Dawn of a New Day


Consolidation of the Foundations of the N.S.A.

By now the election of the new National Spiritual Assembly and of its office-bearers will probably be completed. The office of Secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly is most important and the smooth and efficient working of the Baha'i organisation in India and Burmah will depend to a large extent on him. Shoghi Effendi hopes that the new Secretary of the National Assembly will send him as soon as possible a full list of the members and office-bearers of the Assembly with his own postal address. He would like him also, as soon as possible, to procure from each of the local assemblies in India and Burmah a full list of the members and office-bearers of the Local Spiritual Assembly with the address of the Secretary, and to transmit a copy of that list to Shoghi Effendi. This is to be done every year immediately after the election of the National Spiritual Assembly.

Further it is desirable that each local Assembly should have a register of the names and addresses of all declared Baha'is in their district and should be careful to keep the register up-to-date, promptly noting any changes in the address or number of the believers. It is also desirable that the National Secretary should have a list of all believers in India and Burmah who are living in districts where there is no Local Spiritual Assembly, with full postal address in each case, so that these believers may be kept in touch with the body of believers by letters, literature etc., and travelling Baha'is visiting these districts may be put in touch with the believers there. Shoghi Effendi would like to have a copy of this list also.

The National Secretary should keep in as close touch as possible with the Local Spiritual Assemblies, should urge the secretaries of these Local Assemblies to furnish regular reports of the progress of the movement in their respective localities, and should, by means of circular letters etc., keep these local assemblies and isolated believers informed of all matters of importance affecting the Cause, remind them of the importance of contributing as regularly and generously as possible to the National Fund, and so on.

It is obvious that to carry out these manifold duties efficiently, thoroughly and tactfully is no easy task and Shoghi Effendi greatly hopes that some one may be found who will be able to devote the necessary ability, time and energy to carry them out satisfactorily.

A Baha'i Year Book is now in course of preparation and Shoghi Effendi wishes to include in this Year-Book a complete list of the local Spiritual Assemblies throughout the world, with the address of the Secretary in each case, also a complete list of those localities where there are resident Baha'is but where no local Spiritual Assembly exists. It will probably be impracticable to include the addresses of all isolated believers, but these should be known to the Secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly in each country, so that they may be available on application to him.

It will interest you to know that the Baha'is of Egypt have just elected their first National Spiritual Assembly.

In the Guardian's own handwriting:

Your past and present efforts are indeed worthy of the deepest admiration and the highest praise. Concentrate as much as you can at present on the consolidation of the foundations of the N.S.A. of India and Burma. This is the first and most essential step to further expansion in any direction. The institution of the National Fund is of vital importance and should be greatly stressed and emphasized in every circular or communication addressed to the friends. I will continue to pray for you from all my heart and assure you of my support and brotherly love.

May 12, 1925

Dawn of a New Day
pages 8-10

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