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full details for

The Báb's Bayan

AuthorMuhammad Afnan
Title of item
The Báb's Bayan
Subtitle of item
An Analytical Survey
Parent publication   World Order
Date of this edition 2000 Summer
Permission author
Scanned 2001-08 by Jonah Winters
Posted 2014-04-20 by Jonah Winters
Proofread 2001-08 by Paula Bidwell
Formatted 2014-04-20 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract Analysis of the Bayan and its contents: fundamental beliefs and worldview, moral principles, laws, administration of society, and future expectations.
Notes Translation and update of essay originally published in French in Encyclopedie philosophique universelle (1992).
Tags - Outlines and summaries; Bab, Writings of; Babism; Bayan-i-Arabi (Arabic Bayan); Bayan-i-Farsi (Persian Bayan)
Page views 15943 hits since 2014-04-20
Edit qualityhigh: carefully proofread and edited
Format qualityhigh: well formatted
Last edited
2015-09-09 09:30 EDT. See previous versions [].

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