system such as you propose, they would of course be free to do so quite independent of us.

The names of the Bahá'í months are written in Persian or Arabic in the usual way, and have no special symbols. Any one familiar with one of these languages could write them for you.

The Guardian hopes you will devote as much time as possible to the teaching work in Australia, and will pray for your success.

With Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success & spiritual advancement,

Your true brother, Shoghi

18 October 1952 [Australia]

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carey

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your postcard of greeting, sent to the beloved Guardian en route to Australia, has been received, and he has instructed me to acknowledge it on his behalf.

There is so much work ahead for the friends everywhere in these great days, when the Bahá'í world is about to enter upon a World Crusade, and the Guardian is hopeful that your services in Australia will prove to be of great assistance to the progress of the Faith in that land.

He sends you both his loving greetings.

With Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

May the Beloved guide your steps, & enable you to promote the best interests of His Faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi

25 October 1952 [Australia]

Bolton, care Natbahai, Sydney.


25 October 1952

Nordon C.W.M. Hospital Suva Fiji


4 November 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]


13 November 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]


29 November 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of September 30th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

The generous contribution which Mrs Chorvat made towards the Shrine of the Báb has already been acknowledged direct to her, because she mentioned it in a recent letter.

It was indeed most kind of this dedicated believer to support this work of the Shrine here to this extent, and was much appreciated.

The Guardian assures you your devoted labours for the Faith are much appreciated. He will remember you in his prayers in the Shrine.

With loving greetings, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement,

Your true brother, Shoghi.

29 November 1952 [New Zealand]

Mr & Mrs Alvin Blum.

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your letter of November 13th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He would be very happy to see you here after the Indian Conference, but suggests that the middle of November would be a better date than the first. If this does not work in with your plans, he suggests that you arrange on your return to Australia, to pass through Haifa, rather than on your way to the United States. Either way would suit him, but please inform us of the date you plan to be here, well in advance.

He feels sure the conference in New Delhi will be of tremendous interest, and it certainly will deal with one of the most vital aspects of the coming Ten Year Plan. He was most happy to hear you will both be attending.

With warm Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you always, reward you for your labours and enable you to win great victories in the service of His faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi

29 November 1952 [Fiji]

Mrs. Zainab S. Khan.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of November 12th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He would be very happy indeed if you and your dear husband could be present at the New Delhi Conference; and he will pray that the way may open for you to attend it.

The friends have every right to appeal to the Australian National Assembly and express their views that Else Norden be allowed to teach people of all races as she has been doing; but in the meantime she should comply with the wishes of the National Assembly, because all Bahá'ís must learn to live according to the administrative principles of our Faith. If they don't, they only undermine the very institutions they are trying to create, and which we know, carry the solution to the world's problems. It is often difficult to follow this course, but it is the one 'Abdu'l-Bahá always asked the friends to follow; and obedience, even when we believe the instruction is not wise, brings in itself blessings from on high.

Your devoted services to the Faith, and those of your dear husband, are greatly appreciated, you may be sure; and he will remember you both in his prayers in the Holy Shrines.

With warm Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success & spiritual advancement,

Your true brother, Shoghi

30 November 1952 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your loving letter of September 14th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has asked me to acknowledge it on his behalf.

The Guardian will greatly appreciate your thanking each one of the contributors to this fund.

He is very appreciative of the outstanding services and sacrifices of the friends in Australia and New Zealand. He feels they are bringing renown to the Faith, and laying a firm foundation for the great Crusade ahead.

The Guardian will pray for the success of all the activities of the friends, and for the guidance and confirmation of the National Assembly.

The funds representing the proceeds of the sale of the shares, given by Mrs Chorvat have come to hand, amounting to £346.9.10 Sterling. The Guardian has asked that you express his deep appreciation to Mrs Chorvat for this loving contribution, which will be used in the construction of the Shrine of the Báb.

The construction work on the drum of the Shrine is going forward quite rapidly. The tall columns between the windows are rapidly nearing completion, adding to the beauty of this glorious structure. The Guardian is hopeful that this work can continue until the building is completely finished.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, Leroy C. Ioas, Assistant Secretary.

11 December 1952

Mr J.Y.C. Maxwell, Secretary, St. Peters Bahá'í Group.

Dear Bahá'í Brother,

Your letter of November 25th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to acknowledge it on his behalf.

Your contribution enclosed, from the St. Peters Group, toward the Shrine of the Báb, is greatly appreciated. Receipt is enclosed herewith.

The construction work on the drum of the Shrine is going forward quite rapidly. The tall columns between the windows are rapidly nearing completion, adding to the beauty of this glorious structure. The Guardian is hopeful that this work can continue until the building is completely finished.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, Leroy Ioas, Assistant Secretary

P.S. - The Guardian urges the members of your group to very actively engage in the teaching work, and hopes that you will be able to develop into Assembly status during the current year.

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