The Light of Divine Guidance (vol 1)

28 June 1926

Dear Spiritual brothers and sisters:

Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of those few kind words of love you all signed and sent. The picture which your secretary sent under a separate cover was also received. He hopes that more of such congresses will be held in that land and the youth awakened to the duty that has been laid upon them. Unless they are aroused, unless they begin to feel their responsibility, unless they rise to active and effective service, the Cause will not really spread and quickly attain its desired aim.

The geographical position of Germany has given her a unique position in the spread of the Cause in Europe. She stands actually in the center of that continent and from it can branch out tentacles which will gradually unite the whole Europe. The signs that she can undertake such a task are clear. We see there the largest number of the European Bahá'ís most active and promising. The only thing is, that the more united they are, the more devoted and steadfast in their faith they become, the sooner they will attain their goal and bring their task to a successful and glorious ending.

Shoghi Effendi wishes me to assure you of his prayers. He hopes that the German friends will leave a memorable record on the annals of the Cause and fully justify the expectations the Master had in their spiritual future....

In the Guardian's own handwriting:

My dear fellow-workers:

Your most welcome letter has rejoiced my heart. Your magnificent endeavours, your tenacity of purpose, your firmness of faith, the ardour of your love and your grasp of the Divine Teachings are assets which I greatly prize and value. My hope and prayer is that Bahá'u'lláh may shower upon you His infinite blessings that the promise of our dear Master may erelong be fulfilled and that Germany may arise with one voice and one mind to champion the Cause of God and in the spiritual realm direct the nations of the earth to the path of true Brotherhood and Peace. Yours is a great privilege and a noble mission; may He enable you to achieve your heart's desire.

Your true brother,


The Light of Divine Guidance (vol 1)
pages 31-32

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