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Page Conversion Tables of Kitab-i-Iqan, PDC, and SAQ

Author Báb, The
Author 2
Author 3
Author 4
Shoghi Effendi
Title of item
Page Conversion Tables of Kitab-i-Iqan, PDC, and SAQ
Total pages
Parent publication   Bahá'í References to Judaism, Christianity and Islám
Editor, translator, etc.  
James Heggie, comp
Publisher of this ed.
Oxford: George Ronald
Date of this edition 1986
Permission publisher
Scanned 2005-04-29 by Brett Zamir
Posted 2005-05-27 by Brett Zamir
Formatted 2005-04-29 by Brett Zamir
Classified in Research notes
Abstract Cross-reference between differently paginated versions of Kitab-i-Iqan, Promised Day is Come, and Some Answered Questions.
Notes This work was a collection of quotations pertaining to Judaism, Christianity, and Islám. However, the purpose for which they are provided here is to show a cross-reference between differently paginated versions (especially if one wishes to jump to a specific page of a specific book of the Writings.)

This excerpt has been approved to be reproduced here by George Ronald, Publisher. You can purchase a copy of this book here.

Tags - Cross-reference; James Heggie; Kitab-i-Iqan (Book of Certitude); Page numbers; Promised Day is Come (letter); Some Answered Questions
Page views 10311 hits since 2005-05-27
Edit qualitymedium: minimally proofread or edited
Format qualityhigh: well formatted
Last edited
2005-05-27. See previous versions [].

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