Messages to the Antipodes: Communications from Shoghi Effendi to the Bahá'í Communities of Australasia



4 January 1956 [Yerrinbool Summer School]


4 January 1956 [New Zealand Summer School]


16 January 1956 [National Spiritual Assembly]


24 January 1956 [New Caledonia]

Mr. W. Washington9

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your letter was received by the beloved Guardian and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He considers your decision to not make the pilgrimage at the present time, but remain at your post, was certainly the right one, and be feels sure that at a future date you will be able to come. If you let him know some months in advance when it would be possible for you to come, he will inform you whether it is possible to make arrangements at this end to receive you at that time.

As you know, he attaches great importance to the Loyalty Islands, and he assures you he will pray that the way may open for you to assist in the establishment of the Faith there, either through settling or interesting a Loyalty Islander.

He is very happy over the pioneer services you are rendering, and wishes you every success.

With warmest Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

May the Almighty bless your historic efforts, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to render memorable services to His Faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi

2 February 1956 [New Hebrides]

Mrs Bertha Dobbins

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of Dec. 31st, with photos enclosed, has been received and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

The wonderful news you conveyed to him of the spread of the Faith to other Islands, the devotion of these new believers, and the work that you are doing to attract more, gave him great joy. Bahá'u'lláh has indeed blessed your efforts, and the joint sacrifice you and Mr. Dobbins have made in order to accomplish this work of the Crusade.

He considers the spread of the Cause to other Islands of great importance, as well as the translation work.

Nothing will so deeply affect the hearts of people who have been hurt and offended by the attitude of white supremacy as to consort with them as full equals - as indeed they are. He is very glad you are doing this.

He will pray in the Holy Shrines for your success in every way, and please give his love to the believers there and tell them he hopes some day some of them will journey here to meet him, be his pilgrim-guests, and visit the Shrines.

much love, R. Rabbani

May the Beloved, whose Cause you serve with such constancy, love & devotion, guide & sustain you always, & enable you to win great victories in the days to come,

Your true brother, Shoghi

16 February 1956 [Hawaii]

Mr. Roy Fernie.

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your letter of February 7th with photograph enclosed has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

Although he was very happy to hear the news of the number of believers that you and your dear wife have made in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, he was very sorry to hear of your expulsion.

As he has already informed the British National Assembly, we must do all in our power to stay on good terms with the Authorities, even though they are incited against us by missionaries or other enemies of the Faith, and may treat us with injustice.

He will certainly pray that the way may open for you to return; and, in the meantime, he feels that your wife is doing the right thing by staying at her post, however great the personal sacrifice involved for you both.

Your devoted services have been deeply appreciated by him, and greatly admired by Bahá'ís in other pioneer posts, who have to sow, alas, in less fertile soil!

With warmest Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

May the Beloved bless, guide & sustain you, reward you abundantly for your historic & meritorious labours, & enable you to enrich the record of your services in the days to come,

Your true brother, Shoghi.


22 February 1956

Mrs. Mariette G. Bolton, 9 Martin Place, Sydney, N.S.W. Australia

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of January 26th has been received by the beloved Guardian; and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was very happy to hear of the teaching trips you have been making and will make to New Zealand; and he feels sure that these greatly stimulate and encourage the friends.

He was also happy to hear of the progress of the work in Orange; and that your dear family are well and you now have a grandson. He assures you he will pray for you all in the Holy Shrines and for the success of your tireless labours.

With warmest Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and aid you to enrich continually the record of your splendid services,

Your true brother, Shoghi

10 March 1956

National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

The beloved Guardian is very anxious that constructive steps be taken at this time looking to the teaching of the aborigines in both Australia and New Zealand.

The beloved Master has often referred to the importance of the original inhabitants of a country being brought into the Faith, as the Cause of God will be the means of stimulating and activating these peoples and the cause of their progress in society.

He feels it would be well for your Assembly to appoint two committees, one in charge of the teaching of the aborigines, and one, a committee of New Zealand people, who will be in charge of the teaching of the Maoris in New Zealand.

Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas

10 March 1956

Mr. James Heggie, Secretary, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand

Dear Bahá'í Friend:

Your loving letter of February 22nd was presented to the beloved Guardian, and he has asked me to respond to you on his behalf, to the questions which you raise as follows:

He was very happy to receive the report concerning the translation of languages. As you know, he feels this is one of the tasks of the Ten Year Crusade which can be brought to a conclusion at an early date; and he therefore hopes your Assembly will follow up the subject just as diligently as possible. Furthermore the teaching work in the areas involved will be hampered if the literature is not translated.

