The Light of Divine Guidance (vol 1)

4 April 1930

Dear Mrs. Brauns:

Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated March 22nd 1930, as well as the enclosed note signed by a number of the friends. Shoghi Effendi hopes that the Master's spirit will assist you and guide you through these days of great tests.

There is always an important difference between friends and tested friends. No matter how precious the first type may be, the future of the Cause rests upon the latter. Up to the present the German friends were considered as loving Bahá'ís, from now on they can be ranked as tested ones.

In every country where such difficulties arise, they generally end with added energy and more intensive service of the Cause. Shoghi Effendi hopes that in Germany also Mrs. White's activities will only arouse the friends and make them redouble their energy. They can now see what enemies the Cause has to confront and how essential it is to strengthen its following.

In the Bayan the Báb says that every religion was meant to be universal and also deserved to become so. The only reason why they have all failed to stand up to that mark was due to the inability of the followers who where entrusted with that task. Let us endeavour lest we also fail to realize that ideal which Bahá'u'lláh has set before us.

Please convey to all the friends Shoghi Effendi's loving greetings and assure them that during his moments of prayer he will ask God for their guidance and help....

In the Guardian's own handwriting:

My dear and precious co-workers:

I am so pleased to have received your noble assurance of faith and loyalty to the Cause. These days of storm and stress will serve to invigorate the Cause, purify and consolidate its foundations.

Persevere in your efforts, and be assured of my prayers. The Master will surely fortify, guide and bless His loyal, faithful and persevering loved ones. I trust that my last circular letter which I sent to Germany a week ago, will clarify the vision and deepen the understanding of the friends. May Bahá'u'lláh's almighty arms surround you and fulfill your hearts' desire.

Lovingly and affectionately,


The Light of Divine Guidance (vol 1)
pages 34-35

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