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The Execution of the Jews of Banu Quraida and the Conquest of Persia

AuthorKamran Ekbal
Title of item
The Execution of the Jews of Banu Quraida and the Conquest of Persia
Subtitle of item
The Dilemma of Early Islam
Parent publication   Iran Nameh
Date of this edition 2014
Title of original
اعدام وقتل عام یهودیان بنو قريظه وفتح ايران: دومسألهٴ بغرنج دوران صدر اسلام ؟
Permission author
Posted 2017-08-23 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract Abdu'l-Bahá's views on the mass execution of the Banu Qurayza Jews in Medina in 627 A.D. [article in Persian].
Notes Article submitted to Iran Nameh in 2014 March; I don't know if it was published. Title translation provided by Bahai Nafeza.
Tags Abdul-Baha, Writings and talks of; Interfaith dialogue; Islam; Jews; Judaism
Locations Saudi Arabia; Medina; Iran (documents)
Page views 2971 hits since 2017-08-23
Last edited
2017-08-22 21:24 EDT. See previous versions [].

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