He is very anxious that you proceed with the printing of the pamphlet in Tahitian. Please send me 5 copies for him just as quickly as it is off the press.

In connection with the incorporation of Assemblies, the Guardian feels that the general principle which was established by Bahá'u'lláh and confirmed by the Master and is now in effect all over the world of confining the territory of one Spiritual Assembly to one civil area, must now be followed in Australia and New Zealand. This is the principle that is now being followed in practically all parts of the world, and should be followed now in your very promising country.

It is likely of course that this will result in a great many new communities in Australia and New Zealand, which will spur the friends on to establish Assemblies in each of these new areas, and thus ultimately increase the number of Assemblies in Australia and New Zealand.

In New York there are numerous boroughs which make up the civil limits of New York; likewise in London there are various divisions with local administrative bodies, all of which make up the City of London. Presumably there is a similar situation in the cities in Australia where you have local Councils, but all of them under the general supervision and direction of one central body, which would be the general government of the City.

If this is the case, there are no objections to the N.S.A. adopting the plan of recognising the area of the central government, and not breaking up a city into various council areas.

In other areas where Bahá'ís from surrounding communities help make up the Spiritual Assembly and community of the given city, this of course will have to be changed in accordance with the policy outlined herein.

I trust this fully explains the matter to you. If not, I shall be glad to make further clarification.

I regret my original letter of January 29th enclosing the title deeds to the property on Mt. Carmel in the name of your Assembly was not signed. I have now signed it, and enclose it herewith.

The Guardian asked me to assure you all of his prayers in your behalf. He is greatly pleased with the manner in which the Assembly is undertaking its heavy responsibilities, and feels sure you will gain many important victories for the Faith.

Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas.

15 March 1956 [Australia]

Mr. James Chittleborough.

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your letter of January 17th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was happy to learn that you and your dear family are now settled in Naracoorte. He urges you to put forth every effort, so that Bahá'u'lláh may assist you to find and confirm in the Faith a number of prepared souls, and aid you to establish His Cause on a firm foundation in your new environment.

He deeply appreciates your spirit, and assures you of his prayers. R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success & spiritual advancement,

Your true brother, Shoghi

21 March 1956 [Australia]

Rose Hawthorne


6 April 1956 [National Spiritual Assembly]

National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand,

Care of Mr. J. Heggie, Secretary.

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Enclosed is the beloved Guardian's message to all Bahá'í Conventions. He would like you to please share it with the delegates and friends attending your National Convention.

He hopes it will stimulate the teaching work, and particularly the pioneer work.

with warmest Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

8 April 1956 [Mariana Islands]

Guam Assembly care Rabbanian New Delhi


April 1956 [National Convention - Australia and New Zealand]


23 April 1956 [Mariana Islands]

The Bahá'ís of Guam.

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your letter of April 4th was received, and the beloved Guardian was very touched indeed to see some of the Bahá'í prayers in the language of the Mariana Islands. This good news reached him at the time of the Ridván Festival, and made him very happy.

He assures you all of his loving prayers, and urges you to persevere and never lose heart.

With warmest Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

May the Almighty bless, guide & sustain you, & aid you to win great victories in the days to come,

Your true brother, Shoghi

27 April 1956 [National Convention - Australia and New Zealand]


27 April 1956

Mr. H. Collis Featherstone, 24 Hargrave Street, Semaphore, South Australia

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your loving letter of April 4th was duly received, and its contents presented to the beloved Guardian.

He was greatly delighted to receive the information that you sent with regard to the translations into new languages, and the victories in the teaching field. The spirit of confirmation seems to be descending over the entire South and South-East Pacific areas, and the victories being won everywhere indicate how badly the divine teachings are needed in those areas.

The beloved Guardian states he does not recognize the purported extract from a Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh concerning Enoch. He could not therefore rule on its authenticity without seeing the original Tablet. Even if it should come from a Writing of Bahá'u'lláh, the translation is extremely poor.

He feels under the circumstances that this should not be considered as authentic Bahá'í literature.

If I might inject a personal thought, it is that I believe this purported extract from a Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh can only refer to the initial paragraph which is quoted and which does read like Bahá'í literature. However the balance of the document appears to me to be quotations from the "Book of Enoch" or a book covering the teachings of Enoch. A number of years ago, there was some interest developed concerning manuscripts which were found, which were purported to be writings of an early Prophet who they thought was Enoch. I had both books referred to, and this reads like it is quoted directly from one of the books. I recall the interest amongst the Bahá'ís in this matter in the days of my youth, and it was prior to the time of the departure of Father Dunn for Australia and New Zealand. He no doubt took it with him.

