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Messianic Concealment and Theophanic Disclosure

AuthorMoojan Momen
Title of item
Messianic Concealment and Theophanic Disclosure
Parent publication   Online Journal of Bahá'í Studies
Publisher of this ed.
Association for Bahá'í Studies of New Zealand
Date of this edition 2007
Permission author and publisher
Posted 2010-05-25 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract The argument about exactly when Bahá'u'lláh became aware of his mission. Relevant issues and rival perspectives. 
Notes Mirrored with permission from PDF posted at Originally posted at, archived at
Tags Amr (word); Bab, Life of (documents); Bahaullah, Birth of Revelation of; Bahaullah, Declaration of; Bahaullah, Life of (documents); Concealment; Criticism and apologetics; Dalail-i-Sabih (Seven Proofs); Gradual disclosure of Manifestations of God; Kitab-i-Asma (Book of Names); Kumayl, Hadith of; Mirrors; Shahifiy-i-Shattiyyih (Book of the River); Words and phrases
Locations Baghdad; Iraq
Cross-referencesSee also A Study of the Meaning of the Word "Al-Amr" in the Qur'án and in the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (Momen, 2000).
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