Dear Bahá'í Friends:
The Beloved Guardian has directed that I write you in connection with the Temple project for Germany.
He is anxious to receive the latest word with regard to the purchase of the site for the Temple, hoping all the problems have now cleared up, or will soon be cleared up and ownership be vested with your body.
He also feels that you should proceed with the preparation of designs for the Temple, which he understands you will arrange by means of a competition of architects. He feels you should proceed with this phase of the Temple regardless of the question of land ownership. Time is moving along rapidly, and he hopes it will not be too long before the design is chosen.
In passing, there is one point to be mentioned; and that is that the Temple in Wilmette does not constitute a pattern for other Temples, nor does it represent a new type of Bahá'í architecture. Therefore it is not necessary for your architects to endeavour to follow that pattern. What should be done is to follow the Master's instructions as to the Temple, and then create something that will be desirable and appropriate for your area....