There must be some misunderstanding on the part of Bahá'ís in Burnside with regard to the readings at a Nineteen Day Feast. The Writings of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh can certainly be read any time at any place; likewise the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá are read freely during the spiritual part of the Feast. The Guardian has instructed that during the spiritual part of the feast, his own Writings should not be read. In other words, during the spiritual part of the Feast, readings should be confined to the Writings of the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh and to a lesser extent,of the Master; but during that part of the Feast the Guardian's Writings should not be read. During the period of administrative discussion of the Feast, then the Guardian's Writings may be read. Of course during the administrative part of the Feast there can be no objection to the reading of the Writings of the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh or 'Abdu'l-Bahá.

With loving Bahá'í greetings, I am, Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas

27 April 1956[Australia]

Mr H. Collis Featherstone,

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your loving letter of April 13th, has just come to hand, with the very thrilling letter from Mr. Hancock, telling of his joyous experiences on the trip from Rabaul to New Ireland.

Knowing the Guardian would be interested in reading Mr. Hancock's letter, I submitted it to him. He was very happy to learn of the reception of the universal teachings of the Faith in that promising land, and he hopes the Faith will grow in depth in the hearts of the people. His advice is that rather than spread rapidly, and form new patterns of life too quickly, that the teachers concentrate on a few strong capable souls, and see that they are fully confirmed and deepened in the Faith, before spreading to larger numbers. Otherwise, when opposition comes, the local people will not be sufficiently deepened in the Faith, to enable them to stand the pressure.

The Guardian assures the Friends, particularly Mr. Hancock of his prayers in their behalf; that they may be both guided and confirmed in their work, and many souls become standard bearers of the new Day, in that area.

With loving Bahá'í Greetings, I am,

Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas

30 April 1956 [Guam - Mariana Islands]

Mr. Robert B. Powers, Jr.

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your letter of April 9th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

The cabled news he received a few days ago that an Assembly had been formed on Guam was a source of great pleasure to him; and he feels proud indeed of the achievement of the Bahá'ís out there, including your dear self. Just the other day he had occasion to write your father, who is very proud of you and very happy that you have been able to go back as a pioneer to Guam.

The Guardian assures you that he will pray for your success and that of the new Assembly, in the Holy Shrines.

As you know, he attaches great importance to the natives of the country becoming believers; and he hopes that the Message will spread rapidly amongst them.

With warmest Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

May the Beloved bless every effort you exert in the service of His Faith, reward you for your meritorious labours, & enable you to win memorable victories in the days to come,

Your true brother, Shoghi

1 May 1956 [Tonga]

Mrs Elsa Blakely.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your welcome letter of April 18th was received and brought great joy to the heart of our beloved Guardian.

Please assure the Bahá'ís of Eua that the beautiful gift they are sending him will be placed in the Mansion of Bahá'u'lláh, amongst historical documents and contributions from friends in far parts of the world, as well as some of the sacred relics of Bahá'u'lláh which are on view in this Bahá'í Holy Place.

He was very happy indeed to hear that the Tongan friends are teaching the Cause themselves to their own people, and assisting you and your dear husband in spreading the Message in those islands. The Polynesians for many centuries, ever since the white man contacted them, have been admired for their fine characteristics and the nobility of their spirit. It would be a great contribution to the world-wide character of our Faith to have people of this race active in its service and representing what their race has to give, as time goes on, in joint Bahá'í national and international councils.

Your services there are very deeply appreciated, and the work you are accomplishing, very dear to his heart. He sends you and your husband his loving greetings, as well as all the friends in those islands; and assures you all of his prayers for your success, in the Holy Shrines.

With warmest Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

May the Almighty bless continually your highly meritorious efforts, guide every step you take, & fulfil every desire you cherish, for the promotion of His Faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi

3 May 1956 [New Caledonia]

Mr. W. Washington.

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your letter of February 21st has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He hopes that it will be possible for you to make the pilgrimage some time during next winter.

He thinks you did quite right to remain there in preference to coming with Frank Wyss and perhaps jeopardizing your work, to which he attaches the greatest importance.

He hopes that you have been able to get a residence visa, and thinks that your attitude as to how to go about it, is very sound.

You may be sure he will pray for you and Mr. and Mrs. Soheili, as well as for those you are teaching in those Islands. He wishes you every success, and urges you to persevere.

With loving Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement,

Your true brother, Shoghi

6 May 1956 [Caroline Islands]

Miss Virginia Breaks.10

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of April 18th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has directed me to acknowledge it on his behalf. Your contribution to the International Interests of the Faith is deeply appreciated. Receipt is enclosed herewith.

The beloved Guardian was deeply impressed with your outline of teaching work which you have been able to accomplish during the past two years and the interest which has been developed.

Now that you have become acquainted and well-established and will not have to travel so much, the Guardian sincerely hopes you will be able to devote more time to the teaching of the native people, so that a goodly number may become firm in the Faith. He feels that this vast territory, which has been spiritually asleep for so long is now awakening, and he hopes through your diligent efforts, many may find the light of Divine Guidance.

The Guardian assures you that he will pray diligently in your behalf for the success of your work and that divine confirmations may be with you at all times. He sends you his loving greetings.

Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas

9 May 1956 [Papua New Guinea]

Miss Violet Hoehnke.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your welcome letter of April 28th was received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He is very happy indeed to see that there is now a Group in Pt. Moresby; and that the believer whom you were able to confirm in Manus is still there. Please convey to him the loving greetings of the Guardian, and assure him of his prayers that he may give the Message to many of his people.

He will also pray that your efforts to create a friendly relationship with the Administrator will be successful. Generally speaking, it is not wise to involve the higher officials too much in our work; but it is good to let them know, when this seems indicated, what we are doing, and create good will on their part.

For the time being, he thinks that, as long as the Government moved you away from Manus, you should not try to get back there, but continue where you are, building up the local work and quietly teaching as many natives as you can. If we attract the attention of the officials and the missionaries to us too much, we will jeopardize our work in many of these backward places in the world where there is a definite racial problem, either nascent or well-developed.

It would naturally be better if you could get back to one of the places where you would be more in contact with the natives; but under no circumstances should you risk your position or antagonize the Authorities, as you have a much stronger hold on the situation through being their employee.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

May the Almighty shower His blessings on your meritorious and historic work in the service of His Faith, reward you for your labours, & aid you to win great & memorable victories in the days to come,

Your true brother,


29 May 1956 [Australia]

Rolf Schiller11 care Natbahai Sydney


13 June 1956 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your letters of November 17, and December 12 and 31, 1955, and January 6, February 22, April 24, and May 27, (two), with enclosures have been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was happy to receive the pamphlets which you have had translated and forwarded to him, and which is certainly a welcome addition to the teaching work in the Pacific area.

He was also pleased to see that you have found a friendly architect, who will cooperate in submitting plans for the future Temple in Sydney.12 He is eagerly looking forward to receiving them. Since writing this, they have been received. He was also glad to hear that another site had been procured.

Repercussions of the Chicago Temple are felt everywhere, and the same is becoming increasingly true of the Shrine. One single edifice, raised to the glory of Bahá'u'lláh, shines like a beacon and attracts the hearts of the people; no doubt many seeds are sown just through the act of people visiting these edifices - seeds which in the future will germinate. It is because of this that he is very eager to have the Australian one commenced as soon as circumstances permit.

As regards the question the Auckland Assembly has asked about vivisection, there is nothing on this subject in the Bahá'í teachings. At a future date such matters will no doubt be taken up by the International House of Justice.

He is very anxious to have as many Local Assemblies incorporated as possible; and was hence very pleased to hear that your Assembly is energetically prosecuting this part of the Ten Year Plan in both Australia and New Zealand.

The visits of the Australian friends to different centers in Australia and New Zealand, as well as Mr. Featherstone's trip to some of the Pacific Islands, have been much appreciated, and he feels sure that marked results will be forthcoming. Although you who labour in that distant continent may often feel that your work is progressing but slowly, the Guardian, from the prospective that he has here at the World Center, is well pleased with the perseverance, the devotion and the achievements of the Australian and New Zealand friends; and he is proud of their spirit, and feels sure that they will accomplish their goals.

He was very happy to hear that Mr. Marques has obtained permission to remain in Timor. His background makes him a very important pioneer for that area; and he is happy that your Assembly was able to make it possible for him to remain.

The matter of the areas under the jurisdiction of a Local Spiritual Assembly is one which the National Assembly must study, and apply the principles laid down by the Guardian; namely, that within a municipal area, where the people resident in the area pay taxes and vote, the Assembly can be elected, and holds jurisdiction. Anyone living outside of that area is not a member of that Community, and cannot enjoy the administrative privileges of that Community. Although this will effect your Assembly roll, it will place the work of the Faith on a much sounder basis, and increase the number of Centers where Bahá'ís reside throughout Australia, which is an important phase of the work in any case. It will challenge the friends to work harder to create new Assemblies and make up for those dissolved; and he feels sure that in the near future the Bahá'ís will be very proud of the results they have achieved through this change.

He is delighted to hear that the New Zealand friends are so eagerly carrying on their work in preparation for their National Assembly next year. Their coming of age, so to speak, will be a source of pride to all their fellow National Assemblies, and they will form a welcome addition to the pillars which must ultimately sustain the International House of Justice.

Regarding the question of capital punishment, provision is made for it in the Aqdas, but this is not the time to go into details. When the Aqdas is promulgated and the House of Justice comes into being will be the time to go into these matters in greater detail. For the present they should be given no publicity.

Assuring you all of his loving prayers for the success of the work you are doing.

With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani.

Dear and valued co-workers:

My heart overflows with gratitude, and my admiration is heightened, as I contemplate the range and quality of the achievements of the devoted and valiant adherents of the Faith in the Antipodes, who have in recent years so greatly embellished the record of their services and contributed so remarkably to the progress of the institutions of a divinely appointed Administrative order in that far-away continent.

The entire Bahá'í World beholds with pride and admiration the great victories won by the Australian and New Zealand communities, both in their homelands and in so many islands of the Pacific Ocean, and shares my confidence that their historic accomplishments, particularly since the inception of the Ten-Year Plan, are but a prelude to still nobler exploits and still mightier victories.

Their exemplary loyalty to the Faith they have so eagerly embraced, their keen enthusiasm, their persistent endeavours, their willingness to sacrifice, their inflexible resolve to surmount every obstacle, their unity and solidarity, their optimism and courage, are assets which I greatly value, and for which I cannot but feel deeply grateful.

Much indeed has been achieved by these stalwart defenders and promoters of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh! To an extent which they themselves cannot estimate their individual and collective achievements, in both the teaching and administrative spheres of Bahá'í activity, have compensated for the enforced inactivity and the disabilities suffered by their sorely tried brethren in Persia. The first and second phases of the Ten-Year Plan owe, to a very notable degree, their success to the impetus which the splendid initiative and remarkable resourcefulness displayed by the members of these communities has lent to the onward march of the Faith in that continent. In more than one way these communities, through their consecrated efforts and the tangible results they have achieved, have set an inspiring example to their sister communities in both the East and the West. The Author of the Divine Plan, Himself, who during the closing years of His ministry, witnessed the awakening of that vast continent, rejoices over and applauds the rapidity with which the light of His Father's Faith has spread over and enveloped that continent and its neighbouring islands.

Much, however still remains to be achieved before the laurels of total and complete victory are claimed.

The precarious situation in some of the newly opened territories allotted to your Assembly must be given first consideration and should be speedily remedied. Any, and every nucleus formed in those islands must be vigilantly safeguarded, and, if possible, constantly enlarged and consolidated.

Special attention, during the opening year of the third phase of the Plan, must be prayerfully accorded to the extension and consolidation of the homefront, with particular emphasis on the rapid increase in the number of the adherents of the Faith, and the multiplication of isolated centres, groups and Assemblies. The process of incorporation, so long held in abeyance, must be accelerated by every means possible.

A supreme effort must be made, in the course of the current year, in conjunction with the Indian National Spiritual Assembly, to bring to an early and successful conclusion the translation of Bahá'í literature into the languages listed in the Plan, thereby assuring the attainment of one of its vital objectives.

Particular attention should be devoted to the urgent needs of the New Zealand Bahá'í community, through the formulation of a plan which will enable it to swell the number of its administrative institutions, enlarging and reinforcing thereby the foundations on which its forthcoming National Assembly must ultimately rest.

The goals which both communities are called upon, at this crucial hour in the evolution of the Plan, to achieve have been clearly defined and repeatedly emphasised. The task, however, is vast and arduous. The effort that must needs be exerted by the rank and file of the believers is immense. The challenge that must needs be met is severe. The promise of eventual victory, if the army of Bahá'u'lláh's Crusaders persevere in their mission, is clear and unmistakable.

The need of the present hour, as these communities enter upon the third, and, what promises to be, the most brilliant phase of a World Spiritual Crusade, is a still greater consecration to the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh in all its aspects, and a renewed dedication in all the divers fields of Bahá'í activity.

That the members of the Australian and New Zealand communities will unanimously rise to the present occasion, that they will not allow any consideration whatever to deflect them from their high purpose in the days to come, that they will expend every ounce of energy for the attainment of these shining goals, is the deepest longing of my heart and the object of my ardent prayers. Shoghi.

2 July 1956 [Gilbert & Ellice Islands]

Mrs. Elena Marsella Fernie.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letters of May 23rd & June 4th have been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He has approved of having another pioneer replace you, but you should remain at your post until the pioneer arrives, and you can safely hand over the work, so important, so historic and so delicate, to your replacement.

He remembers you always in his prayers in the Holy Shrines. He wishes me to express his great appreciation to you and your dear husband for the wonderful services rendered, and the great sacrifices you have both so lovingly made, and which have resulted in such a rich harvest.

The Guardian would like you to particularly convey his encouragement and admiration to Peter for his fine spirit and devotion. He also sends his love to all the friends there.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

May the Spirit of Bahá'u'lláh, Whose Cause you serve with such exemplary devotion, abundantly reward you for your unforgettable & truly historic services, & graciously assist you to overcome all obstacles, & win still more glorious victories,

Your true brother, Shoghi

1 August 1956

To the Australian National Spiritual Assembly.13

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

The Beloved Guardian has directed me to send you, a design for a Bahá'í Temple, prepared by Mr. Charles Mason Remey, which the Guardian wishes to propose to you, for the Temple to be built in Australia.

The Guardian wishes you to study the design carefully. If you have any modifications to propose, these can be submitted to him, or Mr. Remey. These modifications should be sent to me, so I may handle them in turn as required here for Mr. Remey or the Guardian.

With loving Bahá'í Greetings, I am, Faithfully yours,


1 August 1956

Mrs. Mariette Bolton, 40 Clinton Street, Orange. N.S.W. Australia.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

Your letter of June 27th. has been received by the beloved Guardian ,and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He urges you to continue, single-mindedly, and with the same whole-hearted devotion you have always shown, to work for the Faith so dear to your heart. The petty irritations fade away, but the concrete services to God remain forever. You must be very happy that you are assisted and strengthened by God to promote His Cause.

The Guardian assures you he deeply values your spirit, and he will remember you in his loving prayers.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

May the Spirit of Bahá'u'lláh sustain you always in your greatly valued endeavours, remove every obstacle in your path, and graciously assist you to win still greater victories in the service of His Faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi

4 September 1956 [National Spiritual Assembly]


5 September 1956

Mr. Percy G. Leadley,14 Secretary, Regional Teaching Committee for New Zealand.

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your letter of August 3rd with enclosure has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was happy to see this report of the activities of the Bahá'ís in New Zealand, and will be pleased to receive a copy of your News Letter regularly.

The Guardian wishes your committee and the believers there to know that he has high hopes for their future achievements in that far-off land, where they are now on the threshold of that historic event, the election of their own National Spiritual Assembly. He deeply values their devotion, and the eager and fervent character of their services.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success & spiritual advancement,

Your true brother, Shoghi

6 September 1956 [Australia]

Mrs. Clara Dunn:

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

The Beloved Guardian has instructed me to inform you that he has recently arranged for the equivalent of 500 Sterling Pounds to be sent you, for your Continental Fund. This money when received, should therefore be put in your Continental Fund, to assist the Hand of the Cause in Australia and her Board, to carry forward the important teaching work now engaged in.

The Guardian sends you his loving Greetings.

Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas

P.S. Please let me know when the money is received. Perhaps it has already come to hand. If so, let me know, please.

24 September 1956 [Australia]

Eric Bowes

Dear Bahá'í Brother,

The beloved Guardian has received your letter of August 13th, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

With regard to the record of your address, this is not something the Guardian could make use of, nor the copy of the talk nor the Children's Story. He just has no time, alas, for such details. He does thank you however for your loving offer to have these made and sent to him.

Your activity in teaching the Faith pleases him, and he urges you to persevere in your meritorious labours.

The Guardian feels you should ask the National Spiritual Assembly as to the wisdom of using the word "Politics" in a title for a talk, as they are the best advisors.

He reads the "Herald of the South" with interest, and appreciates your services in this field.

The Bahá'ís must not fear the future: but should continue to live normal lives, but at the same time determinedly labour for the rapid expansion and consolidation of the Faith so dear to their hearts, and so greatly needed by mankind.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

May the Almighty bless your meritorious efforts, guide & sustain you always & enable you to extend the range of your valued activities,

Your true brother, Shoghi

24 September 1956 [Papua New Guinea]

Miss Violet Hoehnke.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

This is just a brief note to acknowledge on behalf of the beloved Guardian your letter to him of August 16th, and to tell you the correction you mention has been noted.

He hopes, wherever you may be located, you will be guided and assisted in your efforts to bring other souls into the Faith, and assures you of his prayers.

With Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success & spiritual advancement,

Your true brother, Shoghi

27 September 1956

To the Australian National Assembly.15

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Will you please refer to my letter of August 1st, sending you a design for a Bahá'í Temple submitted to the Guardian by Mr. Remey, and which the Guardian felt might be suitable for your Temple in Australia.

Have you had full opportunity to study the matter, and can you now advise your views. You understand, the design might be modified, if you have certain aspects you wish further review of.

The Guardian has felt it has more possibilities than the one which you sent him some time ago.

Your early advice will be appreciated, as the Guardian has been anxious to know your views.

Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas.

26 October 1956 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Mr. James Heggie:

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your loving letter of October 20th, has come to hand, with the proposal revision of the Temple design of Mr. Remey.

I have submitted to the Beloved Guardian, your letter, the letter of Mr. Brogan, and the sketch.

There is one point which is not clear, however, and that is, if your National Assembly approve the revised plan for the actual design of the Australian Temple. You have indicated you have approved the proposed revision of Mr. Brogan; but you do not indicate, if this revision, is now your approval of the final design for the Australian Temple.

What the Guardian must know, is what your final recommendations are for the Temple, before he can approve or disapprove.

With loving Greetings, I am, Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas

P.S. Can you let me know by return airmail, the answer to the above question.

27 October 1956 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your Assembly will be receiving five hundred pounds sent by Mr. Varqa on behalf of the beloved Guardian. This is a contribution for your National Fund to help in the work you are doing.

With loving greetings, R. Rabbani.

30 October 1956

Mrs. Mariette G. Bolton, 40 Clinton Street, Orange. N.S.W. Australia.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

The beloved Guardian has received your two letters of September 22nd. with enclosure, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He believes it would be better if you would make your plans regarding New Zealand in consultation with the National Spiritual Assembly. He fully approves of your visiting N.Z.

He assures you he deeply appreciates your many devoted services, and remembers you in his loving prayers.

With warm Bahá'í greetings, R. Rabbani

P.S. Your letter of April 15th. was also received and he was very pleased to see you had been instrumental in attracting many new people to the Faith.

Regarding your question it is much better for the friends to give up saying "Amen" as it is a purely Christian custom and associated with the church. He assures you the work you accomplished in New Zealand is highly meritorious.

May the Beloved, whose Faith you have served and are serving with such splendid perseverance, exemplary devotion and love, abundantly reward you for your manifold and historic accomplishments, and enable you to win still greater victories in the days to come,

Your true brother, Shoghi

5 November 1956 [Bill Washington - Australia]

Washington Leeton, N.S.W.


12 November 1956 [Australia]

Mrs. Clara Dunn

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

The Beloved Guardian has directed me to write you concerning the contribution which he made to the Australian Continental Fund, which Miss Perks, in her letter to me of October 22nd, advises has not reached you.

This matter is being looked into at once, and it is hoped it will reach you shortly.

The Guardian thinks of you often, and of your dear husband, and the wonderful work done by him and you, in that far off land. From on high he is watching the work as it proceeds, rejoicing in the increasing victories of the Friends in Australia and New Zealand.

The Guardian assures you of his prayers in your behalf. He sends you his loving Greetings. Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas.


16 November 1956

To the National Spiritual Assemblies of Australia and New Zealand; India, Pakistan and Burma.

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

The Beloved Guardian has directed me to write you jointly with regard to the status of the translation and publication of the following languages, assigned jointly to your Assemblies under the Ten Year Crusade.

These languages are -

Abor Miri Chungchia Manchu

Bentuni Hovilou Manus Island

Binandere Kado Mongolian

Vogul Kopu Na-Hsi

The Guardian is hopeful this phase of the Ten Year Crusade can be promptly concluded, and is therefore urging that you take in hand the translation and publication of literature into these languages at an early date.

Can you send me a report giving the status of each, so I may make a preliminary report to the Guardian.

With loving Bahá'í Greetings, I am, Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas.

30 November 1956 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Mr. James Heggie:

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Referring further to your letter of October 20th, and your letter of November 11th, concerning the Bahá'í Temple for Australia.

The Beloved Guardian has directed me to write you as follows:

He approves the changes made in the Temple Design of Mr. Remey, by Mr. Brogan, with the exception of the Dome. The Dome should remain the same as in Mr. Remey's design. In other words, he accepts the design of Mr. Brogan, with the exception of the Dome, and in place of Mr. Brogan's Dome design, he should use Mr. Remey's design. He feels the question of the Dome very important, and wishes to be sure no change is made in Mr. Remey's design. Can you have Mr. Brogan draw up a new design, such as you sent, but showing Mr. Remey's dome.

The Guardian would like your Assembly to take in hand actively, the question of the cost of building the Temple, as now newly designed, including the interior changes, etc. proposed by Mr. Brogan. It must be borne in mind, however, that the question of cost is a vital factor, and when that is received, it then can be determined on just how far to go with Mr. Brogan's changes, particularly the question of enlargement, etc.

As the Guardian has intimated, he may consider building the Temple in Australia during the present Ten Year Crusade, although that is not decided, and is dependent on the estimated cost of construction, etc.

Under no circumstances should you let the Believers know, there is consideration being given to possible construction now, as if it does not work out, then the Friends will be disappointed.

One of the Friends has made a contribution for the construction, and the Guardian himself will make a contribution, so if the cost is not too much, a start could be made.

Thus, you will appreciate the Guardian's request that you proceed with the study of the cost of construction. In that study you will have to give consideration to the building materials, and this should be on the basis of a material which will give a good and lasting finish, but not be too costly.

The Guardian will await with interest, the result of your study of costs - and will appreciate a copy of the finalized design, with Mr. Remey's Dome.

He sends you his loving Greetings, Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas.

30 November 1956 [Australia]

Mr H. Collis Featherstone:

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Your loving letter of September 21st was duly received, and its contents presented to the Beloved Guardian.

He has carefully reviewed the matter, and feels it would be a mistake to have any publicity concerning our activities in the South Seas, no matter how favourable.

Our numbers are few, and the Faith weak in most areas. To turn the public eye on our activities would bring friends, as well as enemies. However, the enemies, who would be strongly entrenched, could make it very difficult for our pioneers and the new Bahá'ís. Thus, the Guardian feels it would be highly inadvisable for an article to be printed in the Pacific Islands Monthly at this time. He hopes you can explain the matter in such a way as to retain the friendship of Mr. Maude.16

The Guardian sends you his loving Greetings. Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas.


3 December 1956 [Australia]

Rolf Schiller care Natbahai Sydney


6 December 1956 [Gilbert & Ellice Islands]

Mrs. Roy Fernie.

Dear Bahá'í Sister:

The letters you forwarded with your note brought great happiness to our beloved Guardian's heart, and enclosed you will find two answers.

I trust I have understood correctly that, although the letter of Kokoria and Tokarake is in the singular, two people are involved? In any case I have addressed it in the plural, - perhaps you will explain the difficulty if I have been wrong.

The Guardian hopes that Mrs. Frances Heller will be able to carry on the work that you have initiated there. It is going to be very difficult for the local Bahá'ís to transfer their affections from you and your dear husband to a new pioneer, however worthy she may be. He urges you to try and get your husband back into the Islands, if at all possible, so that you can continue serving there together, rather than both leaving.

He will pray for your success in the Holy Shrines, and deeply appreciates the wonderful work you have accomplished.

With warm Bahá'í love,

R. Rabbani

May the Almighty reward you abundantly for your exemplary & historic accomplishments in the service of His Faith, & assuring you of my loving & fervent prayers for your success & spiritual advancement,

Your true brother, Shoghi

6 December 1956 [Gilbert & Ellice Islands]

Kokoria and Tokarake.

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your letter of October 14th was received with the translation enclosed, and the beloved Guardian was very happy to hear from you.

He was particularly glad to know that you are going to answer the call of the Bahá'ís in Samoa, and arise to assist them in spreading this glorious Faith there. There is no doubt that, although the European and American Bahá'í teachers have exerted a great influence in the Pacific Islands and carried the Message of God to those distant parts, the work in the future must go forward through the efforts of the Pacific Islanders themselves.

He hopes that you will be richly blessed in your work to promote the Cause of God, and he assures you of his prayers for your success in the Holy Shrines.

With warm Bahá'í love, R. Rabbani

May the Almighty bless, guide & sustain you, & enable you to promote the best interests of His Faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi

15 December 15 1956 [Australia] Natbahai Sydney


27 December 1956 [National Spiritual Assembly]

Mr. James Heggie:

Dear Bahá'í Brother:

Will you please refer to my letter of November 30th, with regard to the finalized design of the Temple for Sydney, and the estimated costs of construction.

The Guardian, as I advised in my letter, is very anxious to have final details, so some decision can soon be made as to the advisability and possibility of constructing the Temple in Australia now. Thus, if you can hurry the data requested in my letter of November 30th, He will appreciate it.

With loving Bahá'í Greetings, I am, Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas.

28 December 1956 [Australia]

Bolton care Natbahai Sydney


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